HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 4THE TEESWATER NEWS -- is available at The LudcnoW Sentinel, 10c per copy. If you are interested In the news n' Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up a copy, TiCTURE" FLAMDIG -4- our spec- ialty, wood/' and metal.' Snyder Photo ,Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE Beatty automatic , feed • and' „manure handling equip- ment, stabling and, pressure sys- temS. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561 FOR: SALE - used chesterfield, in good condition.. Allan MacTav- ish, phone. 395- . - INTERIOR PAINTING DONE Reasonable Rates, Free Estim- ates, Robert Manners, phone 396- 3648. WATCHES ladies' and men's Westclox, 1/3 off. Greer T.V. and Electric, • Lucknaw, phone 528-3112. FOR SALE - apprOxiinateiy 'IN tons of shelled corn. Garnet Mc-. Nall, phone 395-5105. ' REFRIGERATION SERVICE Guaranteed service to all types' Compiete appliance repairs at BURKE ELECTRIC Winghani 357-2450 ----Electrical -C--ontracters- Appliances - Motor Rewind . 24 Hour Emergency Service SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO 11 gallon ice cream - 85c Reduced priCes oh'- rubber boots LUNCH. COUNTER NOW OPEN Cheeteburgs Hamburgs New Life •Feed Dealer THE 'LUCK NOW SENTINEL, LIICKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. ...JANUARY 5th, 394 ol • s:IMig§.M:::$.:%k:.%%ti:.M.i•.*.Wg,':0::'kgga.'aR.:"i.;'ll:"M;' 'st•:"V‘::"t ° FOR SALE --*clishwasher, Frigi- daire portable top loader. Excel lent' condition, $75.00. ,Apply George Newbold, Lucknow 528-2136. . T.V. ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs and Installation. -Free Estimate& Year Round Service, Doug Harker, Phone 364-3313 Col- lect, Box 467, Hanover, Ontario. voR SALE, - 2 purebred Hamp- shire' bears of saviceable Age. Walter. Arnold, R.R.' 2 Lucknow, phone 529-7329.. • SALE 1 Yv ,, N •vv b,.. ..„„.,%....:s,...;,....%.0,N..ii-o.T?.o.p..,..gnc,-...-<,.....:;:w?-,.:1m,,,...„avox.mgm„kantaimaii::.6.i:0,:...:&:.ii....§.,:ioli.a.,?.i..?;.v.0:::.).A.,iigki*:vie.::03.,.: . . _ . RED or uelm ho d Na file at b DA] is 21 • r • JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE . On winter coats, jackets and Lueknow District Co-opirati'v~ • BAR1s1 EQUIPMENT -- complete line of Acorn Eiluipmerit and Clay Equipment fer pushbutton farm- ing; Westeel-Rosco Granaries; .• Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; • Also Complete Line Of .Corrug- atecf Metal. Culverts;--fir 6" to Z4" sizes on hand at all times; larger pipe by order; Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley, phone 395-5286. SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have, eXten- - sions on their silos or roofs, please call or write. This can be done now. George Wraith,, BOX 95,.God-- eric.h.. Phones Residence 524-7002 er Shop 524-6511. ALL HOCKEY STICKS - priced for quick sale. Greer TN.. and p- 4 ectric, Lucknow phone. 528-'3112. '• ' PLAYING' * :Plastic coated single decks from $1.19 up as 'well as 'double . decks and euchre decks (eudire cards • only). prep in , at The Lucknow Se.ntinel. „„, THE LUCICNOW SENTINEL is ,• for sale it Mel Stanley's Sunoco; Umbath's 191armacy, H. aird-t; Discount and JohriSton's • Supertest 401194w- 7-synies -others, Lucknow,• '528-5203 or 528-26013. STABLE G sand and CARD' OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS ROY'S ALUMINUM SUPER CASH BINGO SALES AND SERVICE, win- Legion 'Hall, Lucknow, every dows, doors. For.free estimate Call Thursday, 8:45 p.m, Pot of Gold Roy. Emberlin, your local dealer. game - winner take all. 14 reg- . War games, $10 each.‘2.Share the. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Wealth games A $30 Special. Jack- Contact Lloyd. Johnston, R.R. a pot Game .for $110.00 on 58 calls or ilolyrood, phone 395-5390. $25 consolation prize. FOR SALE -- s dropped calves, BUSINESS. OF FARMING. Hereford and.Holstein. Alex Far- Canada Manpower and the Ont- rish, R.R. 7 Luclulow, phone 529- ario Department ofAgriculture and 7305. Food are sponsoring a 10 week course on the l3usinees.s of Farm- ing. The course will start on Jan- uary 17, 1972 and the location will be Elmwood. This course is strong- ly recommended to any fend op- erator who wishes to' improve his management ability. Subjects cov- ered will mainly with Farm Man ement: Approved studenth -eive-k-Canada Manpowe retraining ' allowance. For further information and application form,. contact your lqcal Agricultural Re- pr ntative or, ARDA representat- We. I ' would' like to thank everyone for Aheir cards, letters and good wishes while• I was a patient at the Toronto East General Hospital These were very much lipprec- iated. ' '1'' • : dents, you are their only Link with • Joe CoOrtney I the ofd community.' I would like to thank all those LEGION DANCE I: Again. thank you and Happy New * . . . who so .kindly remembered .me Lucknow Legion are sponsoring , at Year. .• with , gifts, earl's, 'letters and' iti,, . C. A. Archibald, Administrator. . . , !Tunes. while. was a patient ,. in Wingham and District Hospital and since returning hOdie. . : ' . Nancy 'McInnes A WORK WANTED .tile ceilings, We'wish to thank everyone . for benefit dance for Jim and .Vi paneling• remodeling, all, car-pent- pUtting :on the wedding reception Arnold who their home and er work, pit 'silos, concrete walls for us and for the" gift of najo0 business by fire, will `held in and floors. ReasOnable rates. Roy we. received.., • the Lucknow Legion Hall on Fri- !Schnellet, kinlough, phone Ripley'' • Diane and Jim MOrrison day, jahuaty 7th_laiffin'S Orches- '305-2221. 1 :`• tra. Lunch proVided, Donations . !. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Humphrey. may be left at the Sentinel-Office:LAMA gocxi-rontildmily wish to sincere week. • USED ADDER FOR SALE Used Manual Adding.Machine 'With Subtract Looks Like New-IWorks Like New Overhauled -at the Factory JUST $70 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL FOR RENT FOR SALE - Spy apples $190 de- livered. or $1.50 at the farm. W. Showalter, 1mile west, 1/4- mile north Whitechurch, phone 357- 3569. , AUCTIONEER'SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licensed. Auctionsers ' Sales of all types 'Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 FOR SALE - set of heavy •tractor c.hains, size 14 x 30.. Gordon Ander- son, R.R. 7 Lucknow, phone 529- -7358.- HIGIIESI' PREVAILING PRICES paid ,for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call collect. 881-3459, Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. PAPERING = PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred ERberlin; Phone Luck- new. DRY AIR? •• Try an .Electrohome Humidifier. from Greer T.V. and Electric. We also stock Electrohome filtert and Electrohome sanitaire. Phone 528- 3112. FOR SALE IN ViNTS Phyllis Carter On behalf of residents and staff - of Huronview, I would like to say For all the 'lovely gifts received a heartfelt `Thank You" to all the at the community shower and to all people of Huron County and sur. the friends and relatives who made rounding communities who came oi‘ir wedding reception so pleasant, to. Huronview during 1971 either in very sincere thank you. groups or individually to entertain, ! Maureen and Eddie Chilton -take part'in activities with, -or vis- it relatives and other residents.. uary 6 at 8:30 p.m. liems--of-bus--r-YOu-Can-have-no-idea how much iness will inelude appointmentrtomof ettits ingietnrtoof toywourhotimre:e Eavnedriontale-, committees and information 0.F.A. Repreaentatives on .the pro.1 likes to hear from people "back -po.sed Formation of Regional of_lhome" and for some of our rest-; fice. FED ION MEETING Regular meeting , of Huron County Federation of Agriculture, will be held in the O.D.A.F. 'Board ' Rooms, Clinton, on Thursday, Jan- a dance m the hail, Saturday; Jan uary 8th, Music ....,by "The ,TOry4', lites". Admission $1.00 per person. Persons -18.and Over welcome. • BENEFIT DANCE •. . . . The family of the late Mrs.•Mar- garet MacPherson wish to express their sincere thanks 8g appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours on 10th of Kinloss and Culross Townships for 'their _many kindnes- ses and. expressions of synipathy. A special thanks to Rev. T. Mc- Kinney, Doctor Leahy, nursing staff at Wingham Hospital, Kin- lough Presbyterian W.M.S., the , would, like ,to thank the Staff and Dr. Stephens of St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener for their kind- ness to me while in hospital,. Also for all the cards And, plants from my friends and Lucknow . Ladies Auxiliary Braneh No. 309. It was deeply. appreciated. Mrs. Clare Johnstone pallbearers going to Milverton and ad cenzie.._ Special' thanks to the nurses and WANTED THANK'YOU U • - - - - - - - Bill and Beryl Hunter wish to express their sincere thanks to their . friends and neighbours of the Zion Community for the beauti- ful ceramic table,laznps presented to them since leaving this com- munity to reside in Lucknoik. Hop- ing our friends will visit' us, in our new home. .The Hunters The fanilly of the late Allan Cul- bext 'wish to thank all the friends and neighbours.• who were so kind during his illness and following. his passing. • The Culbert' Family doctors - - I wish to thank all my friends and relatives • for sending gifts, cards and. treats, while I was a patient in Kincardine Hospital. FOR SALE' dressed roosters. DonakIL-Murray,-528-5-100.' ,FOR RENT . - heated apartment, FOR SALE - Hoover carpet sweeper, -like-new, for sale cheap. Mrs. 'Gerald Wagner, Lucknow, phone 528-3505. FOR SALE - 1971"-- 20 H.P. Oly- mpic Ski-doo, .electfic start,' 'ex- cellent condition, Phone' 529-7912. FOR SALE - tyro buffets, one with Mirror background, wringer washing machine, odd 'dressers and chairs: -Wilson, Kull° . FOR RENT .-.- 'Main Street apart- ment, electric,heated, available in January. Apply Mayfair Restaur- ant, 528-3932., FOR RENT - ground floor 2 bed- room apartment near main street in Winghara, reasonable rent to responsible party. Apply Box 46, Wingharn, orrosOkstiNG, DEMOLITION' ' 'WORK' • SPRAY •1!Ik'INTING- .AROOLI5 ,StoTHER. • "q ..#.01404-E - FOR ESTIMATES I I standing timber. and bushes. Write BLYTH. BINGO . 1 Robert Eagleson, Aisla Craig, giv-; Come to' Blyth Lions Club .Bingo, ing locatian and telephone number! every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m: or phone' 232-445C before..0 .O:m., or in, Blyth Memorial Hall. Admission 'after 6 p:m. • • ! $1.00; 12' regular games of $10 each;*- 2 share the - Wealth WANTED business man ze- games; $25• special; door prize.., quires room and board 5 • days 1 $125.00, jackpot on 60 calls' or week, away week-ends. Apply Box under; if not taken $10 added each W WANTED - used snow blower' to CO-OP *ANNUAL MEETING tit WD Allis Chalmers tractor. Lucknow District 'Co-op will hold Allan R- Miller, Langside, phone its annual meeting and banquet on (528-6096: Tuesday, January 11, 1972 in 'the Legion Hall, Luekno WANTED -- carpenter work, at ; Guest speaker will be Don Slinger $2.50 per hour. Phone 357-3569. from U.C.O. Livestock in Toronto. ' - ail There .,will 'be entertOinment •WANTED - to..buy a set ef,q t-I . .As I cannot personally thank all ing frames. Contact. Mrs Oscnr . my . iriende who remembered me' Mute, R.R. .5 Lucknow, phone 395- with gifts SHOOT PARTY AT ST. HELENS St ,Helen's Hall on January 6th. TEXAS OIL, COMPANY and greeting Cards, I 5394. A Shoot Party will be held at • - _ - .....'..:.-_, Lunch will be served. : ' ' • WANTS MAN. OVER 40 . -,-- FOR LUCKNOW AREA their i Euchre Party on. Monday, willing to pay top earnings. January 10th in Zion Hall at • 8:30 P.M.' Lunch will be provided. EUCHRE PARTY Dungannon L.O.L. 324 will hold'a EUCHRE PARTY . We need a good 'man who can I wish to express thanks .for Maple Grove LOL. 1044 will hold 'make short • auto trips. We are cards received while 'in .hospit 1 THANKS YOU IN kit ORIA SCOTT in loving memory of Ethel Amanda' Scott. who 'passed away January 5, 1966. They SAY,, time heal$ .all sorrow And, nBuowt ,omueehtiro efgrnrishsafisetonlyyet!ov!d,' ylie rtertgitfily: and . at Christmas time. Special $15,000 IN*A YEAR Our top, men in others parts of thanks to the Hotyrood Women's Institute and to Mr. and Mrs• Bill Canada draw exceptictel earnings. McPherson for .boxes' recei.;vi COntact ctisternert,' around Luck- was deeply appreciated now. Air mail S. '0. Dickerion; ' don Eekenswiller Corp, Ft Werth,. Tea, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to 'friends, relatives es., - i•wes ern e friends, neighbours; relatives and the St. Helen's W.I. for the .‘A'on- derful acts of kindness • shown to, them at Christmas and in their hoine. This lhoughtfulnest is deep-. ly appreciated 'and will '.neve'r 'be forgotten. `Barbara and Allan, Sthnley would 'like. to thank the •CtiStomers on their - Toronto- Udily- Star paper route for so kindly remembering them at Christmas time. ' • The residents,' staff and manage-. ment of Pinecrest Manor wish to thank 'the, many friends who tertl: -embertd -them at Christmas. - • - = am tiSing this column to thank you .and to wish yew each and all al very happy' and prosperouS 1972.. Elizabeth' Murdie and rieighboUrs; who so kindly re. Membered me. with Cards. letters4 flowers and gifts while a patient in St. Joseph' Hospital, London.. ') Mrs. Gordon Riehie .I wish to express, ',thanks to au who. sent ear's and flowers whle 1_,Iptaa_2,14.-,WingharnAleSpitlt for cards,' flOwers and gifts to girl anciI at home. ..„ • N ALI aim end Wi Hi ay e p net Ja Aft 11 to d r DA' oti( UT RI