HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 3ed to her home in LucknOw hay-. ing spent,Christmas and .a week in London wittiLher family: , Mrs. Charles Steward has< return- -WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1972 :THE 1,V.CKHOYI 'SENTINEL 141CICHOlk"1,. Q TAR,10, PAGE TIME, .eremiligarogiv""marramal9", or the F041:!RS own You know, NAT 0 NAL, BRAN DS BEST BUY! -- FANCY QUALITY BY TOMATO-JUICE BEST BUY! - PORK SHOULDERV FEATURE! -7 MAPLE LEAF' OR CLOVER. LEAF CKE WINNERS OF CHRISTMAS DRAW FOR $10.00 MERCHANDISE PRIZES Janet Gunter Mrs. Torn Phillips Susan McNaughton, Elaine Irwin Forster Ruby Kay,. Joanne Searle Ed McQuillin Bertha Whitcroft Bill Mole daughter Miss Betty Mathers and son Bill, wife and two daUghters and with her sister Mrs: Bertha Russell and brother Merle Burgess. 1 of LUcknow• spent Christmas and '.11 .1%'ingliarrr and District Hospital by New Years in Toronto with'their'ambulance Friday noon after taking ill in Hall's groceryo,store. • .1 2 Mr. and'Mrs.:Jarnes Mathers 'Mrs'.„: John Hall was taken to Miss-n Liella Finlaysohad as holiida) visitors her nePhew Dr. Donald•NT. Pinlayson and faMily of Toronto and-heirniece-HITAr Edward 'l-l. ,Simmons; Di. Sinnno,fis and family, aIso.of Torontp.. •Mr. arid Mrs.:Ron McLelland (Agnes Conley)'• Ca rneron and Marlene of Ldreburn, Saskatche- von were visitors for several • days with Joe Conley of Lucknow. They spent Christmas at St. Marys with Mr. and.Mrs. Len- Ron' is well known in the 1,tickno‘4 area where he player interniedigte'hockey twenty years ago. Mrs. John Emerson and her sister Mrs Nelson Albertsori,of Vancouver left for Florida on Dec riber 17th. Corporal „lames D. and Mrk, liackett'of Toronto' were Christ- mas visitors with his patents Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hackeit of Ash- field Township. MisSIO sel MadIntOsh of Elam iltbn was a holiday :visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matkehzie. anti faMily of: kinibss', Harold Gardner , yho had spent a week in LuCknows.with relatives arrived in, St. Petersburg, 'Florida -on-8 u-nday;-•-Dec embei-1-2th-, • and 'Mrs. Peter Steer and Tracey of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook On Sunday. ° Mrs Jack •Wifson of Hamilton has returned to her, home after three weeks in Henderson HOspit-. al i• Hamilton, where she bad, • undergOne'surgery. .11er mother Mrs. Ja met.Ritchie b ,Lucknow spent two weeks' at the Wilson h e... ' Those spending a Christmas holiday at Hollywood Beach in ° Florida were 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob McIntosh:, paela and John, High ,Way 86 west ,and Mrs. W 0. liun- ter' of LucknoW; Mr. and, Mrs, 136b irrldy; Sandra- aixd Paul -of nOw; .Mr. and Mrs. Don. thomp :sOh,'SuSan, Nancy and Donalda Mrs. t. C. Thorripsorr and Joanne, Mrs. .Ed Thorn of Lucknow;. Mrs. Ron Bothwell of Norwood and Al Martin Of Lenz Beach., California. Plenty of sunshine' ., and. ternperatureS averaging about 80 'degrees daily trade Christmas Mrs. Philip Stewart-of LucknOw spent the past two weeks.with her' family at .Burlington,„Okville; DundiS and London. She also spent an afternoon"With her sister Ry-noldS4nd__Mr_-_-_ Reynolds of Toronto and *Christ - ;11as with Mr. and Mrs. Allan' Stewart in Burlington. Mrs. Philip Stewart of Luck- now; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stew- art .and'Greg of Pundas; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Stewart, Kim; Leslie and John of Burlington: Mr. and Mrs: Jack Wilson, Sandra and Ross of Oakville. spent New Years Sunday at the home, of Miss Winnie Stewart of London. at`of , Mrs, Gordon Ritchie of Lticknow haS returned home from St. Jos- • eph's Hospital, London Where. she patkezt for ten days. Mr, andL-Mm.--Art-Wa-11:and '- family 'of' Dungannon-spent Christ- mas Day with Mf., and Mrs. Hakry al) Wall of Lueknow. • n Sunday, the 26th they h vis*ng them at' their home in Dungannon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas gmersorr of Qbeensviiie , Onta49.,Miss Ibis Enletibti of TorontO and Miss'. Elizabeth Wall and her fiance of . 0 -loronicti: — , Mrs., Roy Parker. was taken io Wingham and DiStrict Hospital by ambulance on Thursday fol.- -lowing a heart seizure.. • Yuletide 8uest- :s-wit-b Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred prennan•were their daughter . Melvin Stewart, 1Vir...Stewart and° daughters, 'Judy . and a. friend, Mr. Ted :Muller' of 6-t-Trelph,' Mrs. ktibt. Myhill and Mr Mylaill of TOronto, Mr. and "Mrs, J. C. Drennan-, Paul, .Shawn and Jennifer of Dmiganrcori... Mrs. PlUnkett , Donald:,'StePhen, DAV,- -id-arid-Daryl of Auburn. Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. Toney of Gull Lake „Saskatchewan and Mr. and Mrs.°John Pollard; Army and Jeff of Ottawa were visitors during , the Christmas holiday 'with their. nts Mr.. a-nd-Mrs„:___Robeit MacKenzie, LucknOW.% `Mrs, Clarence Bell of:Lucknow is .a patient in Wingharn and Dist- riot Hospital. Mrs. Harvey Webster of Luck ow is a patient in, Wingharn and -District Hospital. Ngw Year's guests with 'Mr. ' and. Mrs. A. J.. Wilson of Luck now were Mr and Mrs. 'corn Dickson and family of Port Al-, laert; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew kit- 'chie 'of Ashfield; Calvin Ritchie of Waterloo; Miss Jill Tucker or Kitchener; Mr. and 1\-Irs. , .Wilson and Dianne of LueknoW, New Years Day gUesti with Mr, and -Mrs. Will. Humphrey were Maven Reid and Lloyd of Ash- field; Marion Reid of 'Guelph; Petet Keil of Conic; Mr. and Mrs„ Charles MCDonald and Allan of St,. Helens; ..Mr. :and Mrs, Peter Cook of Lucknow; Sandra Humph , fey, and Barry Haldenby of. ton- don. - a Mr: and Mrs. Bill Treleavdn and farriily of Beaver': Perinsylvan- iP visited during Christriths week w h Mrs. H. 'Treleaven and Mr, Mrs. Jack Treleaven•ald farn- - ily. of LuCknow. Dr. and Mrs. Gary Suter of Ottawa also visited with the Treleaven farriily arid Mrs-.' Elizabeth Suter of Wingham. • Mrs. Clara. Webster spent Christ- mas with the Jordan family. in Mitchell•;and accompanied her son Ken• Webster and family back to Londonwhere she stayed for . a visit.