HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 2The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, "MO Sspoy town" On Second Class Main. Established 1873 — Publishes Member 'of the C•W Subscription Rate, $8:00 a year ' Donald. C, Thoz WEDNESDAY, JA I VARY' Ath; 1972.. ONTARIO Ito-Huron-Brum Boundary altratiell Number 0847 Each Wednesday Afternoon ,N.A. and 0.W.k.A. n. advance to the U.S.A., 38.00 . pson! Publisher lacerations to face and hands, was treated and later released'. Wingham 0:P.,p, Bell investigat- ed. Joseph Wall, R, R. 1, Lucknow fell at home`December 29 and - struck his head on a wood'box; '- received a lacerated face. He was admitted to hospital via 'ambulance. ° WE ,WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED. THE LUCKNOW BOWL. FROM MRS._FREDHORTON. WE INVITE OLD FRIENDS AND NEW TO DROP IN AND SAY HELLO. CO-OP* . - There's no 'other: regular' gasoline Like . , ' ' CO.-OP Farril Gasoline Thai sbetause :*, ' v. as developerit specifically to meet la'frn . •••.clriving conditions ' ' PAGE TWO THE LOCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW„ ONTARIO WEDNESDIVY.•,, ,),ANUARTSth:.1111 • .-The following accident reports were released MonclaY by "Wing ,ham Hospital.. William Chisholm ,,age 20, Lucknow was filling a gasoiine tank at Arnold's store, R. R. 7, Luckriow -, Concession 10, Ashfield Township,. December 29 when he noticed gasoline going into the basement of the store. He dashed to the basement to turn -off the furnace when the gas and furnes .ignited causing an explosion. The tl store wag -burned.. His injuries were, 1st degree burns to face', 1st . Treatininhiries At Hospital L Miss. Rosalea Hackett , age 18, R. R. 7; Lucknow , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Hackett, fell from a moving slioWmobIlie January.1 which was driven by William Wilkins, R. R. p„ Luck-, now. Miss'Hackett was ad fitted Ito hospital with irijUries to er back arid °fractured left wrist. Couple Marned In Kitchener Judith Ann Wardell, daughter/ of Mr. and Mks...Leslie Wardell of Pine. River and Thomas Howie'of • Kitchener., son of Mr. Wilbert : Howie and the late Mrs. Hawie, :Were married on Friday, Decem- ber IrIth \at 9 p.m. at,Highland Rimd United Church, Kitchener. Rev. A. E. Holley officiated. Their attendants were hit'. and Mrs. Stanley Hewie of Kitchener. 'The couple will reside at Chandler Drive,, Apt. ii, Kitchen- er. Kinloss Retident -P104 In 90th Year ti(IRS. MARGARET1 ivlacPHERSON: °1‘41's. 'Margaret MacPherson ,of R. R. 1 Holyrood passed away on Thurs9y, December 23rd in; her 90th year, She was the former Margaret ,Isobel. Langford ,,daughter of Alex and Isobel Langford, and was born on October 12th., 1882' in 'East Nissouri Township 'near. Lake- side.. At the age of seven Margaret moved With her mother and fathers , to Lucknow where her father del- ivered freight. When she was thirteen the family moved t e farm , Lot 19, Kinloss To nship , now owned by her son Wi liam. On January .13th., 1909 s e Married William. James IA ePher- son of R. R..1 kicilyrood.- Thirty years ago they moved _to .Milverton. Mr. MacPherson pre- deceased her in 1963. • For the pastieighi 'year, Mrs. MacPherson has lived witlt her son William 'in Kinloss Township. She enjoyed 'the Women's Institute and other community activities. 'and Was keenly interested in public ..speaking She loved her church and over the ,years was 'a member of the •Women's, Mission- ary Society of Burn's Presbyterian' rch, Milverton and Kinloug‘h ` Mrs. MadPherson had beehfair-' ly Ltive-for hei age nnt-if-a----w-e-ek- before her passing. She is survived by four out of a family of ten children, James of Goderich William J.,,of Kinloss, Gordon of Stratford and Mrs. Carl (Ina) Schaffer of London. • The:body rested at .MacKenzie Meriaorial Chapel,'Lucknow until Monday morning. The funeral _ service Was held that afternoch December 27 at BUrn's Presbyter- ian Church, Milverton, with temporary entombment at Green- wood Mansoleum, Milverton. Pallbearers were Kinloss neigh- bOurS , Giant Eckenswiller, Ray- nard Ackert, Dan McInnis, David Ross , Stewart MacDonald , Morley Wall. , Flower bearers.were George Pfaff.; kusSeli Attridge .,, John Arkih, Norman Johnston, Russell Riley .and.Archie White. 1/.0(11AL$H. Four Towers To Carry 'Power The high-tension line from the 3;.2 million kilowatt Bruce gerter , ating station will cut a 70Q-foot wide swath in its 34-mile lane through Bruce County. . Nearly 3.000 acres will beitre- quired in the townships of Bruce, CulrCes and 'Greenock.and a lesser amount in Huron County to th. south 'as the nuclear station now under construction feeds power tib/ grids the Kitchener-Hamilton industrial areas, In the past the, usual: Ontario Hydra procedure has been'to sec ure easements over the lands re- quired for power transmission lines, but it is proposed to buy the land outright in this case. ,There will be four parallel series of.towers to carry the.cable., The proposed path from Douglas Point will be east through Bruce, Township• into the north' section of Gree,nock Tdwnship then south t - passing e-ChepstOW.- Area and .on'" thrOugh. Culross • to the Bruce -littrOh boupdary.... By The Sentinel THAT in giving' uS an address change in Florida , Mrs. Grace (HoWey) Arikenrnan Lakeland says "Weather, here his been the 80's for over a. week. Very comfortable if one can sit in'th'e shade.. has -been' going down to around 65 degrees At night. By reports, December has been a good month up there and we hope the storms of last year won't be repeated this winter". THAT Christmas prize draw win!. nets at the-Sepoy Store in Luck- now Were: Doll - Janet Ritchie; Blanket Mrs. Eva MaeQuaig; Floor Mat -Mrs. Ben Mole. THAT the winners of $10 worth of, merchandise each in the December 18th Christmas: draW were Mrs. Torn Phillip_s_, Mrs. Stewart McGillivray, Mrs. 'Allan Gibson;• Mrs., Plissell Swan and Mrs. Bob 1rWilf. Mrs. Verna Wilson, Wingham, fell in front of the SalVation Army Citadel and injured her left hip. -She was admitted to hospital via ambulance. • Elmer Stanley, age 28, R. R. 1., Wingham, while driving a truck owned by 'Arthur Lewis, slid- through a 'T -intersection (12th of East Wawanosh and #22 Coudty: Road) December 29 and struck an uprooted tree Stump. •A passenger, Arthur Lewis, age i67, R. R. 1, Wingham struck the windshield , and received multi abrasions to fate (trands , and left knee:, frac- ired •-•-ernurn and lung injuries,• Ae was admitted-tb hospital, and his, Condition is fair. Mr. Stanley received Mnitiple abrasiOns and. and 2nd degree burns to both The accident was.investigated b hands , -shock. He was admitted O.P.P. Bell, Winghaiii. to hospital: Mrs. James (Violet) Arnold', • age 59, was• admitted to hospital with burns to both legs and ri t arm. 61-ARDELL . WE SOLICIT 'YOUR PATRONAGE. AND HOPE WE CAN . CONTINUE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH THE GOOD BOWLING' FACILITIES YOU HAVE BEEN ACCUSTOMED TO. Bob and Ina Farrish aving so e tic ow ow o Bob Famish, I wish to thank the people' of ihis .c.Oninginify for their patronage and kindness .over the years. I HOPE. YOU WILL CE NTINUE FAVOUR THE NEW OWNERS WITH THE SAM' • KINDNESS 'SHOWN TO US WHILE. IN ,LUCKNOVI. • DOV Presbyterian Church. Cdngratulations to Mr.' and Mrs. Doug Marten 'on the birth • of a daughter New Year's day at Kincardine Genera l .hoSpitai', a' sister for Donald '. • VisitOrs k.N-it..eh'e- 'Mathew...man family during the holidays Were Mr. and Mr!. Harry Watson of Toronto , 1T1 ,e ra ha Doc Ri'S.'er. and Vic \Na3',..',':e,t of Atton. • tl:,o5.c ‘Nho•.5pent the holidays at the Dan wsrs Missos Sally anc, lc~r. Est '!\acDonald - Mr. L'216 . ,s ors. Finla Mac nona and of Chatham , Mr5; Isabc1I Co5wc.13 and fa:n-,i3) London, Dr. and Mis..• Ford, of • Blenbc l~~ifi, acrd grir. Harold Elfliatk antfa.tnil) were New "Ye,ats/visit ors 'in 'reeswatel•with Mr and: firs; Brucc f~ fly onlalt-herf,ton were.anlong thosc at. the' '.11-kj1C•IN/la durthp the 1/oliclay4. „ • • I „ Mr rt., Farcil of kintardlnt a,S• a C, )11. utthiz thc,boiidays„ - t0-11-0U-r, farm power needs! Lucknow Gas' colirte. NO POWER LOSS. IN STOR,A6t CO=OP Farm dasoline . • • longer without fuel detericratior". • geared . get more; power for your fuel dollar POWER. IN.CREA.SED AS YOU N.EE01T• 0,-PFArroG-asoft-n-ei s.:adjuisted .b.ynionth to give you peal(.0pwer .pc' formance you: need'it most. MORE MILES PEFi.G..ALLoN. .Carburetor Oetelpent 'washes ful deposms cuts fuel costs BUILT IN RUST INFIIBITO'R, lthes‘ . . CUTS' GOLD' WEATHER sTALLING 7Wv0 A ni• c 4.teeze.,,r C.0 9.P D I E &EL' FUE . L Another fuel .de\,,elopod to rr.eet te• Ontario farmer's' needs A u II -bod ,fee1 c t) tt of ,isCos4 'for. maximurn fire-powerand 114)1:Ica idoal .for.cold iNeather starts with pour poi /OA er thh,most ^ TWO' more C.-0.0P-progiiirts' - - he big plus faCtor .OWNERSHIP Col -ONE-528---2125 hr Si •da Ti th In Yt V, rl at ii