HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-01-05, Page 11011 Earrish f toliener, form= erly of,AShfield, hag piirchased tl C l U cknowj363etilpgAlle. 1!s Fred Ho4on and took over JA.nuary 3rd. • ..f;ob has been. in I<Itehener for the past seven, years, farthing in ".'..\,,h.field before that.,;, He is the of 'Mrs. Wilfred' Patrish ,jiiieknOw'and the late Mr.: Parrish.. Bob Parrish Is the former Imo' daughter OPtli-e late The • ublishers have offered a cash award /of $50 for the best title used by, them in naming the booli, They feel pat this' area, 'which• Dr. Johnston served for so many years, is besi suited to provide a distinctive- name * 'It seems , fitting that an area resident, should come up with a name for this book which will be' a mirror of life l'here a few years ago. The writings will not only be of historical interest; to today's members of the medical pro-' feSsion, but a testament to the, life work 6f' Dr. Johnston as a physician in this community. The person providing the name .will be re6Orded in the publication. Please send all suggestions for a -name for this book- ' to the Editor, Lucknow Sentinel, before the end of Jan- uary. The final decision will be made by the publishers and all suggested titles will be forwarded to them. S eral HOspital •was. Helen Ainslig Iviartyn., born at 3.15 p.M. New Years Day. She ( is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ?Doug Martyn of R.' B Lucknow; 'The MartynS Nave one son Donald'Who is almost two.. Mrs. Iviartyn is,the former Karen Carruthers. The,proud migrants_ Elliott Carruthers and Mrs. Dcin- ald,M,artyil of Ripley.., Mr. 'and Mrs,. 'Martyn and new daughter were the'recipientS,•of many 'gifts from the •Kincardine Businessmen: 56,00 A Yikar In Advangwi—, ON Extra To U.S.A.. WEDNESDAY,, JANUARY Sth 1912 Single Copy 15c 24 Pages :LitCky. TO NAME "DR. JOHNSTON'S ..13:09K $50 FOR SUCCESSFUL TITLE Lucknow and surrounding rural area.. and its people will form the setting for a book now" in the process of being published by Fitzhenry, and Whiteside Limited of Don Mills., The book will feature the memoirs of Dr. W. V. John-' ston who practised medicine in. this community fOr many years and who is still known to most of the residents of tt area. The book has tentatively been named "Family Doc- toe', Memoirs -of, A 'Canadian Country G. P. ' The publishers have stated that while this gOod title, it does not really .express the. essential' interest of the book which gives a vivid survey of how country doc- tors actually• had to improvise and prescribe for many diseases that, were often fatal thirty. years ago before the -discovery of the miracle.` drugs, (chernicolherapy). ..eadefuem• afthmotteloymell .Paul was in contact with a cow • that was latei foU'rid to-be suffer-' • ing from the disease. isc Fractured Snowmobile Mishap Friends /of M. and Mrs.:Jim. *mold Of4„.Lnes',. who:loit their' _tore and all personal possessions m .a- fire last week'; will stage a' ivriefit .ciance Lucknow • Le.•;ion Hall this Friday night , • Januar, 7th. Anv donations to this fund may •at The LUcknow Sentinel ri unabl'e.to'ar*rid the dance. .. Dan. Stuckey., a teacher at' the Wingharri school, arranged the • SENTINEL WILL ACCEPT DONATIONS Benefit Dance For Arnolds This`- iday Expl6sion and Store and pale Hitnie!": son_ of Mr ._and_—__ Mrs.; HUnter. of Luc know , turned on Sunday from a ski -holi7 day in Austria with fellow students; at, the F. E. Madill Secondary , School in Wingham. • . The group left Tororito'Detern- n2 d 'flying to New d then on to Milan Italy wheie the) travelled by bus to Mutters, Aust ria ,and the ski. area, The second phase of a local business transaction was complet- ed the first of the year.,. • Johnstone and. Son Furniture has acquired MacKenzie Furniture in• ckriow and Bill.Johnstone will concentrate entirely on the furni, -cure-business,:-., • Austrian Ski Trip For Dale Hunter Second Phase Of Inge : • Fire Destroys. rnold Residence Lanes *' accident on New Yjears day'. MacKenzie Memorial Chapelt. , , • Bob Famish Purchases Lucknow Bowling Allei Rosalea was a Passenger on a vo• has acquired. the Johnstone Funeral sriow, machine. when the accident :,1-10 rne and will in.future 12nly. be. occurred frazbturing a disc in her concerned with the funeral ser , hack and ,a bone in her hand. , vice in.the community: Bob Mac She is presently under treat,: Kenzie is proprietor of .MaCKetl - rnent at Wingham HoSpital and lie Funeral.Home. this along period of convalescence is part of the transaction was corn-, anticipated. pleted several weeks ago: and Mrs. John. Johnston of Kinlosi... Mr; and lvirs.'Frecl'Horton put- , clus_e_d the business four ears a,' o this comin Maich from Gil. Campbell. Fred died*suddenly On November 2, 1011 and , • lvirs: Horton hat-cOntintred to open• ate the bUsiness until now, . Dove as she is knovin to her, friends, will reside in Goderich. • The Sale was cOnipleteci by WarrenZinn,"salesmarr fOr Wilfred Iv Inree—atid—C6, Real Este-e, gasoline spilled our on the ground and seeped into the basement of the store and residence. ' Mrs., Arnold , who Was-in the store at the" time, noticed the furnace vibrating in an unusual manner. It is assumed that the fan was sucking the gas fumes into CONTINUED .ON PAGE 22 Fractures Ankle In Farm Mishap Albert Lennipt , 43, of the 4th, concession of Kinloss in theLang- icle—a-re:a-Ti—su-f-fered7a7fracidred ankle in an ac,cident.on Monday of last week; .. ' • Albert .was Cutting some small trees and, slipped non the ice fall- , ing over one of the trees which he had brought down. He crawled to within a short distance of: the. hOuse and his Calls for help Were heard'by neighbours. He received emergency treat- ment at Wingharri Hospital and was ta.kemon to'St.. Joseph's. Hos- pital in LOndOn. He was released on Tuesday of this week. Surgery was performed 'there and -a pin • inserted. • - Albert is employed by Omar Brooks of Lucknow. Omar owns the former Wes Tiffin farrn where the 1,e9nips reside. Had New Years Baby In Kincardine The first baby of the New Year.. . to arrive in the 'Nine' ardinb Three area residents are lucky to he li‘le following,ah explosion and tire which levelled an Ash, field Township landmark-at lanes, and caused the owners, o lose a • nei,41 aequireclbusines , their. home and all their personal poss... essions. Completely destroyed by fire was Arnold's Qenerai Store at/ Lanes on the 10th concession of Ash field as'well as the Arnold residence. The fire occurred on Wednesday morning ! December 29th: Bill Chisholm,, son of Grant 'Chisholm of LucknOw and who is e,mploied -by' his father in Chisholm Fuels'; •was filling a 600 gailoh gasoline storage'tank adjacent to the- Arn-; old store operated by Jim and Vi Arnold. The nozzle came out of the filler pipe and a quantity of Rabies Reported At Amberley 'AMBERtEY NEWS Another,Case of rabies has,' been reported in this community arid as a result , Paul Courtney, young son of Mr. and Mrs.. Leon- ard .Courtney be starting his er'es •f Emerson Howald of Luc know • was trapped in an 'automobile, for* urs-be-for-e-+ g leased by rescuers in a car accid- ent the day before Christmas. The, accident happened on Highway 88 west of Lucknow. Emerson was driving a;r1 auto be- longing to Ross Forster of Luck= now with Rost •as .a passenger., According to Constable M 11 of the' Kincardine °Mar te la" Provincaal w ic' invest- Wi!liamsWharry Sell Village Home, Sells Local Home Move' TO London Robert J. Shepherd.,•an employ7 ee at D'Ouglas.,-Point ; has purChas-. ed the home of Mr. and Mrs. • " William Wharry Of Lucknow.Mr. 8hepherd was formerly of Mont , real:, li;s a family Of rive, Possession Will be obtained Feb- ruary Tst. • ••• • 'Mr. Wharry 'is nianagerof•Silvs erwood Dairies Ltd LuCknOW and will retire later this year. They- will return to St, Thomas to live. The Wharry family was at' se. Thomas prior to 'coming her and • have-atorne-i-m-thatity'l-- ,Nir.:and Mrs. Wharry are ently on a vaaatiOn 'in Florida. 'The Wharry home Was sold "by BarryMcDona.gh, loCal agent for Alexander4nd Chapman Real Estate. • ..1:11111115...4 • Misses Agnes , Mary and Saran • McOuaig recentlysOld their hc—ne near.,the station . Morley Abbott of Brandon' tob_af Nir; 'Abbott is employed at. Douglas Point. • • Miss Sarah McQuiaig was aCirnit , ted to Wingliam and blstrfet Hospital on MOnday , December 27th where she was to. •remain while her sisters get settled in' their new residence. moved on 'Monday, Jan- uary 2nd to 170 Cherry Hill Circle Apt Loridonnd---- would be glad to' see anyone from their home .t,owsi.' . The 'sale was COMPleted by' Warren Zinn, Saleirnan. for Wil- fred' McIntee, CO. Real Estate. igated the aceiderm, the car was travelling' east on 86 Highway r.v,Dect,n-rbe when it left the road and struck a tr-ee on the north side of the road tear the farm of Bob .11cIft- tOsh. ' " Emerson, age, 213 and Ross, age 25 were gapped in the car for a period of time before Ross fired'. :himself and went to the home of 'Doh' McIntosh for, heir— Nd'onc. :antOtn-resid,, , t . I ence as they were on, a holiday, in Florida and Ross collapsed some near the home. 'A passing. motorist 'later fOund the 'car with EMerson insides found Ross' on the ground' nearby: Help was"summoned. Con-. stable McPhail said he received the Call about 7 a.m. Dr. J. C. Winghan/ Hospital-.am = • bulance and Montgomery Motors wrecker were br'Ought to' the scene Ahd when efforts to release • -CONTINUED ON 13 AGE 12. P. finned Over • 3 'Hours After..Car. Stfikes. Tree .011 Highway 8b A Emerson Howcrld S'eriotpoly.jtijOred Rosalea Hatkett; daughter_ of Mr. and Mrs. Donald . l'iaCkett of Aslifield, and a 'grade 1 student at F. E. Madill , Secondary School at Wingha •