HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-22, Page 16•
:!! ; :; R 22nct 1471
eals and, baubles
carols, too.. '
It's our wish for •.
this season to
all of you. Thanks
or ever
Merry Christnl'as and Happy •.
New Year to eueryone. This, re-
porter says thanks to all who cal
led durin; the y.ear.with news ' '•
items and so 'promoting the
column in this: paper.
Sympathy of the connitun ty is
extended • to Mrs. Emile
Maclennan in the passing of.her-
brother 1 ioward'of Pori• l,iuron; cin
Thursday in_ hOspitaJ-` ,it.ere.
The ,Annual Christmas .pr9g'rar1)
andfun ddy "was "held. oiaWecines-
,day afternoon at North Ashfield
School. Children, teachers ,
parents and friends had pan en,- •'
joyable afternoon.
Mr, and .lylrs•, 'Ro'bt Mclntosli,.
Pamela and John left by plane
front, Maitoi on'hursday for
holiday in. Florida,..'
Allan Culbert isn't :as Well as
his, many friends would like to'
see' him :: lie is is at present in
hospital a't Byron
bliss :Florence MacLennan lost
control of her'car'on.11i7hwa SG
on .Tuesday afternoon. and:..tee eiv -
w11•1 i EC tIl1RC11' NEWS .
'The Nlessetigers held their
laeceutber ttteetin on $i%iid;+:y;,
The theme was Christtm as. • ; • .
f> The'c rtll to worship w given
by Leland' Parker. 1'hc,.:scripture,
was rend: by ]Ftp k Whytocls '1'he
•lrytnn 1 then We 'I'.ttt►nl. 1'ktee l or•
The. Night vas repeated it unison
'as a Prayer.';
;':Cleo:o Ja►1ties6n received the ;
offering and the .offering; prayer.
was given_by .hay Wilkens. • 4a
the absence of Linda \loare sec-,
ret'ary., the 'minute's were read
\1urray cj.ibb. •
They Piave purchased a pa by
layette to, be: sent for Christmas .
Mrs; \U11riri'1toore• ave the
Christin.isstory. 'file !ilecting
closed with prayer,
od a bad shaking' up
trlany' homes along the 1tighw,ay
are decorated for Christmas and
as one drives°along`in the. even-,
int,hours thcre .semis to ,be a
-that ;ill ta,
Happy:'1.1oliday Season.
li: hthcartvd;,yui1.
to all our :friend,
•'flfled with ,t11• th'
y,ettson's gtwdi.,•
Room Nine; with their' teacher
.Mrs. A,1.en'visted' the: Golden
Circle School . for retarded `child L
ren in •Wingham Tuestiay'morning..
They.,'sang carols and gave out
.presents suet! as stuffed toys and
games-:;, al1 Of•whieh-t-hey-had .
made themselves. They also•pas-
sed out' decorated bottles .with
candy in them. The pupils at the
Golden Circle School also enter-
tained--i om-Ni-ne with---verses-a-nd-
• 'songs and slides of places ,,the
children liad visited'. .
ROOM. TWELVE =.Mr. Hall, .a
social wor-keHri m--'th-e--On •
Psychiatric. Hospital at Ooderich
visted Room Twelve on Tuesday
afternoon, Worn -Twelve Fs 'ping
there on Monday to entertain.
some of th
told us a lot of information about
the hospital such as how they go
' "about treating their' patients. 'H1e
�_also�.gave. u� iirotior on tdw
to plan for our'viait and answered
our questions'. We are, all looking
forward to,go ng there oaDecetn-,-
ber '2p.
ROOM -EIGHT - Mr., Riniaysdn .
and his' grade seven class'visited•:
i g p.... ,.
the 1r�ttrt ham Hospital on Fridays,
' 1 dte`t er 17, They sang carols ; "
give out stroll gifts to the patients
in the_pediatric.s wing including '
.Doreen Hartin from our school
They all enjoyed themselves and
brought cheer to those who herd!
them* 'It was born Eight's lid
oss ;proieet for Christi as..
Fou,,schools took part in the:.
Invitational V lle_yball Tour la ---•._
meta that;was.leld•'at Ripley Dist-
rict High. School Wednesday,
Both boys artd girls teams partic
ipated from Kincardine TQwnshi`i
Tiverton Public-chool` lfiprejr
Huron .Centra1' School.; • Lucknow
and District.. Public School.`.and:
Brookside Public,'S•chool:
The Brookside boys lost to
-Liie-knowa-.nd--tlte,i won'.against µ'
Kincardine.- Tiverton School: ,the
ucknow bo'ys•Were 'defeated by •.
Ripley•Huron •who, .the:re fore ,
took• the boys trophy...
The Brookside girls defeated
the il-s1r-om- Kine-a••id- ne--T
ton 11-6• and 11-4, • They went on
to defeat the, Ripley -Huron girls
J51 -,1T and -1 -5, 'Thus our girls.
were declared champions:Of. the
a iir.rtam:ent
Seven of our cheerleaders also.
went to Ripley to cheer for •the
Brookside tarns Th'e tournament
,tas_spoAsred b=Fipley-Hon-
Central 'School,
et owl
Away for Christms or New
Years. Rave some visitors? Gail
'us at The Lriektiow Sentinel
-2$ and tell us about them,
We'd like to hear from you If
you five a rural correspondent
in your area, give het a call.