HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-22, Page 14Ailir' ;POWRTERM.
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his Holy Season is . :'•''•
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filled with -man, s iritual •`':•'''
gifts. 11 ay you.reap all'of thee• • •
-Officers EIectec
For N•ext•Year.
The•annu.41 meeting of the..
Auxiliary. to ;tirucelea Haven was
held in the lfi.brary of the Honte.
Prior to the meeting a, most 'de1*
• icious Pot luck Luncheon was
enjoyed by the i'7 ladies 'present •
•after which the meeting took
Retiring Prestderit , Mrs Red'.
'Fri.-ur ; nesley t °oRe�,ed-rhe` .
imeet.ing by,a.11 re;petting the
Mary:Collec•t. in unison.
Minutes of the September. meet.
ing,were approved; as .Was the
annual Treasurer's report as Pres
ented by Miss Ernma Wilhelm
•who reported. a 'sitbstantial.bal'ance
iti. the treasury. ` • •
,Mrs. Macke,. mildn1a.y+, gave.'
the report of.th.e NominatingCom.
mittee with the following as the
'1972'siate of officers:' Past Presid
•ent, ..iyfrs " Fred Friar,: Chesley;:
•President, Mrs BerniceCameron
,Walkerton; lst. Vice. pres.,:, -Mrs. .:
Omar.Brooks, Luc•know;",2nd .Vice
To: you,. sincere •g.reeHngs.and
Lu cknow :unfit 4:
The Christmas meeting, of Unit
4',United;„Church Women was held
at the'home: of Mrs. A. J. Wil•
' son with 23 ladies present'...,
Mrs, Bryce ,Elliott ;Ied • the
<.prograknregiving readings
throughout on the teal meaning
-.4--oFChristmas-. The scriptiiire was'. •
• read by 'Mrs, ..L• C, Thompson;,
Jahn 3:16 arida 'prayer were read,'
in unison.'
Eyeryone sang: three' favourite
Greetin s
•Christ.rnas, carols ,Mrs Angus '
MacLennan and. Mrs,.S Zeran
Skits.showing the pressures.of
ttie .0 hrismas 'rush ;were' done by •
Mrs John 'Nicholson , h1rs: Geor e
Joynt and s eorge Newbold:: •:
Mrs•,', Harvey Webster favou.ed
with the, singing arid playing `of
"Bless ,Thais • House” Mrs E1lio)L
closed'with prayer.: •' '
Mrs. Jim Arnold'was• in charge
of the .bu iness• •The rollca'i�l was
folio Wed`,th treasurer's w by e reasurer s report.
The, general meeting Will be on
Thursd-a-y-, Dec-e•rriber-9tirai- -7--y-
o•ciock;-Lists'Of unt'.members:
for..1972.-73 have been posted-.
The^travellirig. apron: was '44/0r,1 b'y`
° Mrs. Win. Humphrey ,
The ladies enjoyed a .secret •
friend gift exchange-and.a,; •
d-e-lic>:ous --runch:-wa•s 'served
St. Augustine
t come upon o .
midnight Clegg- . as, .
• angels.' , voices .heralded
, the: birth'; of our dear
Savidur.'.Cet'us rejoice.
SHOE •ip
,On Tuesday. evening
:December.,7 the. St . Augustine
•C..W. L.' meeting was. held in the
Parish Hail, St: Aiugustirie with
'fourteen/members present. Fath
er'Cassanb . • the Spirit;ua 1' Di ret -
for:, . opened the meeting with the
League P{ayor
Franken a theLeague
President-, presided. The ftnan, .:
cial• report was given, with
$143..73 reported, irj` the lank • :
All conveners gave ,their reports.
it was decided, to hold .a church
cleaning bee on i2ecexnber 22...
the giving of candy to the
childreh at Christrrmas ,wa's discus-
sed, but it' wasdecided by the . r,
Members to donate this money •
Mtg.. labii Vranken and Mrs.
Neil tapleton,are- in charge of
getting the flowers:for the altars
at"Cl t'ists"nas " "•tt was'alsd decid-
ed to send'a'Christrnas.gi,ft to,
James Cihbons at.iluronview.
The, C. W.t.: card parties will •
'begin soon aftet'the New Year
Th e..4ate ' w f l l ..he pot•e-d 41-4. rc' _ .::_::..
paper before the first -,gar rc•'.
:I ather Cassano gave a, talk on:
Peace, fie: a"iso showed s1:id'es:on
"The night
to, lsirro": Mrs} V`ari
Aakerr'closed with the:League •
prayer. , • .
A lovely lunch -was served by,`
the hostess• in cha'rge', The t:hrisl
mas gifts were distributed arid' a
social ht ur was enjoyed,
The: neytt meeting will be ifr'
:bnton;.„Treas'urer;,'Miss. Ernrna
Wilhelm , Walkerton; ,Secre:tary
Mrs John \lacKeni:ie:, Tiverton..
Mrs. -Friar ei pres'se..' M' • . •
to the me'mbers`of the Executive.
.and Auxiliary,lor their support and
.0n• the wish, of Mit'. Cameron
the Meeting was carried.on by
Mfrs.• Friar.::. Mrs, 'Russeil.
Public Relations Officer , thanked.
the• members of the. Auxiliary en
behalf of Bru'celea Haven' for their
continued support ikt-the'.int,erest
joy .and -delight of, the Yuletide •wit be•yours::
of the reside,nts;'of Brucelea Haven Wiles `.re plied iii:• :t
ant.ta k of.p eseniirii to' Mrs
Wiles, a, gift of'appreciation. on.''
•)ehalf ofthe ladies'' present. for
her never -.ending' assista rice to the
Atix'fliary.over the years.. Mr's.
'fire het .t.tcci•:;
iliary. will I,c•
2.0t•ili Awe 1 t 4
ladies Of t1.1C
the fllettlick
May - all -rejoice May : the -hope
and happiness of " the.: first
Christmas be found through-
-oi t-eheworld