HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-22, Page 6ipi I111 ****46t May I take this opportunity to wish everyone joy and ,happiness inthe holiday season. A very sincere thank you for your past kindnesses. DOVE. HOITON LUCKNOW. : BOWL • - t? • are filling the holidays up with high test thanks" to everyone. lac-Tavis iII Hunter n appreciation for our tetany friends, ' We Wish you a merry �� . . � Christmas season topped with a.tieiv frosting of happiness,, TWE BEAUTY ;BOUTIQUE rs. R. G, Nichol INS Unit $peaker Unit 2 Of the United Church Wort;le:RWas•entertained.; at the. 'ltprti,e of Mrs, Wilfred Drennan on 'December 7th with a good attend. 'ance of 19/ members and 11 visitors; The meeting opened with a read- ing by Mrs., Baynard An.kert' foll- owed by prayer. : The treasurer's report -was gi-ven by Mrs,.Eldon lienderson,. ,The general :xneeting is'to'be•held..oh' che;9tli-of D.ecember.. All reports. from the.comuiit'tee Conveners, were given; 'The roll,ca•11'was: answered by donating`a gift to the Victor Mission' in Toronto.,. A contest •on Christmas cake and home made candy. was Judged by Mrs, Robert Nicholls and. Mrs; McCulioughwith prizes going to Mrs W. Drennan and Mrs. R. Ackert. •. Mrs LGlen.__Wkldell 'convened The program opening with hymn "Oh Come All Ye Faithful". The theme of het program was. "Flrie- less gift of Christmas".: Mrs. ,,Earl Wightman read the Christmas Story from` St. Luke .Closing. with payer, Mrs',.:.Robert Nicholls: was our guests spea ker , beginning with a;• quiz;and reviewing the Christmas story;wbicF was ttiuch enjoyed- • by. everyone. A piano •instrurne WEDhES1.+!*'',• DECEMBER x2n ki thei ciwe4o ,e. a stillness of that: Holy Night, the'Christ; Child was;.• born.. May the true meaning . of. • Christmas fill your heart and home!. • DONALD MacKINNON 'PLUMBING; 'HEATING AND -ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING. E ETING S rer' a'1 b N1rs. P. Coo ent' •: • St:3t n ^t.he East".. .A hiimorous:reading was • ive,r by Mfrs..J•Carne be1-1-ent-rt-led7Dad's Christmas' Pudding".. "Musical numbers' were given by`Sharort:; .• Jennifer .an Paul Drennan ;and_ children o#Mrs W1 Drennan. A' trio number_. was gr v;en by Grace and 'Nano. :Alton.Y Mrs. Glen. Walden read:a poem entitled Christmas: A lovely piano :solo • was gi en by.,'Ruth, Alton:..• :The 'meeting; :closed with all `epeating the:Mizpah ikenedic'aflop after which a dainty Christmas l•uneh•.was served by rhe' hostess and coinm'ittee in charge:. • Lvcknow J ,nit 5 surlir1,f'., ' I: nit 5 0�.tt.e._L ickntil,y United--- Church Women.:held its Decern-:• bef meeting in the Church Pari' our. at . 8. p•, m,. `�Decernber 7:; Mrs.•; Jack, Treleaven w -as the hostess. -.Nits; 'Bell opened the ,meeting •by welcoming.those present and thanking all'.merribers, for their :support.during her.'te1rrn of.o.ffice., She 'then read, two poems, approp- rice to Roll. cal:1 was answered by 13 members and:2 guests with for. the Victor Norrie: . The Treasurer lave her,teport. tiers. Crawford also'reported that u had bee r-r-eeo-rrrrttet7dTed that, the money donated instead of gift exctia'nge , be spent on ;bedding .for. needy family , rather than on•food. The meeting • pprov ed t}u s._sia4g6S.t tart zr 1d— asked Mrs. Crawford arid Mts.. Vinlay- to se'e• that this vas 'done.. • `• Mrs, ..Bellthen .t'urned'the trieet; .i-f-�rr-r"-rr ; • convener irs, \iontgornery and. 'her torn•rnittee Mrs. Ceirtirti;. Mrs. Clejan .,arnLMi llehni-s. . • The= pt'ogra mme consisted of readings- •poerns, the hymn. le era • angels sing"� and recorded music. All mein_, bets Of the committee and. Mss . 1..r0.eaven took part. .. After the closing prayer, Christmas Carols were 'Sung:and' a, contest s( jumbled words pertaining to Christina's was held. Christmas Cookies and rake. :were iervpd atid•the tnee:ting• " rinsed with 'the Mi pah i-erOtc stein.. , • .our Naini gratitudf. MARE AND;: BOB FINLAY • • ,i, :,.Christmas, bringsto:.rnind .the peacefulness and wonder o the. Holy Night whet Christ Care into the world. acKENZIE FUNERA HOME