HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-22, Page 2paw s. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY;, ECEI iBE. .2nd L 'The UCKNOV SENTINEL' . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO T+. On the Hu'sn-Bruce B. ie • • Second ,Class Mail Registration Number 084 Established 1873-- Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Meenb.r *the C WsN.A. and O.W.N.A. Sobecriptlea Rate, WOO a year in; advance - to the 'U.S.A., $8. .Donald C Thompson, Publisher t�. tl rr• 1.1, rj 1e/ WEDNESDAY, DECEMEER 2d, i!'. gu st'E ttor:ai CHR1STMAS"MESGE from The lucknow Ministerial Assoc. As we approach• Christmas ' 1971, our world is filled with ' fear, unrest, • tyranny, poverty, conflict, suffering and pain. In Pakistan we learn once; more about man's nhum- anity, to. man. In our concern for this, areaof the world we successfully push the fighting in Viet Nam into the back- ground for we, know that there, war goes .`on as: usual. bTothing'• much changes . in the Middle East.. Leaders are •i om comer Race: tensions increase in, South. Africa Malnutr tion claims,. its victims. among the, hungry of the world:'Even• id, the so-called' affluent nations of the ' world, of which ours. is one, ...affluence applies: only to • our .•wealth,:in material' igpods, for spiritually we sti1T `struggle t& find lasting human values. In a time of ' change and transition, relation reaing--dow+D, . people are era responsi- , and :many crumble under the strain. — o- _pa a suu N pieturee7o fon world =i$�to• "-i' �, . C.�1. a;_ blear -pa • neglect the Many signs of light and hope and life. We .must also .affirm' that ..our, world• contains much : love, and • hope • and concern 'for ,others: We Think of: ofrganizations like the `. United' Nations, • those Which work to control and eradicate disease, those whichchallenge unjust and •self-centered prgrarnmes of goyerriments,_those which bring 'aidand development' for underdeveloped .countries.... We think ° of individuals who are':lov ng, kind. generous,'just, and good'. They care about theirfaniilies• they care 'about the values. and : ideals which: help,'•People to be. human.... they .reachout to help .their. neighbours:, • These gn5_are 'an 'ir dicatio i' .of the meanings -of, Christmas For Christmas celebrates the birth 'of •Jesus , 'and all that .Jesus means,forW'1ife: M him we discover: God who enters into every aspect of life,: •into its bunt and hor- ror -;a :ell''as. intoits, harmony: and happirness. in order to bring' his loveand.' goodness toall people. In him we• dig cover tie. quality of life ' which is worth . living, .' and, Which •giv'es •s-ictory os er'the Worst' that, life can bring. In him .we.- can hear God's call to us to ae'cept: his 'love and ,let it 'live. in us that we mnav becone h.is, servants' to - transform all life for his purpose: Thus.. when we' see people living for . people. and, organizations; working to bring love arid , hope and' puce. to the world,. we are' seeing the meaning of Clii-istrixas.. come to life:' . This week's issue of The Sentin, . el will be the last until Wednes- day , ednes-day, January 5th As has been the habit in; the past, there will be no .paper publish ed between Christmas and : New Years. .1 , .. • • _ _ -Sentinel correspondents: are re- quested to'send; in their •.Christ rhas news as it happens'allowing us to process the material as it k . ' received Holding all rnate'rial until the Monday''before the next.... issue•.will; nia1 a it difficult to handle'. The Sentinel will be'open•for business, as usual, over the. next week despite the fact that, no.'; paper will be published. Phone us.at 528-2522 with your personals or other news 'stories. We'll .be happy" ton hear, from' you and• with ;our: assistance will continue .to• provide you with, an, interesting' paper in. 1J7�,.,.' • ont ome otors Factor Division !ins SaIes-Trip- •1 • 'Christmas, 'then. is not...just a: celebration about an • event in. the ',past. important as that is. It is also a cele- bration''of a reality: that presently exists — that God 'loves his world,' that he .enters into if to bring transformation through the power of his love, .and. that he :rises' people to: fulfill -his -purposes. We best Celebrate this season.stien. we let .l im• lite'in u.s and thr''ough us for the transformation . : of all• .life. OM•BE•ST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS S CHRISTMAS • AND A ,BLESSED NEIN .. YEAR. 0 EMBER. -27 1971 • The Council• of the Corporation of the Village of Luekngw has resolved that the Monday following.• Christmas Day shall be observed as Boxing Day and •:proclaimed a Civic holiday. • In compliance ,with the aforesaid resolution I hereby, _.pro- claun' BOXING DAY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, • 1971 as a CIVIC HOLIDAY GEOrE JOYNT, Reeve I LEY TOWNSHIP ON BEHALF OF THE \I ISTERIAL Tt: G. NICHOLLS, SEC. \lontgonicry :Motors Tiractor, Ihv ision inLuc know: has been ssrre-ee'ss-f n l =in win i -n : a• -gale=s cow -- test for,the sale of tractors and • farm implements and the' dealer: Cordon'.\fonts ornery, :Sales ^ran Stuart Reavie and their wives off on''a trip ,o 'er the`\ew, Year in reco. nition of the achieve Ment: Gordon and.Ru.th`Niontcorriery wi11.accornpa.riV a group of deal• els 'from Canada and United :_Stntes to'California w here •the,• will be guests of:. Ford ;at a• \tsw Years eveTarty •and on Ne•w, ears ,attend the i:.Rose'boti. i F'a: de. and f061 ib gaze. :Ther • 4. ill then .visit i.a* '\`etas :for, two days. ,They will be awa'v• about eek. . Stu.a:"t'• and,.Dearr/na Rha w ie wilt 'accoy;:pany a .;roup of sales •k eopi'e to :Da llas :w hese theyalso �,ill•he ,uests at'a \es Year party and on New Years.da, attend the Cotton Soowl •a:;aL'e ai,ti football ,iarne Duple: Return er 2 Weeks` In British Isies (.eor: e Bret„ ady: , 1ttta tied LY.rsia, o## last !,eetcir4Y4 aor `"t•tI.- •een to e t} t to tlie: to t land'..Scotlate and Y£ el r•`rt. Friday. December 31st 'MUSIC BY. AUREL ARMSTRONG'S ORCHESTRA Admission S I•:50 : per:.. person 1 HATS,"- HORNS;• NOVELTIES.- FUN FOR.• ALL: EVERYONE' WELCOME DANCING FROM W ,+o:r.► SPONSORED B.Y.•R'IPLEY'••C.URLING CLUB hat a new years part WE'RE XIIVING...JOIN US! • PARTY . -LEGION FALL, LUCKNOW • . Friday, erw- 1st1 SPONSORED BY .• THE.LUCKNOW LEGION AND LUCKNOW FIRE DEPARTMENT: ' � � � \� :�• �%iii •''‘A‘.>'\>>..\\>* ece� Hamilton ASOLINE '-- DIESEL HEATING FUEL ANS) ..OTHER FARM PRODUCTS ,• 24 • OUR BURNER SERVICE — PARTS LtiSt'R TRUCKS RADIO EQtr`IPPE FOt'. SE"•RV'ICE • WHOLESALE RETAIL n . DIAL 528.3006 OR 528.3616 LUtKNOW ONTARIO r i ootitc' a' c':r> 1,,,ece be� u t c:v r4 i:l le tWI: Lorcon CS ,.iitd the , t,a1 S..'it):- ae,'is . W'Mr .,here there was a 'rail" • es:e...,::.aeaases ark' tht se x�`t. s .t a tr rs., 1'+•: nt.s a � .r Wtsf r.� r. tpp . w .• id Y:.i; y'• r'i•i:k"i• "`. l`u r,,, r '• ' i...•r°r. y • 0'1,44 v4; yy� YGM Y Kw. "iN'V •. •'�TYry'��Q�'. • rw i°3:ir L .• t , •, :(st 4 a • ,: DANC NG ` O_THE ADMITTANCE SIS YEAR A4`1 .OVER: •M Hats ---� Horns Novelties . SMORGASBORD` $"10 PER COUPLE Ll'MITE:b NUMSE.R QF TICKETS ; f,100®<4 * chi BILL. J614N, PROM `S AVAILABLE ."ROM &NE, H;ARt';Lt RITCHIE LEGION 'STEWA•RD