HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-15, Page 7BER 15tht 1471_ mit tee IONS. during,,the Ing .into'ahe icein that Wing: places 97.2 ) "a.m.. and 1972 ir1.,2:00 p.m:. 1972: Id 2:0017,m; esentatioris. senger ser- :as Soon as if possible,. rs prior to t have. fac- rcted to: 11ilin'ittee {IA OA7 • w oNESDAY, DE. EMBER 13th, 1971 ud" amilton AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD GAS0.,1HEOTHEIR FAR` HEATING FUEL AND RM PRODUCTS 2A HOUR BURNER SERVICE a-„ P ARTS INStTRAlvCE,' TRUCKS RADIO• EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE, WHOLES'ALE'7 RETAIL -. DIA.%. 528-300.6 OR 528-3616 L-'UCK•NOW,ONTARIO, ' LUCKNQW-SEN Shower For. Maureen' dal#on . .1(1NUSBRIDGE NEWS; On,Wednesday :evening ; Dec 7. ember eighth 'a. community bridal shower was held, in the Parish' hall for Ma.ure.en Dalton, 'Gene Frayne• was, chairnidn for the Program. A coinical,poem was given by ;•tlary',Luanne'Clare . Lucille , 1:rayne' avourewit 1 a •piano. recital a.reading was giVeh by • .1 aticy O'Keefe'•and Dianne Van. Ropy sang two• Christmas suhii.,s" ao oriipanied by, ::lariaine Fra}'ne ; at the. piano,. A duet was sung. by Flora •Sitiipson and: Fra !Aces Log t.enburg.and• Flora played 'h'er''. guitar as well. '1'F e progriin came to a -'conclusion with a.duet by ;1v1aria hoe Fro yne a nd Kathy' O'Keefe. • _'• • The bride to -he, was escorted to Ther decorated chair 'by her sisters N1r§.; .Pete A. rtin'ind Annf)�iltori wlio assisted in opening her ttia'Ugift'..:.An'addr:es.was 'read by: \l.7rga,ret l,ra }'iie.' After her .gifts were opened :'; .i.ureen • ie an invited • them to the .rece ption'folio. ' 1 winL, theirtiiarrrage. .Lvnch,wa$ . � Served and a social hour followed. • • ►�-r" ° Vis;°; .��`!�-°s INEC; MICKN'OW, Kinloss Resident Died In 89th Year MRS, WILLIAM COX "1fs; William D.. Cox, the former Martha Coiling , passed ' rlwa ,,. } in the"1<ancardine and- Dist,- rict G rieia.l Hospital,- on Thurs day,' December 9, '197k 'in her • 89th. year r She was bairn rn I4tkre• ' n"""T'�Wi1- ship; Sept.eri.iber 20, 1883, the delg,tiite'r of the late Jdhn and'Sar- ah (Gee) Coll.ng and Was the.. last riternber of a farnily.of four. She was a,faithful choir member and church worker in'St. Paul's Church, Ripley, where on June 17•, 1906, she was united' in rear. raige co Willia.ni D; Cox. They reside,d:oh the r.ho.,rne farm, Con.. 10 , :Kinloss Township their •e'ntire married life,. .Their home,was sh#red, with:his parents', 'Mr. and .Mrs. J`.ohn W, Cox‘, and later With his brother the Rev. Benson. Cox , 'following the .latter'a retire- rne,nt in the ministry. Mr. and William.Cox,were .blessed • with t passed away:at three months`of age.;:.a.nd one ' daughter, •Mar ' . . Nirs.:oh'n SC Ott: colt, .:... , • • On June 17, 1958 'they obser"ved Left' to mourn- her lossare one` o ek d-a'tight'er Mrs:.' n. (Mary) t of Ki,nibss Tn John , two gxandScot. sons, Wiliiam . and Robert: Scott of Huron Township' and five great rand.ctu,Idre.n�;� , ... _ g. The rerriaiins rested a(the , Mctennan-McCreath: Funeral Horne, Ripley,. from where the. :.' funeral ' service was conducted on Saturday. 'afternoon:, •December',I1. The officiating clergyrnan was .' the Reverend. R.. Odendahl'of rKinlough`Anglican •Church., assis- ted . by the Reverend .Williarri Townson of. St... Luke''s.Churoh, Pine 'Rives.' . Pallbearers were Raynard Ack era', Cliff Robb, Karl Boyle •, Douglas Graham, Gerald Rhody, , and Francis Boyle Flowerb'earers were,Alla•n Rhody, ,:''Ellwood 'El • liott, John-Colling, Ivan Lloyd NTARIO' PAGE B01/11N' •so18' One Showing Starting at•8 p.rtn 'The CockeyedCow,' Calico County„ paocken'IIosrs/NanFabetteray Bl j Sun . Mon.20 Tui L 1 GOD • HELP BOBBY AND HELEN': They re n loge in. Needle P. rk needle pa • AHHGINOa_:1(111YWINN ; 6ducedtvJOliaen'JUNNE Dr'e: b . I Kik' a1 N,i' i HL et, w.eZZ Thu.23' Fri.2 their Golden; Wedding, in'Kinlough Anglican Church, with a service • of`•Thanksgiving., where, they both were :va _ - . ..'--.. bers. Mrs Cox was an active' and faithful rnern- ber of the Women's Auxiliary, ' and' later: the:+Anglican Church:. Women- 4` ,.0- c•L, -:COSTU.ME JEWELLRY JEWELLRY CASES . _..'.:_... WATCHES AMETS ILVER::. FLATWARE. HOLLOW WARE STAINLESSSTEI✓L � L ROYAL DOULT 1 "F•F 1NES CLOCK RADNOR FLORALS' NI YMOME f `i l kts RINGS f#.44-11„;,,* CHINA. DINNERWARE IN ROYAL DOULTON, PARAGON; ROYAL ALBERT, MINTON, WEDGEWOOD %,•►tit?!• and Frarrk-Scott; Interment was inthc family plot' in'Ripley'. Cemetery.. ' HOCKEY' On Sattirday,'i-lotise League' g tides were "played against two. rn.FiPr. Tl e-re-s-ults'v er-e• t3rookside'One l'ost'to hucknow {?-1, Brookside TWo won against Kingsbridge 2-0. .. The boys:.hoci<ey teams .played Tarfie on .Wednesda ',. 'The score wag B1ac.k Hawks 3 , North Stars 1. blue itn colour 'FRENCH CH �; AS '; '.:On Wednesday we had '.another. French assembly. ThY ese,plas.' were on the' Le Duc family going on apicnic.All'the classes Mr. Orr 'teaches took,part in this 'assembly. •As:•a special treat the. -actors were given a slice of :French breadpeanut-girt't-er and; bananas on it; ' • EDLES. FRO THE NURSE . Booster ;shots' for.tetallus , polio l'and' diptheria (combined)' were ,given last Wednesday. We.all ,agreed it, was not'•as.bad as w. 'e !thought:it•.would be. ` 'CHRIST CONCERT : We are preparing for the•Christ-.' mas concert which will be held • :on 'December. 21; ,Everyone 'is' .invited. . BUS:; ACCIDENT Only .two pupils frorp: our school'' were in the•..bus.'that'v�as hit: _by a: truck:'and upset on Thursday. Larry -,W .. yanderv'een, 'who is in ,grade one; . ' was not irljured . •Duncan Finlay .son ,, who,isn, grade'seven; ''wa•s back to school on Friday. Weare. pleased•to. report 'that; he Was : not .•; injured as badly as Was indicated on the radio, auc4te1 visaian FR1`1" _$14..ATIN•G Once again there was free skat- ing on Friday. We all had a fun time with the two hundred pupils who enjo'yed,tlie ••skati'ti"g froth' 3,10 to. 4.3b'.p.m. REPAIR SERV1cE as: and new' 1.. PHONE 528453 ' LUCKNOWONTARIO GY1\1N SUITS This ye,arwe etre able to get ' c ymn uH ot'thprts at our school: These suits Or shortsare permit' ted at. both •Goder :i h arid' Wing ham High .Schools, ..The boys shorts AV. $1 60'.p1,4 the girls gym snits. art 0,6'0'; The girls in grades 1, 2 and 3 hive to' get shorts for they do not have these sizes, The shorts and suits are WINGI4AYVt PHONE :357.1630 SHOW TIMES Eriday..and--Satur-da-ys-•at-:15- and 9:15. ' A11 other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on- the program. *.***•****/**,** THUR FRL, SAT., DEC. '16,17,18 Adult Entertainment iSuin" Colour - Starring John Wayn.' "Chisum". Jaime Wayne, Chisum; *••**,******* **0 SATURDAY MAT. DEC. 18; "Frances In The Hauntecl House