The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-08, Page 21ECEM.BER 8th, . MTV NISTORira 4 1968, a .sequel tot $7 per Cagy, an ideal ft, at The Lucknow tse add $i extra for candling charges, .41111101.11,;( � fi,c'l1tS and. urir. f,i'Y� ,c•1lu6i :)1..1•1-( atfv.e l.� iorkat 1,1:1•;"1! t�tlke and u(r:tlLr ,:r., lie• lui rP;,i t I .. 'lectuie. trcts ci, 'tftc collo e $ , -l;oeltl a1Kt boa.td •[nlor`., t at Iu;i ucl1 rs s•tuclent 'to help re,. NOW THRU .DEC 31st pflE�rDAY, DECEMBER ' 8th, 1971 H St awartosh Bold me regular' December session of West Wawanosh Township Council was field Wednesday , December 1st at the ,hotrte of the Clock with all.members: embers in attend., ante with the exception of the Treasurer. 'Mg minutes of the November meeting were read and adopted on notion of. Councillors tliche.y arid Aitchison, ' Motion.by Councillors A=1olDoir- a1d and "That West. 'Wawa'nosh Township request the : •Depart•in nt of Transportation and Coanntunic:atioris to grant. • pecrlu$sion.to increase the amount of gravel 'appli.ed' in 1971 from '12,3u0 to ,J23. cu. yds." . ' .Two Townsli!l) residents appear • ,ed before Couircil. in regard 'to . tile .draitl loans 'and land .sever- ances,..respectively. • The road accounts were order ed pafd on. motion of.Councillors Aitchison regular eetn The. followir1t.,..gLztii'raj.:rc count were pa.ss.,ed for pay rr ent carr IIIo- r011.of CQtruc t,i1ors'1)urnirl and' Mc 1)on,a,ld' _ y . George Smyth tile drain loan, t'11,0,00;O; llilliard Jefferson, luspEc• roc's fee,, '40,0.0;: A• o,s tin •Ltdi .Kilo 1)uruin 1)rain 759.4h; ttcay.r1 Cana,Llicr,u l.e•.'o . Branch 309, .wreath ,, ll; rub; rI ..Wrl-:. feed Iv1cC?iui"11ar1,,. clop t;sh 're'bate 2 0'0; C„ Ounty of .1 ftar'o[a Shit). Share reforesrati'olt •i 7,;r lluron`= pefth T. B. .Association, •1971 grant ,.0.0 Win. fox boultt 2,00; 'RObeet J 11rrdy.,. Lyons.; Reeve:: 3'21, .,ut,; Jas R. Aitchison.,' Councillor Charles McDonald 2'75.0(4.J: 1) Dur.nin, (;oluac'illoc, 275 . 00;.'Jas,eplz' 1 iic:ke'y , Cotipci1- lbr, '27x.00; anion County. Board of Education, balance 1971 levy +'anrotl.nts' under Sec,. •13 1.9,,940.41; Huron,-pertt1 s KNOW SENTINEL UCKNOW; hoar, 1071 ltw y ^ + amounts under Sec., j2i' 1�..(:,S • S.,liraard07, (fr(:yxl3ruc:c� . i tr0 r , 1"�71 levy t� _. (� c,reer, balance. "clary ',and welfare officer s < <° clary, 1'1t',2(4 1.9art .Armstrong, balariee. Salary, telephone tolls juror 701. :•.3P; s Wel.fart=•accounts , 4� ,,. 14.50, ROAD AG(U.UN S 1'i, Culbert salary', 4 39.. `,'; G.plirey , Iltuir r r)lerat6r d(.10.5; ) ..: A 'McDonald, operator, 174.00; Joel err Ltd. , rushills .and hau1ing,r12,138.88r fu'e1 aril rax ,. 273 .:94; Bert " 1\1:oss; ,gravel;,. 90; G. c. E. Sales., loader oader rental and filters, lO .S0; Mart- in's GenerKrl :Store ;steel posts, l'iuwphrey, , hydro. rllc�t,ar(ce, ;)0.00; Lueknow CO Op, wire, and lags ;8.49;' lrcc'niarl Elsonha'ulin4 gravel, :-J.3.0; Robert Stotllers repair • fir•'es, .i;:50; •Norman ",1cClinchey, mowing (Auburn), 10.00 A. Kirco rtaell.; cLittTlg weeds (Auburn); 11;255: Bank of Com 'fleece, C:P.P and 1.T., 114.09; INTARIO • Winnersat the Open house:herd` on Friday at Johnstone Mobile . Feed Service in Lu.cknow were: Raymond. a. Finni g n, R. l Dungan- non , 200 lbs calf starter grower; :'John'.R', H inter, '!i. 3 l,ucknow , har neer H. Kohnert,,.R. 2 Aub- urn ;` saw; Mike Foran R. 2'" Luek- now ,,,gallon Multipurp{ose. dis :n fectant for largest order'of`anim-4 al health products;;kobert lrwi , R: 3 .Licknow, 200 lbs, rni terai for largest order of feed. ' Receiver General; U. h. , 16.00; , Receiver. General, postage stamps, 7, 00; Gus Devereaux-..,.... gas, 4.39; George Smyth; chain, welding;; etc; ,. 35.45;, Harvey Culbert ,- tolls; post •hole auger rental hauling, 65:.9.3; :Ontario Hydro; re?locate:poles , 101.20.: Council' adjourned to meet ,December 15th at.8;30 the .Clerk's .home , ' • /1' PAGE TWENTY -ON/ PRICES RIS • 1.50 .. 1`50. 100% WOOL Reg.: S18 • 1.� i�L. i K Y~ is=• 1/, R. OWS )-R-G c�rrliort•abie, flat \. ifs tatths., THROWS $34,95 r tr Yr , ftrld' ;fill{ 'aborts,• dogs ;2 9,15. key: chains o's ion oi NE •CHINA RRYSTAL SILVER 'Flatware pallow 'ware STAINLESS STEEL COSTUME ' JEWELRY:: RINGS arn-klasi#a 'George King,' age. 76, R. R 4, Kincardi ne, became 111 Decei t ber 1 and, 'his car, went ,out of,con- trol while :he was driving on .High- way #4, just north of'Win ,ham . '. He;was'adrnrtted: toht spit�l`.via. arnbulanc.e in condition critical.' ,Mr. -King later'die'd due to fried-' JEWELLRY'CASES . WALLETS WATCH ES cLOf KS' RADNOR' FLORALS. . ' ROYAL 'DOULTON FI`GURIN'ES NY -MORE C. IFT ITEMS JAPH °. PATTERN . 2B.PIECE`SET REG $18.9'5• �SpecI IT1 rcwn ndinnerware HARVEST PATTERN BLUE' PACIFIC •,�: it !K• Reg;' $18:95 • SPECIAL $11.99. , SPECIAL PRICES FOLLOWING,. • Reg. $15.95 • SPECIAL $9.99 ALSO N.ITN.E • PATTERNS VVint<1ge It7.�lncfalay: Carousel. .. hacienda C"Ic�nrtltis Aztec Tr e ti 1 lit! ' abrigut .. CHINA ROYAL ALBERTNMMINTON, WEDGEWObD PARAGON, ROYAL DOULTON, L:. JYy IAOKEtS w ' he Old 11111!1" MPLE'TE.:REPAIR .SERVICE PHONE 528,3532; ean E :Ari a w "- LC'o.v na • ; s. -is,wi e, whp was with him in the car,: was not.injur ed. Wingham O.h.p: Ricker investigated R R.: 3, Goderich received ankle' injuries when she .fen.o:ff a *i.-doo'on December 1, and a ski 'ran over her arikie A'walking:cast was , applied' and'she was .later.releas ed...' ' Bru•c e Knight„' age •16 R R. Brussels', -son of Mr. and. Mrs; Ross Knight was a .passenger 'in a car driven by .his brother., Warren. The car. was ea,st'bound on County, cern-.6-3-, :approxrrn- a te1'y.;threemiles from ; I1•ighwa.y ir'4 and went on,t of control' and into thc;.d'itch. and' rolled. over... Truce *was treated formultiple • cont kion. nd y� siot Eo -t e• --u back and. legs.. fie was'discharg= `l ed -from hi�spi't�l. •Warren Knight,; driver'of .the car,. was ,sdriritteld to hospital with head injuries.and, 'a scalp laceatir n. thin ha.nt C) P;' iicll irlyc}stis rteS,. • `Il , lignins (Pa.tricia).l3ai.ly , 1�'rt1.,�i1�'n1 spilled boiling water do laer. rightleft foot; ,. recei •iero; lit • and'2riddegree: 4 '�lltral' McA',rter, di, 11, scJ$,icas tclr,titted. ala'am bulane e,. eft Pc et11bet'.r1•1i'hei lr1Vol'ved•ill 11- 11-1;1,e fi r"tr.;:f3; rcros-Pi'ot11 the •Dep.' ,tr.'t r1:ic'nt of '11ighways building oath cit Ivinghat11, 1'le.received .i •haceratlon on his for.ehe4'td, deep laceration to chin and an • 1 rid `c,:o11st4i ble Foulon inv:esti.gat• - .ec AN AMINf:'r.:1V.1:$OHINE"7 fez' Christmas; manual. and electric in stock Tho'Ltielnow- Sebtibc1 phone 528-2$22, •• TIM LtICI(NOW StNTINgt makes 'no ideal Cbeistinas gift, $d llcr .;year. $8 outside danada, an at-. traetivo gift 'card will be seat', at • tit) extra cost, phone $2$-2822, • where's more to boask�-: It's easy, enough to tellil.aI!-new a e`rosl yo am i c_d esi gn;New-ban :compartment under the -seat! New Salsbury :automatic: drives! 'Gas tank cap.. with gauge!; Exclusive 3 -quart. reserve :fuel tank. Little things that mean a lot. Best rea- son of 111 is: the people who 'build 'Boa ,'Ski 'are' few in number.' •and 'long on expert craftsmanship and they're out. to prove 'that Boa' Ski is a better buy, . and you: better', believe it! 7You can be :sure with boa ski .1~ HACKETTS