HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-08, Page 10Mrs. Donald. Courtney and. Carol visited 'in :Stayrier on the Week end. r • Mrs. Marjarie 'Reid visited with Mr:. and Mrs. Jack Carn'pbell•at PAGE TNS THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL,, it.:UCKNo1N, ON.TAKIO AMBERLEY NEWS The`C.G,I.T. of Pine. Rivet United' Church held their annual MotherDaughter t3anquet i n the 'church basement on Tuesdayeven ing. The guest speaker for the occasion was ;Mrs, .R.' G':. Nicholls of Lucknow, whabgave fine talk, Five girls 'grad'uated ;from the r They were Mary Pace ; Sandra, Kern ton,;' P loan Ferguson, '` Kathleen nter and Gertrude'Lee: Walden, Mrs. • Carrick Coiling is die:leader of the C.G,I..T. The 'choir: was heard in an anthem at the Sunday morning Services at 'Pine River United' Church,. Mrs. .'Lynn Lowry and Mrs. Ernie Gibson were at the organ and :piano The' interior of the Pine rRivtr. Church has been recently decorar ed and the new paint presents a , .: fresh ,• nice look.:. . LUCKNOW ., UNITED CHURCH Rev: Robert Nicholl$, •Mbister DECEMBER 12th: WHITE Girl, SUNDAY Q 4111., Sunday School. 11 &M. Morning Worship: POINT TO PONDER' You give but little when you give ' your ; possessions, , It • is when you give of yourself that you truly give. Kahn •Gibran • Lucknow • Presbyterian Church Rev.. Glenn ' Noble, B.A., .R.Dr Minister Phone 526-M40 DECEMBER 12th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. 'Morning. Worship • v L.uCKNOW CHRISTIAN. REFORMED • CHURCH. J,. W, .Vary. Stemp voort. • Pastor , . • $ervi.ces :. 1Q Q0 a.In English 5ervieg 2 30 p,m. E!n lish. Service xce t 20dr unda -of' ach • polo when the. afternoon. . scry is 1p: Dutch, . <. VISITORS '•: WELCOME Denominational Radio Broad- cast, "The Back ,To God Hour", every Sunday:. CICS (Stratford) -- . 2:00 • p.m.; CFOS (Owen Sound) .. 6.00 p.m. UGIT No• ••ll Al• 1��sper Service On Sunday', ;Decemt ery5tli Laic know. 'C: G I , T presented their annual Chr'ist,mas Vesper Service in the tUnited Churr,J:; " A.very^ • f oad•crow.d :attended despite the icy 'streets,. .. • . The. service .opened with a:short •skin w'ith:'fou•r girlspretending that they •were putting ;,the final • touches on preparation. for yhd.ser- vice . '..'Using a :casette ,ta`pe•record- ;ipg., ;they.s.ang a'n'ew ,i imr1•, :. • I\'lary's: .1.1iId;iwhich was later ,•hy•itie•con regati'ou'as pari. o .0 ie •service T'•liese foil"r s:irls,; Brenda ' dacDonald Coralyn Hend ersQil,•' Nancy •Warren'; . arid Cathy lantieson Usd t9ok;the,parts'of readers;�!nd comrni:erit< tors:r • .'Prayers were led by: Mary .El:len liiavens and Nancy :luta i.c..Bett) ;Anile llunter.w.as a'reader and,Jo- • aline Ritchie.spoke frori•Crthe•con- .Dennis Courtney , •,LynnReid , and. Grant, 'Ferguson spent the week r',end in Guelph. R 13th Sunday--School—presents , their annual. ; Christmas Carol' ., and White.Gift Service, at 7:30 p.m'. PRINTED GIFTSserviettes, playing cards, coasters, matches,:' etej,f inexpensive and different, .,low prices. The Lucknow Sentinel, 52&,. 2822, ANGLiCAtl CH.URCH, P a. new-c017c-epi•ir COIlc7I Cie stgn from r:'.Choo'se.from 'a' wide ranee • of Permanent Pres solid, :tones: strip'es.etc. all' wit', ' the geatest _collar yotr: c rl bir y. The Rev. ' R. Odendahl Rector - DECEMBER 12th Advent 3 St..Paul's . Ripley — • WEDNEStMAIf,: DECEM Rg $rah 41, SUN.DA),,. DEc,EM.BER "i2tb...at8P,M,' IS THE DATE, '. FOR THE 4th ANNUAL COMMUNITY CAROLFEST SOUTH • KINLOSS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT The varied 'Program is; built: on : a .vocal fra#nework and sup., ported by: instrulmental and Monologue presentations', Included are original "lyrics and 10o01e4 composed•by'"'the,,-cr a.ti. ely. gifted •01• our communit' -1-�-------- - -Com'- 1 6► $4.1 E- ,THEIR�TALEr —.__'• • Whitechurch UCW W. FJi1'ECiiURCti NEWS ' °Whitectt6rclt •United Church :'Women met on Wednesday,. Dec- ember 1 at the home- Mrs:.' E1- wood Groskorth . Mrs. Lorne 1)iirn,. in opened the meeting:witlr, a verse ..o f• a ca,rQ;l,.gave .a reading .ori gregation, Candle-lit;hrers were Maize aize , Bette Maize and:. •'17orla. Wagner,. The'part .of Mary,. Y. was .played by Audrey • ltttchie and. Joseph wa pl yed'by Ett,rabeth. `Ritetiie: • Usi.n 'a•.ta e record:er;.all the girls* sang a Caribbean': calypso g Christi as song Incarnation, ,the. Junior arid. Senior choirs of the:•,. PreshyreTiin and •Unit.e.d ' churchest)rtto tis<a 1301' •i `• '•13orn and a beautiful solo l;y, ,ry.• Star' SITall' Sing a Carol was stirs•. bs \'rs;' I:ortie Sp.a.r1; t)r,' tra,st1': CGQd and Chrisuitas and' ;cad tjii: scripture.whi'ch iricli,de•d Chrisrinas carols. \ire, l r4•Lr 'iii fin gave i. star); (<lrristi,;.1,, I ve"; Christmas Carols were l7urningave the C'hri•Srr!t,,s• story "One Christmas Eve in l?trt:,;rc?" • by i1.irry J 'Boyle. 1 l;t< eta . took rplactrio riftirOar 7 told Of. the nand -ships or tors'. The•worship ser.titc i;.i'.• • closed with, a verse:OfI:c.r:ul, ears iii'11 til to�7re:`:tii',lrI;_e�i ;, �, lhtrr in: far ttie •wo'rsliii�: ;c ; ,•I,ct.,,nd pr:'tsided:for the ht,stne :'.' ,• F.line,r ;Sleightholrrl Messenger report `,;r , li'1nr4 1. ridla W•'rePOp .d ills. cho,ol z:oilc.ert' w.i•s ••te•a Hall on J)ec het ' ',i • .i • tNh,ire 1`)ecer.nher e 7rptilr. 5 L'1\ E'IL "` e;oiilt.es. • the °liarerrs: •••e•ho:..: `for'.ttie service was Miss Na Ile [:11e rat (.'.:;1 1.I w,ir E( :Walden... -. i fr 2 xoli,,tr• '$,.,..: • The. ln,_1i-1i•tiht of tlle.•s *rv.ice' Tis kc c .i ia? :',0 i Ever:v year ,is .he 1tQhtti.nt. of ' ind.ividua 1 candles .hr 'e rctr.nirl .' the effect Of'candle-1t 1111:.1n the da,.ke,.icd ,ciu,rcl is,ti"lw4s)'s.arr •heairtirftrl;:a.n"d ,ri)eaaiin7,;riil-r'loseao a lov"el} .ser.vic.ti .of r.worshrirp `.ir<. ,ill<,.,... rrii cr rn w1rI,:rix, 1 (a witlc.! .. ` Ascension Kinlough 10:30 am.. -St-Peters Lucknow 11:45 ' a.m. Church School 10:30 a.m. St. Paul's; Dungannon ! - 3:•00 p.m a2nd, and 40. Sundays. Christ Church, "'Port Albert 3 'p.m. _: 1st,- 3r-d_And3-111:Sundays A Pashidr, Canatiii,11. Selection. (LUCKNOW) . ETD All is Ready or Cc'roIfest:' ',AND • �1 INVItO..0 .TO THEIR OPEN MIME DECEMBER. ..'l0 • and SATURDAY • DECEMBER: 11' The 4th Ariz ua1 C orrt.ri1' utity , Carolfest is being held on Sun - :day; December 12th .it: h.0tr .'.•w.. at the South Kinloss Church, ;lir' added featiir.;e'tllis,`year 'is''a. :prelude to..be'prese t•cd. by $orn.e' -trT tr'r-1 ers f zf etackno`w4gitial: Band. Kiso some of, the creative-' ly'gi(fed oftht:.'6omrtriunity corrlp().s d 'origirul carols'for 'thc choirs t}7r y err.' • Norma ,,raclrity're:hart .;''Wtit.t lyrrics. and the choir leader, Mrs. .Lorne Spark), has lids p'rodtreed 1xith. MER FRIDAY ',and. SATURDAY ONLY() COME AND SEE OUR NEW CRAFT and HOBBY CENTRE ,*. „PETAL 'DIP * '• OIL PAINTS *. CANDLEMAK$4G' ALL PRICED DEMONSTRATIONS' OF "PETAL DIP' 'FLOWER -MAKING FRIDAY -- 10 P;M. • • : A SATURDAY 1 S" P.M .o DISCOVER• Our wide selection of beautiful gifts for Christmas giving . . l rics:,a nd.. trlcl«d"ic s ,.�.: New carols and iltoy.e from other ethnic' bac 14.;rrsrtr;cl'';Ire r!o Inc; ii t;tt• throughout the prog:r ttri.:'!ato: Jtrrridt'Brid Strinbr r'.;iuorrs'.itave' •'.'• grown to Cathedrrtl ,proport "rotas . . *, STYROFOAM' ' `*. MACRAME. . * MoofLS * CRAFT KITS kIFFANV LAMPS •* MODEL -PAINTS *.-CRAFT 5'PRAY 4PA1NT'' CHRi5TMAS DECORATIONS * NOTE:.. We alae pleased to an otiticd • Umt .we are' naw yattr. oi'fxeial Lewiser of _'' a t , dcalc!r, for',tln'sy, area, see us to all your art aid trait. stappha , * BLENDERS *, IRONS *—TOASTERS: * MIXERS• ,PUNCH BC�I!l1.5_.` .5E'lllflN-:CHEySt5 'DR"ILLS * SANDERS *: GAMES • *, TOYS .'* . C,HR'(STMAS LIC:HTS, D ECORATIONS * CANDL ES *' RUST CRAFT GREETING CARDS, BOXED 'CHRISTMAS CARDS„ -and'OW!, .. �+1r:CRANBERR:Y GLASS • *: HAND WOVEN ''PLACE MATS , *° HAND-.KGNItwTUY;s� -.•* '-oTTE° " ,.�:.. -"COFFEE MUGS` .. * IRISH JA . ani cANDIEs * SCOTCH $HGR rariiAG * ENGLISH:cF bC LATES' . * L.1-QUEVI0 C'14l1Ct LA'7'ES MAP'rt. s'VRlii"' r!.nd St1GAR• JEWELLERYN a. PAPER ate' MUCH, MUCH, 1MO.F'Ei