The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-08, Page 5EMBER Ilthe..1971; 1TED - tile ceilings, all carpel:4. Concrete ,Nalls_ rates. Roy )1 phone Ripley WENT for good d bushes.• Write Aisla Craig, giv.' •lephone 'fitittihei efore 8 a.m. or NG information int on dead elan ut, contact Del - 528 -2324,' -age girlwants and week -ends 8-2945. COMPANY..' T -a -n: over 48' : • surrounding 10W irs, We train AIL. ion, Pres:. • ;totem 'Co' Tex: • . . • • . . • . , . , • - • THE LUCKNOW 5 EDN'ESPAY, DECEMBER 8th, .19i4 ... • • • , • . . . . , . , , • .'„PAGIPiVIV: ... .... ..,—..,.:.:..... . , • ' ,..-% LUX . .. .. f. ONTARIO • . . .. . KAM CARD ,. .,..-NKS . • .,._,..,..: CARD OF THANK5 I Would like to thank all those The family' of the late M• rs. John who? remembered me •WhilC was • in the hospital, A special' thanks to Itir doctors and nur,e4.• •SineerPlY • Alan. Kreut;Weiser • Dennis Hogan wishes. to express thanks to Doctors Corrin and Mc - nursing for cords: and visits and, all who helped 'in any way while he, Was in hospital, An was deeply .apnreciated, ' . 1_41sh to ex thanks t�'a1, who /gent cards and _giftsWi1i .1Was a patientWing; ham HoSpital, These • kindnesses were very much appreciated. I • Clarence Greer We. would. like ,to thank everyone • lorthe enjoyabe social evenings On the occasion Of our 25th wed- ding anniversary. •Many thanks. for the lovely gifts and cards,. Bill and Bernice, Burt Askes would like to take this op- portunity to thank their .neighbours and friends for their message$ sympathy. by flowers, cards and", Gideon Bible gifts during their re- cent bereavement, These kind acts, Wilt never ; be forgotten, Special thanics• also to :Rev. J. Van Stem!), • The Askes Family • . • Our sinCere 'thanks tO, Clarence / and Lorne. Ritchie.and t the Luck - Ow fire' Department • for their help in 'extinguishing Our' houSe 'fire. on Friday,' Mr., land' Mrs. W. .J, Irwin : • , ' and Lloyd IrWin- I Would like to say thank ynti•lor 001 received, when I was a . pat - lent in St Joseph s Hospital, Lon-. doh, Also to , those .whe 'visited me in the hospital: and' Since returning. .home, All 'IX'as very much' appre6 • 24 HOUR APPROVALS Low Cost' 2hCi & 3rd .mtges. Arranged in the convenience • • Bruce Farm Report - of, your home.: You can cail 10 10. p.m, • today for helpful, courteous service, Prompt In: 'vestment Corp.Ltd,, 330 Bay $t„. Toronto:. Call collect. 366- • 9586, gvgs. 23143146. . • CATTLE LICE ' ' . -There 'are two basic kinds , of lice' (a) sucking •lice, e.g. blue lice and ,(b) biting lice, Sucking lice are larger and. feed' on .red blood cells.' They usually feed in . . , •. . . • . ii .. , one place on the animal with TWenty-81kladieS, their heads partly buried through, ., .. . ! •the -skin. They 'cencentraeg In the ttend WIP Courte . fods ' arounctt forthe neck, en the brisket, he ears , and scro um and , , , " ' • : on the tailhead. Unlike sucking . miss (;z0:01 killit.lt ot ilk, !lo::...(.•;.' lice, the biting lice usually' move A Typt.wR EC0.116111iCS Eif..11)C'h „ 1 (ron(c) ( on -: • ,'. . around . , IA - " . a .,price ranges.starting at $59.95, , t. (. II IS L. a :.cv, Wt. -a . . on hair,, lOose scales and other lay away 'yours noW and don't be . fix. 1<i t'cile'icl i • w,, • lit Id },1,1 debriS.: They; can ' often be diStin;disappoirited later, The Lucknow • . ,miew,••••".• ii:d.!' Hamilton AGENT FOR,131) OIL. LTD'. GASOLINE DIESEL, — HEATING FUEL AND OTHER FARM PRODUCTS 24 HOUR BITRNER SERVICE - PART -INSURANCE TRUCKS RADIO EQUIPPED FOR §ERWCE . • WHOLESALE --•-• RETAIL .• , . • • . . DIAL 528-3006 OR 528-36J6 ...1•411cKNQW;,ONTARIO • , • I• ,• WANTED :SINGLES, COUPLES and OTHERS TO ATTEND A DANCE AT THE AUBURN COMMUNITY ,HALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17; 1971 MUSIC BY SCOTTS ORCHESTRA • 1 $1.25 PER PERSON Sponsored by Clinton. Junior Farmers •••• • or • easional baby - °nth old baby: Barger 528-2448 CHISHOLM • lieCeitjher :-.11a. , : .. ! heads and. light colored bodies: • ,.....41.044.6.....60,0044**. ' Sentinel, :Phone 528-2822 ; the '1111itlitc roolii‘:, I 1,1'.1.410v:., : 1, guisired .hy their redish Colored ./ ‘ . :.-- 7 - HEATiNe OILS .....UVs, n, ..iCI ariltei. nfgouln},dce c lllasi•-gce more irritation co9rc rereh 04atdthearetil:1Ti.: F.•O-., R. ..S . ' E• UN.0C._. LU,'D4 C• IKSTNROWIBUTOR k.c. 0./11,..,1.c0 ,1: .4,1)(1 j, on ' the body. usuallyround 1. • • ' ', : , '•''' . ' • • ac.(,:. CF So r 1'.5' 4) f 1`.1-40=L.-!'• 't nt: .,-4-t.71• .i. ftirt-ail head and on the 'shoulders .1 RANCH •.STYLE ' brick •-home, . 12 Michell:: ot'•ific .ini :•,.:and neck' Lice ;are not ' tisual1Y. i years. old with 'dpuble' garage 'con- . . • , The..co•ors:. a., , ,,,i ,,,,,(-0 ,, . . I 'fouml. on the backline but rather ltainig..lamki4 .• • -1.chen,--11. vin '.g-.reorii-,.7 ....._. .....- .•.. -. • .r.z•-• . : . . , • . , 0, ! 1 • 1 Lite (0-.;!iinc..d1,-..-alii. 1, L. , Ut ------....."T...--:- 401*', Oki- -11nderline.,:. neck, feet I 3... bedroOrnS, :Plus den, all this .Con . -r ,_,• , -- . • , ,,, ., t •ind leg44,. This .is One reason why,' 2' acres; . locateds-7 miles north of' Products For Farm, Home and • INSURANCE : 1.‘2\iiirSilt.'',1 -111u. Lilt ,:rii?‘\,. ','L):',,:k ;.' , , ' • •. .. . : . Industry , . . , : ..' slit:-qing is often a • more effect- '; Lucknowon paved road." • Priced. 1110.11.tit(:.;.• . ' . . \ . . . . • , ' . . . kg melui:•,.of. Contra than dust-, ' right at $16;680, -. ' ., • .; '•• • - .. ing. Qn. the' •other . hand, dusting .1 ' , . , . ----H • • .. •• :' PRINTED GUMMED l'4".1-3 .4,. . , • . '• i les, expeasive ' . .• , ., 356 ACRE . beef farni, this will 'an •inexpensive Christmas gift, 300 .° • . ... ng-roorn table. R.R. 7 Luck.. ECRETARY 1 4. COUNTY OAFtD ntial"- • ience in senior eabig nenee January ppliCatiOns to;'. ane iristrator th; Ontario' J., Vintar SUperintendent CE MS LTD. 1LYROOD, 'own. Dry Fed: our 'Fresh e, Custdin ,kil- zmgRs fm.• or,:i fat $eer, i2f0.839: SENTINEL .SATORDAY of Clitisl'•. S'ent, 6N' on Satiir ins; Solowil 1, WO tidaV i:STIVAL in advertising W. ("rah' Fest: ltact Dap Mc. !id„ berpo the . ' • • Phone 529-7524 or 5247681 .• • !Aft BURNER SERVICE cAsu.Avry'. LIFE . IC J.. MacKENZ 0 D • Tili• .P.roteci...0u.t..1.K..tc,;', ! ! —thc•buckljne but rath.cr in ----- !hndle. 250 to 300 head'''. has for $1.75, order. now: .The LucknOW Insure Jack • TOday.. • J. A. I14.00,NAGH.' • Lu:now, Phone. 528-3423 . . . • •• to reach areas aiting_the.--undor---Lvh-:patt -anger-feeding. ' Large. efitiriel, .526-2822. .•'../. • :, „ ' ... ' .. • 'line neck 'feet and legs ' This is bedroom Modernized home in good - • , . ',.• . / . ' • " ., . .. ,OptOmitel.st • - ...,.. , , . • •.•., . • . - .1111141100000001/111110411111111111111111111/0111 one reason , why spraying' is . often' Condition. This farm is... well 'tiled ' ' • • -• • • • • • • •• . ' .... • . .' • : .• . .• . ' • , .• •• - , : •• , a • MOre 1;ffeCtiVo means• 'of •cOn- • and is real gond...Cern • land': Full' . . . ' ',LISTOWp. . , .,PHON:E 29'1,-.11.1 • itie than titisting, On' the. other7 ':P.riee $90,000 with .$48,.000 .1:10wn; , . '.:.,FOlt.,.S. tE .::•.... ...' :::-':-. h,,,,t, dosting. is 'less eXpensive. : good terms at 7% . • ... miSS THIS --'7.:acre hobby CHECK THIS. 6 bedroom herne stt-.'... ,/,1, „ ::, :;,. .„ '' • the Ontlfrio Livestock Pesticide ' . '. • .. ---..------ ', -, . : . R. Vi. AN,III.W. . :: S.:1,14:(.'OnUnittee reionunt.nds the.: ,,DC1N.I'• ' TED COLLYER ' : ' . .. .• , . .... 1. .; . ' (1') .-.5eyen" -- _high pressure •T•iZed home, that IS::nicely landScas . .the working man. Pated On ,a ;large IOPHin the. vil- furnace and drilled. well_The own-'• ' ' . , . . , , . . '.., ((Jilt-AN:14 produc(s. for louse con- farm. idka1. for lage::of .Kinlongh, 3 piece bath; oil .• B'arrister:.,and solicitor 4 ...,„ ..., ) . There is a large 4. bedroom modern.: Ll$TOWEL; ONTARIO : • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR; : . • • • .• • • . ...„. . . .. ir61 '' • • ' • • '• • - . • beefP-er will .consider your down • pay- '. • .• '_._IN:;LUCKNOW . •:. •. , .•.• , , ., ,, . Specializing' 1p,, • .. . .' •-••prav'----.- Mix 1 .1b of- 80% .ed :-.This farm is set up for , • . • ... ••• • . • . . •.inent. and .hold. a mortgage On the ...: :Every. Wednesday and • ELECTRIC IlEATING.,, 1..:I,E('Tli1C • 'Wettable Powder in 18 gal.' ...and hogs with A••good bank barn.. 1 . , • • _ ' ....,.......)... • . •Sfsh.tedO.AfferrsoCni • . • • ..• WIRING. AND, IIEP.A...ilIS ' . •'• '',.. Oft:Twitt:er':.-:-ApPly '',2. to 1' gal.- Reasonable ,„ doW,n-payfrient Witt: balance• -. ' . • : . ' ' • • . • , ' ar:ly, Do not: .-g00d-0.t. • * Ofilte-in Olt . orit4lorlr.-77"--.-; • and ,'• . • , . • • .. • „, 4 • . • aP1) . Mgi E. ., , twice, .. , -"--z-, •• ' ' 200 ACRE DAIRY FARM located' . : ... .. .,i,,, ' 'weekly .01.• wiihin 7 days of 1150 ACRE DAIRY FARM on Hwy. -in Bruce Twp.:, '4, bedroom .improv,. sInighter.. • ALL: 'ELEcriticAL. APPLIANt,P., • .••• • • • '-This farm is'set.up,Wi with s abl. ed home, .3 and 2 piece bat • 180 • ,. • , ' . - • . • z, .• •• • ' t2‘. "..,1Zotenonk:'-.dust--11.se. I% .! ing, gutter -cleaner, milking mach- workable • acres, .balance bush. • • barn is- 125, x 10 --7 loose housing; for. 60 daitY -cows, 2. silos 16 'x 50s, ' ,and.•16.x,60. Listed at $53,000'with a '' .: fo ,kin.', Repeat in „14 tO 18 ' with 5 beicirnern4.,. This; is a roal.'s:F.,,P.' whi01.:00 1:!e.assurried.•••.' : 1•L••.13' RAV • .' ,.. • '' : . P. P. ' ., . • . Bob 'Slurnskie full-PFid, '2 Own, owner will hcld.400- • , , • , . • . • . . , . II $ CTOR OF' ..: • , . - jker.--"s-" Peel' ills‘tas. . barn 6-x,.76 ternodelled for beef 4 bedroom brick and frame hom; -----1.---'-W1÷1GHA' • . • IN. L' UCK N 0W.... . • • ,. • .., . '' • '. ,, . . ' :.Dirk1or.-; of the Ontat:io... Milk .r..94..1:14N1.) rrIAN lar ge 10..:roOrn: ca . _ _. _... _•.__ ttle: silo 14• x .65 with .tinloader:,;.•• CHIROPRACTIC ' : '''‘I' k,tinp. Polrd are advising all house ideal for duplex, extra -large 'Gently' rollint lite-arainect 'PrOdue- • . " ' ' • • 'EVERY WEbNksDAY : .. ' 'LI:- ----ticet.s of tlio-pbs'ilit6-litiplit,t-lot On•PiVed road, veryreasonable tive perth clay 'town' .soil, Priced • - lb 0.m. to 12.'noan ',.' 197JOSEPHINE sTo.EtT. , .. it.ioti in .the proviAion of 'Bill tetins, ,.. . I • right. ,wit immediate possessiOn. '• Loetild'in 'Ilreckles. I3lOck . . . . C25.9 in rewect to milk ,citiotas. • . . . , . .•, '. Vtilt4oH4M,.. ' Of irttirest •to proditcprs WhO. '200, ACRE ilef facM-lodat•ecl----in-. _ ,_ P.H01,1E .3.57-,1224". molt ant iciroi 8elliq .th-Qup, 1 , Huron. Township, '3 bedroom mod', f100Orta,AbCieR.E5. bedroom FARM, .com-,. ' • - : ' clili".. t)r. market share ,quota, is , ernized home in good goncli..tion,'. home •with a ' • .. ,... . • ' . that •lifter' January' 1., 1972, •2.0.r:'r 190....aCtes workable ;that is well 4 pec bath, 85 ' acres Workable; iif,' thc Sale ',price oft said quota drained; There are, •2 . barns. 2 Hbaorlynr5069dx. 60Thiwsefilarlinocatieds.aat 8RouRna/. •. • illa. he included..As income for ' silos and Steel g3r00000nary. Total • aproinede_ itivestme • • . II • , • • . , • that Nt.%',1:. ...Sakti takillo late in . 49,001Y With. of '$20;qoo. ,.' I. ...0:. . . , . . . . WE HAVE. sincere clients • looking .''' fOrr-...trrt'all acepaggs....artd,:_totititty,__;_•.:-.1:::::4---,, L---:-',:,-,---= rtirtiiiilei41th stone'or brick . homes; If you ,have an eXtra country .horne on 5 to WO acres yOti would like to •sell please .gve., , US a call. .' • ' • '• Telephone: • • .LuCknow '528-3116 • Hydro Financing Available • , 'CIAWF011D. and MILL 14":"'w Ph"e 28 i802 • J. 11:. CRAWFORD, QC': ALAN R. MILL, LA:, L.L.B. ROSS E. DAVIES, B.A., L.L.B. dust. concentrate, ines, milk house with bulk cooler pi.n.clizied 1. Apply visible . •L realdmgoaondy InotohcieetrenTzterdas.beTibcekrehoithS ae cover; _Work through hair • • if needed good farm. Don't miss It $40,000 • . Phone 528.1326 _ • :IN RIPLEY EVERY FRIDAY • In Ross Niartyn Building Phone Win hani • ice- 357-3630 Res: '357-233'0 02,•N. WINGHAM EIVIPRIA-L stibscgli6lit years will have •a terms at 7";. • GUARANTEED GRANITS )?i1-1110' pet t-erliage consIdered as • • • income. ' CEMET •R Y. LET -TERING. • •• , 2o , piosau, A-cers , sw lfelyliorruoiretr:thinkkintgleof tbmuylci_orff_ • - T ASO 111,1i1-11-11t--E:y - - - (111°IA &---• • -• cP-ontYiet°' 119! S' for, estate planning:or any ,other Buy Dfrect and Save purpose., the Board are' changing ALLEN McARTHUR AT FISHERMAN'S COVE * their effective date •of ' transfer Bu 37 1910 t . • - for )ccombet 11.4.)11(ations Res. 'Ph, 357.1615' . • .:GLAM LAKE ,rC( C1\ prior to i)eceirmet this N't.'.11`, 10; b.0 made • 4 McIntee OPTOMETRIST GODER It • :The titioae, )TICE in LtICKnOW, mlidays frOM .21At 0' Sat'. i972 IPhone JAk,son 4-7661), CHARTERED:ACCOUNTANT Godetich • ?deo:H.441i 52056'i . . , • Doceinner J.)th, 116 1, thus a IVIacKENZit significant,: fax' .s:.1ing may , be MEMORIAL CHAPILF ficidmmi be, at -the---Walker- Serviees Condlicled accoraing • culturt.., find Food Office for on„ , ton Ontario I)epartinent, Of Agri- . . 'WALKERTON , to your wishes in your Horne, saltation farmers, TtiLs ay , wALKERTON • twilit Chapel at no 4,1d(1.11')nal P.m December 7111 and ,21.st.• of ill Grey Alemi.Mtrut:ipoie( ..1,14heitGinrtei saieteditipereuce YOnr Church. 01' 'at our mein" afternoon front 1:00, P;M, to, 4:00 c h a Lr g i jetk. now, p. hon. '5284412 i• ik):1,1e'lethnebeil•t lt5hteh, NI•ar.k4:1111: tist'Mmti,ititIl..61416s:gt,880S'e,Sr:iied8etiteti List. 14.1,40; K,--ktig?rVeore 64101alesitieti v, ,r 0111186h - • VVotkingVot Vail* DaY or Night Conitnission .004041. 4644 00.414•••••••••••••••••ii.• St Co-- timitea • Phone 52.94.50 cintee Co., [mote • •