The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-01, Page 24_PAM! TWENTY*FOUR THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW: ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, D ucKnOW,. Frul tE R l.st,; 1911 YOUR "LOWEST' PRICES" FOODLANA • Kraus and Harding Carpets IN FUL CUSH1ONFLOR • YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING: CENTRE ors WALLPAPER AND PAINTS LUUCKNOW, ONTARIO PHONE 528.3434 he Sentiflel 'THAT sthe 'first in a seriesof free skating sessions for children Will be held at the Lucknow Arena , this Sattir•day afternoon sponsored by the Lucknow Business' Men's Association.. 'See:the ad•in this issue . for complete •details. THAT Mr. and. Mrs.,Sarn Gibson' • ,of •Lucknow left Thursday, Nov- ember 1.8 for' Orlando, Florida , where they will spend the winter months. They.accotiipan ied Mr. and Mrs; Ernie Gibson and family of Am•berley, .who re- turned home.'last Saturday. Mr-...: and Mrs. Gilbert Frayne of Kings. brid_e'.have.moved.to Lucknow and will. occupy the Gibson home for' the winter. ' THAT the Lucknow Horticultural: Society 'and. the . Lucknow; Legion. have announced that they wi1'l not .•be sponsoring the. Decorated f e�" s.Contest this year. WESTON'S FILL.YOUR FREEZER.' • Brown'& 'Serve Rolls KADANA 6 OZ. - nstant Coffee PURITAN 15 OZ.. Stews. Beef, Irish, etc. 'THAT. Eldon Wraith of Wraith Electronics in`'Luckn'ow has.been appointed as a service depot for General Electric and. Admir al -television and radios for ,a I5 mile radius. was the winner of "$300 in the • Winghanfkinimen'Grey Cup lottery on the: week.end. ISI I`'I1-1 GRAS1v1AN tn' Wingham'and' District Elospita'1. on Novernber PRE•PRICE.D 'SALE. y.QnIy99c ALLEN'S TALI,' 48 OZ. Orange Juice SAVE 17c Titin e sr�s�o�: _ss-Ap4.4••••••••44ple...• ET 5 POUNDS HITE SUGAR smtE ins :SAV,E. 23c S.. • ,.WITH. •PURCHASE . OF. 'FOUR ELECTRIC. LIGHT BULBS. ,AT. REGULAR PRICE 00, 100 WATT VALUES EFFECTIVE. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DECEMBER 2, 2, 4 1 'PHONE LU.CKNOW s211-3420' Brother. • ;: •KENNETH MacDONALD' • has.been employed by "the Bruce County�C3oard of Education this year asa custodianof theRU.pley- Huron, Central . School. ,ren. CRAFT 'FESTIVAL CONTINUED FROM P.AGE.'1 ject at present, it was decided to redistribute 'this''mon'ey evenly arnong the four area recreation committees; •Lucknow, .Ki.nloss, West ;Wawa nosh and Ashfield A.Committee was iet' up at .the ri tr`�ig- [7e -i n=charge of he Lucknow• Craft; Festiva l.which .op `erated .for 'the first time last sum- riser and was very successful. Mi, and' Mrs..Oliver McCharles of Lochalsh were named, corxv-here , -an,a 'hAa�, rte;-�D n McInnis .of.. Kinloss were named .secretary -treasurers arid ;other • committee membersa;re Mr. and • Mrs.. Russell Ritchie Of Kinloss; Mr. and Mrs, Bob Struthers of LUcknow and Mr. and Nits. (gnat'. Brooks :of Lucknow: Agricultural Society president ,I3ob Gilchrist zK-rttl'ss, and`.secr:eta,r_y_dss Errington of St. Hele•ts were •also named to the cornrnittee. Totatie_ceipr's from last sum- me is Craft ,Festival were $3874.25. ,Total expenses were • • . . $1764.59. OTIEE . INLAY DECORATORS WILL BE CLOSED FOR. HOLIDAYS Tuesday, December 21st, to Saturday,_, January •8, 1072, inclusive ...,•..MAR G AND BOB FINLAY • , ,. an! ' • s. ert; ras man,' R.: 4`Godericti, a •.• 0. ACK,WORTH. to Mr. and Mrs.. Ken; Ackworth (Ka"thieen•' Ha.cke.tt). of London on Friday, Noveniber 26th in Victoria •Hosp:ital,.'a daugh� .ter, Linda Marie', a sister;for Stephen,, Jeffrey •and, David . Miles Vokes Jr . ,: 52 -year -Old' brother, of`Mrs. Angus (Nancy) MacLentian .of Lucknow, died. Thursday .of iast week. at, Owen • Sound General and Marine Ilospit- al. �• Mr.Vokes lived at. Vit. k. Chatsworth , riaovrti� frc r. l oror• to earlier this :year.., 4a-11e-s--114-f-or: a'.harcl��-,l:t' ltrnl, 'rI had been Months. lresdes his , site; by two; tnarri.cd d r r. t+�•� gransicf.li,ldr.e.n:a(id it•'t •. tt'. •TE:rc ftiAtrcral Hiphrey Fcniil' Enjoy �atherin ST,' HELENS NEWS .On Sunday., the' Humphrey fam- iLy njoyed.. a family gathering at',the St. ;Helens Hall. . Win Webster.returned home: :District hospital ,a fter several weeksas a patient there. Tom Todd is this week attend a rig the Chicago. Winter Fair, The Christmas .W..I, meeting wlll,'T�e TiCltl oto 'iursd.ay al -72 O'clock in the hall,' The guest. speaker will be Mrs-, . Clarence' McClenaghan'of Dungannon._ The:te;mii:.1.be-a gift ecitange �. A good crowd 'attended the Pot. • Luck Supper on Saturday sponsor- ed by the 'rot the corrtmun ity and theft rrmrrrbers The next $hoot Pakty'tat St. lleten's is on Thursday right Lunch will served',.,. P. HAS TAKEN OVER THE OPERATION OF GARAGE IN LUCKNOW 9 YOUR PATRONAGE WO BE APPRECIATED' ..San •nualu day,, ted by gontrr verwoi ma�n`i Sint tie''tris fine held 'ot t0 Chri 24 Ai lAekno 1ion See)