HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-01, Page 16,• • , r`i4 • , •!, '''''''''''''''''''' • •,•;•. , • ' Pima snags orders o ristmas Par Celebrate 251 Anniversary wiltrECKTR011 NEWS.. On Saturday forenoon and after4 noon, November 21,„ole Farrier family held, their Christmas party , and 25th wedding anniNersary cOlebratibn in Whitechurch Corn munity MernoraUIa11 Prese,p( ,for the occasion were Mr,, and: Ruisel Oarrier of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Dill MCIrityre and Michael of London; Mr. anci" Mrs . Carman farrier, Brian, Colleen and Miss Winnifred Farrier of Long Branch; • Mr. and. Mrs... Cliffor'd Farrier and Dale of Kitchener; Mr., and Mrs. ;1440411.espiet.,13.arq and Lorrxine Mr. 4iild.'Mr$'',„ %Chard° stephoni.e.And.'$hawri Sar Mr.,. and Ws, Qo.rilet Farrier or Whifeeburehs; Ni. 4114 mr$,,. Wayne Farrier Atid. Kimberley Of' Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. 110 Stew'. art of 4111gsidei Mrs, Gracv camp bell of Lucknow and their Cousins Mr, and Mrs, Wm. HuttiphrPY, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cook, •Milvert Reid, all of Lucknowi Mrs. i.01114 Clipperton of London; Mr. and ° Mrs„, Chales, MaaDonald, of St,' Helens. Absent for the gathering were Mr. and Mrs, Ed gettne.(14ilda. • F4rrie-r)0St,Uth 4\frida.; Mr, ;and. Mrs.. Dougla,s Farrier and Leasa of Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Davis of Windsor. • During the afternoon. M. and Mrs. Carman Earlier, W.11QA•sere celebrating their 25.th wedding .anniversary, were called to the. if • motor ovirmilikt LucKtiow. ONTAINIO, •plofform ond presented wUtt, o set of clishes, onkt ksuriery. Ttle ' * remainder ):h' l ttcnIV011., NW 4,S spent .vtijoying gionn•I. And • Ik'fOrc, Oepartprs• for home a. nIncll COn W4.4 hld, • ••• •Mr,. and Mrs., !inter •liuttni4'n „, kverley ind SkiS4ila..Liii41.11 were Stnitlay visitors with, Mr. and•'• Mr.a;•Wesley • Visitors N14s. Annie Keunedy ty08141.91, •'. ant,' )strict 10Spikar 1srer.0,• Mts 11tilltstO Jakiti: 3.10 Mrs, man of Ililvertoti, 411. and Nit's. Miteltelt„ Nirs,":001) Adam$ irs.licIty., • ..0zinniss41,t.t '. • Mrs. Purdon of Delgrave spent the week end. with tyr daugh te Mr tjordon Rititou4.,• Mr, Rill.- toul•a dmily and attended •the. reecption.on Friday evening for. Ivir. and Mrs. Wall,. nee Linda • IIA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1st 1111' YOIJR F ON CHRISTMAS.DAY TO THE. 2:00. 5:30 ONLy Martin and on Saturday 'evening the surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Ja4 ivleIntyre oolobratinga'35th wedding"anniversary. At both those parties she met many fortri;-. er friends. She rettitneci to Del-. grave on Sunday. Honour Par-ents n 30th Anniversary 40, Mrs. Al6ert Taylor wery honoured hy their family at piise patty •o dinnrhaenohCi;aerssiaOrriyO.f ,t411:!.tt:eUtyhdiWnende;,... wasenjoyed by.,,tbe iinniediate • •fanuly, O 'in the evehing, thirty-five rq.• tiVes, and friends Tat • O , a socia.l•ti.rtie playing cardsand, ‘. Mr.. and ,Mrs, "raylor 'mete the recipierit,of Ii11ti cards and gifts 'At the conclusion,, a deliCioUs° lunch inCludingaii anni versar cake from' file • • • nvoivedioqethes SD FderaLGovern by fTnanclng add1onI capital works pro • ecl-$.-t-4i'-cuoclit tarlada*We.-1-1-Lbe-'speedv , up the OrOgr*ar-ri.okthe •Centra!Mortgage a Housing COrpOratbri o get more hdrhe.S.1. student hoising..ari;d.SieWabe."--tr-0-trrre,nt pro .et$ under wa.• ••:•. .0. • • Irnent ttln.0:498:,.th.i.horiidoil8r fa. w6ik. • , through 8 series .2f'...spettft.r)rpgrarns. create jobs • .y.Qufe a malot..fOrc,e10•.rn.ki.o..g . . . • • . gram woi.‹•:"We'.re;c.-,our1t.'ing ,on,:y.Ou....e.ithe.ron Y20,r.gwn.• munity groups to come up tb deas fejr .thei . Locai It-14!6tivp, Prry;,.,•,r.rm or -may hayea:sOcial.sr'ivice'porrj}e(,1 or an dea such as a cultural program mprovernents to. Sdbstaridard .hiciuSfn..': • atailte to the •• • Mr.. and: Mrs. Javan of Tillsonbur a'id Miss..1)0;, 'week" erid. 0,,eir par- IC•Ir . ',and -,r•Ta,clor Toy . • . Miss. Nlar5.• :cltirra ,1 patient in:Wingtia in alicir I)jt i. 1 lospiub• ,bn Monday i rank 1r, was adtnitted'.zo London 'witere ill rfiajor surgery 011 J Miss Nlarie Catharines is spiidu k1,1',":". • '- with het.parentS ,• - • , Fra nh&lc nney„ " .- • . - 0/ It is 0,10.ested, h.,1! methOd:of. .togetlietand. •• be rriade to e*:ni.b.rTI:oci: ;Cor.,Tirmss!6ns•;,• boards and asSocjations.to get 0.,n,rpottLpurpose .fairand - \trad0.1201c*ii•pgS. , • .• 'CANADA WORKS Witi-V.FFDERAL PROJECTS There .ere will be more job opportunities in: expnded.. rnaintenance and intproyement •• . =• Ai 46. " • la •• .• =====z -,z = rdppedTi.. crea e emb oy- .11 ' rnentanidmake.yoUr cOM.Munst); abetter Flraie • ••••• Ti-61.6ittg=1.Ln_.• - • • exoand:OpOorturiities for tra'.r)!ng for those who'ar0 unerivtoyed or have ITttle • .. • 1- ..„ i.ofeSt'arld .„:0th'efs ••".. '• •• • • • • .•• • . • • WHERE IT ALL VYORKS 706:EIFtER • startat /0 jr Jr `.3.8 Centre Por flriv r l'irt)(jri:,Irt1S* if,1„•j Contact your local Canada ' ••• • Manpower Centre 1.6 /r.m. . 0 0 ,• nc.1 indiistry , . • : : • :Fbr: th()P: r r- • 0.0ce.A6e. Program has .has. beep e./.,iririg-;(.1 id .1..,e!rry 1\trs.•11:10rence, 'e • roil ws a eh :i;d hone !r,•.. 1117d c• at the 3.5th WeddiT,,; surprise pa.rty -for • john Nra-cdtryire-of in. Wiiitcciltirch 1 ki night, •, • - 0 CANADA WORK$ WITH BUS!NIES 4ND INDUSTRY grarrr-qf-M-r-r-27:611tS or •rirTer-',i7pri37 7 • rrentS 10, ernp16yers'enc,ouragr..,!s :trines to;fhe,ir Staff.,S through • ori-th0--,jOb:.Pr..o•draM . • • c:Ak..ADA; wooKsviTH mtArtio' uts: .00 Local InitI3iiv'e$ Pro;rFtr wUv r,!It mut-) rciOal!t (:reate,addttiorjoi.,)!..,-ttirr)orr • worthyvhfle/ cdirtnilnity (,)rojr•Jr,"fc,'Itr)pri'!"..,i;51 'Illit,712Kt.)..alit!).!•s•.i.i..‘, •$(.4pportarid tilur: I • . • • •. commurrity profebs• • ' , • torr.rx,rir........7 • ,; rrAtlurrrar,r:4‘61..uarr rrrra • • • • • . v - -.L....4, • ` • CANApA WQRKS, • , c,crr . . Ladic$ roil CourseptactiSed.thcq; Fr'esent.i- tion horne•of Ntts,Id4:;:pcIty t know on SA ttm,1,1 hoir relfeaiSai:i•or .11.4110r .and Seki:Or Chc)it Lk held for several 1<i n losvPiVstYr where. 1'.;prne. ist-and choir Icde . . dirpcting .Members frOn cfl1iCge. • Ottitd •T in this • •'. Manpower • Main-d'oetiv re and'Irnmitiratiain et Immigration • • • • — , • , , ,••* „ ' • ' .004.04, WOOtiCS-VOTH.Ti4EP.146\itNtie. 1• • More's:a ment baiii.:RrOgrarn designed 't;i:,) (Jpiatio. trjb r r, • . • • . • „ • • • • • Nit.. and Mrs, kJ ed, op 'the, tyeck NO, '1°11-14 41 -c14 -e- who 4!;efetik .ist?,stinda'Y gue,sr •• All:ister Tiklit; 11Cnig,itNi tf k and :daughter tyunt....‘ wgh '; pare:Int Mt, and IW •flptittart At.tudiv, • ri.an all a nitio: ty to (.010 atftarti is pat •