HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-12-01, Page 62. SPEED 'AUTOMATIC' WASHER I PASA: ' $IX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. Yeoakee F t11 re Loaded: • Automatic • Washer. & , Dryelt: 1 Features 3 cycle -coutrul — regular, perma-press . and pre -wash:' All _with -r'5.:wash-and rinse temperatures =- ; In addition you have -- , full flexibility of the two speed control for normal and :gentle • gyrator and spin; speeds. All porcelain top and lid assures long -life,=Balance f in -is edin hu=b-Wie acrylic :enamel` -over phosphated steel plus hi -bake "Epon primer for lastingbeauty and corrosive protection: 12 •ib: capacity - power overflow rinse. ,-. dual ball bearing mount sloping back panel. .- heavy: duty solenoids: I ---AUTOMATIC -ELECTRIC-DRYER- :Fully E• L- C RIC YER- Fully: -automatic dryer.' Three; Complete dry cycles automatic dry cycle - plus perma-press- and regular time 'cycle Special low :heat drying ;to protect ; any washable : fabric. ; Exclusive new `. filtering system enables you: to dry your Simplicity., clean clothes _with : clean air_ -:.illuminated-drum =ill-porcelain-top---sun-ray- - element — safety door. — multiple heat control giant in -door lint filter (154 square inches). • Lucknow Phone 52:8- 31;12' DUNGAN • Mrs'. George McClena:ghan•,• • Whitechurch aril Mr.':arid Mrs. Edward (Ted) Mc:Clenaghan from Kitchener were guests of Rev.` and Mrs., Clarence McClenaghan on Sendai; .Mr, and Mrs; Jim�Niillio and David'of Stratford visited; with Mr and Mrs. Louie Ivers onVed nesday. Ta rtm i e B �o_ h rgi_�he stj-tc - heS` re . moved .from his head oh Friday. The week previously he .had col- 'tided with the 'buffet' in his orne.an'-causedsome-exei-te--•- - rnent. His ;'mother was attending a teachers' meeting in Goderich at the time. Kathy Bere has been home with a sore ,throat,: and later' with an far. infection, .. ....r..7i Holrriesville , called .on relatives iri-Du-rigannon arid-0od- erich ori Saturday. Congratulations to ..G.irvin Reed;.. Dungannoii:, on' being returned by acclamation as.Reeve of Ashfield. All Members of Council received acclamations for a one year period tb then coincide with.the school board election. Mr. arid Mrs. Wrn;.' Irvin, '9th Concession, Ashfield, and Mr. and Mrs.,' Percy Blundell; Goderr 'ich; were.dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Irvin , on Sunday.. Mr -and.Mrs ri Eed.y and� Martha spent the weekend in .Tod•- onto With Mx. and Ms. Bob I:edy.,` Mr. and .Mrs:: Fred. Young. and ` Sharon visited "Chuck in't'ictoria LOST PART OF THUMB Due to losing part' of his thumb while at. work Chester Finnigan mill be ho.r :e- for:` abou t -four 'I : reeks. ' Mr. Ben Mc Whinney, Sr , is a•patient in Wingham Hospital. His son, Hugh, returned home tint; Stratford Hospital Wednes, dayand Mrs, Mervin Lobb.r time the operation Was on the fingers, on his right hand and he is now receiving therapy: Mrs., Jim McFadzen of Guelph vis%ted•Mts. Minnie ,tones and Melvin' on Saturday. She is .a niece of Mrs. Jones. The real measure of a. rnan's. wealth is how tmrch he would be worth if he had no money. TARIO ReceptiorrHeld For Newlyweds WIlIT'ECHLIRC11 NEWS On. Friday evening, a reception was held for Mr, .and Mrs. Don- ald Wall (Linda Martin) in White- church„Community Memorial • Hall. 'M'usic: for :the dance'waa supp-' lied by the Ma.nn orchestra.: ,As rchestra.; 1, large crowd .gathered; to do honor and enjoy the evening -with--thy`: newly-weds: • = . At iunehitime.'Mr; and Mrs.. •.• Wall were 'called to the platform when •Norman Zettler addressed them and .NormanMacDonald. and George Webster presentee them with' gifts of money. Mr'. and Mrs: Wall..both.replied thank- ing all for corning, to the .ones for .their kindness in putting ori the .party and for their gifts:. ,Mi. and Mrs.. Bi11 Rintoultwere. week end visitors •with their. -' ' daughter: Mvl s. David Oberholtzer and Ntr. 'Qberhoitzer of Barrie. • T'he sympathy of the commun 4y.'. is extended. to..Kenneth. W'eavei^ oUSudbury •and'Mr.s. 'Len .Hicks i passing of their father Kennetj-i Weaver;inr. his. 9.Oth year at the. Home in Markdale...Oloer.'folks of the'vic: inity will rernember'the, Weaver - .family when.. they .resided on rhe small farm more recently owned by Mr, and Mrs„George Fisher. . east of. Whitechurch.. They .were rne.mbers of the United' Church: 0 .. Mi.: and Mrs.. -Bbb M`oW;bray;., Angus 'Falconer., Mrs. Hector... Purdon and L'y'nn.Purdon .attended the Christening.on Sunday. at St.' Andrew's Church,: Wingham of Michael, son of Mr. and , Mrs .Bill McIntyre :of London. Mrs 'Russel;Ross was discharged. from :St.:: Mary's 'Hospital ,,'-Kitc h ever, on Monday and arrived home. The: Craft Club met on Tuesday'. eyening at 'the homeof.Mrs. George Thompson', ;w ere six mern- ber-s-busied- themselves -,at -:° embroider.Ywork and. knitting. g The..next -meeting will be -Tues day,.ev.•ening,:November~30 at the home of -Mrs.' ,Wallace CorinA Thursday Mrs. Bill Nabs,' Mrs. Wallace Conn, •Ivirs • Russel McGuirp As. Ed Walker., Mrs. Elgin Johnston,:Mrs.•. Torn. Met- calfe, Miss Mary' Hehn,• Mrs. McArthur enjoyed a bus trip to London:, Victor Emerson of Friday ac- companied Fail Wilkens to God-. erich. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wayne 'Farrier, an <imber1e.y of ,Hanover. and ,her ;mother Mrs. Barbour were H HURONI INEQ.NESDAY, DECEMBER ]st_+1911..Y._� FOR SALE "Mrs. Gladys Van; Egrnond and Stewart McEwan joined the regul- ars for the old tine mns. c ,, danc- ing and sing -a -long, on. Monday afternoon,. ' •Kinettes Carol Finch Mary y lielen Clifford, Janet. Jewitt Car - el Bowker( accompanied by Chrys- tal.Jewittced. the sing -son on. Wednesday at the rnonthly•1?ro- - •r m -and. tea. sponsored by - •Clinton ;Kinette Club. The residents of Iluronview were happy to have a return visit from the.Jolly Millers „a group of entertainers from Benmiller ,' .for the Family Night program. .The. variety prograin included., a ones • act play; several action songs, a sing; a -long' by the group,: accord - ia•n solos by. Marie 1Ville, drum selections by Ernie Pfrintmer with Mrs, Barry Millian ac'compan$ing on the piano• for the musical :nim*, 'bees, . :. . ' It:has!been•very encouraging • this.'.rn.onth ro' have.had the ,assis tanse of solve new Volunteers. .Weare afraid •it wifl.be impossible to .carry on some of the programs.. without more:help., and we would be pleased••te hear from anyone interestedin, volunteer work:. Wednesday etening'.visitors with his parents ,Mr., and; Mrs. Garnet„ Farrier and his grandrnother Mrs,. --i-G' llesp e. `1,1r, and Mrs. Donald Martin and family attended. the wedding. hof Tom .Deyell ,and Brenda. EI1a - cots at 2 30 .on Saturday in the Anglican Church WinghAnn and the receptionthe evening'at the Legion Hall.. Mrs.; Albert Couitesspeni• a .few days last week in Oshawa with. Mr. and' Mrs. ,lack Coultes'and family Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Joan and Joe weree Aa..London on-lN-ednesd-a Iasi, where Mrs°° Tiffin 'had 'an .eye 'check up .Charlie ' Leaver. of River Sideroad was a •rece'nt ', yisit.or with his sister Amelia at .:Park ood Whitechurch Hi•Steppers 4 -hi Club will attend Achievement' Day at'Teeswater Public School on Saturday,-'Decernber 4. The girls would a:pprecia:te if as many members from Whitechurch W.I.. as to attend the -'afternoon session. Mr. and Mrs, Waltex__Elliott�, Huth;,” David ; Barry.; Karen, Lois' Struthers, a. nd,;Bil1 Forster were.` Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Ross • Henderson•, of Luck- now.. RANCH STYLE brick, home, 12, years old with double garage, conr, taining large kitchen, living room 2 bedrooms, plus; den, all this"on 2 acres, . located: 7 miles north of Lucknow on paved road, Priced right at $16,000, • . . 358. ,ACRE" 'beef' farm; this will handle 250 to 300 head, has 3 silos. with -part auger feeding, Large .5. bedroom modernized .home in good'', condition. This farm is, well tiled and-it-realgoodgoodcprr land;- ufl • 'price $90,000 with $40,000 'down, good terms fit 7%. DON'T MISS THIS 75 acre hobby farm ideal for the .working man. There is a large 4 bedroom modern- ized home,, .that is nicely landscap-. ed, This farm . is set up, for beef and : hogs With a . good bank barn,, Reasonable down payment ' with good terms. LARGE BUILDING LOT 132 x 332 ft. that .has a village plan- -of 4 lots..This is well worth looking into, if not for building, •a good. invest- ment. . 150 ACRE, DAIRY::.FARM• on. Hwy.. This farm is'set up with 'steel stabl- ing,' gutter cleaner, milking thaw- wi ' u cooler and. many other, extras. There is a real good modernized brick home with . 5 . bedrooms. This . is . a, real good .farm:' • Doi't miss . it.. •$44,000 full price, fz down, owner will. ::hold <: rest at 8%, . If -you're" thinking of buying' or selling,in the Ripley to Kinloss . area, contact. ,. ALLEN.McARTHUR AT , FISHERMAN'S COVE. CLAM'' LAKE • • AGENT FOR 0, Limited WALKERTON. Member of the Grey and :;race • Multiple. Listings -Service- List ' M,L.S — :Over :;60 Salesmen Working For Your. *Jr : 01,00 Made 11, OFFI( WILL ASL DAY ATURDAY, FOR THE ''CfiblVE NIENCL: C!F CHRISTMAS 5140PFEF'S . r