HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 24NNW r THE L. KNOW SENTINEL,: • LUCENOW . Ql TART • WEDNESDAI<, PIOVEINIBE SWING CLJSH1ONFLOR. ANDINLAIDIfINYLS 11 YOUR COMPLETE HOME DECORATING' `CENTFE ecora WALLPA'EER-ND PAINTS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PHONE :528 3434 • �o 5th Anniversary A party was:h'eld in the Tees= water Town Ball on Saturday ' .• night for Mr,. and Mrs. ,George Harkness of Ripley:, in honour;of . their 35th wedding; anniversary,. d .11ne-dr r :'family was enjoyed followed by. ,a reception for; friends $nd rela tLves.—h4sic was�provd'ed for /. dancing by the Armstrong Orches- tra of Bervie. ; I -Harkness is't te-f-oc.r,;er�- Marga•ret Grirnoldby, daughter of Mr, and Mrs i;ohn•Gritnoldby of Teeswater who 'were among the honoured guests at the 'dinner. George olid Niarzarot. Margaret lived in the Teeswater area for • about 20 years and since that. time have lived in the Ripley t ea ,_b ttLenjoy good healthi They ha've a fariily of 4• girls -d3 bo *� .aYt ysti ._Audrey, ,w.rs.: Rd'ss,`. JOh.nston .of Teeswater: r, Mar • r. ,.y,, Iv1rs. Fred... i-lubex_ ' Thotnto, t,1, Evelyn:, Mrs. Paul:Ffscher, Tees water;-E3da4Mrs; Richard Huber, •Neustadt; Ron' and Don of.. Ripley and Ken of, Port'St- ,John,.' B.C.: There art 20. grand children.,Arnong -the special .guests were:Mr. and Mrs. Midford. :Harkness who were their wedding. attendant. They received many lovely ITC' from the immediate family. Friends and relatives were there from• 'Hensall, 'Parkhill,: Kincardine,` fiervie, ' Kinlough , Ripley•;::Teeswater and Culross: om By The SentneI .THAT Mrs. -Alex Macbla acid • Miss .Eliza•beth. Rpbinson of the; Lucknow •Wornen's Institu> e , conducted. a'course on "Ontario Fruits" in the Institute rooms ,on., Noverriber 17. The course was • open to the public and the thirty ladies who attended found it every informativeand enjoyable.. •'Many helpful hints Were given. and•recipes demonstrated using Ontario' fruits:. . THAT John MacKenzie, son of' • Mt. and Mrs.. Bob MacKenzie; David Cleland son of Dr. and Mrs. Brock Cleland of Luc':know and, Ken and David Farrjlsh, sons of Mr. ,and :Mts.Duncan Fairish of Loch'al hockey this year with Teeswat er Otters. • THAT Don •Ross., manager -of the. Bank of Montreal in:Lucknow, -for the-past---five-yea-s, left for his new post''n Perth in Eastern Ontario on the.week 'end:.. The. new Luc.know. manager, •Allan Johnston.nf••1,va'lac ebutg',:corrt- pi:enced his ,work here last week,' THAT, for 'the convenience, of • Christrnasshoppers;.the ucknow. L , Sentinel; will remain open all ' day Saturdays from now until, Christmas Normally: The Sent- rine is open on Saturday morn- ing,only.: , • THAT Alll'n Kreutzweiser, 10, • year-old •son of Mr.. and Mr's. ' John Kreutzweiser of Lucknow•,,, had emergency:surgery: for ruptured appendix: oil Friday night about, midnight: • Allan.,:.a ‘;:student at Fanshawe College in • •London, ,had been .ill in •LLndon Thursday. and Friday. and his parent broughthirri home Fri- day with surgery performed later. that night. , He is .progressing • A'nnouncemen HUM ?HREY GII3f3ONS :N1r. ••and Nits. Gorddn Saunders are•happy to announce the engage- ^7 e Fit- o f th e i r -d _tighter SSh err. L-ee-7 Gibbons to Robert Kenneth 1-lurri phrty, son of Mt...and Mrs.` Ha:r old 1-lurrrphrey of Lucknow. •The wedding will take place Dece.m. bin 4 in Luc.know, Presbyterian • NOTICE T. DECORATOIST WILL BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS Tuesday, December 21st, to Saturday, January 8, 1972, intrusive iIIIIARG AN D BOB FINLAY; father Passes WILL1Alv1 DA,I MEFR Williatn Dahmer 'of 228 Rath.- nally. St:' London 'passed away 1J 1asign:rVLa Hos.gi:taLO n- day, Nove rribe r .21st: ;in his 75th year. He is survived by his wife Nellie (Pinnear),Dahmer, one g son John. of Chatham New Bruns- wick,,three daughters,�hlrs. Har- old .(Annetta) Thompson. and Mrs.' • Kenneth •(Ruth) Jardine both of -Lucknow and --Mrs.. Donald e'01a-)-• Johnston of Grimsby,;. twelve grandchildren.and one ;teat grandchild. "j~hr fun&ral servieewalheld at the Jahics'A.. l larris Funeral. m a e -•:e a �z Novcri}her.•2:ird w'itlr interment Pc rest L wn Meniorial.Gardens. Rev; Darweli A:- Welsh of Ern' p're'ss' Utlltcd Church was minister THE LHCKNOW SENTINEL makes an ideal Christmas gift, $6 per year, $8 outside Canada, an 0t- tractive gift card Willbe sent,.. at no , extra cost; phone 828-M22, ;now YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLA ST, .WILLIAM'S 9 OZ, WITH. PECTIN . headquarters For Baking Supplies: FRUIT, NUTS, RICE FLOUR, PEELS, CHERRIES r• E. v amr� n �u vc E D•.SMITH' 40 OY ' Garden. COcktail ; 2 B�ftIes PREM 12 OZ, Si •:HE•INZ T3 OZ..• Tomato . -Ketc OCEAN KING TALL 14 OL REG; TO $1..05 STOi Pink Salmon Pay OnIy T n. WITH $S00 CASH PURCHASE, SAVI GerHa1fGaI;ieCream e 7 VALUES EFFECTIVE . THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATO: _ 1-0Y- 11BER 2?,16, 27 PHONE_LUC.KNOWJ Surprise Forty On 40th Anniversary Mr, and• Mrs. Alex MacNay were honoured on Saturday even- ing Novernber 20th by their fam- ily to a delicious smorgasbord dinner at .the Blue Barn Listowel. • The occasion was, their 40th wed- ding. anniversary with Some 30 • immediate relatives •participating. • Mrs..' MacNay is ,the former., Margaret 13uttbn, daughter of • Mrs. Mary A;'..Bitton and t ie late Robert Button of Lucknow. , Mr. • , MacNay is the son of the late • Mr•. anl s.. eter .clay o ..Ashfield Township. . • • Following their ,marriage Mr; Following and Mrs. MacNay farrned- for fif- Veen years in Ashfield Township ,wher,e 'Alex at that tirne,w'as. Township Tr•easuier. They rnovy ed to Lucknow in 1944, where" Alex Via eipploy ,1,1141 -le orrry- er Maple` Leaf:Aircr-aft Plant. When it closed down in the late forties he joined the Co-op, and Tater acted as manager -Of Kncch tels 'Feed's till his retirement,' of Amb'etley,, Donald of Elmira Kenrlcth.of Viatton and one .son P/U John Gordon deceased in, 19E37. They have one g.randartgh- ter and. five grandson..` • After dinner a social evening was enjoyed when they were the recipients of many lovely gifts, among which included a.trip to' the sunny `south from thcir':s-orla• and their families, HOLD B Qi,..1.. listi+ED 1;142 •Webster;• Trea•surt r Taylor;. Cheerio Steward; Director, for 1 I. Mrs ,.• La.rry.Salkeld., `.rr •on Kirkland , ;Nil Fklt son , MrS. ' 1n/i'11ytr r, hit t Andrew; Direct41:5'.lt�r' t' MIS. Wm..' W11a Ctnte• t (1.L. Mrs Waiter'.iter• l)extc Auditors , Claa S , 14t l'.'•t r -M c Dotrit-kI ��; Mts. C: tare. ce',E'•i tf of the, banquet pro ..13 :r it:h:-a-sicig-snirs' 10,d Joynt ,the piano, Mrs. i•rll tr the .gu est spe•a kt t of Hanover, 1)ir t c'tor of E3: Mrs. Ilio cxr1,1•iilr up and operation urn„t' tion and also ; rav "ri:� ,• on care of.l.awn t t°- ed by :hfrs:.' 13e11. 7'wt delightful. were rendered,,h\ Gra to : nd Sari•who,were^ tl .lr. t.,;; 'Met y '�'u;'� :i t> ll'arve}.' Wt„T114, li'.. ca rrit?ra nia it .d'li,,1':t,,• audience with ;Westctr( arral.r'ri; interesting G'.ir<'w,r c: folk a roar . , Mac Nlilla11.thon;. r;:C find i'ot)ttilrrtil i To, progranrwe„ ed' h.y' ( rtlt"rnh ended with "r''U' c.:ana.ua. i11