HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 20NNTY / THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,` NOVEMBER 2011; 19 the province,, representatives of fed era .1 , ftrcwinciai a11(.1'.11 untic4 overnnients, •College officials and mbe'the faculty:. Greetmeings rs wofill ire extencle 0 _w the guests by G. R. tvleCaNi110. Chairman of the Collette Road." of Governors and, R.. P, CrawittrG College President. I7o11oWing;the official •c•.rc•4tt. onies, ,the guests and tu.e.ntl?ers Cf , u legethe buildingpublic willwheretofacuitri . lttcj staff members will ;provide formation on the facilities ,,n.d coitrs,es of study. T'he, building 'is .design‘.'d' 1 "ii:;' arily to eortsolidate,ttl o.tlt, it)(.--it- tion c) -it-tion existing College pro..,ianis,, including the Marine Scfiool ,:.,,r ,to permit. additional pro;;t t';, tc .•be.made available to r�"sii.etits of -Owen Sound: and ti►t: r:�i,ittit s. of'Grey.and: Bruce. At. the present t rt.ic the cn• Sound cm apus offers rotaiuit 'u.p -.grading. and tttanat,ci:,eut: developntent;progran,s,..tnd itt' addition a number of full' it ;e day progranls, ar•e planned, • ion -Right! FAM :IL Y Boots, boots, boots,. , tall,` ,short, . high heels and flats, great savings on boots to fit every winter need. From dressy to -sport, you'll fnd. what, you ' wanthere. ICE SKATES YOUNG AND: OLD BE PREPARED :FOR. SKATING, BUY NOW. WE HAVE SKATES FOR'. MEN; WOMEN AND: CHILDREN. • Phone 5283117; • Lucti OW .et#eK To TheEdito :'St. Augustirie•s C. 4V.L. , St.. Augustine, Ontario. .;November ;20 ,197.1. TWLucknow. Sentinel. Dear Sir;,. , .. "FOETICIDE IS `MURDI R"_ I is Considered n. r • o . t.eo,tnal,for ',dogto wag,its tail, after .al.l., the' •dogis the contrt11ing'factor.' put • • it is riotherr. ial fora tail to wag. dog Emotions are Very •much like a beings are in charge.. We. can g. , exercise `control''over our erne•- W_ ._e. .hen_otir xrto-tions-taLkms - ,` `charge .of us ,.an abnormal' .,ituatio'nexists. Such/a situationn,•. is rapidly develot,ing,to legalize .' abortion 'in certain circumstances. : These certain circumstances. to snake abortion legal. will be rfi •'(a) A ctOntinued pregnancy' in- valves serious r k to .the' life , C7 r graV'e injury ,td the physical or menta'I'health of a woman; (b) Ther e. -is -.a. -s u.bs to n t -i a 1 r is-14—:th-a4 -th e 'child,wo'uld: be born seriously. ,handicapped by.physical or ; mental abnormalities; (c) A preg haat: woman's capacity as a` Mother, would b,e seriously' offer ....str_a:it'ied. hs ,_Care,,oj.a.nother_,. Child; . (d).A pregnant Worrtan. is rrienta I•ly defective or becomes pregnant while under the age•of, le 'or: as a _restrlt:, x f i•t...wou ld be 'the case; Of rape, Itis .sugg seed that a decision to terminate. such pregnancies Could be made•orly by:a register, - ed medical practition'r in consul's Cation with a gynaecologist i. 'a physician or psychiatrist.. • Ripley central.'Sc Huron GRADE 1 AND 2:. Grades l and, II took a short. field trip this past week to the Ripley Cenotapha•nd Cemetery.. It made. Rernembranc e Day `_`.tore meaningful •.to our primary child,- ren as sortie of the children had relatives who had been killed in t1leTwar.. ! We are nQW, busy trying to pre- pare fora concert we plan to have in 'December: . Report card time always seerns to create q'uite a strain even. at . the primary level. We envy th'e.Seniors going'on .the 'trip to the Royal,: but soine year soon, we,,hope to take the same trip when 'we are older. :We enjoy taping our stOr'ies these bays,.. At 'least ;we. can• We rnUs.t.:ask ourselves whe-the' ,- it, would ,be' a good.thing thi•ng for soc'iety..to confer such wide pow; e'rs on the 'medical profession. :Are,doctors, individually..or..cor lectively, , so: exalted above the; . human scene that they have: any special, .ovalifications_m_in :ke.dec'. isions which Christians"rust,, regard as beyond heir competence9 Are' they after all, so different from the rest o•f-t-h-cemmun ity or re he;rnot ; f kh-eH est parte-, very. mu'ch like, the rest .of:;us, fallible, weak .and. not particularly Virtuous? . ,We• would:'do well toremember that, many of the convicted nazi War . crirninals were doctors who gave medical a,ns:wer to what was in fact a ;moral question.: This is Where the State sets'.itselfupas Godwith ultirnete power of life. •' and death:' a -a . a ' r'a G " Why stop' at the destruction of life4.11211e '. The next,' and logical step would be for doctors to. be riven 'powers to. d.eter.mine whether an individual ogee `born 'ought to be eriT�itted to co.ntinue;`to live. : , p After all this' is how t.hc nazis get rid of criminals, cripples, the insa.ne.,,Jews a71CL,r11Any Other g soli p. s, . 1~ainciful;j "Irtipos§ible in a civilized' and Christian cost`-'° munity"?. Probably theordinaryGe.rrna,n',. �n the. early 103d's thought the �• ,. _... same,' He was proved .disgraceful- ly wrong by 'subsequent events., No Matter 'how worthy ``slay be. tie.:r of ver a.p10 : ng Christiari must continue :to regard foeticide as murder and a clear breach of Gods Commandment; "Thor shalt not Yours fai'thftilly, "'CATHO'LIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE.. S ', AUGUS't'1N3 ,.. 0 ews.. laugh at :our silly mistakes, We. 'will improve' with practice, 'sg.. we are told,, . . Official 4p0ng �tn_Ss�n A1an P, Gor-dO ssistant'.Dep' Duty Minister, *Department o'f Col- leges and Universities„ will offic •iate at the formal opening of, the first building on the Owen Sound • Campus of Georgian College Of Applied' Arts and•Technology. The :cereritony will be held at 'MO p. m. Tuesday., November, 30th at the Sth Street East College location. ' ; • . Guests will include prominent educators from various parts , of is offering dray programs to run 'from Deceinber::6, 1971't:hrough. July 15, 1972' for were unable jo •tart crasser la•st-S'e•p#e.- rber. M E CRH ATNYI CA:, L 'DRAFT ;IN G . TECHNICIAN ' :'The :Drafting Technician will ;work from, engineering: '•s - ecifications, concepts',' sketches and, ideas: and' provide the detailed'.worki.ag_d:rawings,_calculat,ons.and other ' data' necessary to manu.fa'cture, test, service' and modify the product. Employment .opportunities, exist . in all areas' where technical'work .is 'undertaken The. courses.have a very practical orientation with emphasis on development of skill during the two:years' of; the progrartri ENGINEERING :TECHNOLOGY The :Engineering Technologist will find employment in •.industry ,a ; well as other technical. areas suc as laboratories, testing estab.l:ishments, technical `sales support, consultants offices and governmental agencies. He will -have had training in .specific, Skills .aswell:as. the academic, education to be able to: arrive:at practical solutions to problems: As experience;is gained. he should :.rapdiy. assume..m..ore responsible.rotes `such as-thosei;of group 'leader..or supervisor: Fuvespecifuc programs of three years • duration are •offered,,.Civii, ElectMaterials Science, Mechanical and Resources.. Technology. The first: year •iscommon to; all. =R E50RT'.�O PERA:TIO-N-PR:OGRA,My� - : '•,A :two Year program 'to provide: graduates with a b;ackground'in both the business recreational' leadership asPects.of the tourist and industry._ Graduates could operate or assist in the 'operation of resorts, motels, tjourist lodges and similar i;nstitu;tions.:They could also work *with recreation-.cihenlfed orga,nizations'such as. ,r4cA-,;_ .ni•eiti a t epa n e,nts;=tarrxm-un-rt; . . yacht 'clubs' and ski resorts. ' 'LAW & SECURITY ADMINISTRATI;ON A two year ro ram' toprovidegraduates with a' basic knowledge ; • ,. program of faw, rules: of. evidence, sociology and psychology Such that'they will be competent: to act as:law: and, security officers:' Federal, Provincial and •Munici al''Lain Enforcement agencies and, all,require young Men' and women to fill Vacancies in:•their ranks, GENERAL .BUSINS ES Graduates _of. --this two.'yea.r.ps_ograin who_have=sped:allied-rn_aor un ing end employment: in banks, :finance companies, insurance firms ':and: withthe accounting, departments of governmentand business. 'organizations. Graduates with ,specialization • in marketing' may' find` employment with the sales,' Marketing or -'---adv�ertisi-n =de r-t�men s'-of-reaa-i rr and �rrd�ustria�l� i ' ' i h eri. GENERAL SECRETARIAti.- BA,RRIE: ONLY, A one year program to instruct •stude;nts in secretarial •.and•' business procedures. Graduates may expect to find employment in, ,.clerical' or stenographic positions. in business ,offices, bankst. insurance•co'mpanies,. industrial firm's, hospitals, educational institutions, and government departments. ''- RE'GISTRATION: BARRIE and OWEN.SOUND 7 NOVEMBER 24, 25 26 27. STUDENTS WHO SUCCESSFULLY: COMPLETE THE FIRST YEAR: OF THESE PROGRAMS WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR ADMISSION TO --THE--• S -E -GOND' YEAR. IN - E'PT EM B E -R, Please tear off coupon'below and Mail 'to: E.•' Director; Student Services Georgian College • 401 Duckworth Street Barrie, Ont'avlp . Director • Georgian College Box 700 ' • Owen•Sound, Orvtaric / Please Send 'me full particulars concerning the following: fu;I'I=time .day Barrie/Owen Sound: . • TELEPHONE4 a -•y r x. . w 4. '. 4, -4.4 4.4 4 4.4 Y. is a u . Y " : w p' y r w Y w i. y r •r ,9 .. •y •y y.y. v r The college •teferves the right. to canal ` :programs which do hi t seo[fft sufficient enrollment, '