HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 18fw Sd ... PAGE .,EIGHTEEN, THE UCKN,01M SE�ITh_N, EL', :UJCNNOW ,ONTARIO 0_ Mci rriei field Presbyterian ���r�hi ac aNNAN cade, bouquets of yellow daisy MUMS aceented'with a.purple.., bow:` The flower girl carried a basket of yellow. daisy 'mums:` Allan Tranter .of Toronto., friend of the• groom was best -t ram a-n-d-gfrestr e virgtere'd Ashfield, Presbyterian Church was the setting for a pretty fall' . • wedding On Saturday;' October. 30,1971 at.3-.30 o'clock when • Christine Anne MacLennan and John Thomas MacDonald were --uinrted•:anrmarr age;The`dottble"' there's more to It's easy enough •to tell.' all-new aero -dynamic 'design. New handy Compartmentunder the seat! New. Salsbury . automatic. drives! :Gas - tank. cap with gauge!' Exclusive 3 -quart ;reserve fuel .tank. Little things that mean''a lot. Best rea- son of all is:: the people. who Writ] Bo -a SkraretfeW —number and .long on expert craftsmanship and they're outto prove that BoarSk-i-is-abetter buy . , and” - you better believe it!':• You. ca i .be: sure. with boa ski ring eremony Was performed by Rev.. Kenrieth 'Rodney' of Ripley. Lig/WEB-tapers. in -candelabra and. yellow and purple . mu ms decorat- ed the front of the church. The pews were marked'with'ros:ettes • Made from Ancient,MacLennan: Tartan material, artificial_heath,-` • er 'and white bells.' • ..The bride is. the'.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Boyd Mac- Lennan of R. R, # 3 Goderich.:and the groom is the son of'Mr. Don• ald .Grarit •MacDonald ;of; Ripley ' and lvlrs. Eleanor MacDonald of:.` _London. The .wedding music was played. by Mrs..Duncan Simpson and soloist, 'was, Mrs'. Bill .SC'ott'. She sang.. "Wedding Ria.} ez..". prior to -emooy-a n _d -ti, Prayer" during the signing of the register.: . ' Entering the church to. music of "'Trumpet Tune",,'thy bride given.. in marriag;e by her father. Photo` by Snyder.. e6 . • Dan Walsh of ;Woodstock friend.•, Of the groorn, Klaus'1ieiniseh :of , London, .brother --in-law of zhe groom , and Roderich..MacLen- nan of R. R; 3 Goderich, brother of,the bride. .Rings -bearer was Alaster Joey Heinisc:h nephew of the. groo:rn 'Piper David •MacDonald. of Lochalsh ,.'played Scottish Tunes on. the bag -pipes prior to' and'. following ;the.'c'ereniony. . At th:e.wedding dinner:,held in the Lucknow. LegionHi1 ,. the guests were received 'by the bride's riiother:,wearing a.:polyes ter suede •aprlcOt: dress• with long chiffon sleeves accented ;with beaded neckline , brow;n patent purse, and shoes and a'. corsa fe • of :er eL: iii gas. Xsla 'was assisted by Mrs. Gladys Nicholson: who wore a double knitbeige: dress with. sleeveless . . jacket' of .mauve and white .stripes and corsage 'of yellow feathered' chose a white peau de soie'. satin N over taffeta gown, of A-line:des The head table was decorated witha three -tiered cake, and the ign •with :lily-paintsleeves, scoop tables were decorated with can= neckline, an an mpi e:. er�.is tyles anJ 11iui:its ofeIlzicran Y twlith, cathedral train cascading to the floor; The neck ,bodice .and train were_enhahc'ed_tith_a.Lbordet- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 34th 1971 Brownie Newt rl'ihe 1st Lucknow. Brownie'Pack met on. Tuesday , Nov cruber, lCth and the meeting opened with Mrs. Flanagan conducting a game "Lon•. don Bridge''', • fairy Queen Jill Mrlrray placed the Toadstool for l3ro.wnie Ring. After the Suers had collected Fairy Cold Brown• Owl told, what She had done inspection for. Brown Owl then presqnted yrs. Flanagan with h;er 4.;trider tie a.rd,,:she' was. ryiven4J•t t.1Zn�E' Snowy Owl- c,losed Brownie. Ring with.the • Brownie Prayer. Ar' Paw` Wow •Susan 'rhoifipson: Showed ,her Post Card collcCtion to the 'Pack and Marian Raynard • showed how she had used part of the.milkwce'd to intake a picture. of a rabbit.' The Sprites were asked.to Act out the Brownie Story, for the tweenies'next meeting. ;All Brownies. are to: try and. bring a Christmas Gift°_to be.sent on:.to the,Ctildren's .Aid' Society at Walkerton. For w•ork,'period Brown Owl had ,the Golden handand.Golden Lad- der Brownies showing; them;how to. do first Aid and talking. about rules of courtesy. ';The Got Bar brownies practised, sewing .on buttons for Snowy Owl. Tawny Ow•1. watched :some 'of the t.weenie's brush and'•coinb''their hair and, then had them learning how to' tie a Brownie tic`°and:explained liow they shoirld ,take :Care' of th,ern. Those passing tsts•,were Janet Wilkins for runninga/n errand for _Brown Qw.L,.Susan Thonipson fQr knitting and .=\la•ry :Lynn Cayley ,for rules of courtesy. The meeting was brought, tb a;'•' close with .Taps: and The Brownies• leaving •b/y.tlie Arch. • IFYOU WANTA- LITThE M O f E• FOR.YOUR MONEY ,AUY OUR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES This interest is guaranteed on 5 year term purchases. Other terms available. Minimum deposit S500.00. Interest rate subject to change without notice. 372 Bay St., TORONTO • You can buy :our Guaranteed • Trust;;..Certificates from your local financial :counsel or Alex'' acNay BOX. ;125' UCKNOW ONT. when she received many lovely' gifts A coriiinu:nity.shower was held at.,Nor.th Ashfield School with l ostesses:•; 1rs:L•loyd Collins, and'. Joe 1,\Iacintyre.. 'Miss Pat 7riria7:O'c nnor was hostess„for•. a girl. -friend shower. in, Goderich ' and classrnates of 171 Nursing class wereinvited. to.•a ;shower,.at the home of ',Mrs: i lai, ih, LLo_idon,.siste;r,•of t1;; c��r';;, `fhe bride's.n.rothes cntertarncd.: at .Troussea'ir her, f;oncr., 'For the..rchearsa.a• : for asliord• wa -1ri1d ai t}ii',kriJr 'groonr'sfio tyc irt' ltr� lc : , wtyrk, a, pleasant social c\rriFn rias �i q, ed. .by the weddin, party 3Ii. IF YOUR MAILING::LABEL. • purple; :A neighbour :and . friend• of the, bride, Mr. Joe MaElnt re wres master of-cere�nvnies, of French lace. T'o complete her. A reception and dance• follow= gown, .Christine wore a veil of ed :in. the Lucknow Legion Hall: _nylon tulle ;edged. `with lace ,held • :Ear ut-her-'s-arch t`r su'pp-l-ied' • . PMENT LUCKNOW, ONT. 528.353 by a matching lace how, and . . music for dancing..' falling, into a full train on,thePor travelling to Niagara'Falls back. A necklace and ear rings the bride donned a long sleeve of cuitured'pearis•'were worn, a ' wine wool t -crepe dress, black • .gift from the groom. She carried ,atent accessor'es .'r d a h' e i . ite Bible centred with ye oworchid corsage. roses and white orchids with trail- The bridal couple will reside i Whitebb s. ng ri on . Miss NancyfacLenna.ci o.f Cyod. to itpley where the groom is a' Erich wai-1 "s s er'SWrrraid of }iorl 1:IS rrhi 9-1319li ILC.II.-7-11n.- our .and bridesmaids were Miss Patricia O'Connor of Cloderich and bliss Jacqueline Noris of London, friends of the bride,. .'\liss Jo'cd Johnston , Ancaster Ontario, cousin of the bride was flower- bride'is.a 1071 Graduate of Perth. 1luron Regional School of. Nursing Stratford and is. an Associate 1�leinh;er of the Scottish Dance cachers' Alliance -of '(Ibis ow, prcitn.try .. They were all dressed alike. in floor -length gowns of°purple '. velvet 'with.stooped_ n.ecklines.-4nd�- 1.11ployedat die C`,odericlr Psych iatric )lospital _Guests were present from Sault Ste r Marie, Ontario, 'Kalarna•zoo and Ilirrtninghairr.,. Mich. ,. Peter- borough. ",Toronto,. London, St. Thomas Owen Sound and sirrrotrnd'inrt; cotrmunities C,rr,.-Nuptial Events Prior to‘her" niarriage the bride was honoured at three showers,, short sleeves. The. empire waist,_.. .front and back, was cornpliinent ed with White, lace trim and' yellow Velvet ribbon., forming a bow Arid falling from the hack, They wore yellow velvet ribbon in their hair.. "1'hc rrtaic1 of.hon- OW And bridesmaids tarried cal - STARTS S. W ITH,,AUGUST'AND ENDS WITH 1 • THIS IS THE LAST WEEK YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR .PAPER °' IF YOUR .MAIIING„ LABEL' STARTS WITH SEPTEMBER AND ENDS WITH 1 START-S-W_l:T l=,-OCTd_BEa .AND ENDS. WITH 1 STARTS WITH NOVEMBER. AND ENDS WITH 1 YOUR PSP—ER--I-S-- D U ENQ FWD PLEASE CHECK THE 'LABEL ON THE FRONT OE 'YOUR' PAPER.:. k_ b Trorrast'qualifybe for Post" Office mailing privileges, ct'I1 subscrip'. utts rho .1"aW. ... oryour •paper 'gbntinuc plea e marl ,your. substriptidtoder orthat drop into our officewi11 to, pay. $6.00 for Canada.. -$$.06 . br UyS.A and 'Foreign. H BO) 3 LUCKNOW