HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 15ME£ R 24th0.1911, 'tin ; a fe'w liners ocut Sumrita:ty uit' Will be 1141 lece,rraber 1 at _ Clarence Rite' ff 1Zoulstoti,„ County Rally •41rs.."Robert tided the Area lover brought, )Ort of the ' utehtie rcaa.a;n ' '1rs Leonard. • rewarhs. were � 1 la nit ton.' reerecs. served ONES DAY,.'N;OVEMBER 24th. 1171 -. � E I.U1CKNOW -SENTINEL, LUCK..,O -• N ONTARIO W IN S t QFFKE WILL BE OPEN. ALL .DAT 'SATURDAY NO E MBER 27, DECEMBER 4, 1 FOR .THE. CONVENIENCE •OF. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS proved *you 'four. f more • th the rf� ENJOY 130 7 itll?.. 'I'Hro bas load§ 'of' students• frorri lti lev C,eiitral School.•en'o • trip to Toronto on Friday,: They • tiisito'ti the Airport there and spent some time at the Royal Winter Fair., they. also enjoyed. watching' • the' Toronto llaple'Leafs practis. iney.at the•=\ta.le ;ot autorapils'froiim paul Render- • .' ' • •. e rip :•were • •`•\;1rs.. Ilenderson , Mrs l lartyp , l�lr..Sta.nley�. and Itfr. Armstrong.. 35th ANti11'1;RSARY Congratulations to .Mr, and .Mrs. .George llarlule;s who celebrated -their 33th wedding anniversary., last. week.. A.party. was held for thein in the' Te'eswater •Towri Hall. on atur av \ • \isftors,last week with N'lr.•and `• �., 1)on \leC•osh and . Dick. Were and l,L,. Leo.nard..•Srtiith l.ctcr and i'hillip and. Ra ph Jord- an of11, P0,11 Tliontpson ;• y Jo‘.6.• ,i nd Ian Elliott, C,eorge'. owvL1.1 of 1.11 iclrow,and .,Nir.• arid. �lla1'i.il Arnold of Ripley. '. The '''1 11 Luadcr,; Mrs; ' kcith Don MacKay were guests in Tor -,•p: Lijckn�w. onto of the Department of Agric , - ulture and hood fast week, . ' Burie At • A number of lad'pd4C ies e . Stanley Deinonstratiopat the home.Of Mrs. Harvey Needham on. Wednesday. Those from this •area were •A1rs, Jack Farrell ;sirs. i3o.b. Thompson;•Mrs. Victor • .Ga w1e::;Mrs. Don N HITECHURCH On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin' and family haci as their guests Mrs. Karl Peder- . 'sen, Karen and d Greg and Mrs. .Ethel Stewart , 'all of Wingham. The . Pedersen family • are moving in ,the near future to Delhi. • Mr: and Mrs. Percy,Youngblutt. of'Auburn, were Sunday'visitors• With ; Mr. and Lorne Durnin. • On Frida evening at 7 4`rloc Mrs:. Doris . Willis attended. the ' , ' • 'Brown= Alexander wedding art Wallace United' Church and later attended the wedding dinner at Mayfield:. Community Centre and the reception at Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs:.•. Gershom' John- ston of Wingha•rn .on Tuesday . visited Me: and Mrs• Earl Weitz. bf .Walkerton and with Mrs. Annie Taylor;; Mrs.. Darling, Bob Rich - ardson•and Dan McKinnon of l3rucelea Haven. • On the week; end Mr. and Mrs. Johnston visit :ed. with Mr, and Mrs. ,Jack .John- ston and family of'St;•:Pauis and.. oh Sunday all visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Ed.die•Higgins of Lon- don.. •Onthe,,way home they • MRS.:MELVIN KING , On Wednesday, November l7th the death o•f. Mrs.. 'Meivin•King of Luc know occurred''at'Wingham and District Hospital`following a.: a -t -t ''Mrs;.,Kine7 was the .rine = la.y Fox , :daughter of tie late' Charles and Raohel'Fox•. She was born in hladoc Township on , Juno 7;, ]i✓3; On October 22; :1919 she rear- rigid Melvin King at Frankford, Ontario.. Bob Robinson is visiting with. friends ill Toronto'•this 'ails. Eari•Elliott , Joyce and Iasi/ and A•1•rs, •I7on. NICCosli visited in Detroit last 'week.w They spent a • few days;with.,\irs'. Ag•iaes ,Elliott and =Mrs, *Cosh sperit.sorrie'time, with,; Itev: and ;Mrs. William'. Col - • :. \trs. Don Dore and Cathie .' •visited,'on Friday with,\ler. ;�urcl r�rnistrong ,' . •Sdnie 'of those= from' lrt:.rc ; r'ttend ink? tilt lit�ta],.S�:inter 1'air.in Toronto iyeru .l)oit .\`lacJ:ay Les kir. �friracl lr�:)r: Cosir. and':.fir., .trot l,1rs.1Francis:, !loyle who also visited :\',r '' ..t Ltd :'\1rs. Fred' 1;0w ler in 1oronto. Some five• years ago. Mr, ;and '. to Lucknow+; .where they•.had Pur- chased 'a Fronto, just north' of flaw- l:'1ocl< Street. • The 'Bowie is.known to• many, as, the forfner (.7ana:d.%:an • :National Railways.section house; Whiclialiej .houhlit from *Ifairy 'Nit. and : 1ts. king marked their•Stith weddin; annive:rsar.,,• • ; •in•Qc.tober 19G0 with n errtbers,of` "their••fartri'i' `•in Toront •They were ti'erirtieis:of LucT;= rio'1w l!nitcd Church where Mrs;.,. Nin was'an active rile'nilaer of the 1'1rit d•Ciitu:cli• Woiilen.. 1".lie , hod tirade .:nilly .friends.%it the 1111�1'kc d:iariug'tlreir.sho.rt time herL',. ,whoa pa ssi tip hnsband aiid'tltr& dati litesrs• Mrs. •'1'h9nia.s (!x ulall) Cook -incl JL1.tw I n .(.. 'fit ta.d aa= -Si- 4f e4d iotl�i: f Sc_ i rborpti and Arthtif (•;•;c tti ):. Cook, of I cirutto; once •sista' \;rs. � .t'Ctic' J<''r •'a ' s•to•n ,lrtd •thte'uhrotlicrs. �1�•n.i. lox,. •1;ert v 1:)o> and .1\ 0j.:01 !ox,.. all of. :'T(�t'aTrttO. • S1R Way ]pial] ceased lit• one IN 0,010. , r=1nt Fox of TOrorito • *us r�•: ;7.343S' 9911114091999.9•941P 9999 41111111111.11411991090041041110 COME IN 'OW AND LAY -AWA` CHRISTMA FOR. i 11( flirt .11 st rk ic•'c was held <tt •` r,'•kL Its lc •Nie i.Porial •Chapel, :,•. i l� ,, ;Not:rittrb.1rr ' I l.rc'i rlowc 1'.ilitc.'d•e Burch was ra in' •t ti : f, ilc ncntrart'•ral.lhearer` lv,ere . 1i lrtc't Iti't'l's.tZ`ry• \ aiter Alton 1 'd rid F ill..Mae1)ortalcl; • !r:tc L'ntitwils. in i;oopc`,r (µemir a r s :,1-sic:r��rYt,lri=o.��rtt.rlr y. LI 41y ,, 4:1(ti;ltl�cr 12tit1i :j4c 4 SL`iIG 4':w'fc I;, was r; irtistc�r' 10: 1111' s`t'Qt e'sIcic` 1 `trF1 p.11llyt.N1•r. tti'e'r<" all. 11 4..1,l1.trlig• 1Yrrl 1 t• r,tarsl�ri •t t.lId t',,r.ih; rn,' l; t,ort,rrcl,..4.1lrrreta, 'Eitaood: Crrtirllatri, ,trier Lynn NIrt`c)\' • 1 'Black at Clinton. ,Lorne Smith of 'Markham• .with • the Department of Education visiting High Schools in. , Bruce Grey Weilington and is visiting hldr-.—syrd Mrs.. Russel ''. a.rhan w - s. ary PAGE PIPTI$N' • Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Irwin of ]Oshawa were Sunday callers on:1Y11.;:1Y11.;. and Mrs. Torn •Jamieson, Miss Anrue'Kenned;y of Wing - ham was. admitted to ha and District Hospital ontMm •- P' •Monday. ,This community Wishes her a ,speedy recovery. • Miss Janette Johnston of London spent the•week end with her ,par- ents : Mr. and Mrs. 'Clark Johnston. Visitors on the week end 'with k--Mr.-and 11r -s. George --Asher of Wingham, were Mr. •and.,•Mrs. Bill. Fisher, Teddy and Kim of Don , 'Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fish er , Lonnie, Lori and. Lee of • Guelph, Mr. and Mrs:.. Cannan , Machan of Waterloo.• On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.. Doug- las Tiffinrof Wingham had Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Tiffin and Steph- en, Mrs, Ethel Stewart of :.Wing-' harn and Joyce T.iffinto cele- brate their parents Mr. and Mrs: Dan -Tiffin's 27th wedding anniv :erary. . On Saturday evening 'Mr. 'and Mrs. ,Earl,Wilkens, Kay and.. Glenna attended th•e•wedding dinner and.. rece.tion at Twin. •Gables Colonial room for Ross. Sommers and ,Marie Jacklin,, who were married ar the Presbyterian.: Church Listowel, .Saturday after- noon. Mr. and .Mrs. Elgin. Sleight ho+len •of Toronto spent the week ' e-area:-1rs e�tt�-tti-his-parents Mr. anis Chapman is his aunt.. Mrs. Elmer Sleigtitholm. a_. FOR ALL THE FAMILY • TO ENJOY • 'tlON p_ on Color. Seta lite "u •and Solid Copper Circuits; Cotl��ilY ,�q •�>, .. • : , 'FOR RIGHT' NOW R �� OR L IYAWAY ra s .. . FOR CHRISTMAS: 2" . Plu•s These .Great .• Fedtures LHatidsome,.,:22':_. Concolette� "Lobb .. a: biiet -' omputer de9i s] led'' 25,000 voltChossis.' New Phosphor bat'bat'p picture 'tube, new p Vlstd • `UHF • ,.. : • •'°end• VHF solid state tuners, Alt "� 9 warr.ael, instant •picture, 5 year WITH nty., NOW ONLY ,,. TV TRADE Greer T.V. And Ltucknow Electric Phone 528. 3112