HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 14S- PAGE' ,FOIJ TEEN THE LUCKNOVI SENT1:NEL,, LUCKNO! HT.ARIQ. WEDNESDAY, NAVE FOUR SKIT$ •• • • Room Tielve enjoyed four skits. :on their novel Johnny Tremain, on Wednesday. These skits were presented in the auditoriumfor th. rest of the class. " The themes were the Office • Meeting, The Getting of. the Cup,. .The Home Meeting, and The Court . Case. In each of these skits Johnny Tremain was played by a different person, Jim Moran Mac- Alton y ... Alton and Stephen.M... M each ..• played Johnny's part. ASSEMBLY On Thursday the two grade sev- en classes .presented an.excellent assembly for which Nancy. Alton was the chairlady.. Mrs.' Allen. and Mr.. Finlayson, along. with their Classes, planned and presented several very inter- esting numbers,.. _The whole as- sembly took the, formof a, radio broadcast from station S, H. I. N•.. E: Brookside: . The 'programme open ed with Maxine. Bradley playing the .drums:•followed by the singing. ' of the Lord's Prayer. • A quartette a ea a icorice tic s sans., "Moonlight.'Bay". and "Alexander's Service -For • •:•AMBERLE•Y NEWS: On: Sunday , Novernber''21, a• • bus Load' of ,friends from the con-. gregations Of Pine _River, Bethel_; and Millarton' travelled to .Beth_ any. Inite• urc at • tterc i e Station•;to be _presentat the Ordin.. ation'Services for Rev. Donald' Hutton, Donald spent his boy hood days in'this'area , being the:, son of the late 1 ev. 'and. Mrs.•• John. Hutton, and is to be con grattxtatecron. it's:achievement. Mrs...William' Leonard , Point Clark, is`a patient in Kincardine ,. Hospital,:and our best wishes:go • out for :a speedy, :recovery. "-Mrs: ,Jack-Carripbell of Amber. ley..was ,the.'winner of the ” Nin a -Dinner" Corrt:est'on CKNX last. week; Congratu1ations' Linda 1, Mr; :and 'Mrs. Wilfred Heapie froth . Oak River Manitoba , • .`visited this week with'. Courtney relatives' in this -area.;' Mi.' Heap- , ies. ea.p-•.ie's. mother was a Chisholm: and Owned by J. 'S. Robb.. ,The late Mrs. , Pat. Courtney was a sister. - of-t'irs; Rupee, being the former: Elizareth .Chisholm., W.. and Mrs-. Eldon Bradley and Ragtime Band'. A brief switch was Made to television. for Mary Anne Alton's'solo, 'Songs from the entire group included 'PAH Come, Flowers Sunset and Trees : Bimbo and Never Ending Song of Love. Several radio commercials were included advertising •• cheese., shaving cream., mouth: wash and dirt toothpaste,. Twelve' of the grades seven girls entertain ed With a dance. called Alley Cat and while the 'flag o.f our, country flutter -ed =Yn-the-mbar-eeeie4tiLfront of'.. a spotlight, .0 Canada • was sung to close the;,assembly. -Observe Stu.,:: ents In Open CIass..On1. To observe pupils at school in the new, Open Area Classroom for their. November meeting oil Education, the members of• .ICai- Shea Wome:ri!:s. Institute spent a. half hour'at Luc know Central Public School on Thursday. The regular meeting then comlxieri ed at the honie of Mrs Clarence Ritchie with Mrs. Rupert Gilchrist: and._Mrs: Gordon. W411 rn; charg..e. .A Daring th�"bui-rress• a donation was sent. to Mental Health Assoc- iati.on, Members were reminded of the .Short •Course. "News and Ideas for Kitchens" to be held. in Lucknow on Thursday,• Decem- ^ber 2 from 10 i.in, to 4 p.ru..' The next mc,eting will be held atthe horiie of Mrs., Gordon Wa'll'oir December IQ, The men_' bers are to bring 'white gifts for the Coderich .Psychiatric, Hospital and also a gift •ex'change• under a. dollar, Mrs. Jim Burt had on display the crafts made -by the 47H girls in the club '„Focus on. Fitness and to be on display at Achieve ment Day at. Teeswater on Decem- ber '4. • The roll call was answered by each member rec. from a favourite I. Day for Ontario 'IPa in Teeswater on is 1.30 P,,.`•,Mrs:,. chie and Mrs. Cli delegates to Bru'cc gave good reports. Gilchrist who atte Convention it Hat back a concise rel events, Mrs. Clarence 1 amusing story and 1M4clnnes give a .re• g ulture,, 'Cot•rtesy given--b}�-Mrs C;-1 The -hostess. and di lunch. were in, Niagara .Falls ,recetitly • where they,visited With Mrs. Dor- othy Brown, ;former residents of • Aniber1' y, Mrs. Brotvri showing :greas.414proveMent and i-s-a-ble to.' walk with the aid of a cane. • • HO L l A Y ,Ili FLORIDA . 01%, -Ladle ,and Lisa left"on Thursday for a, short holiday in Florida. Accompanying therm_ were Mr. and ;vers. 'Sam Gibson who will •be staying in Florida for Arthur, Messenger is a patient . -• in Kincardine Hospital: We wish. `him a speedy recovery„ ' •tr, _and 11-fLT valiaceuilrewster .� of Point Clarkisited'their d'au,h y • ter Mrs-. .0, 131,Ttgess and family in' WateFloo laver.week end. While there." they'celebrated , tr..ljrew= ster's birthday and took.in the . •.;i at w the �"The i'he Wortde.rful' Workl elf Gu est"sr • 1-ROTAX-ENGGNE• FACT1IDEAL-BALANCE �: Designed exclusively for The power to weight ratio is, each tnodel of Ski -Doo • . Kist right. Even the snowmobile and:winter position of the driver'has proven to start even at forty beentaken into account. - below zero Aluminium' Enoughweight on the track alloy cylinders. aluminium • to'giveouu sure thrust : pistons. Shrouded axial fan traction and enough weight: (two cylinder engines) • on the front for carving and cooling, fins get rid of • tighter turns. • heat fast to keep it running : cool. Fact is •we're the larges -most-,experienced snowmobil manufacturer in the world. Here's why! FACT/ QUALITY BUILT. The.keynote'to.each Ski -Doo snoWrriobi.Ie is quality: Each. one is'.checked on the drawl ngboard. test run in the factory and checked''out byVOur e -I -r a- e best possible; performance for each particular model. - a FACT/ WIDEST CHOICE: FACT/ BEST SERVKE: The economical, fulksi ,zed. , Our, special factory ap Elan` model at$595t •. service'schoo•Isassur+ the fun -loving, sporty qu'aliry:maintenance Olympiques. ,the.zappy.. Ski -Doo dealer, one o T'NT• trailbusters and:, the than 2.400 across Nor e :fhe=lu-x-ury--L- 7meuca=also-ofiets-YA laden Nordic" machines: dependable warranty. Fetus Alpine4 Valmont', .• ' • most complete stock t Blizzard! seven great`senes genuine'Ski-Doo part more than 24 models,' • "accessories and winte fashion .a These are just a few of the FACTS. ' If you want ALL the Facts„ go to ,your.Ski+Dob dealer and pick tip our 22,page Facts book. When you look at all the facts ... • O 0 manVlfattuiee . irads srtwk� of 9 kniiee umi'ted tai t' gas more going for y J.. 16 PATRIC VYNGHA1V • • PONE' : 3356 PRINCESS STRI ;entre KINCARDINE,' PftONE