The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 10• • P' TR! E; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L,UCKNOW, ONTARIO: Kinlough ACW Held Fall Thankoffering Y • Kinlough Anglican Church `Women entertained at the, Fall. T•hankoffering meeting. The President Mrs. -Gertrude, ...'t"72 r • Walsh .opened.,•the meeting With ,a • _, --- ,, •,. , __._,.v. ------ .prayer arid. exteticied.a.,welcom:e to all present: • MIs.. George Young of Bervie read the 28r'dPsalm for the scrip- • . . • ture. .Mrs., Jack Scott led in pray. ' • . er •a:nd the Lord's prayer wa.s • • • repeated .in unison. Mrs..Clare Johnstone of Lucknow ' . favoured With a solo "now great. . Thou art ".., Mrs • John Hodgins . . : • . ' 'of Kingaif read the poem "Fall t; • is -beautiful". r • • Miss'May Boyle intr. duced the ' speaker. Mrs.•: Leslie Pil ri of Eden Grove, .who gave any • worthwhile thoughts basing part • 'of her meditation on. the Lord's • .:meson thanked .Mrs Pilgrim ,> who is pres- - idents of the Deaner, and :res" Y• P. •, ented her with.a gift in:apprecia- Mrs. Walter Loel .,,of Ripley • favou'red with a solo "Thc gentle Shepherd" accompanied by 'Rev. - a Ri Cdendahl. •Mrs: •Albe:rt`Co1-: • '' well ofKinloss'p.C.W..gave a • reading "Dayin and day' out" con' . g 'eluding "A KitchenPrayer" n$ The offering was received by Mrs..George Graham and Mrs; `" Roy. Collins. :The .prayer was. offered by •Mrs. Gertrude. Walsh. •: ' Pre Christmas in Other lands was "Mrs.. 'BiIIRintouI, Is.WMSbPresi.de t WHITECHURCl-.NEWS Chalmers Women's.Missionary Society held their November W ' • meeting on Wednesday, iyovenT.7 ber 17 at :the home of Mrs. Wal- lace Corin with an attendance of 12. • The call to+worship Let us Remember was given by the, President Mrs. Wallace Conn. Mrs.. Wesley Tiffin read the ,scrip-, tare and gave the medita:tion.tir prayer was given byl'virs:' John 'de Boer..• The roll call was answered by a verse 'with the word' peace. Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, reported the value of the .bale .was' $41 50.' The December• meeting will be '. held at the horne•,.of• Mrs,' Dawson Craig. Mrs. Johnston Conn. gave the treasurer's report.,:• The col- lection'was dedicated by •Mrs: ,Wallace Conn. The topic Remembrance pay was given by' Mrs. Victor Wyb- enga, who said`.at this tirne of. the •year •bur thoughts are on those whooffered rhe supr.erne;•sacrifice o.f_gt ing.their life fo there otec- tion of their,country. Our. ' thoughts travel to.the. fieldsover- se-as--where the, poppies grow It . would be heart warming for•those who. lost .dear .ortes on the battle- fields attle-fields tosee how the final.resting places of these soldiers have be• come shrines Of .greatful remem brance to. the people. for', . LUCKNOW 'CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort :Pastor Services; 10:00. arm. English Service. 2:30 p.m. English Service.. Except .2nd Sunday of -each month, .when the . afternoon. ' service ,.is in. Dutch.. ' VISITORS: WELCOME. - Denominational 'Radio Broad- cast, ,"The Back To God Hour"; every Sunday: CJCS (Stratford) 2:00 p.m.; CFOS (Owen Sound) . 6:00 p.m. Kinlough 9 KINLOUGH'NEWS . The 'Anglican Church . Women • held their.'November meeting at • the home. of Mrs. Mid ford Wall: 'Mr's:Gertrude Walsh' P•resided and the opening hymn was." •Faith .of our Fathers" followed by prayer,* Miss Edna Boyle read:. the scripture And:Mrs: David Haldenbyg ave g the Meditation. The .word .for the loll call'was 'Remember Mrs..: Howard, Thompson reported,: on "The Living' Messa-gels..and=a-1so highlights -of -a' meeting•that she attended in•':. Owen Sound.. WEDNESDAY,, ,NOVEMBi KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ev 0. 'MacPherson, . Minister EVERY SUNDAY 10 a,m,, Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service, 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 8:00 p m: ,Prayer Y Meeting. Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church Rev. Glenn ' Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 :NOVEMBER 28th 10 a.m. Sunday, School it a.. Morning. Worship work conv.e'ner,,.Mrs: Roy .Schnell-• er',,three. boxes of baby and child ren things, :quilts and ;clothing for adults,, as well as:Christmasg ifts -and-er•eal's-re packed, 'these...bales will:go'to .the Diocese Ascension Kinlough :St. Peters Lucknow Two. of LUCK`N( UNITED. ' .I 'net, Robert. Nieh Minister NOVEMBER.. Advent '1 10 a Sufday. .11,444,3010704: POINT ?rap() Wonder stands at tl worship. Thor ,.ANGLIC, CSL:URC LvcicNOW AREA The Rev. R. Oc Rector: • NOVEMBER Advent 1 St. Paul's R;nley ' Chur-eh-School- Choir .Recital l of Keewatin and the third to St. Monica House in Waterloo,. • • '. Tb.e._me_etiog cl.nsed with. pra, .er . S and. lunch was serred by the: hostess, assisted by Mrs Rose .. Hodgins. Edna and May:Boyle will be the December Hostesses,; Proira rr .Conveners , . Mid ford Wall and Mrs.' R.` Odendahl. St, Paul's, Dung; °9. 2nd `and 4th ^"Su Christ Church, Pc 3p.m. 1st, :3rd and 5th ., This being the annual ,business Meeting , all officers were re- electedfor another year. G'et Well card's• were signed for sick and shut in members. Under,the supervision of the , gannon.. Rev:, Oderida•hl for the s ; Port .Albert A . C. W: gave the • story "One more chance". The, )44„, ' ' • . .president expressed ,thanks to :.. • ' those' who, took ;part and .,to those '<, who so kindlysent flowers:: Miss ' '' •Edna -Boyle. was-or-ganist- f -or -the • afternoon. 'Nis, Don Bushell•of ' • Kinlough• W. M.'S, gave the: closing.prayer,. • All were invited .to the Sunday • School room where refreshments ' • '• were• served. • Rev.. Odendahl• : asked the .blessing and a social.., timewas spent. 'Each groupex-. pressed thanks for, the afternoon of fellowship whichthey all • enjoyed World -Four . 41vIBEI LEY NEWS The Pine 'River United Church Congregational Supper. was held on . Mond!: •ihthe Church' basement, A good crowd was on hand, to enjoy a hot turkey•dinner with all the `trim - m II I s ,.... .. L in r Lew -r -a-n d • MrS. Ernie Gipson entertained �. following the meal; with s :1c ; - tions on the Organ' and 'piano. Bob Rutledge sang tWo solos "Somewhere My, Love' arid ''Ire land` r .:Mr; and .�Irs. E i•11 Coul heel then showed slides and. 'ave '.a commentary of their "Round- tke-W irld Trip''`' whjchwas v ihterestin,z and cntertainin .• fjy both. wotl<ir, .T and sitht �-seein s they were awri ''approxirtrately� thirteen tnooths. •les:. Perrin Cowry thanke:d.•Mr, and :,trey, (tee:Tsl• be and presented them, .With 'a Oft. Rei' •,• Mr.,, Hill closed' the eveping with prayer: •• whose ,Libertythese men. died; • It was mainly the Canadian : Arrtiy who .liberated Holland., As. , a result strong and 'lasting ties of friendship: have ken laid be- tween Canada•a•nd Holland Can Athan ontidered oured .guests. •• Moat Canadian soldiers, who died in `Europe • are 'buried in 1 iol-, -ny-have-beefir-breerrght+, to .a cemetery, an area of sever- al hundredacres ,:and this cent= etery 'has been given to Canada as a gift. It: is ,now a small piece • of Canada in Dutch.soil. The Dutch government has taken: upon. itself the care and maintenance:' to keep the grounds, g•ayes and CrOsseS._fI1 a CQndl.tion Whic11_.is_ L worthy of those who: rest beneath the Crosses. They are given a. touch of Love for every 'taring orifi Victory. Day thousands of Dutch school children cone from: far arid wide°to place flowers on the 'graves._ This is the hcaetfelt thanks of -one elation to another. .tits. Earl Caslick gave a Read-. ing.They,„Shall Not Orow'Old.: lcct&d• arc 'gisti'rc:•sid- ent , Mrs: 'Wallace Conn Prc'sid cnt ,'sirs. E3i11: [hntou;l, 1st vie e 1, s,• Wallace Conn;.2nd 'Vice • Dawson..C'.raiP; 'Trcas'urcr., alis,' Johnston Conn;. Glad Tidings, .,irs. 'Walter :Pliant; Friendship , and Service,', 1rs. Elroy. Laidlaw;: Literatur, ;wirs..Dorr Ross •G botd c,hc t r, rY1rs• Wm.:, Ptiraon •Supply, Wesley.Tlffii; c;.o .•, S•irrrpsoil,, •;wlrs. Archrc fs:i:rrlotr;__'iaYtist.,_ :rhs�Anilrt`vc.. r;atrttt Ladies Aid Mrs, John 'dc hoer , • '1'he •Ladies Aid 'r t llc r.titn via!, rc:r,eiv. ' hr r reetin t.lmc d by ,re fieat,,.' . ing; the ,ordis htaye. r in unison.. The hostess save=cl•lunch, SINGLE DECKS 85c,. $1.19, $1.69 and $1' 9 DOUBLE.DECKS $2.35, $2.50 and $3.75 • EUCHRE DECKS.2:Decks. For $1.10 JUMBO` INDEX" For, Poor Eyesight $1.19. ' SPECIAL: BUY — 75c DECK WE ALSO HAVE. • PLASTIC COATED • GILT EDGED • GOLD 'BORD:ERED.... ” PLASTIC CASE " • MIXMATCH. DCSUBLEDECKS • INITIALS OR NAME '. I:M•P_--f.• N T -E D -1-N• -GO,L D • SINGLE DECK _DQU:BLB DECK,_ LUCK