HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 5. • /ER- 24th, •I% • VENTS 111„PNE$PA.Y4 ...NOVEMBER. 2,4th,, 1971 CARD THANKS i.wish to 01010t my Telatives., riends and neighbours.' for tnor any acts of, kindness and all who elped in any way at the time o(• he death of my dear cousin Mrs, rank Scott. It was very much ap- reciated, 'Mrs, jack MeKendrick Frank Scott, .husband of. the -late, race (Holmes/ Scgtt, wishes. to xpress his:heartfelt thanks to the any friends for their .expressions sympathy in the recent loss of 's. -beloved wife; Spectal thanks o Dr. Corrin, Staff of the :Wing:, 4,m and District, HoSpital, ReVer- nd Penny and the MacKenzie Fun al Home. by the As proceeds for /ill he held in 11, SatUrday, (-icing 9 Refresh- veryone., *tel. . .over„ . • . • lurch . Women Baking, Sew, ed, -Tea 27th. at Door IR ..!Ws andltleas. e, 'held in the the Liicknow'. ay; December •4•. 0..n1.: Miss • ialist in.home of the Home Toronto Will one', welcome. 4111- be ser- wish to express thatikS to all y'friendS & neighbours. for all the- any...kiodnesses, 1 received OUP; g my stay London and •Since ining.home, It is'..all. deeply. ap-' eciated, • • ' , • • • Chriss MacMillan. , • NTD GUMMED GUMMED inexpensive•Christmas gift, 300 r $1i75, order now, The Lucknow ntinel, 528-2822. • JOHIsiSTONE'S • ,„ Modern 'and Convenient Lucknow,. Phone 5284101:3 • Day/ or Night_ • • a Serving All Faiths, TH#4,9CKNOW• .ENTINEtt. CARDTHANKS CARD ljaam.".."1".""c We wish to thank everyone: tor their Concern for ,Alian when he, was a patient in St. Jo,seph'is Hos- pital, London, also for cards -a.nd, treats sent, to. him: • Roy and •Betty Pennington • . • RUTHERFORD — the family o the late WilliamRutherford wish to .expresS their 'sincere thanks to their neighbours, friends and re1 atives.' for the: kindnesses shown to them during their recent loss o a dear husband 4.a.ther•-aticl,g-ran ANDERSON.,•--- mere words are adequateto express our ,gratitudP. to .each & everyone who, has help- ed LIS through, these days, of sor- row with words*. of , sympathy and deeds of. infinite kindnes$;',.We can only .say "Thanks" f Mr, and Mrs.- LinAnderson _ • and fa Mt'. and.:MYS.•M. R Robinson - wish to sincerely thank all f those •Who assi ed father, for many. floral -tributeS, donations to heart fund', cards and to all those who helped at the borne: Your -thoughtfulness and kindness will always be remember- ed. , . • The Rutherford •Family 1 -wish, to express thanks t�Doc- tors Corrin 'and McKim and hospit- a a c -a 1 staff for caredwhile I was a pat- ent in Wingham • HOspital and to 11 who remembered me with . " ion, Branch- 309--ar-e- requested- to aids and visits. Al l was greatly James Bird PAGE PIVE 0 I HILRAY FARMS LTD. ' ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom yppointrnent. • Phone 528-2132 • ' • NOTICE FARMERS The hest returns fOr you,' fat cattle, a' canner, cOw or, a fat, steer, 9. • NOTICE , • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. IS OPEN.ALL DAY. SATURDAY•• For the convenience of Christ- mas shoppers, The •Lucknow Sent- inel will be open all day on •Satur- days prior to Christmas. Following the ChristMas season, we 'will re- vert to our 'usual Monday to Satur- day noon schedule. . ' • NOT1C'E • All :inerribers of .the Ladies ,'Attx- y •to the Royal Canadian Leg - call Omar '-rooks, arm" 'work for • the past several weeks, following RoSSel's aecident. ,Your help was greatly appreciated. . Lillian. and Russel Irvin, I wish' to ext/resS, thanks and appreCiation to relatiVes , and friends who remenibered me with letter's, cards', gifts, flowers and. visits' during -my stay in Victoria Hospital,. London. • •' Sincerely • • -Mrs. Don (Anna) MacTavish ppreciated. • . - Mr.' Melvin .D. King of Lucknow and. his family wish conve their7-h-eaTtrelt"--Thanks - to:• their Many, friends ,and neighbours; all ttis. nurses on the'second floor Of ikhain. District' . Dr.• 'Corrin,.Dr.' McKim-, Mr. Rohl MacKenzie, and •the ladies; Of. the. church for their 'many kindnesses ,• 'Bon- i ;tributes' and donati•ons to' the, Lucknow on Spon- W.Legion anrl, )Ver: Dancing -..'.• Men. •Smor-, $10..Q0 ''pet. • able. from ,the pld rtitchie or •:, 7, kRTV. 324; 'will ,hold hursdaY,, •Nov Orange Hall:. ree: everyone )CKEY S" Play, ucknow•Arena r •28th, at 3:46, reditors b -Mider4te Prices • • Estah4hed:1094 /. INSURANCE FIRE, W:IND CASUALTY ' AUTOMOBILE'', and LIFE ' • '16 Protect Your Jack, . Insure With .tick Today. lORUCE COUNTY InSuTe latRolphse: attend the r'ePlar. :111!eting' 'T. ue, Front 1907 to•19K a se day' NoVember 30th ChristMas • • former book, $7 Per copy an ideal gift.'exchange • .` p risfn.ti.no: please add' $1- ex,tra for Cluistmas ift at The %Luck ow mailing and handling charges I • • •• • •• eart. Fund., during their ..reeent, ereavement in" the :death of a vin wi • NOTICE Would.the parents of. the boy' who took the, new ,skates from the LucknowArena after skating, Sun:- Noveritber 21; please CARE, • 1,1142IiiiR111110■■•■prismatinott about ,your •,son arid his future.' : . • Plea'se have him' return the skates to the Arena manager as the'•owner o .would like ' to skate and 'play • ° Obi 'IE 1 RE XL E • A TYPEWTUTER for Christmasall prIePranges_snat$J-954; lay awayyours now and .dOn't:be disappointed later, •The Lupknow• Sentinel phone 5282822. • • • J. MacKENZIE, 0.D. 411 hockey. ;• ' NOTICE. • uNT , • We have terminated business and• all accounts must be paid, by. t- William A&hmid, 'LucknoW'' • CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS Orders be taken by the Lucknow Women's I/ Institute' for ; Christrnas Puddings. Orders t� be tin no later than December 1st to • race ..HO.ME and 44..A CRESI propertY for the Gun ▪ e wt aMily. Lots. of. "'grounds for the children to p ay.. !The •onp story/ hOme.contains: 3• •bedroOrns; large kitchen,, ••living: : room. full basement' and heatedo ■ electrically.. Barn .12' •x 15' for: o .Dad to 'store 'his .toOlS. ;Goods • sgarden soil with the .Nine Mile: 'ver .cl-wingthaind the home.: MCDONAGI:1 Lucknow,, Phone 528:4142,3'. 41•Imini• R. Ay, :ANDREW. Barrister and_SOlititor Eprroas teof R' JOHNSTON iavipg* claims e_above tie, Village „0 :rity of Brtice. eCeased, who rof-Octobe , *file proof of rSigned oti.or. Of becenther, LISTOWEL, •ONTARI0 :LUCKNOW . 'Every Wednesdayand Saturday AiteritOon •, '.Optometrist I-ISTOWEL PHONE .291.1511 TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • ,; : Specialiiing In ;• . ELECTRIC •HEATINCTI 'EL.ECTRIC WIRING AND .REP.AlltS, (Ace in the. Joynt. Block: • Telephene... ' Lucknow 526-3116 AwFoRD: and. MILL J. H. CRAWFORD, QC ALANR. MILL, B.A.; LA..6.. Oss E. DAVIES, B.A.. LL.B. IN !_tiCKNOW 0LER)'±WEDNESDAY.' 10 a.m.te 12 n'Oon Located iji Breckles Block the Adininis, to distribute ga-rd-.`Pnly,. to- - hey shall then thiS 9 )71. id MILL, Marto &Hatt Phoiie_S;a232(11 , • . RIF,'LEY EVERY FRIDAY', •• floss Marty!' Building • Phone Wi` APriced to sell.: • 1. • • ■ • : Eloo, .:ACRE RETREAT. [ HOMEOWNER LOANS 24. HOUR,. APPROVALS 40V! Cost 2nd, Srdo. .1114100:, Arranged in the conventenee of your home. You can .call to AO p.m; today fOr'lelpfUI courteous 'serviCe. Proalpt In- vestment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay. Toronto:Call cOlIeCt,111*. 9586, evgs. 20143146. , CHISHOLM FUELS , 1 . • !" •-• Hnokr0-moil40,.. SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS. • .LOCKNOW Phone 529-7524 524-7681 FREE, /3URINTER. 'SERVICE • • Products nit. Far;n,. Home and * • Industry • Campl)ell. ‘, • ,.. • . . NOTICE ••• $KATING CLUB MOTHERS There will' be a meeting ,clfi'the ,Lucknow Skating' ;Club mOthers 'this Sunday, November 28th .dur- ing skating at 6:.00 ' • —" • ' CLOSING NOTICE Finlay Decorators Lucknow will, be closed for. holidaYs . froth Tuesday, December ' 2Ist' to Sat-' urdaY, 'January ath, 1972 ineiusiv! •' Scenic country 30 acres i m'wOrk-: ,..". . • and', -•• ' ;. , !yTENDERS. WANTED ablehalance..bUsh.and pasttire.2, • . ' . . • ' • • ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANcES ANA strong spring -creek. crossing.' ! ' • • - : 11 . 4 . ! 'I. !... • ' !. .'1... 1 ; *farm. Barn 60'• x. 70'. [fl . goodo . :TENDERS ::condition. 11,.2. store, 4 bedrooms ' 'TOWNSHIP. OF HURON ..1 w horl -re • having, a Rill, baSetnent,: Tender for 11/2 ton truck. Seale . •All buildings in" good conditions tenders will be receiVed by °the I • . ' - . . if' December 6th, 1071. for:,a neW 11/2 .: .. • . --7 ' : . " I. ton truck, chassis and dab. "Only • : ' -ACRES . "7--Sp-e-efications and tender forms' • - • • may. be obtained . from ..the 'under • :::, ' . ili.i;i workable; self draining aeres4i ,sigae... wes or any en Vr• no , . • CHIROPRACTIC . • 2 ::f.) acres , of ' cedar bush. Barn necessarily•aceepted., Dave--Moorex- 50'' containing 14 .tie-ups, a Road Superintendent, Box 38,• Rip. ii 1 ▪ 'o. 0 pens ': and pig 'pens. Milk" .ley. • : . , • ., . house 10'.x 20'i Pit silo and news oisilo_Litiree...bedr_ooalttiokAionle.:. . A ppur-A-TioN /1...ucknowi•— Phone 528-5802 R. 4RAY siimmowitioisesioseeisiesi FOR SALE CHECK THIS 6 bedroom ' home • Sit- , . • . lage of Kinlough, 3 'piece bath, od furnace and 'drilled well. The own- er .consider your down 'pay - Ment and hold a mortgage on the balance: . • •• • " • • . 200 iciM DAIRY ' FARM located . . • in Bruce Twp., .4, bedroom improv-: ed home;.,3 and 2 piece bath; 180.. ., , . workable acres, balance bush; • ' .. barn is .125 'x 104 .--1 looie, housing' d for 60 dairy cows,2 silos 16.1 50 and 16 ,x 60. Listed at $53,000. with' a. P.C.C, :which .can, be 'assumed. I:price 0.2;500, undersigned until 10' a.M.. Monday DOCTOR OF • 191 JOSEPHINE sTREE WINGH,AM, PHONE 351-1224 -.11111111115 -143 4 bedrOom brick and-fralmrel---d'hOlv'mPe.;; b 56 x 76 re odelled . for beef cattle; silo k4jL_55_._..with,_unloader. ; Gently rolling tile drained produc- tive perth -clay -loam; soil. 'Priced right with. immediate possession. • . ' „ .••• . TPPLICATIONS FOR WINGTOWNSHIP 9F KINLOSS MAN E.:. Low PRICED .:;AAPPLICATIONS will be received • . WINGHAM • . • ' "'i. by the undersigned Until -E-MOR-1-ALS :10 acres aubric d a .1'2 stureY.' ,in I November 29th, 1971. , k° ill bedroom home Barn 60' x 80 ■ I .,,, . atarting, rate $1.90 per hour for ;loose :housing, Land all ,work -421 the first' rriontli, then $2.00 per able and level hour ' .. • - i a-'' ....__ ' ' - -- -- •-• .. - --1,-- • - —e -i---• SucceSsful- appliMus cant "t be • :--2.--: ii.' available to start work on or be- , 'Ns' fore December 1st, 1971. Lowest or HOLST REAL In any application not necessarily ac-. STATE. LT.u., . . z ir. a cepted: , , . . Frank Schumacher, . ' ,"rnik ' , 1 . . . , .. fteadpekr______tA....m___ ±l t tr.. A 1 ....--...,..........,_-_---K..w,-T'-,,. 11 • , 0' • - r -, . . ice 357.2630 —Res. 357-2330 GUARANTEED dpANITES CEMETERY LETTERING, W..• •-•-•'•• --- • - ItASONABLE ptomeTrtiii, 60DoicH • Saye • . Bute Ph. 3574910" • • . ' • Ret. Ph 35 • Th• Sqtjare 000 JAckson 4-761) ...'11A4PER Arta' tifiailiNt treet,, Gotierich Telephone tiv! 1.qittiotO p Phittil. 528432 bay oe MaCKENZIE . MEMORIAL ;CP HAEL VIIN-ERAL SERVitte • Services etinduclett according to your wishes af 'your your Church. 'atir (nt Chapel al' no additional thatge. • • WINGHAM• - at • • - - .,••.--, • .. , ...... - --............. . , , 'RURAL ONTARIO ........:..'. .• K INTAI sp_Ea..st7,,..,.:,.L .....,.,' :.. .... Mr,, a,nd. Mrs:teo. Leadbetter .61 TorOnio $ petit the week end 140khow: Office ' . with--Mr4.•Cclliii MacGreor. 528.2031 . . : ' 1:' Setvideg in Ashfield Presbyter - Bary i th ivii enon.,........ithy,••11*4.lan Fhtt..rli„.Were conducted last, f • ' . . : 0,„ Surioay py mai. c., Me 'Shaver o/li ' in-.", Ianwr due toe lfnt' herOtt •• ''• : • Ret, Stii.3821 • • . „. Ita : . - . .i . • ' '. ‘• ' : 11: 1 '' g lboney. iiiiiiiii***••••;•isiiiciiiiiiiiitia, - ,,'H, . .;.,__ :-..;7.,..,,,,:.,:::,..., ' . - • 100 ACRE FAMILY* FARIVI,.. onj- fortable 5 bedroom home barn' 56 x 60. Well 'cleated at. RR 1 4-piee bath acres- Workable; H�1yrod. Helyrood. This farm a sound invest' t the low , • WE HAVE Sincere clients • fot„...small—acreageSand= country-• - properties' with Slone or brick hoines. you have an extra country home on 5.10 100 icret you would like to sell please sive a -call.. • Phonet 52.73S0'. • ilfred MCIate & Co. Limited WALKERTON ' Member of the Grey and Brute. Listings Setilee • List 14411.g. Over 60 Salami' WOrking For Yon ° ••••••14110040069*