HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 3*4th,19n.. • •tt 4 -NOlighia0 24th, 1971 • : . . , THE ..144KNOW SENTINEL INCKNOW ONTARIO. • , • ' • • \\11: "*. • i( BEST BUY! WITH PORK • BEST EKIlf(—, CREAM; STTLE•CORN•- GREEN PEAS - GIIEEHAEANS MOI OR MATCH!. mmn. two , • BEST BlIY.1 -7•BEEF OR IRISH • 'FEATURE! — BORDEN'S • • . . • CH _COL E 65*, ,•••GRADE • NADA PACKERS.... FEATUREI -;—ASSORTED • • VEST BUYI CI OVER LEAF OR MAPLE LEAF KEYE 5011 MST BUYI — HOSTESS TWIN PACK Pint Bricks TIn HEINZ Strained FEATUREI LUncJi 4v,ron.. 1 • FEATUREI —ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION rc•zen $ TM. eon:. eat •I • • SES:r SUYI:.— SINGLE PLY BATINNOON TIBSUE TEr.,-,-7-4.mo-p-th -`66 Y . 16 o z. jars i. PEANUT BUTTER 2/51 PEFRU1T- .CALINDA A141pARIN ORANGE SEGMENTS 4N6lialailaiAluiliallisolituelN4iesaiilueiN4144•014tiiiNhi1U6141$44u. .- • 6114,64660666166666064640660106iii.61406,1064-6666,661466i6r61660464166661,660167r616614,47riIi61146j.4446.11.;44.67414464016111,44444406444144-0A. to. 441414;441144j1C114.1i40. IiIiiitiN140 . • ' 6 — , thollt . • !uelluoInninutealitasinuet.401•0406104•0414•40404441ituillatimueunIni•I'nuIth1464114.10•6444an'iluiii•n;lin • • . . Janes Bird was:discharged from Wingliani Hospital on Thursday of last Week. lie has been heispit' • since su ffering :an accident 4.,..se_pmifbea-t117.71n. 411n-Machityre, where he is employed,. They were unloadi•ng • ttaii:vwherr.-soln biles fell strik- ing Mr. jird, who suffered a bad backj1) •• • • • Local People CliIL'I'ON DALTLO and Mrs.Njark Dalton of R. R; 3Godcrlcli vish. to' a nnoim - o „the engagement of their daugh ter; Nlafireen Nlarie, to :1'\41;. Ed- ward Williahi Chilton ,..son of Mr,. and, lvlrs. .Chilton of, reatinjurie •At Hospital • . • . Karen Johnston,, age 4, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mts. RoSs Johnston, ' caught her fourth right finger in a. • car door and laceratedlier finger. M. and Chailes Henderson -of Toronto Visited -.during the W< end with her mother Mrs • Charles Steward. • <ix 1r. Dave Moffat, Iqtilcs',.fid XII. and Mr8'..Beq.' •.MOftat., TeesWater spent, the week en ith-re la tiv-es-tnt.r". STI Several niciiibers of Local Of the NationalFarniers Utiion attended the-Districtdance•at' S.e.bringVille on .Nov:eniber 10. A beet draw was.madewith:first prfic ,.1/2 heet,,going. to Jackie Cooper., Lucknow; seeond. prize , 1t4 , beef; weiit to Elwood tath dee ,..hlitchell; third priZe, 1/4 dalc. • . • • • die.s_of.1\14 1,0-• ' a,sifecessitil hake salejn ,Luel<now 'ori ,Satyrday. 't.N• in n c ata.,drz:lw herd' were..Mrs. Ronnie Forster , a,11eyne mice Christnuai... ea lie .donated by Mrs L11 Uf IL _ - t • • • Marriage.,Will take place on.Sat- • yrday „ 1ecember18th it four p. Catholic Church. Kingsbridge. PRINTED • STATIONERY: both writing paper and envelopes, large variety to choose from, see our sample catalOgue, ideal for Christ- mas. The Lucknow Sentinel. , Robert La Rose', Wingham, re,• • - • - - • T. ,both arfns. Leonard Sangster, R. R. 1, Wingha m ;broketwo-frorif teeth , playing 13rooniball. • Donald Burley, R. R. .4 Wing - _ha fac ia-1-4a-oer-ation .playing hockey, • Mrs.• Grace. Dustow , Gorrie , was admitted to hospital with first, second and third degree • burns to ace, arms, chest, ab- detnen, and thighs, when her dress caught fird at her.home Nov A TYPEWRITER for Christmas, all price ranges starting at 1$5�95, lay away yours now' and don't be •i§-appointed—ta-ter;--The—Luckpo Sentinelphone 5284822: Bruce Growth Rise Christ,ma s. centre piece, • (Alan for p lila ion pro.. coontyfor 10'71 was ,410 "-NCI-11C a Cr I d 110S"0 "'"•••.— ..trippcd this figure. at -10,140, . sif1,0,le factor. accounts fOr the increase the Ontario 1,1ydro ,consttuetion project noltgLit • point,•population of MI thy (jane.. oncr 1.5Y - o .N.lr and Nils 4,12illamesford, at victoria • ' . • London on NovCnther ftt;.a 'daughter, ; Jnnjfr Elizabeth 44:4W VERSTIL., -toViflj VtIstg ee of R. P: tvitigt4t• rn on 811.11dAY°Y.*:vilber* 2rsti in WiNliam and' Dist:. lot rios.liitayl. daughtet.; Ontario tihe.,ta 1 cader.RolitIt Nixon his Wined XlarrAy. fi fit rileinber for l'hiroo41;fficc as, the a ',ric-11,1ty erit Returns Lagging • Christmas Seal return's are some .what lagging behind':last• year's.. returns, according to Gordon Montgomery of Lueknow; prestd.- , ent •of the, Bruce:, Dufferin, Grey avi Dougla, age Wing-. son of r. andMrs. Craw ford ,Douglas, fraeturedleVeral bones in his right 'foot playing, 7 .basketball. A cast was app114 a nettle was allowesLt o Cary tlarkness , Teeswater„, re- ceived severe laceration to his right middle finger NovenbrO Tviffeyba r 1Tbottie1ippdr). tit f his hand's at his restaurant, Nits, (Clara)Willie, age eC8Water lest control ofher car.op ley streets and struck a hydro `pole near her home, '.$he Tort Elgin increasted 20 per c ent . roceived abrastbiltto ate. in tire past 12 tnOnths.alone.; Port. had and injured shoulders w,hen' she .appatently struck the Wirid 1:11,n1 IN•r$. reociyed t11.0 _ ik Of-ti)..workertuftur...,: shield and • *Disease AssOciation. •. • Returns to date from the. three •counties amount to_.$11,40, which is about one -third of the:. ' needs of the As,saciation if its work is to carry on. One im or - tant' new work, of :the,ssociation started this year was the Screen- ing of industry, trYing to detect early chronic respiratory ail- •thents. A pulmonary function • .-indioat-or is u , ,able•at chest chilies atthe three countie? monthly •Tulierculosis * clinics as well upon individual 'doctoe;s-ifequests-... thiprOgra- 'me has uncovered several eases of 'chronic respiratory diseases , and early treatment is very impprtant .especially in cases of chronic• .bronchitis, emphysema and Can • Air pollution italso a newpart Of the programme of the Asocia- tion, sehoOlsafid hospitals • with1iteature and films On this very timely topiti'. ;The never ending' anti-' cigarette,. progra turtle $ aimed .,primarily at the.young people,. is ,alsa being carried on, through 111and,0t;;e1grrvoind'dpt Please. a, riSV.Ver Out'. Oiristritat Mail today,. it'i_a; .of,Life and llreathw. • •