HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-24, Page 1t 17th, 1971
AVE 32c
AVE 32c
AVE 1'0c
$6,00 A Year to .Advance $2;00 Extra
•. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER' 24th, 1911'•
Woman Ki.lie
•A Whitechurch area woman is'
dead as a result of a. twq car;
accident •en 'Monday lust; before '
l.p, rii at the intersection of the
I,ucknow-1 Jolyrood 13ruce County
road and thL 4th concession of
Kinloss., I.nown''to many as the
Grey Ox 111:11. •The •acc:idcnt scene
is a.botu. L 1/2 imies north of,Luc:k-
now. •
Pratlowu•Ld .dead at the scene ,.
was Mrs., Juhn.(13ontje)Askes, '51,
of 1lighJ;-ntl', east' of White-
church. ] li•.ilnisband John driver'
of the c.:alt'; 1S 111.Wing iant'and .
Districtvrioppital w:ith.severe-scalp,
laceration:, skull fracture:•,, multi:•;
contusiotls and abrasions and ex
trenle S.h( i\.; , .Ile is 52'.
a .
were °,tr. ..;:111d Mrs: C.len.1lodgins
of 1t, !Z. • ' .1 1o'1'yrood. Glen,, 3•d
driver of the car,.reccrved a lac-
--trationtrt the head'. 11is. wife,,
[tosalfnd`,;,:reeeiv:ed a bro.hen ..'
s -en..
receivet1 t ficial. 1; cera ions a
liar- ••
il� ;.1 r -
'1 H.,.
Al or,
1t•a- hoped •
,o,t t Ilc;t.
possible brollen nose. Karen .is 4
years old. .berth 'Hodgins; ;age`2.,.
"was. uni11Jrtred„ • 1 he..children..
were ridrn,in'the back seat.
\tt., and .,trs. rliodgins'were :
proc.cedirr_ south on the.c'ounty
roail•to Lucknow to.:attend a fun.-'
eral slated for'l p...111.. Mr and:'
rtskes]were l'•rocccdin / east on the
Yt U
Kinloss after visiting at .the•
farm of .\lr•, •;afad Firs,.. Peter 'Van,
Dam, • .•
•Followinw the impact, the,'
Ilodgins \'•chicle ca hie to rest,'
in the -east deep ditch.: The
Askes Cat. (slided up soutla_..of thP,•
intersection, in the' east lane
'pointing .north
drs. 1lotlg 'iiis', atteni ted to go
- •for- id -to -the. farrtl'of L O d -
. lob? I41ac
cause ofher' broken le 7.. She..was
picked up h\':a motorist and aid
was su•ntntori d using .the
MacDougall' phone
Dr, J. C.: Mk. kirri of Lucknow
attended 1\ir:, ';1s1<:cs., Mrs: Askes
was prollouraced 'dead at the ac
:cident:seen .
Andy ;Whi[ly , sort' of 'Mrs .Sid '.
'ti1hrtby' of
lri tli uc- know andhe late
y , \.as"die "toast of
Owen Sound", onTuesday T esday night of •
•last we.e].'When he-sc-orred'a goal. .
With font ser or'dremainini, i " Y. li
t s n,the
hockey g tttc .to ?rive Owen Sbund
Greys a 7-u win over e_Collx-n' .
d"p. U -i-t d✓ move them into
first'•place: in the Junior "13"'
league,." ;
Andy also's&cred another. goal
and assisted on 'a third for a fine
evening's worl,.
;LH 5ollrld Stln T1:ineS
had rbc iollowin tosa .about'.'
Andy and l u � ,, th'e
�' ..
. oa1 which won
game;'"lt app. Id , aS tho
No te-alils \vi,.the
r 'settle :for a 6-6
tie before lfti;j fans,. but Whitby
had other ideas. The e...., •
T}t;httvin ger l? ��Y
ge with speed Of light,
.grabbed the 1;.tr��)\ dee' in'the
dived Sointd end and roared' down
the lee to Neat Blues' netitli.
the l3, ,�, ndet '
.fair rlrTark .,
HorticulturaI � ' • Sic.
HeId Banquet
The:Parish liall was the.scene.
of the annual •banquet o.f the, •Luck•-
now acid District' 1'lortitilltural'
Society on Saturday c'vc;ltinv, Nov r.
sl.rrber,'2Otlt. h -i -1-e tiac=- rxest�'.
- m
were .gathering pleasing iristruinett
tal ,music was`provhl.ed la}' :tri;
c urc•,,eir•'harn ` ,
§As Hair Caught
In_Farm Auger
Je•anrtie. Wraith, .12 ,.y€ar old
d$u.]. hter. of NIr, and \tis;;
• b_Oroe Wraith of.G'oderich, ,re-'
cc•.\ c: serious sealp in iU ries:oil •
fit!' ' When her lar be-
..„t in,led in an auger.
is shavings. into the
Wrri. Gr.ahant.
.The president,;.!Ors. ,Ro`ss ,C;u:n
Ming called .the meeting toorder
with a toast to tht2 Queen and
.sing,ing. God Sa\e'the Quecn.with /.
Norman Taylor :at the piano.
Grace•was•sa0. by, t:ctiv,,
dahl follo•wcd:•by'ri•sultiptous
turkey• dinner'. Caili•\Iaepdnald
thanked the Anglican church
ladies for the. dclia roils rnea1''1 nd'
'r=1 }11 fol Tl t-F=ierv,� c t
arra=ngentcnts whiclt:decor ited•. •
the' tables. :airs.. 11ar\ e\•':Mole •
rq. xi cd
and 141. S a:1;l�e.�r ` Fespa t ,•
was assisting., as she;,
I .
Single Copy 15c
its ert Regains
Sight; Blind
Over i OJYlonth
32Q days ago on January 6th''of
yea.; Ann 'Ackert , 16. -year'
old: daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Ackert of Holyrood , sudden,
ly lost her sight:,Ann.; then a
student at the F. E. Madill Sec:
ondary School in Winghani, .was
walking in the corridor of the •
school When she suddenly became
blind;. .
Since that.tirne the Ackert.
fa'mily,, •and many friends of Ann
and her parents, have lived. with.
the hope th,a.t. she •would regain
/her vision In: October of this
year', she resumed het'schoolipg.
in grade 11 at: the Sacred: ;Heart
School in.,Walkerton where stud-
tearn to make it possible for, her
to attend class' each day.
Ann's'father, a teacher_at:the
P: F. Madill. School in •Wingl am
drove her' each day' to, Riversdale
,'where she 'caught the schoolbus.
to W' . -'ton:._Ir y 1— p e
on to his teaching job in:Wing-
ham' through'Teeswat•er and re
turned -that way in the ev-ening:
to pick 1p Ann at. Riversdale.:
Just as suddenly as before,
°Ann re•garned her.sight on Mon-
day'of this Week while: walking
in'the corridor of the Sacred'
'Heart •Sch 1 lk •
i he• principal at Sacred Heart,•
drove Ann to Wingh•am where
•tlie.•exciting'•news was conveyed '
to•her..father'and in'turn.to her •
family'at borne,'
the wirid blew het-haft:into the
',She received serious scalp
la.erations.atad]was treated at
_;odcrich llospital before being
retnoti•ed to War \1emor•ial Child-
ren's 1los ital in. London; ' •
Skin :;rafting was scheduled
or° tttrs• ..�eannrc••s cone
The. president extended hc�:irc\
welcome toTa'11 presctt;`.1nd pr ='s-
ented-Mrs;-'pr't-nth ielracds i,it11
a desk lawp, ,as she was the\ itt:=
ner of the lu ky'pk t -e brine t1�7i
-rcdit y Lucltnow "'°i.irniturc
•She also presented Nor t �`ci n Taylor
with an award cerri`ftc•orc fr�r.l.,...
capable •ser'v`ices as secretary-
tr asurer' for ittah ' years.
ke P
Santa's Visit
Lucknow Business Association
met in the Lucknow Town Hall
on Wednesday of last week to set
Christmas store hours, plan .for .•
Santa's visit and discuss other
matters of concern. President
Ron, Machan chaired the meeting.
Santa will visit. Lucknow this •
year on Saturday; December 11th'
and the local school band is to:
'be contacted to see if they: would'
serenade him on his arrival;
Free skating for, children will
be held at the
on 'three Saturdays in December,
the 4th,llth and 18th and on
Thursday and: Friday afternoons,;'
Decernber 23rd 'and .24th`provid
ing arrangements can be made
with the.loca
for all days.' would be.. from 2 to
- o.
.' an • wi •e provided by
.participating'.stores.who will be
listed /An the paper.
Arrangernents were, made for
advertising with The arid r • and, CKNX
Fees were set at $15 , 'the same
as la
St a
y r. `�Natned to: contact;
business places regarding the
00 . at Wa erton fees were Reg Jones ,' Lloyd Hall,
b Finlay
lay •and Bob' MacKenzie -7.
•• Business places will be`: open
all day Thursday in December.;.
the 2nd , '9th., 16th ,,23rd and
:Stores will'remain open Friday
ni' lits-unt_i1.Io -
Mr. and Mrs 'Geos
'veep have purchased the Point
Clark Store: This store has serv-
ed the Point Clark summer resid'-
rents for many•,years as .a' summer
• booth finder different owners:
Now the store will be. open the '
year round to•serv'e'the residents
who are growing iri rw lber'.rapid-
1b'', .pita man .living: there the: year
r►=��:a__�?a=ry=e .. .
ber 3rd.; .10th and .17th. Stores
will close at 6 p.m: on Friday;
December 24th, and 31st':.
Stores will be'open, until 1,0
• fist ries-fine `Ivl r day ;
:Tuesday', Wednesday and Thurs.-
,day December 20, 21, 2:2,..,23:.
The ,group will, `ask Lucknow
Council oto' proclaim` Boxing bay.
on Monday; : December 27th.; •
Reg Jones Peter 'Hanle.., "Joe..
Agnew.and Ron Machan were
named a•committee` to.•make •
—--- r_, - .
•:s tht'datlghte.r •df'Mr, •and
tilts r ������■�����.����`.
„'sse l nor c• 1�raitll (Lilcu1 Bend • •
ct'Jolt) lic�•E 4- r—n-erry.:of this o-ttr
At LucknowPfant
Y � e r -old . otath frot7l Can- Y•
1 1 ] lofft111:n, tnarta� er o.f Luck-
now1 urlliturt C:ottlpany, told 'The
Scntitit:l''1'ucsday that tighter sec-
urity inca.urt's 11avC' necessarily
Reeve C,cor� e Joynt c�pr� c� ri .bt2en-c:rc,.t.tt.0 tt7, tltc nlaT.tt betatlse--
df `t'hr` It•proble;n3 which have aris-
'cottc •rnifl i an '
11 employee. •
•tor, scall, tint.'now; it.has been
known to mana:i;eritcllt that mat-
erial and fixtures have, been disapi
-his good-Wi hes and ,tppfee- 3ti n
to the Society for `their help inbeautifying; our town' with 1 nh�lir� '
'and private flower piatttftl,
Reports.on the,year's activities
an 'Ta y for ; secretary Ada \w't, lister
and Mrs.. Charles Stcew:ard. Y.
chcerib. eonve11er;,
Tltcf01.10Wing-slatk'o cti t c rs•;
for 1972 was presLInted ley flr.
J E Little. 'Pre idents
Ross Ciiitiming; •1st VieQ Ctrs.
Joan RbbinsorW. 2nd Vice., Nits; .
Clarence 13e11; seerc'tary,. da
CONTIN'II.E ON 1' lt.i1 2`1
inv stiff 3titlll \Nitllitl,tlte }ll.lnt,
Ont.lrio lrrc,\ inc al Polic=e Were
,:o I,k J in on the matter.
A-T114'c1 l ith• a st-ard ivarraTTt”;
p0f *e ON :N.11 r. llofinical Visited
the brut` of .rT;1 c i'?xx143%t•• e last
idly t1i t,"ht, Nit. 11offtnan states
that ,tl3tc:ri.11 ;ilia fixtures, ,valued
3t c lOsc• found •tri
the residence
t,11,1ly;G'r Are lwc`ltt::'111d :Ind the .,
employee h. s• heen dismissed. .
•the record: 1st prize foal, junior
in ,ch ziap on_fe. r a4
,fan bred'=and owned female any
age, 6th for show'nansi ', the
.$500 prize donated by. A. Busch
Jr,...azicl t-r-bphy:far the supreme
Cord arid a• horse 4art:
farm at Paramount, west of Luck -
now , .colnbined, to set a record a't
the Royal Winter Fair,not equalled
'Since tlie' 1 a_i s:tart ad i.n.19`j�
[3ardrill Castles Hilda a
Clydesdale filly 'foal was exhibit-
cd at the Royal by Robert J. Mar-
tin', 17 -year-old ybunger •son of
Mr-, and Mrs, John Martin of'Con-
community. Robert is a nephew.
of Fred and Goldie Martini' o_f
1'aratnount , I lig;ltway 813 West of
-111cl tiow and --his horses L to kepi:
at the •\tartiit .fartfl,
The mother of the winning foal
.was given 'bb Robert. by his uncles
'bred and 'Goldie . • '
The horse datrie up with the
following impressive' Willis to set
Canadian championship male or
female. • ' •
It was the most wins with one
'horse:and one exhibitor since the:
,Royal started in 1922. Robert is
,family to: exhibit registered .. i d-''
,esdales in the last .100 years„
Fred Martin `of Paramount Was --� •
elected a director of the Canad-
ian Clydesdale Association at the
annual meeting held in' Toronto
during the Royal,
' 'Also froth. this area, Bert Bean
Of Carlow' had ,the junior champ-
ion palomino at the 'sh S 'g.