HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 18AGI IIGHTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL;, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEM wrra rr lc Insulate NICAFIL THE.FAMOUS VERMICULITE INSULATION -micAFit,,Iiisu6iTioN IS FIREPROOF. IT 'CAN BE POURED_ BETWEEN THE JOISTS'IN. THE ATTIC AND BETWEEN: THE STUDS' IN THE SIDE WALLS, AND YOUR, HOME :IS SEAC.ED FOR YEAR ROUND COMFORT. FOR, THAT. ANTED LOOK" USE:' PITTSBURGH FAINTS 4 ! 4r,. PHONE588-3118 LUC'KNOW cNay Re-elected President Local 335, National FOners Af Annual Meeting At Brookside School . 13y Mrs. John Austin •..A .delicious pot luck supper at Brookside School preceded the Annual Meeting'on November 10.. of Local 335 of the -Na'ti'onal Farre- ets;Union.. President•.13ev kyleNay revtewec t r ars activrt es; Some of.these w.,ere, .the with holding of farm taxes in protestof the unfair education tax on farm land.. A representation of NFU,; members met with Ashfield Coun- cil and asked that the Federation levy: be removed or an equal amount given to the Union. The Council chose to drop the levy.... , . This .means 'a saving to the •taxpayt ers Ashfield of almost $1000.. The giveaway. program In; oder - ich was a successful effort to educate consumers Fertilizer :and _twine programs: were held on --a `Nati=onal: basis.:,-- - t .the.._Walk.r: athon. in June , 45 'gallons of milk were • distributed o th;e walkers: Lueknow and l'eeswater Fall Fairs. 40 N F, U,, gate signs were sold, . dances and -2 bake sales were held•and 2. drawls... Members.. .attended the National', Regional. ana. Districtconventions and', also.special meetings besides regular rt •ee.tin ;s. itesearc'h and -7 - me inberShip• ndmembership. cOniMittee's,made a *joint effort in a membership drive The election of officers was. conducted by Frank Smith, Junior. Director of District .5.' Elected tooffice for the coming year. were: President., Bev, McNay; Vice -Pres.. , Jack' Verhulst;. ectors ; ,Ken. Alton , Aldan Web- ster , John Austin; Auditors, • Eldon Lowry; Joe Co trtney.. Delegates to rhe National. Convention in Winnipeg on December G , 7, 13; 9 are Joon Austin=and-Jac=k-V-er- • -hirlst with flev. 1 a�iv yds -an alter nate,',. Guest speaker WA; of Kingsville Regic of District 5. Cana country , and it is a tying farmers togeti be done , Mr, Sanfe a,farnier, and felt.t fait as it gave htri ture of farming. 1) timate the value Of Union. The Union progress in und,ers'ta This year ttie IV , t , t in the Labor : Day. Pa sorand' Sarnia. support from labor boycott; :The laboi tractor is $5001 tij ers are being force(' irtg. This is the•pJ al Task:.Force• on Ai which Mr.'•Olson ac policy.. Money• is for° farmers to. leav't "grace.fully" Oth,e farmers., find !'none :to maRe-use of -thIS Out West is .sellir for $1 and this is de corn -price.,.' The_N Nat lona 1 a r troo1i at:the low pride thc. en a pifor'cash to the N.F.U.• dur- ing'a•donations canvass. The• Local supports the. national •boy- cottof Ktaft products. Literature Was given out. in:-Winghtam; and iiifatia ation-booths-wwe-re--t eld-at 1,N TRAFELET .7 to•.Mr.. and Mrs.. Torn rrafelet.'(Shirley McNeil)', of Southarnpton'on;•Wednesday, Navember.10th , 1971, 'a son, a Advisory Boards Elected F0 3 Churches, • Kingsbridge, St Augustine and Lucknow Advisory. Boards: have'. been • Aeaected for the Ashfield, Roman. • Catholic .Parishwhich includes tfie 1 rches ofSt.JJosePh's•,. Kingsbridge; St. .Marys ',: .Liicknow and St.. Augustine's , St ., , Augus%ne. ` These appointments' and elect- .ions normally take place evety three. years. The'new officers are ' KINGSBRIDGE Mrs. Mary Clare, 2 year teem rk .Dal 0 � arrerrn_._*`.`c, •- t n,_Ly. • ence Doherty , 3' year term; Ray. Hogan, 3 year term, Representing; the Young people; Joe•O'Keefe, .3' year term; Mrs.' Fran Riegling , 1 year.,term;,John Van Rooy•, 2' F g ti Fra-yn i,sish Representative; Torn Hogan, Alt ernate Parish Representative... Both are appointed, for a petioli bf two years; ..:: '.Joe O'Keefe war •'named chair Man and the secretary is ;Mark .Dalton. . a - a LCJCkNOW Grant Chisho1rn ,• 3 year tear ; Henry;Donais, 3 year term; Mrd. Art G•rlmore ., year term; Miss brother for Tammy and, Linda. BUying a your MURRAY - t� M•r. and,Mrs. •Char,'les.':Murray of R, R, 1, loly 'rood at Wingham and .District '. . Hospital on Monday:, Noverriber, 8 , 1971, a son. HERTZLER - to Mr and Mrs. Albert . Hertzler at . Wingharri and District Hospital •on .Saturday, November 13, 19'11, •a son CONLEY Mac and Lorene Con ley of Lucknow wish to' announce the birth, oftheir daughter Mary ..' . ;. Colleen•on•November 13', 1941 in A/_in-gharn _and-D.istr_ict lose a• Elizabeth Leddy;, 2 year term;.. Mrs. Pete MacDonald, .1 year,, • term. Parish Representative, Joe. MacMillan; :. {lternate Parish Rep- resentative,• Bill Chisholm. 'Both are appointed fora period of two -":years. ..Grant Chisholm, was elected ...: chairman and .Elizabeth Leddy • secretary. ST. AUGUST.INE • • Cyril Boyle,. 2 year term; •Mrs. fe 1 ear-teriit• Miss lathy Foran•,'1 year term, Rep- resentative of our Youth. Group; Gordo. n pgran, .3 year term; lvfi•s.. Joe Franken, 3year term; Bill Kinahan, 3 year term: Neil • top y eton, year term; Jim. teddy, Parish Representative; Ke'n Keddy, , Alternate Parish Represent ative Both -are appointed for- period of tiwo.years,.; Bill 1Cinahan was•elected' chairtnan and Mrs. Ray Boyle .teeretaryt; Miss Mary Anne O'Keefe was appointed Parish Historian.. • sister for, Charlene; granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington, • St.• Helens' and • .Mi. and Mrs. Eug ene:Conley, Lucknow.• -BILI�BRB'K---to-lr,-a d Jack !Bilderback'(nee L nda.But ton of Lucknow) at Shelton Wash- ington. on•.Monday, , . November lst , 1911,r a daughter, Jennifer Jean:, a 'sister for Lee Ann LIZMORE.,- Mr:: and Mrs. Harry _L.L. izmore_o ott F1 g in.(nee.' Ga- _.=Bambrou h) wis1 -to"announc'e the birth at' Saugeen: Memorial Hospital, Southampton on Noverr, her. of Christopher Allan, 9' 1b' 7 1/2 ozs. ; a brother for Kirrlber- 1e-y.: and fi%st,.gra is i �. fornd: Mrs. Jim Lizmore of .B'ervie and Mrs. Doris Kerrriedy of Ilderton, 1 andfirstgreat grandson for Mr. -Harry Wilson cif-Bervi�e, McC UIItLIN -,to 'Mr., and Mrs, Ivan McQuillin! of Kitchener on: Wednesday, .November loth at St, Marys 1ospital; Kitchener, a son; David Joe'l•, a' brother for Andrea and a grandson' •fof Mr. and °Mrs. Frei9 Mt Qu llin , Exceptionai.vaIue •at tri ,.price.:Ideal for humid bedraom office,:b.a-c apar.tments. 'Light; e� move f:rOrn'Toom.to' ELECT'R0H0ME PORTABLE ELECTR`.OH'OW H44. Sharply:styled,' two-, tone•: humidifier•with 2 -speed'. fan. Perfect .• for the 4 or,' 5 room house or •, apartment. ELECTR.OWO.M Choice of•,wooc finishes Has v seed fan. R free wheel.ing c `Serves 7 ' room dwelling:. The -inti ate -in hon. hold humidifiers• •'Auto• matic humidistat main- tains,constarit moisture level. Signal, light indi• cates'.whentarfk em t .. :-=—=veCOcattc�r-in • - :Shuts of autOrn'atically• cabine choice of wood Priced From $19.95 1 •,k*..*****•***•**44 **:****fir*.* -f, Greer T.V, Ele; . • Lucknow , dile Ph