HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 15!EMBER 17th -Mt WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, .1971 THE 'LUC.KNQW. SENTINEL, rLUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,i • PAGE ;F ITleN': boa.ski " A, BETTER BUSY. S'orn.e people say it's the all new aero •dynarrt.io' desigfl ! Some 'say, it's the new Salsbury automatic • drives ! Qthers• claire it's the gas . tank cap with gauge, Others still maintain it's the .longer chassis on the. Mark II wide4rack . There's something special about Boa Ski. all light and.that's th'e •• people Who build it. We put more. into Boa Ski so you get• more ' Out of it.. • Your Co-operative has everything you .need to keep you warm and comfortable. urnaces a� Heat�rs: 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' 528-3530: 1.NTAIL WINTER•1 !.'FLORIDA lrsr David N1ac'Murcliy-has lone to Florida for the winter • with•her daughter Mrs;:'°Charles•' lathertoni and;', 1r J-Iatherton 'Misses Anna and.. Charlotte ',Mac - ke,nzlie of Toronto visited relativ . es,:her.e last weer The Elc.plarers-met on Tue. in. thea ohurch.•schobl with 20 Senior ,pupils. and ;beginners 'The leaders. are .1\;i'rs. 'Allen. Mac- donald a'nd R1is'. Lloyd Collins. Vsi•tors with Earl Ilowes.last .s�le_elt._were .ir;--al d tlr-s:- E n-j�1 • Dobbs'of Toronto and Mr.. and' ,Jack Oke' of Brantford.:': .Miss Mabel Niardonald of Wind... -spr--visitcd'.rel.at'ive•S'lier`c last.' NOW' th ru Dec.. I ' Tr'Mt�{rum1 L• DALTON.- SIMPSON' fhe'marria.ge of;Mary •Louise Simpson ,• d,,rii titer, of. Mr.. and Mrs: Robert Sbrnpspn, 0f.R. 3 C>bderic}i find:Cletus, Blake'Da•ltoti, son.of Mr;' Rfymond Dalton and the late ;v;rs:`Dalton of 12. R. 7 Lucknow, w:is•soletnt ized in. St... lose;ph's' Roman Catholic Church;, Kingsbridge. ora Saturday, •October (,)tIi at 3 .p:: tit.. Father Michael Dalton •of Courtland , assisted by Revs; ,Father Cassano.Of Kingsbridgo, .officiated at .ihe double 'rrig�ce.retzi.oa>y, — The church.was decorated with... mums and:daisies"in Autumn. hues' • :•Orgariiits were \irs:.Ltlitan Simpson tiff .R. R. 3. Goderich,, ranie at'd Rever=e - Sister Maureen Dalton: of .London ; au at. of the groom. \;( 1v ice .t3issei was soloist and sant the "lrcdtliirg Prayer' and Processional "Piaise1\,1)Soul Tlie • I iirg of licavc`n;':,t • 'Jelin iirciiii in ;• a st'trdetit of Sis ter•,Maureen , aunt' of tlic ':;room, the Mass .wi WOO R NEW ! LOCATION ; No. 4, 1 Milne South of,Blyth.' +'14114 BLYTN' , • ONTARIO 519 523 4595 __, ,__ HOURS: Mon to Phut tri• & �Sat:,'3 � i 9 a �'},tO 60" N'6ry O Pen to 9 3O orri. Sun, Too _2 p.m, to 6.0;m t', Vdu'li find, one' of Canada's largest seI c tions of blankets, beepSkin Tugs, sheepskintoys, ladies' and tneri's suede and leather coats, hats; gloves and accessories, plus ttratiy' new high fashion IineS never offered before, :Piper 14,. :1. i laeLetitian piped the ;lsridc, to the church to the straI115 ol14•'eddtn•17,' and '!:Nl.zids of i '' ntaiI'... •'' Civet), in marriage by her fatb ur .the hricfL chos'• a ft111 lcnkgfh ,emir o t4'Iiite lagatta 1Vii}l.natti ,1• w.,i•istline 1iiv, pbintsleeVes • and 1c cetcl at` the high round. lr�cic�li.ttc arrd 'w;iist r itli dace, dfp•liatre: :l'he Niel< was detailed re : i ch i +c1 1 rigth.traYii f:.sttfied ar_!hc''waist 'wit,ha- bow ,of 1agotta,,. Iter elbow. -length veil of rtiulti ` hi) ered tulle was accented by a .. she. c'irrried ,.r bouquet of white g,1r.tCeitlX,ts,. ivy and white heather: Nl rid of honour. was Miss Ruth Whitten of •( odericli. She wore • ar Mack [Abase, simply tailofed ,Photo' by Carver: • bride 'were: bridesmaids.. . They were''.dressed the same as ,the inaid of honour... t; Grootiisrnan were Desmond. Courtney .and; Ben Van' Diepan- beek , both of. R..' R.. 7 Lucknow. and Keith' Mulbeck .01 London. (Ushers were Robert -Simpson, bi:Qther.,of. the. bride;: 'Michael Dalton, brother' of the groom both of Goderich and.Arthur Simpson of R.: 3 Goderich,' brother of••the bride'. A fol�owd afh:e.. Lucknow Legion Hall.' the bride's mother received wearing a dress of` emerald gree• jacgtia'rd fortrel knit styled'in a n. Fi t .:Sizes and models to match • every hea'tir g'need. Humidifiermm m - •s ter- Freshen'your hoe for comfort 'and.heakh with' an economical •• humid- ifier-Everrtype-for every ' application." Fuel Df eet-titra T Y you _simple A-line with belt detail and buy: corsage of pin:k'talisrna'r roses. She was assisted,:by: the grebm's cousin; N'I:rs:..• fliu e Hansford of Galt , who wore a short sleeved • .: deep blue A-line dress of •tr'evira • 1<tlit and.'•corsage of white, roses. • For trauelling.the bride Chose a .dress'skirted in, shades ;ofviolet , u�ua�-a rid-.. reet•--gr rr-h :�--r �.:._.:-�-—�----r -. purple puffed sheer and accented. with a•rtiffle' and fabric be:lt.. She'• wore ar •purple veloet•cstatw.. .luin rlccessoriesa.nd:orcl'iid corsage.. • Follow.ing ,a trip to Niagara rail:ls and'po.inits in south eastern', -rn`.fi.rao tthe Coup,Ie will, reside aft , l 7 Re' 7. Lulcnow • Guests:were present at. the •wed� ding froth .Moose Paetbry , Calm fornia ;•Lewiston , New ',York, catt -Stratford; Briffalo;'Toi.unw, Lu'cknoW , Goderich ,• Windsor „.• , i iitaapeon, Clinton , Detroit, Edmonton and ,Vancouver., i?r.or—to, li-e-'r--rii-rrtag the ;ri'de was honoured at showers given by • can Formulated to the ternperature.;of'the area wher,.e you live: `Fuel deliveries, whatever the weather... ::Lucktioint: Disfrict Co-op OAGg7528 FUEL OIL Warmth you can ;neighbours at North Ashfield Public School; andat the home of Miss Shi'rleyior-hing-; a-sisted by Ruth Whitten. ' �ength .sugh t ly giititered:.sldrt of dress -Mael,:cod tartan, The blouse was accented With �� . r i rn's• horst ,and ,i cairngortti pit the deck. She'wore tit ;\la,c 1.cOd t,trtti'rli tarn and cx'irtie(1' a bail }t of yellow.. and ,rust colour ed Mums, Yiaisie. and ivy, ran Sitlii still of sort tato , sist'e'r of the bride, .atefyl Stewart ;r f roroiito atid MafgarctiSihipsoli Of coderich sand L:atliyS1'tlip8on.of 1,�. lZw L�t�d'iCriol, sistet"S of rile and FREEMAN OLS CHOICE PIT RUN GRAVEL' CE' ENT -GRAVEL CRUSHED GRAVEL' SAND, STONE AND PILL HAULAGE Dungannon, Ontario