HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 13R 11th,191t .11 atic, Mc, power 'lc r. equipped. er 'steering eering tic, power. • WSPN..E5PABER 1971 • •. . . At Ludk now j, The Lucknow Womenis Institute.. • entertained menibers from the Ripley and iteid!S C9rner's insiitutes at their November meet- . ing, NITS; Alex Macy, presiclh t*; presided and welcomed, the visitors ariamembers. • ' An inVitafien e-st- 'from t • , • Hel- f)s aqc.Pd:Oetr meet ing November 1S 4t 2 pfrn. was •Accepted by the Lucknow InstitUte Insted Of having a Christmas , party this •year , the mernbers Tian to haVe apanquet in Feb-, Nary to celebrate the 75th. Anni- versary; and at the December • meeting have a pot luck supper. THE teuckNow SENTO Mrs, Arrnstrong Wilson and Mrs. Omar Brooks reported on the Grey -Bruce. Area Women's Insti, tute convention 1100.in Hanover. The roll call was answered with "How Can 'publicize the Wornen's Institute". Mrs, Wm. liunter presided fpr the prograni which commenced. with tile singin of 0 Canada, andN1rS. Win, kIui.iterread a pOepi, on "Armistice'. the rnot7 , , "Xindness and Couriesy.ate the essence of•publie relatign$1", was very capably prepared. a Ad given by, Mrs: 'Wes .Ritchie'Mfs. WAyne.L9wry. 'of' Reid'i COrner"s Institute , entertained the mem- bers with. seVeral delightful piano selections, . ., • Finlayson', who was - guest speaker; spoke Pll a bus. : trip Which she had 'taken to West- ern and Northern Canada' in 1970, L, LU KNOW, ONTARIO • which took her as far Mail as rairbarihs? Al4s141,,, The Yukon in August has only, a few hours of darkness , and the flowers that grow there ,are 'beau- tiful hut delicate, .The members greatly appreciated hearing Miss. Pinlayson's talk'cn her trip,, which she SO. capably outlined. Eunice Dungrniiir sang a solo,' "Beautiful Isle of ponieWirre“, • acCoMpariied'hY,Mrs, Wes Ritchie.. on the. piano; reading, 7Neigh- • 'boursv by Mts. W•m,. Helm; and a trio: of'Ripley Institute ladies, Mrs Waite.? Lodk, Mrs. FranCis and' Mrs. Janies Kirk- patrick, with Mrs. foss Nlartyn• , aceornpanist on the piano sang, • "IVInns f• All. NatiOns": all Of '• which was very.much'enjoyed. • After the singing of the Queen • and Grace, a contest was,.held PAGE THIRTEEN. RIPI.EY AB TTOIR Curing and. Stroking • Cutting and Wrapping Sausage Making Fast Freezing • HOGS AND CATTLE. ON MONDAYS• „ • Have cCaAttTleTI.inEn*Ir Ti-hurY s°daNyFfORETrAkiYaSY's gies..1001. With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From. 1. To 3 Weeks — Whatever 'Your Requirenients' Are. ••• For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef; Pork and' Lamb in Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR FROfECTION ' ', •• , ' • • -CRAS 1100ISMA, PROP. • ABATTOIR 395-2900. .• 3052961 with Mrs. Jack Campbell and Mrs. Wm.. Helm first and second win- 17A4nch was served by the hostes- ses in charge of the 'meeting. • • ,. The Federal, GoVerrirrient i5 putting 4.98 *,*,' ,So will, ourSpecial. PevelOprnent Loans . . , . , , • .• • : . million' dbllarSlo.'wOrk, through a.series. : ..... .. Program that' will finan.ce neW capital works • • of specific programs, to..helly.create eLII be speeding-- 9 • . • - ... „ C4riglians.. This meSsageis.ciesigned to .... approvals through the Central Mortgage and .- give you program.details.. ..- . • :' . . - . • . . Hbusing.Corporationld'gethomes,..student .. • . , WORKING.. :TOGETHER WITH TH. EINDIVIDUAL housing and sewage treatment projects .: under Way ' ''. ' • '' • . •• '', .4:',. _ .. . . We' re, en cou ra—i n i . ._ lis yZL1.r_ ,OWn initiative • or thrOugh;local gpVernment. local organizations and;serVice groupS. to . • dome up with ideas for our, LocallnitibtiVes PrOgrant.:Forexarnple, Yob. may wish to :• • . • . . H develop a day car4.centre.i'n 'your • town by • • any number of services that will make your - • . •*.:*, • cOrntnunity.'a better .Piace, . , fl.L IS :1.11,c Cana lariniclit, bu,siniss s..111.i.rig$: get: 1,i4gcr . . 11 /1114 , . . We-also--will-temaktng exhibi-T.• tion commissions boardsand.assbCiations*, ! 'to get youwor'king on multi-purpbse fairand, • trade buildings... ' ' • ' ).• ' • • . • . , 'Wc*ING. TOGET•HEF3 \NITH•FEDEF1AL WORKS . •, . '. Qn our level,•Well be,working to 'give . , .. yo0"rnore'jOb opportunities on maintenance , •, :..• .. There's also:aTraining-on-the-Job. . . and ,improvement activities : on Federal build-. . .. . . . . •, ' ,.___,,LP.Logratni-that-Vitill-wor-lob-r-p-tr-si-t4e-s-s-,;i:,! s-,.--trari:Spfifta.W•0-cl-r „ !i • ',..! . arid. par ., industry to exparyd..opportunities forthose who are unemployed orhavelittle•••Work , .. . :. WHERE LI,ALL_WCIFIKSLTO..GETHER±L..•--.---;, .. . , . , . . , • • . ' *! The lob starts at Our Canada .i*n- ,•• • * ex'perience, *'.*. .. : ''. • - ... '' If you have some baSic,eXPerience. . . • • 1 .. . , . • 'poVver:.Ceritre,'For adkce and•assistance:on we've extended the Canada ManPOiff.. . :4 any of the4roOran'is that youfeet app]y to Training ProgramlblTel-ppr.dyide you .wiTfl. 4., •• . . I you or your community contact, your local .. additional learning; • " ' • n ' " ' ' Canada Manpower Centre. They'll be happy .• • WORKING TOGETHER WITH BUSINESS AO help you with all the information they have. . • ., . ANDINDUSTRY • • . . ••- When Canadians get involved together. ... •projeCts; and many*others' ,‘•*. • Ihere's'a • r • irect payrnents to employers to encoarage them to.adqtraihees to their staffs through • , the Training=on -the-Job Prograril. This will• e t r a 1 nae -670-617-w6 can use in Many.jobs. • WORKING TOGETHE9 WITH THE.. MUNICIPALITIES. ." ' The IOUndatiOn: Of alt. municipal' activity, • • II .. • " • 4.004 tsigN.'•DRYER..‘ Corrldq,!t. ;Id./ LOWasjiip' LiJs v;as co0,ed, hiiv Marc 11 trncii loads 11,:iNt: corn !, to A.45,17, w • 4C • . ' .Prograrn.This WUt help,you support and,Spur , .community projects thatwill give jobs t� people in yourcohl.M..0.01ily ivs uhertiplOye6 ••• WORKINGTOGETHER WITH THE PROVINCES Obviously, the municipal Local Initiatives•. • P.)rograrn 'will tie' in closely with :the Provinces. • a • 9 Menpower.• c, and Inrinii4ittitiOrt Kfiniyor , Main -d'oeuvre et Immigration ouo' LA•ht, '4,m'spe • • ' • • • • • • ' • " • • • , • • PURPIE. GROVE ATTENDED 441 CONFERENCE • Bryan Boyle was`among those Who attended the Na,tional •Conference in Toronto and Ottawa •last:weekend. • • The* first card' partyof the sea - ' son was helcrat the Comrnunity • Centre on 'Friday evening, also • the Centre's yearly meeting. Mr.'ancl Mrs. Kenneth Bell. , span a couple of days • with Mr.. and ,Mts. Burton arid Margie.: . ••• .Miss Heather Boyle was••an'bi/er-,,. night guest, of Miss V,.ickiDore on. Saturday, • . a erson. and ; -r.& Of„Agincourtyisited With.Mr. and .rs, Gordon•Patter.-.' sbn and .farhilY and Mr: and Mrs. 1.1 et9n.. , • , • • • CeCil Dore visited with Mr. and arid -Mrs. Don Dore and family 7 on Sunday; Congratulations are extended to Mr. Donald HUttoni•who will be ordained into the United' church • of Canada in,a Ceremoriy•at. • • , • Bethany on SUR:lay., NOveniber We: aresOrry to report that 'Mrs:. JaCk trnmerton is, a patient in KinCardine Hospital, We wish her a •speedy recovery. • • • - s. ynn ed in •Toronto oti.the week -end. ' . Mt..and-Mrs.. Perrin Lowry entertained their neighboUrs at enchre paVty at their home on Saturday evening. • • Banquets seemed to be the order • • of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Leh Elrhea. attended :a pot luck supper • at Brookside On_Wedriesda44aten- in Mr: and:Mrs:. Glenn • BOyd, Mr. and Mrs. LYnn L,bwry andMre and Mrs; Bob Courtney • 'attended a banquet held: at :Cargill United Church on yed. _ nesday evening , • '--Bab—MacNay left on Sunday Tor two weeks on the Great takes., .BOb was formerly a 'Wheelsman" and is periodically called in to• supply at his old job. • e week -end with his •parentS, Mr.. acid Mrs. Murray Farrell. Also visitin ori the wee -t-their. hohi. Ferguson of LOndon arid Carol'. Courtney and Shirley 'Reid 'of • kittchenet. . :The new borne beingbuilt for M. and Mrs. Mervyn tun.stOkat • .y and the Sixth Concession is corhing I�ng nicely., .• Mr. and Mrs, Jahn tratr-1.- au are erecting a lOvely ' hew.hOrne at Point Clarke • • ' • • • •*: • mr," and mrS'Jin't Nesbitt. were • dinner guests with MI'S. Clara Courtney in Ripley last Monday. • Best wishes go with Mrs. Ernma rarrell;• who has moved to cardiae to.rnAlie her home in 4 . .new aisartrnent there, • r . . . , • . . • ,. _ , . . . . , . . . • .. I ' ,