HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 8•4 A. 0. 'i ' PAAt MIGHT: THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW; ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER A. 1 1 1. ,. . 1 CLOSED'A►T EVERY. EVENING 1 5. LUc.KN�O-V -= Men's .7.P..M Mervin Hodgins had'high.single; of the evening with:a 22,9 -score.: High -triple went to. Bi,11=•-Bolt with. -591.' • Team points:. Bob Nicholl's Owls''0 George.�Startl'ey's• Cardin ':als 5', Ron Stanliey'rVulltures•2; Jim. • ' •nne s Ha w rt -:Purney's Sparrows. 3, Evans. Helm's Crows•,2. • Team standings: Crows 28, V`u1. Plies 2E; Owls"25, Cardinal 24', Sparrows 23,",Hawks :21. • M a:n'j . • BarryWenger.N.'I.3:c..II Gives Travelogue Was Speciker For, Remembrance Day • The St:,, Helens Wonten's Institute held their November meeGrng On Thursday at 2 p , m •Roll call was answered by "Say, sorriething about the, person, onyour left, wliicl;i was. very • 'ente It was decided to e•ntertain 'the institute Dungannon, 'Auburn and Luckno:w on November 18th at 2 p. m,- Plans.wer°e'made to:cater to'the Legion Banquet on Saturday, November -13. 'The first card party of: the sea - son will be 'held November 18.at , 8.30 p..m. - It, was planned to hold the card: parties'every two. weeks. , A pot luck supper is being planned with the date left. to the committee in charge. • A, holiday dance is ;being planned. : 1<INLOUG•l;1 NEWS On Thursday morning ;, N,ovemb er :llth, a Remembrance Day rtaining. Service was held in the liolyrood hall,. P. A. Murray wa,s chairman ladies .of Whitechurch, and, talked•to� the, young people: ainiit:Remembrance Day, All. 'sang "(5 Canada" :and the .wej known hymn "Faith of'our fathers Following the -two; minutes silence Mrs. Gertrude Walsh.. 'placed the wreath. Mis.. Larne Eadie gave a .reading the address was givenby the Rev., G.N.• Ball of Ripley who used a' blackboard to -explain several' words. ;He also played'a record With a prayer, set to. music. Kairshea and' Iiolyrood ladies • favoured with a.. musical nu nber- • also two choruses ,by .the 'school ' children'. Mrs. Williarn,Scott .. . and. Miss. Edna Boyle were ,acc - ompanists•. lyirs.' Raynard,.Acke.rt ' thanked: everyone on. behalf of the Holyrood Women's: Institute +Readings were given ,by. Mrs. ' . ..Chris Cooke: and Mrs.. Frank Mc- Quiilin., . :A solo. was given by Mrs. And- rew Gaunt • accompanied, by, Mrs. E. ` W. Rice at the 'piano, Mrs,. Peter •Chandler introduced the guest spealter Barry ;Wenger Of - the. Wingharri• Advance Tirnes.. He'showed•slides and 'Spoke on his: recent • trip.to Europe. Mrs.. Ernest Snowden thanked • MT -Wenger. and presented him ; with a,,gxft. Mrs. Charles McDonald pre: This' weeks high single score was roiled -by Stuart Jamieson: of the .Mustangs :with .285 High tkple was also bowled by Stuart • Jamieson` with 680.' ,Games over. 250:Stuart Jamieson 285,: Herb Barger 255. Team: Points: Fords 7, Dodges' 0;' Buic'ks •5 , Oldsniobirles •2; Pontiacs 5 , Mustangs •2. Tearn. standings:..Buick: '29 ; Pontiacs 25, Fords 24, Oldsmo •biles. 21, Mustangs _17 , Dodges 10. Mel King bowled high single of 212 and, high double ,of '348. Vera•purees:had high single of. 158 Sadie, Haniiton high double. of 266. 'ream points: Reds 2, Blues +3 Greens 5, Yellows 0 Violets, 3,.. Oranges 2. Tearn standings: Harry 'Avis' Reds •24 ,1e 1 K'ing's ;Blues 24., 4- La :iei 9 p.m.: . High Single was bow led by Team Points. ,Era i Ien erso:n• s Dean Agnew' with 284.. Dean also -_ ; _ ' ready ady fo get off to'a.skating start Peanuts 5 , Norma tvlcDona h s P Lured Hi h Tri le,with: F�25; g with the 'four teams that have 'been n. g p e • , • Chestnuts 2;. jean Phillips., Butter' Games .200.and over: Dean chosen,., Z'he names come from nuts'5 ,• Ruth Thompson's' Coconuts Agnew 284, Marie Stewart 251 teams in thee,:N.H.'L. The tea iris, 2; Jessie, Joynt's Beechnuts 5 Anna Johnstone 246; Wilma Chis- 'Catherine Andrew's Walnuts 2 ented the Motto "A person shot,ld " be .proud of the place he lives,. and '1' ' •h 1 b . ivies sota . p ace can e proud of him". The me.etirlg,closeci with. Q Canada and the Institute Grace, 'Ltinch.was served' by Mrs: liar - old Gaunt , Mrs; Franik'MeQuil- lin and 'Mr's.: Chris.Cooke ' Ladies 6;30 p. m. wh 'arrange this service. each: • yea r- • ' Rev. Ball pronouriced..the bene diction and all join. ed in singing "God save the .Queen • VISIT IN HOLLAND Mr, and Mrs, Henry 1 and .Monica left Monda) iday with relatives in 111 NASSAU HOLIDAY Miss Lynda Dawson, ee of the .R yal Bank in has, just returned from a vacation in 'Nassau. Sim visiting with her parents Mrs.. 1•luntley Dawson ai The: Coriiniittee'.in charge of:the arrangements.were Mrs. P.A. Murray;' Mrs.' Ellwood Elliott and Mrs.' •Howard' Harris..' • • Another interesting"i Fruits" Meeting -Was ltel day,evening at the horn Evan :Keith.,`• •An attract tray was arranged and • s• with the other tasty, fool eci during the demot'istr Mrs.' Allan MacDong several ;days -.last week 'i where Heather was a h ient;: They returned he ;Thursday.• .. Asthe' theme for the rneetin.g..of Kairshea' �yc Institute is "Education" will rneet at 2 p. m. ;c 1$ at the 'Lucknowtent School.- .There, they w the newest.methods of t in the ".Open Classroo',n The'meetinl;, will concl borne. of. Mts. Clarence' ,'The Junior Choir.:wj1 there will .be, a l3apt'isiu at • South Kinloss •Presbvt Church at- ,12.30 p,IIL. ; Noveriml er, 21,, / ., A Rernernbrance :Day service' `was held 'on November 10 at'our school A• film was seen on this subject and, songs. were sung ,and a group: of, senior -girls recited "In Flanders Fields" . Ari Honour Roll' was: read consisting' -of the • names of some of the people from this area who died in the Second vie ,mit rolled: the high World Wo r.' Some' of the pupils. single game ; Room Six.put a, cross 'on an • MacKinnon,th h gh t pl f 638, artificial Mound for each of those 1 I-are the Nortl Stars•,witl Noble: ,ca `tain and ;: \ Ir : p tau as coach; The 'I3I i have ••Mr..Firila•yson.as Philip :Chandler'as cap .Hackett is the :captain'' Bruins with Mr; FCamer oach; the last -team is With Roger .Morrison as a:nd-Mt. •,Liddle -as Coa-€ first game will be Nov. 24 Good Luck Boys!. 1 of 285 and Marionfrom `• . e i u e -o Games of •2,00 and, over;: Olive named. in the Honour Roll,' The Smith -285 Marion MacKinnon nded-aftet theperiod of GI RIS .HOC I< EY have two hockey teams twenty-five girls •sit;nc our. coaches: *sent .,''� • Mr. , Errin tonwc,.piel, g ,f' captains and teams; '1 captains are.Sally,.D rs Heather Stevenson. -207 , 230.and 201,. "pia Henderson silence., 251, Marion Campbell 21$,a Jean HOCKEY'. Phillips 202. This year the boy. hoc ke ;is , �d•' Y y hockey,is holrr36-a1'yiriarrr Tearn Stings iestnuts 43. Bee hnuts 40 , .Butternuts 36 •, Walt nuts 31, •Coconiits,29, `Peanuts 29; Trudie Nelson .210 anti' 2006., Tillie Ssorr_2c14. • Team' Points: Iviary Cleland's Peanuts 5.,• Barb Whitby's Pecan- Nuts 2; Mary . Lou Barger': Wal Lt kn ply nuts ,5 ,. Tillie:'Wilson,': Hazel- • : nuts 2; Rena Forster': Chestnuts 7 , Te -ria aidnerits--Almond-nuts-' 0. Sproule's Yellows IL., w'alte•r Dexter's•'Greens 13, Cla•re.nc:e Bell's Oranzes 12., • • •Team Standim®+ 'Chestnuts 41.., Pecan -nuts 3 7, •Peanuts 37;'Wal- nuts 35 , A1niond's 33, Hazel- nut. Dungannon Men's high -triple was won. by F3ob'Mclnto h with 710 who also had tl�''hi�h single; of.318. Ladieshigh triple'was' won by Marie Stewart With 616 and the Ingle was wary • Cleland with 246-. Men over 230; Bob McIntosh . 318, Gord Brooks 289, Bill But- ton 259, Angus MacLennan 250, Bill Stewart 250.; • GASOLINE DIESEL = HEATING ,FUEL .AND. OTHER FARM PRODUCTS s HOUR BURNER SERVICE PARTS INSURANCE TRUCKS :R4D10' 'EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE WHOLESALE - RETAIL,' DIAL 528-3006.01i 528.36,16 - • r � ' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO„ 1 aintons are CofltIflUung to cep Y�eir Original 2A'6 , JO;y Dennis Team Points: Squirrels -7, Wol verLnes 0; Cubs 1, Gophers 0; Pbl'ecats ,� , Kangaroos 2;. Beavers 5; Zebras.2; Tigers.5, Coons 2; Chipmunks 4, Lions a, - Team Standings:. Tigers 41, Cubs 83 Beavers 31, Squirrels 29, Polecat's 25, Coons 25', W01- verines 23, Lions 23, Chipmunks 19', Gophers 10., Zebras,16 , Kang= .,aroos 10, ViILb1 IN BLYTH SHOP IN THIS OLD BUILDING, A'L.ANDMARK,11 HURON .COUNTY SINCE 1894 'and L ODIA OFFERED UP T0.> O i THAN LAST' YEAR,'S ALE PRICES OPEN DAILY MONDAY THROUGH .SATURDAY 9: A.M. TO 6 THE NAME "IsAIN�'T091 n IS OUR GUARANTEI