HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 71:!',th. 1.971. •WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17t,h,, 1.97 THE LUCKNOVif SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO TH_,. y, United ss Of' •my ;4 will be Premier; WE HAVE A CLIENT FOR. • A 200 - 300 ACRE DAIRY FARM With 50 , stables,, upright' silos and. a; mlkhouse' with pipeline. Must be within`' aa. 10 mile radius of Lucknow T.7111 serioUS prospects ' PLEASE WRITE STATING PRICE OR PHONE. 75 acre hobby i7otking . man.. ,00tn modern ely landscap, up for' beef • l bank barn. rym.ent• with -LOT 132— r ig.e plan of .4 1 looking into good invest=. RM on Hwy. .h steel stabl. rtlktg mael bulk cooler 3. There is'a. brick home' is is a real': -is ' it. $40,000: net- will hold JACK ARENDS, ::291.1788' R.R. -4 Listowel .`REPRESENTING UNITED TRUST REALTOR • BAND WORKING OUT 114._ ; ow 5,6164_0a -0, -- , under the directionof Mr'. Gordon Gayle'y , is:holding numerous ex tra::practices'in preparation -for their upcoming 'and tour '- Dec • ,.et.riber. 3rd and. 4th.. buying or • to Kinloss Ct rHUR 5. COVE.' E :Intee nited iN RENfhM13RANCE DAY' ASSEMBLY On. Wednesday i. Nov'erribe•r .1Oth Mrs. Wheeler's, Grade 7 ' 8 class of Lucknow Central Pu`t lie ,School.. held an assembly for.. :Remembrance: Day. We`opened. bur assembly by singing "2 Can •ada"., acco.mpanied by Mary • Eadie on the piano. The sc,ripture was read by/Bobby Stanley, 'foll rt -he Lord's Prayer in uni- son.. Elaine. Whitby read' soirie thoghts'on..Remembrance Day.; and -Bruce- Service 0 Salesmen 'OL lee vlurray MOrri-son s SBaker DI_,' N c;A NNON:.NEWS n un ay ,at'8:op p:'m a ,good .attendance, gathered in, the United • Church S. S. roonis to hear Murra -.Merr.ison of Lucknow; Ont tell Of lois eaperiences in .Lueknow. India. Elis taik.was well i11ustrat ed with his coloured slides Retnehtbrance Day 3:49 1 was .oh served in niany ways l: at Tlaur day. c�1a}' ,We' all feel. a 'renewed •ri.ecd to help locally' •• toward'World Peace; ` v'ord was•reccived by ':Mr, and ,'11r.,.f3en.M:ole of the death of ..the latter's COusi.n; Grant Cv�<ans,` r ird .Sear, Jle passed away; . suddenly :Friday November. l2 1911 at kindersi ,..Saskatchewan. 'parents,were' Mrs Abe. Evans who, survives; and the 'laic M. Ev-ans `i k. was a ,treduent visitor wtth;telatives and 'friends in this -• • ..locality,.' Walt , r_4101,c: frem—I•ti spent _ Mr raci lt: ] rrr :A1.1C-1 ,� -Iasi wecli cnd at the hon'te' of his Dred to Sudbury to•�att��)'a i' di wcdd'i11. .c5f tltc lt3"ttc r'ctiistcr irtt• 'Sattrda}• , Nc vembc r :thi.rtc c nti,t. ,' Harold Blake, '111s t;t'c it 131ake and 13a'rb�it`a 'shcrit'th School.,.. David. Ackert playedthe gongs �rc�=n-ro-1;.--~arrri°,-�`E3acr1 c ,flymn of the Republic" on his clarinet.` The poem "'Iia Flanders Fields" was read' by Connie Aalders. `, The skit ",Battles for Freedom"'; as coni )oseci. and presented f!• _•e ed by both girls and boys'singing.. the Hymn. - "O God Our Help in . . Ago Past; ' • Mr, Collyer showed,an interest- ing filrn'on..Remernbraiice. Day. We ciosed.Ourasse`mbly .by:singing "God Save the Queen" ,f accom ponied by'.Jeanne, Reid: on the piano.. • Beverley Maize; Grade,?/8, Mrs. Blair are sisters. LOCHALSH Mr.' and 'Mrs. Doug Martyn and Donald and Mr'. and Mrs', Ewan • Mac,Lcan spent Sunday in Colling- wood with -Mr. and .Mrs. Allan MacLean and family. John McCharles of Petrolia . visited with his..Parents' for the wcel<'end; . Reecnt ,visitors with Ivir.and Mrs. Cordon Finlayson were lvlr. and'.Mrs. 13.111 Rodgerson and : • . boys„ Mr, and Mrs. •Paul 'Ember N lrci c f Toronto aid Mr. and Itis.. 13111. 1=irila'} sOn' a nd John 'of. Tees' water. N1r. and Mrs. Harry: Watson of Toronto' were week end visitors With 1\1r. •and Mrs. Art Mathew- ttutn',. Mr. Tofn Farrell of.Kincardine was'a caller in,the neighbourhood during. the .past week. Congratulations to :Iv1r•; and 'Mrs. George 'Moncrie ti e:a'rrival of a new grandchild. '13rad MacKenzie Was in Loddon when: he' had the last'.cast remov Miss Lynn Elphick-spent the week end 'with Movita Bradley:: '1r.-.-at:�h--.--lin -12-rooks-and Robbie ware recent Visitors iri 1 itehener with Mr; 'and Mrs. Don- ald ,Campbell Brownie On Tuesday,'.Noverber 9th the :lst Lucknow Brownie .i'atkofiened-; their meeting with Brewnie Ring: and Janette 'll wald was the,'Fairy` At Pow Wow we sang Happy; ''Birthday to.Joan Hamilton as this was her birthday. : Lori, A1cKim Collection.. The Brownies who had attended. tile• Guide Jmeet.in'g on: Thursday'night told .the rest of the pack about what .they had.' Mr...and Mrs J'ae:l< Eedti \fic.h ael grid Laurel spent the weekend. ' with .Nit andA1rs,. I1.J. L. led • •\ir.. and Nits. •e,,erric, Olein and t w i i d Y 44.el held, a faniily,r.ettnioti last S'unday. Guests included \1r and \1r's., Cran1<,'F oriapson and Jiaanne ; f)uu:- l;annon; \Ir: and- \ rs Bonnie' Thompson annd (1lildrLI1 13cinrlie',. SVar}'ne .and •\'i_ hael off �\ 1n 1111 ;, • Ir'. and, \ir•s. Art 1)aliah�v , 1,;•ci et-`• • and "Ferry:Annc of, KIr.tc'.,rrdine.. • •• lir'.,and Mrs. Eva Ric''c ,aCeohipanit:d. Wm. Marsh. of (...;oderfclf,vis-ited with then]; als*O; parents e' .1.40‹ 'Alton Spent Mk. weerk at Abe .8110u4dice Canto in Thornhill, eratior where he und efwe nt 'double hernia.. Mr. and MiS. Victor rztington visited- this meek with thdir attended the Royal Winter*Pait. nowemployed in the office of 1<rochler% in Stratford., * Lendon with Mr. and Mrs, las, 131air Sunday,* Mrs.' Eedy.a.nd 41.444444.14444444, IRWIN Mil Blake and, lieoky ..They Stratford Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stirling and Darlene of Thamesville visit.od recently. with .Mr And Nits., Rob - Little. Matti') Rivott , son And is Goderich hospital, ' P.AG. SEVEN GLASSWARE. CORN FLOWER PATTERN SHERBETS 29e PLATES 39c WATER GLASS 29c; ! 'JITIG'E 20c OLD FASHIONED'S' 25c ea:. Cake stands Clip and' dip. I • bowls — Candy dishes .1 ' Relish dishes ' 'IN AVACADO and AMB'EE I. GLASS FROM' 89c -'$3.89: 'TR EE'STANOS: WITH 6 MUG'S' $5.95 ' ' i e .� Y ENGLISH TEAPOTS $4:49. ea.: 1. I: n. 1 1 1 1 1' CERAMIC SOUVENIRS _Made 'JrCanada:. by Master • „Craft Ash Trays -- $1.39 $1.98 . Candy •Dishes '-=- $1.49 Pitchers, 4; styles $1.49 $L98 Mugs --:95c - $L75 TRIVETS — $1.29 COLLECTORS SPOONS • . $1.49 ' EY CHAINS= - All with Lucknow • er Canada Inscribed SPECIAL:, OF WEEK. CHILDRPN'S SLEEPERS , •x,. -r .Values up to. $2.39 for ..1.5 9' WIDE. SELECTION .OF • 1'LA LAMPS and VASES ,. ,: II been. ' • During work period 'Anne. Alton and Janette;Howa1'dpasse. dtheir' test for singing O Canada to Mrs.:.' 'Flanagan: and Janette also passed • her test for God Save The 'Queen.' Th 'N I lanagan had' the Gold en Bar •Brownies to tell thein a story about Lord. and. Lady:Baden- Powell., Some of the'Golden. Ladder Brownies Worked at. their story about going on a hike Whine .the Golden Hand. Brown • ies .practised. semaphore Tawny • Owl had, the twee.nies'.to'see what they could remember about.the Brownie' Salute:; Sign and IHand'• ,shake. ' from last week. . Everyone then' joined together :to 'play a game,. "Snakes and The me,eting cloied with the I Squeeze and Taps. , EN. SOUND AND BARRIE. iS Offering day programs to run from De,cember 6, 1971. through July 15; 1B72 for thoSe Who were unable tO start classes last Septerhber. ' . . ° SIECHANICAL. DRAFTING,,:TECHNIcIAN , (2 year proglann ENGINEERING TECHNQLOPY ' 3 year programs in Civil, Eleetronic, GENERAL LBUSINESS second year oPtions in Medical or Legal SeCretatial • T'FI:ESE PROGRAMS WILL 'BE''*ELIGIBLE FOR ADMISSION'. TO THE SECOND, YEAR IN SEPTEMBER, 1971 Please tear off co.upOn below and mail tO: OWen Sound, Ontario Tel:' J76-0682 Please send' mi full particUlars Director, Student,Services' BARRIE Georgian College ' 401 Duckworth Street Barrie, Ontario' • Tel: 7280951: concerning the following' ftillotinie day . --B-prere/Oiv-Oriliou rid. .4,,44 449444444 fELEPHONE v444414.44. 44444446 V*445444944 the college' reserves, the right IC) 4:andel ritijgrallit which oe iectire sufficient enrollment.