HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 317111, '1971 ninate or . rm: o 1 next • to fill the y,Itc,eve or•a one shfielcl for ornination which. iS the .: Dr most tid intutic- •sent serve(' two Ir. to that e for two .fer,siX H-nple•tett :Tye in Ash. 10 for: ••• s in Asti-' tith fiv ttr . „ . • W.E.PNESPAY4 NOVE.MBER1Tth1•971- , • • THE IA:ACK:449W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO : • • PAGE! THROB monomm,r4rmi„„rni„nr,44rgyptirneryprivi. ,fnettfeRf4111,1fIlle11101,1“Mt‘Itifft4101,erleM,19,11,11,,MIRCIIIRRtlfIRRI,,,,91“10141,11.“1“,....s..,....,111tillittit • R A , 4 .` 0-, •NtrNe",0"..d•-•,....",e-,0,--e",,--..--e- Iff tetotilnotit'Iti“11014Initittitt,littlit etihOthillYIN010,011,10401014010401110400101thett"OMOIN041041040,0“,014040MelttrofYININtntat • • BESTBUYI • FEATURE) • R tk BEST, BUY!' -7 ORANGE PEKOE (C. (C • BEST BIJYI $"( CRUNCHY STYLE., 31/2-0z. Foil Packs ytiltais 111 OZ. JAR RED & BEST. Buy! .KRA.FT:CHE: .BEST BUY] -7 COLOURED .PARCHMENT. •L CRISCO SHORTENING HOUSEHOLD PAPER SCOTT . 2 Rowhidi 60 'to carton 1 SUPREME (i4b.-000.„,sio) • • BLOCK BEST BUY! -- ASSORTED VARIETIES DAINTY FRIED RICE , • . BEST BUYI ALUMIiIUM. ia!' WIDE , . STUARSTUART.' HOUSE FOIL.W FEATURE! T Owe) or BREAD !N° BUTTER 25 -FL, Roll RED & WHITE rger—an einer 1101.1.S 4 for $1.00 ar a Canada .packers. D-eyori. BACON 49 • • FEATURE! •, it_iuu fa, PURITAN EF or IRIS • FeATUREI • " ' • • , . rACKERS CARNATION Evaporated IL 14b. Piro:"• FEATURE! — • c II.EALTHO DOG. FOOD c 4.wA7ka4Alr'r'.'io04'4.,41•.,4044T444e04,-.14.'44,14,1,4,-;0-4,114,14-roirossr44,114144s-'4,41,04*4,040440askaiiimiliotho#4,04040,04,04,,,Noeimiaikit is= INA 44,,,AkaiwAk.01,,,64.0,14 Agilibil.oilAsss stilatidlioRIA414461Aiiiku11**,1141161041401111441101,1111101 . . • " , . • .• • • , . . • . • • Mrs. Elia Litileof Lucknow : left last Saturday to spend the, 'winter With lien daughter and son , 'Mr:s and Mrs. Lyle:cayn-, °rind family In Tavistock, • • Mrs. 1.Dreflnan of Kincardine visited with Mrs. L. Ferguson and. 'Mrs: Sadie. Hamilton �f Ltcknow' On 'Friday. ts. • • • ' . • Ewart .McPtiersen.returtied.to his • ,Ilie•khow• honle...a....,ke.k-La go. day from St,' Joseph's Hospital London Where:he spent a week,, 'faliowing.surgery 0• O "We look forward each week to receiving the Sentinel' apd though• Lticknow is not our iative p,lace,, O it seems as thouli the Sentinel is • a.mesSage froth home" says Rev. Wm. Q. Mead of Re:ysville , •Virginia in •rene S1 • • Mr, l'and MrS. Oliver :Glenn •sxter in Guelph on .Friday evening. Where thet-attendedrthetwzddrtrg--of .Raelene naer and • \'i.rjdentPc.s- eski at the Church Of Ottr Lady. ' Mr, 'Dora Skipliek and hr son JOIln moved on Sactirday from' their home north of,Lneknew to a. trailer }lento. at R. R. 4 Brussdls. John' who is emple cd at Gui bell Soup in Listowel will ,be. closer to his work; •VC)LLEYi3ALL* On November 8 the boys had a yolleyball practiee. On -the fe„,1 practice.. .The houSe. league starts seen a nci.both boys and girls voted. in favor efhaving neW teams in- sr.eacl Of the old teams which were used fei.soccer•. • • ST. HELENS RE.MEMBRANCE - Michele Hack - ' Wednesday Noe Mber 10' at. •o'clock, Grades pneo ight held a ReMembrance Day Service . Pened'• •rheserVie Singing."Qnward n „ . CliStian.Soldiers. Jef Reuse. lead the' poem•"In Fland'ers • • 11r, anOirs, Elmer Potter from Heinle:Mlle and Mr. d•tid, Niel:at:lane and. twe a ti.ght ers •from• PrestonLyjsited_en— witt,Nirs. C. Sliaddiek • ' • LuthnoW.. •. ..WOney spolic on the thorne Watsen-Webstcr ot Clinton was a Caller IncknoW on' Tuvsday of this •week,. 1Ie and stet rettufted. recently r'in i. day conducted tour ,of Ireland). , :...1.1taltncLAnd..Scotland---- •0 pc, Wreath ,and we allebserved t'wo minutes siicnqc. ‘yea.ng (...0;d: Out 1 IcIp • In Ages Past".:. Ann (*plj'ine:d the Olean- `A•6nfenthi.a ne a Pay with I,‘ • nniversary Mr. 'and frs, Williain Stanley • •. .of Lu:cknow were -het -toured on • Saturday,. November 13th at, the . Lucid -16w. Parish'Hall, when around fifty gathered to rnark the occas.. • ion of their 4:5th,, Andrea who,spent : the past week here with her O grandparents , Mr. and. Ms Fres returned home :to ,• Kitchener.•She aeornpanied her O grandparents and Mrs. Mc9uillin is reniallYing•this•weel< in Kitch- ener WitnIr. and' Mrs. .ikari: • McQiiillin and family. • •Mr. and Mrs, ,fred Thompson, Benny and 'B' Were Week end visitors with Mr. •and Mrs. Gordon MacPhersen.. ti' t goes to the Rutherford farnily, passing of'lMr. Win Ruther- ford onStinday. „ • Mr. and. Mrs.. Glen mcnOriald and Andtew of lvoodstock were • • Miss 1\i1ary MacLeod Of-Luclow- li how Wing..hain and Dist - net Ilospital , vibote 'she was.a patient for sevenO weektl• The re -organized Lde know hiterulediate Tiookey to:aim i•t scheduled to play it flit game tucknow against. A rth'gr oti MOliday, 'Mrs. Jake !hinter Of. Li rekt lbw 00 00 ivisited_for_tw6.v;iciQks. .Loridrott. with Mr. and Mrs./ Cordon hatii and b0P; •, , • • • 'Mr* and Jirn • • • nd Ja mos and Grog And Cli ffcrd'e ;\lil 14n .,., all of St: (atharil1cS WM'', W CC' • ond viSitors .with ParenG. Mr and Nix J • '"Pcace,s'and hew we she° ld guard it the future, . • by.singing,"so., sary•• . . • A supper and' social evening was held: The. actual dateofthfir • anniversary is December .1,•but it, was not Convenient t� hold:the .gathering at that.tithe. • Stanley was theforrher: Viola .,Thompson, daughter of the late"Mr. and. Mrs, George Therrip- son. •.. • . • , • 0,0 ta41iy.-is-t4te-sen-ohe late Mr.„and Mrs. Garner Stanley •: of Lucknow. ;Jk. ancL.I.Ars,,•-st-ajiley• fa-i-MeelTfdr *. . Tabou0S'yea-iSliii,i—West, of 17,:tiek- noW prior. to moving tO the .' Village three years ao last May, where they had ,puraliased a home on OGough, Street., •• • . • ors wi ter parents,' Mr. and' Mrs. HatOid Gaunt and family, ' • „The -Shoot Parties begin on ---t• Thursday' eVenrn ingfrt:8..80 po'. • a (I • • in the hall; These will, be held every tWe'wecks for the wint'or • m .honths, f\,!iss Linda Mowhinnoy spent 1.o. past week 1,6 St. atharines. with her sister:, Miss Marie Mew - lid Mrs„."•Jim, Reank.spelt a tvw days recently at Wallaceburg with •-•;',1r, 11'5 130b Ctlrric ;Ind 4111d Mr Mrs. 1:ev Keane 'and • Arlene in trattord • y . 0 C liay of St. Thomas; Mrs,. Velma, Andersen', Roy and Clark of -0; . don; Mrs. j'aeW(lean) Johnston of • _ TZ;11. 2, ••S. 7 '7- • (Mabel) Robbins of l:Xeter: Mrs, Donald (Marlene) Ceiling of; Izipley4 George of Locknow, Besides their intn fediattlatnily numbering'fiften,..:twepty-rive grandchildren eldvatt sisters and brothers atteridd happy gathering. • • r.. _ .