HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-17, Page 2• P. THE L,UCKNOW SENTINEL,•UCK,NOW ONTARIO . Th4 LIJCK IQW SENTINEL tUCKNOW,, ONTARIO. "Thi Sepoy Towne' .- On. tie .Huron Bruce. Boundary Second Clan Mad. �B#stration Number 0847. , F b ed I$?8� PubLshed; Each. Wednesday' .,A p • lyl tuber. of thCa w,.N.A., and O W.N.A ,. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a gear ut advance "- to the U.S:A.., $8;00 Donald C, Thompson, Pgblishea • ,1S W . DNESDAY, NOV EMBEit 17th. 1471: ya, • : LETTER: Ta THE E.D*TOl Hur0...Federotion ActS: ROOrdin Fa.rm. ers' 'P.rOb.lem Ripley, Ontario November IS, 197I.. • Luck:pow• Sentinels • ` Dear, Mr , .Thompson 1., was surprised to, read off the p rolale.m Walter and. Gordon. Rpu,l stop: had 'cane ert ing their,: calf which died,after being treated with'Ruelene 25E. ' Surprised that no one in our '•• Township organization.had heard Of their trouble and also surprised that Gordan or Walter. had not in - .formed the Township Federation, - Needless. to say , the matter 'is. now in the hands of the Ontario,Eeder- ation of AL ricuiture in Toronto and :you will probably hear, -of some. further 'action - Concerning this matter., , + This case i5 art .ex'ample of what an individual farmer can expect in•dealiri with' corpora.- t1�xns for thi `re -a -sot f'�rni car- • anization is essenti t. The ear- ious.facilities available and the pressure w.tichcan be. exerted ,as a group certainly can eliminate, a'lot of frustration, and • BLYTH PAPER SOLD.TO. AREANATIVE ! The Sentinel would like tobest e , ... extend ' wishes" to Keith and Jill •-Roulston of Clinton=and--forrnerLY ofucknow.who lastweek purchased the Blyth Standard, that coinniuniity's weekly newspaper, They Pur- chased the paper from 'Mr, and. Mrs. Doug Whitmore. _Keith it well known. this ..area. He grew pp. in :Kinloss and. attend school in Lucknow: He received hisnewspaper training at•. Ryerson ni seta in. Toronto and has put it to practical use as editor of the Elinton News-R-eeor-di --a st-lie-ha$ca abl -illeti-`or •ltie ast--two_ s. yearand where he will continue . at,' present The Sentinel regrets the fact that after 33 years, the Whitmore name.'.will'no longer be associated with `:newspapering in this area. Two generations of Whitmores in Blyth have been friendly associates crgene e . WE.QN.ESDAY : NOV,. EMBER. iath,'1.gfa Vincent Austin Ash,fieI� Heads Federation Next Ashfield Federation. of A ricin- One. ear Term: ture held their annual meeting and banquet ort Tuesday of last week at E rookside School with close to.100 people attending. Guest speaker was Stan Paquette o the Otttario•Depa'rtment of, Agricuiture and' Food at Clint*, Jack • Stafford,, thePcesident of Huron County' Federation, brought greetings and conducted:the elec- tion of Officers for 19'72 which re- . suited as follows:. Past President Ross Iedy;; President ,:Vincent Austin; Vice President.,. Ralph' Cameron; Secretary -Treasurer.,. Mrs.. Rat Livingstone., It was unanimously decided that the'Federation of Agriculture would continue to Wor_k_for:.th.e•-,::r 'people in Ashfield Township, de- spite the fact that th'e Farmer's, •Union•had received, their request to have•-th'e levy-re-rnover-i4rorr.1 R'the' assessrfent.'' All people of the, Township will be given• the oppor, tunity.to:grve:a.donatiarr.to heip' the work of the ;Federation in the Township The Township of Ashfick will, nominate, on Thursday of next week,,,.November 2Sth, to fill the o,ffic.e• of •Reeve., beputy-Rc°eve and three..Councillor's for a one year—tern.. . With the election in Asltfielc! for a one year terra, the'nornination will.,fall 'again''in 1972 Which. normal election year for 'most m� t district sehool hoards and riiti.nic'- ipalities... Girvin Reed is .the present' Reeve :o:f Ashfield..Oirviii las served two' years ,as i.ceve; OKI pilon to that .= served.as Deputy-Reeve:for two years and a "Councillor ,for, years., Eugene.-Frayne• 11as-�oi,H��ll'telf two•years as Deputy-izeeve in Ash. field and was. a Councillor,foi.: five years prior to .that The three Councillors in ;Asir 'field. are Lorne Cook with five ra�5 c } peri e 1 aT �'ii dirt with four 'ears:and.: Fiin1•t 1 y � l , lae - Dona ld with t.wo•years : • • • e peop e o . are or una e a a young man to continue 'a paper in their ;community. All across Canada, many small newspapers are being absorbed by larger. ones because of. the increasingdifficulty\ in making •a small newspaper pay its way. ' Costs of operation, and production have risen sharply in recent years, but advertisers have also turned towards weeklies in. greater numbers.. because they do a _job for the :money, and they . reach ,,the bulk oU the local market, neededby local businesspeople and individuals. „ • epe tentage, of area residents in makingthis',` newspaper go: We hope the: Roulstonsfind this 'same support in. Blyth. Birthday..,inie's mother wits. .Carnpbe11 of Lu.cknow... Mr. and hits. - m Ross Gar ie ,en tertained a number of friend:sat• their: home , It. 'R.. 1 Lucknow :on Sunda , 'November 14th. • .• --The occasi. ^ . the 85th birthday.‘of.Mrs.' Gam-. One;.of the highlights of 'the, evening for •:M4s.,'Can•ipbe11 w'as a•• phone' call froni'her oldest grand-. son Garry Gacn•rrt e of C1iuion' .day greetings: ;to her. :Thank ydu; `Jahn 0a:ruble. vr Air itrii,„ migitibariO iaa • MacKENZIE FURNITURE HAS. JUST: REOEIY D-�4�N W -STOCK OF i�ehler aCMesterfields air Occasional Chairs end Reclining .Chairs RENIEMBRAINC E 'DA i CONTINUED `FRON1PAGE .1 I.ev.. Robert.Nicholls•of Luc - now` United. Church ;offered, prayer ,Wrea:ths;were• placed.under:thc direction of Harold : Ritchte.' Those placing wreaths wen. Charles McQuillin •,• pr.OVirlee cif Ontario; .Torn, Nlorrisorl,::Luc know • Leg on, .. lrs Ford Cuitninghani Ladies' Auxiliary to' the • Legion; George: Joyntvillage o.f Lions Club; bob,MacKenzie; Lueknow Business. ;Men's :Assoeia- 'tion; Mrs, A'lex.,•,MacNay, Luck. now- Women',s Institute; Michael: McDonagh,,. Boy Scouts; Kathy Treleaven , Girl Guides • . The last post ;and reveille .were • sounded • by Gordon Cayley:'• shall; 'Sud Thompson was in charge ,of the *colour. party made ' t. —f- Russe -11- iit-b a rid. Ed : well from the Lcgin Mrs. Bob .Lyons. and Mrs. Clare Johnstone Havens and Nancy Warren from • the Girl Guides; Craig Treleaven; ,Steyr: Iuttort and Austin YDon- nil from. the Scouts and Cubs. . They have "a large selection in the newest resigns and Fabrics` and a wide' selection of prices also: `H E --T iiM E -TO -DR E -SS UFS' -1F- O Ft40 Nk THE CHRISTMAS SEASON.'. YOUR CHOICE•NOW. . • McCKENZIE'S W 1 L L, AY1lWAY YOUR. SELE'CT 1191 U 1'Ti4 'CHRISTMAS., '1? � ,.., «tip,, Fur Allan Pcnningtbri silt -year-old son of . Mr ..and Mrs. . toy, Penn ngtori , Cts lross,, is hon* fro:M`St.Jclse• h s:l.fos • ital; •Lon4 don and has ptoiressed very fair•; C5urahly. Allan was involved in a school accident -at 1-liller'cst got -Aral--; on, the.f layground ,, in which: he• sustained a broken left arra. at, well as.a ruptured spleen vriic had to he removed by su'rgery in the London I losprta h While in Ste, Joseph's Hospital.,:. Allan broke ant iri chickenpox Which made his period of Itospit4 al#at,ion doubly trou alesome. .... oticsoW ''HONE $284431 Anything yoti• cart do •this fall to speed tit) spring operations -is going.•to pay: off in higher yields Earlier planting ;can mean extra: bushels of 'corn Land storage o.f'CO-QP'fertilizer this fall can give • y'ou the needed' nutrients in the soil •'for early sprinc;. it _Yo kfprpri is :moi it vl7er it r ec<iecl> when.it's needed to assure that good start for yotir crop. And 0u:won't have to go over vvet fields with .a heavy load, • • Talk to your Co-operative or CO-OP Crop. Produ. tS• Specialists . about plowing down suitable:analySi ; Phone 5282124 x • Goinpi t fit til � er , entice c $