HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-10, Page 19OBER 10th, 1911• a1'c1 ,t'nd 'Lynda • 'oh' R, R,.1 �5d:1 , " oveulld,• a1111i :` and Mar, twin`. ispecfor Cott•nci1held.1 111 on..lovvenl' ..i.nhers present. ' c't i•i i s we're. lave Moore , 111, t0;1ddv.ertfs: ar t.i1.c21471-. t o.',h72 e in for : si tett as 1\;ani- tor. One td ob-' e1.4. . r. u r• 1ii•cipi1• 1;t: :u,til Y' NOVEMBER. 10" 1911 WE pNESDA:a r .ucknow Resident ied in Hospital il1PS. 'FRAM MORAN The death of 'Mrs. Frank Moran of Lucknow occurred at Winghain rtpd District 1.lospital On. Saturday, October 330th following a lengthy' Illness: -Silt was in her 77th year. T'he••former. Clara Elizabeth • .,IGNarr:tiro•„ she was a daughter. LJolui McNamara .and Bridet Lannon> and was born on •the',10ph. concession of Ashfield on July 23, In December' 1928 she married. Frank Moran of .Ashfield. They, were married at Kingsbridge. 1lr. andlrs. Moran farmed, u1 Ashfield tintil five years ',ago when they retired'and'•nidved to lucknow., where they ,had bought a home at the eastern edge -Of Besides her husba'ild N1rs..tvloran is survived by two daughters Mrs... Ernest (Elva)'I'recrl;lavi and s,'Irs. Kenneth (Rita) 1'4iy , both of Chat haul and one san:Alvin &loran of..' R, R. 7 Lucknow , who••resides Oti • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .VCKNOW, ONTARIO Ashfield T.wnshiphneeve G'ir viii Reid was appoint- ed to represent Ashfield; on a committee of surrounding muni- cipalities regarding establishing ; a Medical Centre in Lucicnbi Appiication•for Tilez J�ranal,e for 13obert .Irvin was approved. . The Nomination meeting will be held Thursda•y,. November 25th from 1 to 2 p.m.... Road accounts of $12,3.5$,9.0. 'and general accounts'of• .$28,899.98•were'a r'oved' • Pp .. for .. Si.hl ominaton Ashfield: `i'owllsktip Council rnet on Nov;ernber 1 wrtll all tient hers present • Approval was _xi;ven to pro- posedl' g the p_ a posed sub division of E. Vogel providing the road:way to the north o, his property has "a width of 33 f et froln Centreline. • Questioilai.res for .severance . , were appr.Qv.ed. for 'Russel Trym aro' G enn;,aid Brian Weaver;. Council agreed to .pay' N1e1 • Dickson for damage to; house caused by tree falling on hydro Council ad jourlled.to. Meet- Wednesday.,:. eet.Nedne.sday,,_. Dec:ei'n'ber.lath at • 1.p.111,. DONALD M. SIMPSON, Clerk. iaSonic Ladi igit La.st • Donald Simpson , Worshipful Master" of Old Light Lodge, presid- ed g for the annual Masonic Ladies' Night and banquet held at the . Lucknow Legion Hall on Tuesday night of last week.... • Guest speaker. for the, even>„ng •• was jud_e R: S....Het , 1 Goderich who spoke on his"e.xper- iences and work in the courts.. Seated- at the head table'were lodge' Officers and their; wives Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Johnston, r • rne• :x1111, sex; tec,I -grat rr children and 'one. brother 'I l • . .Me amara of'fetr'oit , •:1Tichig;a.n. • • She was. predeceased, lay Anne son '• Wiltnrer Nio.ran and two'sist•ers lank • ;far'T lie funeral. sery ice was held at;St., \iart''s Raman Ca'tholi•c • hurch, •Lucliilo Novrember 2nd •at 11-a .111. ' Rev; l ither Cassano fias' Minister': John. stone Mineral llonie, Ltloknow' way incharte o.f funeral arral•1Lt;:eritencs, Pallbe irer.s -were Leona•r C'Lot:.hlin aiii'c' j:• 1' 'c Donald , 1o1i11'•Austin , • Eldon Austin and -.Wilfred Austin; intern:elii was 1Il l is iiFull Cenlet:erg..• ',bran was .a in niter 1,chriew Ron latl'Ca tl'ldlic,Church taxi the-L-use-kneilie' • onieii's Lea1i1�,.. . tAv am:l7,. 1-w a s rot-b:orn u -n -t i haf tet -.t a r. 1.:am able to go to.school. have a buzz=bike::' ave. parents. have. ne.ver..gone hungry. don' t know..wh:at war is.:!' ROAlfSTuN . '..'gyp. Q PAGE NINE1116/N. • • Announcement ' ASES R van D'AM Mr, and .Mrs., Peter van b?m, of R. R.2.5 Lucknow wish to an nounce the : forthcoming marriage Of their dau hters' Bertha to Mr. Henrys' y Ashes, As , son of Mr, and Mrs. 'John Ashes of'R. R. 3 Wingharri. •.. The wedding will take place at the Lucknow Christitan, Reformed "Church on Saturdary-.,JNovlbor' 20th at 3 Mr. and Mrs, Frank Maulden,• Girvin Reed ancl his mother Mrs. Reed., Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Haw'- thorne, Mr. atid. Mrs. Ken Mac Donald , Mr, and Mrs: Willarri Evans, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Little', Mr. and Mrs., T. J. ,Salkeld Mr.' and Mrs. W. B Anderson, Mr. and Mrs'. Dona ld•.Simpson ; Mr. 'and Mrs,•.Ronald .Alton; Mr, and , Mrs. Wallace Conn•, Donald Mc :Tavish and daughter,, Margie, and Mrs, Alex Juba ,' ivir. and Mrs. Jack Fisher... • Piano accompaniment for the son. Mvlrs: Francis $oyle led the group'in a sing song'.,. Donald Simpson extended a welcome to 'all present. ' Alex.Juba proposed a toast. to the ladies and this'was replied to Ron Alton•thanked•.the A'ng.'lican • ladies• for catering to the banquet whrcpi was -replied to .by -Mrs Cliff Roulstori.: Ron ..a lso `thanked 'Mrs.. T 'J. Salkeld who•arranged ;the `loral. decorations owthe table a. service she has perforated for • many •_yea:rs. 1... • e et erington;,, was introduced by W. 13. -Anderson;. Judge Hetherington was born i;n,. Colborne Township. in 1968; 'He • attended 'Goderich District Col= legiate. Institute ; entering Os goo4e_Ha 11-i ri I923 :,--Iii-1931 set uppractice in °.Wingham and, also had an officeLucknow for Many years ..Judge Hether- ington served on'Wingham Conn- • What is hunger?yy •CO:N IN(rr D rRo,M PAG:. 1 • ►1} .chanes , lied l,iter'stit geSted• 1e'rern, ovalof W,in.i;kalii frrom : ie directloii s•ii;tts and.' trig t name Lticklyo,w. urs tis oh the north and south pproaches oi::'I iighWa y 21. ' They ould also remove, tic word Wing ani frau: the sign on Highway, f fterthe was made on: is highway. Mr. Gaunt said that he did not Ql this woc11' ?r a.crepiahie After• further riiscussion',, it as agreed ta retllove . �iI1g)ldl:i or.the:,north arul''south. approach:-: bti 1lighwa y 2l and replace it, ith hue:know f�to rnin � G1st, will remain sa•Ine indica ting (lnelph;., Wiry:;- t:: and Lucknow-. Asked 1Sy`:`t"lie Sentinel what �!icy the nep;irtr1►eitt has in sign :- g on this type', ;fr,, unt, indite ed that the first •towtr over 1000 pulatict: ir'i''rlenrior:ed` tiri road 8ns, ,it` wetild appear 'that the part'ilient it now following poli y asaeltlW& popuialtion is 'A NMI what is a razzi•a ? Wh ,'is.a,bom• What is fear? uiie an. Wasactivethroughout the years in that con- munity; He organized. the 99th battery and led thein • into France ,on D-day. ,,. I. a reach- ed the' rank of.Colonel upon cont- .ing'home. He was appointed a county jladge in 1964: Mr Hetherington Batt it was "a l rn Q&t..like_co ti.. e o - " .... AC•Q WZ:Q.•• •� w • I: knovu we afire free ;• I ,know Who liberated us _ y _ s ey acrice. �•�.I know w,hat••th• �fi•�• d lie: visited Lucknow because he'. • had :been 'i'n and out of this corn- •niunity for'•49 years. .He was thanked by, Girvin Reed who presented Mr and Mrs. • 1•letherin tori with ifts. .Several music 1 selections were rendered by "The MacDdn .olds" and Elliott Carruthers. The MacDonalds include George on fiddle Mrs: MacDonald on piano, M'1 ay on i1• e a ong with the fiddle.worl of,•lrlliott Carruthers. Sorne'real ''home bred'" enter- -t-a i n rn-eiif-h aill'n `d21.'„ :est -,o: the evening. The group,bad"those attending: "in stitches" as they sang, joked and clowned their way. through a terrifie bit of entertain= ment.' performing were 'Jin , ank a` arodunr REMEMBER THEEM! Luc no w ranch 209 Township, I3111es wife Betty est in' ;1ey) lrlliott , a sister of the boys Itlrs. keit' (Betty Elliott) M1.cParlan :And' her"14usbarid &i f 1Cincar- dine and Mfrs. Duncan Simpson. of Ashfield. The Elliot'ts are all brothers-in-law or sisters-in-law of. the master of the lodge Donald 'Simpson and of course Mrs. Dun 0.ars Sinipsofis a180 a sister -in.' 1a., The perftirniance could be: ' de~,oribed Asa real "family typo t ho.w"