HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-10, Page 18WWI IJGIFITE,EN:
You order Co-op Beef, Dairy,
.and Hog, Supplements
Before Dec. 1st
and, at the same time protect yourself.
against price increases.
Take advantage of this money -saving 'offer right away and
convert` your 'mull. granary into extra profit with :a scientifically
planned CO-OP Balanced Feeding Program... As you know, grains;
u • 1
Z 16
S :u .-o •, Dairy,; ,.
Beef and Hog•Concentrates more: than make up these deficiencies
to .ive you. increased milk and meatproduction , and`
increased profits.
This 'Introductory Offer is good until December k
Lucknow and District residents
were shocked and saddened on
Tuesday, November 2nd to, learn
•of the sudden death early that
morning of Frederich Horton. °
it' jiorton had.suffer.ed i heart
attack on ,Wednesday; Oetaber. ..
13 and was .taken to,WTnghani
Hospital. The following l riday . •
he.was talcen'to Victoria Hospital,
London where he Underwent sur
gery.. His condition improved
s„nch, that his suddendeath came
as a shock:to hisfamily and
friends. ' •
Frederick• Charles Horton wase
born' in Colborne Township, ,on
July. 23 , 1.912 , a son .of Alexa'nd -
er' Horton and Maud Agnes' cook.
• On June '16 ,. 1939. he married
EatOrt Dove Horton.; daughter of
the:late,'Mr.• and Mrs. Horace
Horton of Colborne Township.
, Three and a half'years ago
Fred and Dove Horton purchased
the Lucknow Bowfin: Alley,
-where they 'made many friends in
' Lucknow'and .District,, especially
among:• bowling enthusiasts, with.
their pleasant genial nature,
E3efore•comirig to:.Lucknow Mr.
Horton had farmed.:at Kirkton and
Nile for=fes+r;pars , tied . .
sailed the Great Lake's: fora Wile.
and was 'ten. years at Gypsum
Quarry ,: tlea'chv Ile
Ken Alton is
1972101 Master
,Maple (,rove L.0.1...1Q44 held,
their Annual .weeting,•in Z on.hall.
The mfnu.tes were read and adopt-
ed. Master Alliin. Gibson declared
all offices• vacant for the couiing.
year, ,
,Chairman 13ert Alton installed'
the following .Officers. for 1072;'
P,ast: Master , Allan Gibson; Wor.
.:Mast r . en-Alion Dep;, Ntasrer',
Russel 'Swan; Chaplain ,"Earl Swan;
Rec. SQc. •, Allan Ritchie; ;Sed .
'Treas, •lla,rvey Ritchie; Marshall,,
Milvert Reid;. 1st Lec.. , Charles
McDonald; 2nd Lec, ; W ;ll am
Houston; Committee; Charles.
Wilkins John Ritchie',, Alvin
Irwin and; Williarnicchiillin;'
Tyler , Donald' Alton. .
It"was':decidedto. hold card;
parties in`ihe 'Zion hall doting the
Ivinter months=. Earl S . ari-and
Alvin••Irwin are the committee
for the, first card .party.
The. meeting closed with. Clod •
.Save' the Queen.
1943 in his'4th year.
Morning Star:'Lodge A'.'F, and
A.M. No ' 3Q9 G.R.C.Carlow.,,
of :which•::Mr. Horton was a mem
bei ,. held a 'serviceat the, Funer-
a_1.'Ct ape -1 on Thti day '
evening,: Noveember;:4th.
The funeral service' was held'
at MacKenzie Memorial. Chapel,
Lucknow on Friday ;;November "G. ipp
.5th. Rey Robert Nicholls of to conmleae t'N.•
Lucknow United: Church was
nhnister: Towiship
:Interrinent was. in Colborne $51902. Gi; 1-�o,i '. ,\c:i. i. s•o'
Township Cemetery. • $58 ,764 t; -u
Six nephews acted•as .pallbear- accounts of , 1 +-.�,;ert
;cr.cd paid
TAYLOR' -•Ken and 1 tlic•itt (1\11,
liariis) Taylor of '1'lllsciiihirr t .
i, sire
happy to announce rl c hirt of a
son , Javan Kenneth , or, criurday,
October .3Oth , 1071 .11 1 illsonpurg
District hospital, 11r; i :=r,ittdclrild
for .Mr.. 'and NIrs • Al1ic•,t Taylor
of 'R..1 R. 2 Luc'l:how, and ,';+,r, a.rid
lvlrs. Keith `Wlliriiiis 'c�l..I�elhi,
CU,RRAN : to..Doiia4c1 inti l,yr;its
(Glousli.er) Curran`ot 1<.' R.1;
Dungammn 'oil T uesda.,
er 9, '1671 at.AlcsxarrLic ,' and \lar.
ine l lospita1 Godel irar.;i coir,
a 'brother for ]ofirini',
Leonard Irwin`,
Tamed Inspector.
Huron Tow.nshi.p c uti•ncil held
•their regular 'riicetin•.:on,,Ndvrtr'-
,:ber lst.,with: all members present,
Minutes .of last Meetiri�s were'
read' acid co'•nfirn'red
.:Council ask(:d 1.)ave: \laare
Road 5i periiltendenr
for"snow; :plowers for..1tii? 1',t^.1. :..
'wittier With.' tendc:r: !o. be n•f r
the:Nove•niber 1".th
John Roi.ilston i,a eJ as Mimi
Cipal.Drain. Iiispccior Inc4ito oh-•.
taining•ottter. eritrlc�,,' •.crit ti'nd
13esides his::wife, he is: survived
by "three. sisters 1`1rs. Robert.(.F1ora)
. Woodward of London , Mrs. Arth
'ur :(Ella):;: Pearsonof E3eachville,
'Mts:..Franl (Eva)' Horton of .God
erich and two brothers Clifford
:of Stotiffvil;le.•and .`Harry of King
13esides.his .parents'. he was pare-
deceased :by a': son:Alexander in.
ers, Robert Pearson, rant Horton
Lloyd' Loc ke ;':Everett I-iorton
-James Ha Triton ,, James Horton. •
Flower'tbearers "were Ron, J Lorton ,:
Danny,, Wood Charles Moore a nd.
Joe Moore
• ':\leetin •was: i.til •
next regular
EAfL;rl'.(,i1..1•, c:i.l:;�l.,= ;.
Treat Inf urues�
At Hospital
Herbert Litt, Teeswater, age--
2,:•so.i of Mr. •and Mrs.` Herbert
Litt , received •laeetations..to his
face whe f he was struck: by 'a .'
hockey puck•Novernber 1.:.
Wingha•rn..caught,her left hand in a
,pulley while unloading corn lac
John Crawford,' age 19, .Wing:
ham tried to get '.into a moving
car , fell .and the car went over his
ankles.. This happened on the
main' street in Wingham on hovji
ember 1.
Allan Pennin- ton a e
2 , Wingha rrr , son o•f 'Mfr, and ,Mrs..:
Roy, Penni•ngton, fell off a
tetei-totter at the public• Schoo.
_rounds in Te'es*'a-ter oti :over sa
2 and received head and internal
injuries. He was transferred to
St. Jose'ph's. Hospital' London, via
Jane Marriott , age 18', LUcknow
aau er o • , an • . s. ernon
Malkiott was struck on the right'.
ankle while playing and fractured
g �._ ones in her ci htrifoot�_..
'W'illiam Moore . age l'1, Wttx -u
eter, was a passenger in A. car
driven by Kenneth Lockwood of •
Wroxeterr who lost control of his
car out to' work,, The 1"ovation,
was •Fi;gh ay $7 , 1 rhile West of
Wroxeter cliff lNTovehibet 4;, The
:car.struck'an icypatch., slid. off ;.
the road and struck.a tree.' Mr
Moore received contusions 'to his
face. , .Winghfarn'`O P. R Ricker
investigated .: . •
:Mrs. Elizabeth McMichael
: vingham: fell outside her hbine.
when she caught. her foot on .some.
twigs. •She was admitted' to hos..
petal with;conttisions and;abra
e C
a�rt-t a==
sions'to right arm, and leg and.a,'
fractured right wrist
David Stokes., age .24 , Wingha•rp
lost control of his car on Highway
4 near the Department of High
ways building on November 6.
He received lacerations to:h'is.face
and back. Kenneth' Snowden, age
Win.gharn,•,: passenger in the
car received facial lacerations
o is rig t eg. ing ram O.P.P,:
oulon investigated.
• Nancyf Doerr-, .•R 2, Win�gham
Herbert Doerr , :fell off a horse
which was being led. by the -father,
;on the home farm..' She wasad-
mitted to hospital with a corn=
pound: fracture;of her right leg,`