HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-10, Page 13s E10th. 1971 .971; WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER.10th, 1 HE.' L ''KNOW., SENTINEL LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO ,‘, Rip leyDstric Commencement: The Ripley District High School graduating; class of 1971 returned to the scene of their past educa - tional source on November. 5 'for • th'&annual C;6nunenc'ement.held. in the auditorium of RD14.S. 'A musical interlude Conducted' Sally Elliott was "followed: by a' procession.o, tea c mg, sta graduates ,. guest .speakers -and student coiriacil officials. IZever-•. end John 11111 gave, the dedication:. SCHOOL S1'4.1 4'1' TROPHY Receiving the School Spirit Trophy was Donald Martin; wh.o last year was involved with the Yearbook, school play, curling teams andmany:other activities. The 'Ripley Women's Institute Priie.Was given td Gail Courine.y by, nlr5,tcl< NicLean ,. president •of;that,o.rganization.. ' tll,ir.ls in the, school voted, ori a best girl athleie at the begin= ning of the .school year The .stip ulations of•plty ing on school,." b rchooi WIZ1..I,.I"FN u r. r(IPI,rY.111•c11-LIT1,. • SCIIOOL COLVIONIs''S Boyle, Susan Bradley; Elliott . Courtney., Margaret Courtney', • aro'tnla'yson,. Murray il.iil; Katlty Irwin, Bill ;Kirkpatrick, Allan NlacKay, Gwen• Anne ;MacA:uley, Mary ivlac Charles, JoanneS1cCiarvey ,. Ma rgo Nicholson ,•Shirle.y Nicltel- son , Keyin•Snrith,. Bill -i'ranter , Peter Walden and i.;1(.:n Wylds. musical presentat•ion;:unde:r the direction of Joan 'Ferguson, Kathy Irwin and'Margaret • lac- .Kay. ensued; The mass"choir:,. consisting of most:of the students' •in the school, sang "Land of. Hope and Glory" and the:iraditionrtl.• •:sc'hool song. 1\•i17 'ott.t lal,ttti '. i' �•h�hlll. Iliot.t, �.l. 1 ti c It. w ere Dish til of Armor': ,irr�i uncle,, \'• i:oirt last 'ryi ng events'S'd retaining a high• ay.er_. a3e'had to he fulfilled . This • year's Winner was. J'oan'Ferguson.. R CFI\ F. DJPLOMAS :Icede4Ving. Secondary School. diPlonias for• cbn leting' Level fOir.r. wee• Ly itl•Afinserong ,,'Bryan • r, 1Nilliarit"1'urvill presented the Principal's Award. for.putstand- ing Scholastic'Achievement to ' Gail Courtney. The Or. Couch. Bursaries, ,present. ;• went to Susan\1a:r- E.1 . �Qt.t., sha I:itir-rtPtire-y1.. and Mary ry .1\1cCt.eath, all of :wFiorti, • ay are pursuing careers' in the medic l Jean Scott was awarded the Sub -Lieutenant John A•; MacLeod Memorial Prize. for academic. acllieve'rtient., ACTIV1'I'•Y 'LETTERS. IZS. Farming ;,Activity•; school t.ers•were Dianne Kempton, •lvtarg. fret MacKay; Beverley Smith, Wendy Courtney , . Margaret. Court - ney , Carol Finlayson , •Mary'Mae Charles,:Ka thy Irwin, C%'en Anne'. !N1acAuley, Joanne ,Mc.Garveyand Margo .Nicholson : ° ' 1ATLILI 1 IC• LETTERS • Attaining' their "'Athletic•" let- ters Were Blain Carruthers, Car ancon-CoUrrt'ney,- Sally EIliott•, •Kathy .Farrell,, Sa•llyN. Harrison,'. Gayle Huston ,' Bill• Tranter, Bruce Ait'ke'n',Larry MacDonald• Mark Siii.ith• and Boyd 'Carruthers.. 511-U L-A Sal lt= L t1-1' EttS "S.c.holastic":• fetters went to Carnton, Courtney, Bill.Bissonneite 'Donna Needham; Sherry Pollock Richard Rooney', Bryan Boyle., bianne Keri pton •a.nd'Susan 'Brooks wIho.•atkained points by' • arhiemink averai;es over 1-3, or, ki,a'ing thehighest average /. THINE 1y.4(11I!,FS WERE MADE ,1 OR EACH OTHER ; ,'.: 1'(1 {#'ORh H.4RD FOR .'.. a compact plug-inapartment artment e electr t• oe,ae _�•a...•. gee+�mmrnnem II — II ,;: uut�lll�I .' • e•. "da•. the 'Super Twin• Spin/Dry .Washer'~. (''A'TElitS 11t • auluonatit' timer` up to 40 • hies • p'i'lot es_;t.cr_t_t.N►Lcd down tt►r 9 • mintu.e• at• eii& of c<.i're 1tr per, i tsy.h+ndlin; trlar;.c ea' %tin efran li,n,t' i'itter°.oit,• +r► dr •• ••- d.t•AC)•'.1:01►c...aittumat'ital6, ui ' .opening the diotrr 1 c` • 1'= TR -I-1 t"141A1-S111M-!t S(� ;L -1.11=T }R ,'Ncwly'weds. • Apartment Dwellers • 0ldCr Homnes .. ('ottagers • o Present. Owners ti asher Spin/Dryers ngtplielft Portable Super Twin • • Automatic linter 9,Sitds return • 'SENIOR SCHOOL; LETTE. "Senior School" letters were :.warded to Dianne Kernpton.,' ;Mary MacCharles, Joanne McGar-. vey,,. Margo Nicholson Mary Mc 'Creath and; Bruce Aitken. . TRACK AND FIELD.-. . Ed Brown; who this• year teach. e- ,co-ed physical education to.• Levels I and II'and boys' physic- .41 education to, Levels'III.and•2V, • announced "the l`3oys' Track:and.-. Field Champions. Miss M: •Machan .presented'.individual'trophies to: David MacDonald for Ivlid'ge.t boys ,• Bryan Boyle' for Junior boys - and Allan Mackay for Senior boys and also the Ken Pille'n. Trophy, The Girls' Track and Field' Cha.rrtpions were announced by Miss M. Machan who presently` teaches girls' physical education to •Levels .III and IV. She 'men tioned that these girls were the ones,4ho received the .rn.ost .num- ber•.of points, in ,their grouping;, • Of the RDHS•-girls at the track iiieet held, in: Lion's Head between. Ripley and. Bruce Peni:nsula..High : Schools.' Mr Ed ,Brown presented the followi trophies: Midget - Joan'Courtney;. Junior° :Wendy _Courtney and Sally Elliott (tie)'and Senior', Margo Nicholson. 'A trio consisting of Blain' • Ca"rrutli,ers, Larry Irwin and Boyd Carruthers provided' an enjoyable break in`the awards night as they sang "Surely,. Goodness and Mercy" =Joan Ferguson accarn panied them at the piano. ONTARIO SCHOLAR • . Gail Courtney , the .highest Ontario. Scholar in Bruce County was announced by Mr. C. Beam. • -rage of 8S0/0 and received the, Ontario• Scholar.-` `ship from .Mr; S. Malhotra.: ' . 1 The..Donald and: Irene. MacKen-• zie Scholarship .for" the .person with over :80'%, frorri Hucon Township ,• who leaves• after. Grade 1210' .'. .further'his education was announ- ced 'by Ed,.Brown Joanne MOGar- vey rece•ived:.the award :from Bob Ernmerson.• Joatine-ts-Attendrng Cones :_. ' . goner: ,C r 'Barry MacDonald', Vice. Presid- ent of. the ;Student ;Council welcomed everyone :to 'the Com - ineneernent and..announced'the :• Student Council Proficiency '.Awards. Dianne' Kempton, Pres .ide'nt: of the Student' Council; Ores- ented the highest person. in each Level_witl- placque-and-.the•-etl ec ; three with a monetary award, .', Level h was_•topped by ,Gail \.1.essenger with -an -p/.0- a- eragc followed by W'a y-ne'Nicholson ,• Elisabeth I�iacICay.and Joan Court - _. TRIRTfli • THERE ARE TIMES. WHEN, EVERYONE. NEEDS SOUND INVESTMENT F3 COUNSELLING When you need the competent services: of a: trust company; let 'us: help - you on such' items as Tax Matters, Succession' Duties,. Planning and Administering Estates,. Investments, Savings and High,'interest` Certificates.'. , STERLIN.•V RATIONG TRUSTS C JR • 372 Bay Street, T i ONTO. //' •Brian MacDonald , : Mary. h(IcCrea-th Rober-.t -Rooneyean Scott. y • J , Each of the teachers .trade sub- ject .awards, to students. who .had. Contributed' most to• their, partic- . ular. subject; .Bill Bissonnette's highest art marks won ,lii:m Miss .Macban's Art award.: Mr frown •presented Robert 'Rooney. with.the. English award for:his drania'•work and class involvement.. Gail ;,,Courtney, who attained theehigh-,., est marks in thejLey%el• V French'. . •class`w•on the French award from Mrs. Collins • Carol 'Finlayson :was presented by Mrs, Burgess • :with the ,History,(current events), award; 'Mr: •Burnett presented. Bob`. Blssonhette with the Geog-. • •raphy award, •'ternarking 'about -kris .map Making skill, •Elliott •Courtney won Nor, �rttltSR n,ayh'- .ernatics.award•for proficiency in that subjeCf. Gail Cotirtney won the Science award presented by .Mr. 1Malhotra fOr her high stand, The Albert Wylds Scholarships • were'presented do Gail Courtney highest marks in LeVel Level'll. Was .headed Carmon. Courtney Witri'a,,,90q.o.aNierage„. •, Beverley, SmidLUkt._LeN..z1zii_- Sheryl P011Ock, Donna Needham and Susan Brooks. ' ASK.ABOUT THE row sTAckiN9 'SHELF FOR THIS LAUNDRY PAIR WHICH ALLOWS YoU TO HAVE AN EYE LEVEL 'DRYER STACKED ABOVE YOUR WASHER opo Oft 00- 40=OP lo=o Ortior-- an average Of 94010 with Allan. - Mackay, Mary lacCharles , „To the Hohour ctri PHONE 528,3114 L. Courtney present.ed. the certifi, cateS, Each graduate also'receiva ed a•pen from the. Studerit 'Court - and 'a spoon teblit t\.1rs Recipient,s. 'were: Bruce Xliken, 'Marsha Humphrey , Jackie John - tuest-,-sp-eakett is address he 'expressed his confidence in •, Gail Courtney' .in her Valedictory address conveyed •some Of the graduates thoughts. She looked back to her high. A Musical presentation was' students , 4Susail Bradley, Dianne-. .13ryab•BOyle, Larry Irwin And Margaret/ MacKay accompanied ' by Murray Hill on the piano, e mg s programme on a. Musical ribteo: After the graduate.s•recessional Was held in the auditorium,, Mrs, Carter for: theft. effotts the kitChen, and tib the House,. COmmittee consisting of boug 06'N'TINtrEt .ON PA a 16 4.1