HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-11-03, Page 2PAO THIO THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV.EM ,, R 3rd,. • 191•.1. 6, • The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOIWV4 ONTARIO "The 3epoy Town" On the. Huron -Bruce IBoufdary Second Class Mall Registration Number 0847 .t. Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Aftermem 'Member of the C.W.N.A. and 'O,W.N A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance — to the V S A , $8.00 Donald C Thompson,,, Publisher WEDNESDAY,' NOVEMBER 3rd, 1971. SCHOOL OPENING LAST WEEK Residents 'of the area had an opportunity last Thursday night to View' the newly: constructed and renovated Lucknow'Central School. The occasion was the official opening of the building after a construc- tion period which started about a year ago. The building has been in full operation since the first of the school term in September. Last year, during the construction period •rangcments: carried on from day to day at the se400l. ' The ,problem of ` accommodation a year ago 'will no doubt soon be -forgotten' .naw; that the.: excellent :modern facilities 'are available at• the school. , . .Finoork f arm Ac��ent •QLIVET NEWS tied) Clayton lost, the little finger of his right hand in the auger of a• corn sheller on Thurs.,: day. Mrs. Donald MacTavish is in •hos:pita.i in Lo.ndpn. Visitingwith the White famil: ies on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Warren••llich of W1.n harn•, Mr. and Mrs. Jini McNairn and Karen of Seaforth and Nix. and Mrs. Gordon Mauer of Pinkerton, .' Heather Boyle. of Ripley spent. :the week end..withWendy Hamil- ton. . Mrs.; Robert Engel and family . spent xhe week end at her cot- - .tage , also Mr.. and . Mrs. Bill ' Bennett, of St Catharines, We ' have had an unusually mild fall.. Sum,rner, stayed rare -this year. *:Mr.. and Mrs. Robert, Osborne and fancily and Mrs. Elsner Osborne visited on Sunday. with M. Edith .Haide.riby in 8iook hay.eri. Nursing ,Horne near Wing,;' —r Students who attended ,high school in, this same. building a few years ago ;would- har lly-recognize--the� lord -p1at~'e ;.`although' ;iii those days it was considered as providing the very best in accommodation. The library and open area classroomconcept attracted as much attentidn-as anything among interested visitors.' •The .provision 'of.. facilities" for home economics•and industrial arts, a carry-over when .the buildingchanged from a high to a public school, is not available in many elementary : schools in our area. Initial plans for improvements to the school were started by o• ' A � ,11 let ; o ]A .. e. ■ s took.over, the: plans were on te drawing boar .'The county board.fol- lowed them throughomaking some changes and the result is the fine elementary schoolwe now have to serve the students of •Lucknow and Kinloss• oQor'—/ o=o- —OQO r. 1 WALTER ARNOLD .•CONTINtJFD FROM PAGE.1 and secretary is Mrs. George•. Joy.nt • / .Do'ri-Rbss' circi'a bs mee•ting•prior to., the; election of officers. ,Last w'i..nter the'club • erected a $5"Oa chalet , .with..t le ./ "aid of u,olunteer laboi.ir; purchased, a,snow'.packer for.:about :$400 and • conducted .a fun; day for young1, ; skiers at, the 'hill on "the cold. est,.day.;iri. February",' The. year oard'. previous•ii'ski ropesow wasin- sta lled and,the club.98 ` s only a . • • small bank• loannow With. assets of -well over $1000,' lan remembrance .. Luc:know'Bra nch' o f , the ;Ca na d la ii Legi,on,wiil observe Remerri:branc.e.: Day 'next• Thursday, November 11th with- senile -674f the Presbyterian Church, Luc,know at.: 10 a : til foled by . iy 'a sere'ce .' , at the Lulowcknow Cenotaph. at 11 .:. a.m.. Veterans , Ladies' Auxiliar." G:ir•1 Guides, Brownies , .Scouts•and Cubs.meet at the, •Legion Ha'II: ' at 9;45. • ' • This Sunday Novernbe.r 7th Legion r7,ernbers will form part of a Remembranee Serykeat'St, • Helens, at 2, 3:0 p. m The annuai'Remembranc,eban' • gtiet and.dance ;: for Veterans and their wives , Ladies'. Auxiliary ,and. their husbands will be held_at__: the Lucknow .Legion Hall on Sat- urday•'eveninc . November.1:'y. Murray Morrison will, be .guest pea -Iter'. • LARG1°ST..GROSS - CONTINUED FRO14.PAGE 1 oo s.',were so a ,, y eci Cranston,' West Wawanosh toliill utton, Lticknow' for• 38'0. • Fourteen steers avetaging,710 •: lbs... were sold by Wallace' Woods' ,'Kincardine ,ta Jack 'Mc Kenzie , Dover Centre foe; 3 0, Twenty-five steers averaging -`•1•bs,: were sold .y Bob' Llcln tbsh., Lucknow to Currie Colwell, Kinloss for 36C. , Seventeen steers. :averaging 990 lbs: ;Were sold by Bud Far.rish:; Ashfielid to A,T3 Ni. Farr. El-' rnir.a for 33.90, Four heifers averaging, 61.0 lbs: , . were sold, by Ray D Ilton, Ash- field to *Oeorge .\toncrief Ash 1 -for 30.'50 �;ras raised 'l st year in ary s.kiathon'with proceeds sent to, •the'national ski teadt, :'I'he small"Lucknow 'cltib• wa•srecogniz- ed fir ••this;coptributionivu1 more:.than, many larger clubs with hundreds of .members • • '\" .Jack •1MlcKirn expressed the ranks of the r1uh to.D n 1 •was instrumental in assisting to •forrn the local..club• about the few local residents be-• came interested` in skiing; ",We will be forever in your debt"' Commented .e 'c ed'Jack.. , Two'fi.l•n'ls on skiing were 'shown by. Stuart Collyer: and g€••l or only $"I� `(plus P.S. Tax). with CQ -OP Savin• s Certificate Saucepan Set contain's • 3.:covered saucepans (82 oz. ,4? oz: and 5e:oz. sizes), detachable handle and serving cradle: Comp in and see this fabUloUs Cor_ntng.'Vllare_ Saucepan Set soon and get the.Whole story'on • using CO-OP Fuel Oil Service orfill in this' savings certificate nnd:mail it in,— we'll do the .'rest ! _f Valid onlyjter_2j1d EUL Largest buyer of the day -was Jack'\1cKenz'ie'from Dover Cen,- =t -re w•Ilopifcha-s-ed P] H�nEour, Coup le. , MovedFroniKinloss Mr. and Mts. Potiglas V6raham Moved to their newho-rrre in Lurk rit es, a •month ago after fi rmirrg for nia ny year On the. 2nd concession of Kinloss Townsli'ip, utile east . of,;South Kinloss Church, . ' On Tuesday.: evening, t pater_'. r;; severalof their rel.atiyes'•artd former neighbours paid' them a. surprise ,v •Mrs. Lorne Sparks addressed,Mt: .. and. ;Mss c.'rahatil and read:an appropriate' poeiu she had, compos., cd for this Occasion". Then Mr.. • and ,y]1rsc Frank alae'Kenzie pr.es PRESENT USERS OF •CO=O.P FUEL OIL ARE ELIGIBLE: FOR THIS 'OFFER. $1.00 SAVINGS C Special..Cornin.g Ware Introductory ;offer from CO-OP Please accept my order for a Corriing .Ware .Saucepan Set; which isvalued, at Si 9.88, 1.understand that I must.. • pay only $9.88 `.(plus P.S.T.) if 1 a:gree'to, use CO-OP, Fuel Oil for at:feast one year..This• • introductory' offerrbecomes,vaIki ' after the second Fuet"'Oil fills ' dt-- C: a G4 =GI la nip and card For ;your New 1"tont''•' ha nvini, contributors and ' well wish:rs; • Douglas and.Sadic' thanked. their friends for the beau'tiful.and useful gift and c;.tpr ssed the hope that those pre=sent inti t•1ros.c not able•to atteri-d would atoll cci.nte t0 SE'C' tlt'c'r11, �l,tt•r-��rt•'c•d rid a sor.ialytirh was enjoyed bv. ,:111.,, Name. "i F-1 CA' Address r , . .444404."4114.44141•41; 41 • .C:r . r r, r .v.a vitl it ry N]v:i M• , .r ... r ]Y M,] r4 .+' Phbre'r.. ,,.,r.rr. •' .eo•oo FtELbIL to rid fr. i'' 7 ',�ol']i®1'? j't►l' ill �alnr ®l�] ®fir �1ni ��n;; ��n��nu,���ill��hl , • .Mi.; and Debbie -of week 44,1 Smith 'and' ;Smith:4nd 'Mr. and Mrs, Jess moved 'this. she wi 11 spe. She.a.cconif• Allin; who. the pastfwc visiting heri Clarence turned here District 1.164 last week, i� +t-ieist fir it roronto, lir, Stattloy.and s ERvES YOU BESTI • rli o,c cy, 0f I10lyrcod TOronte. tvr`r; end. with .11r, 1el ]ind.:l:1n),l