HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-27, Page 131BER 27th 1971
ek end visiting
!man at. Water--
rSify, •
hded to the
Bosvers ;who
tly on l'huriday ,
were placed
cinescia y. wR. t
•Of Ripley visit -
and 'Mr's. •
4\.islt Vent tlie,
and ::IrS,Fth
WEDNESDAY.„ octgagii: .i971, • ;
• 1:ee$14iater RiVer
Eight 1.,t Kinlois.,Sootits with
their leader., Martin BellgClict and
•tWo other adults had -a gpOdr..oam,
:ne trip on the Teeswater River on
Saturday, They rowed abut
.. pine miles to Riversdale. •
Arlin meng1 Jim•
Fraser Of Tbronto,
•• day/at the, hOme Of Jack's parents..
ir,and, Mrs. Fred Giichris:t.'
• •• Rev7. Jahn McHardy of‘TIolonto,
was dinner guest Tticiday "
• ing with /W., andMrs. Ira Dickie
and sons. • • •
Mr, Nesbitt Woods and Mrs.
Viola Winn are visiting with
...their nephew ; Mr Lorne Sparks,
Mr, Sparks and Linda
.• 1\1±. tipci...„Irs. Leonard' Mac
•Innes' with Mr. and Mrs.,: Chester
Casentore and Miss. Mae Mao-'
• Innes•of Wingliatri recently ell.
• • joyed a. rpOtor tripthrough North -
.ern Ontario.
Members :61.-the-GeOgraph-y
Citrb. fioni Mad-ilt,Sebowl
• • ary School had a field trip to.'
Hupe 'Bay on the .I3ruc e 'PeninsUla '
Sa mrda-y They explored
caves and other rOck formations
• in' that. region, . • • ,•• ..
Mr. Alfred Williani§!zifTorAin-
:to, One'af Dickies lead.
ers during ihe• World ;Jamboree •
Institute Hear
Speaker,On Drugs
`pr. 34,ckilvleKint of biektIOW
was guest speaker CM Wednesday
night of last week a:t the ReidS
Corners Woinents lnstitutejneet-
ing, •His ut.).jeor was. a ver' ;
ly.9ne - briw - and was very •
informative and interestini). A
question .andanSwer period fol-
low:e0 his."talk:when manyvoic-
ed theli oOtOern )0utthis sub7.
jeer and. especially .Where •it . •
affects our youth,
home on Sunday... ,
and' Roht
and boyvisitcd:Spoday with Mr,
and Mrs.. Gorton Catnpbell and •
family 'of Kincardine:.. •
• ,
Harvey fidustoni Mrs.
Ilayry LaVis ,• Mrs,
Ra,y.iiard Ackert andMr.
•Morgan JOhns:ton provided' •
Musidaleptertaillinent at 'the
Teeswater on Thursday. • alley
:were .accompanied on the piano
,played. for the ASsenibly ' ' •
Married •In
Photo, by Snyder, Sttidio
• • • Chaliner'S PiTsbyterian.Church, 2nd at.4 •
MrS. E. Chapelle and. Mr.
Sherwood :White of :Ypsilanti,. : Whiiechurch; decorated with • ' The .bride.is•th.e'dalighter of
Michigan visitco stihd4.), wi,th haskits:Of pink,•gladioli.and,white Miy. and Mrs. Norman MCDonald,
mums • •with ribbon bows -cfR-•.-.4.•-22--4ie-Itnow. The groom
Mr. and. mrs, DiCi<'ie-6/14effarn7 niarki.n., the, pews, wa• s the:setting, is the son of Mr...and Mrs, lohri
"t.ti skirt. Fronther wedding
'ring headpiece fell 4 'cathedral
'length veil with laceedging and
One Short laygrect face veil. She
carried a bbuquet of white and
pink miniature carnations,
Miss Linda Martin ofR, R. 1 •
Lucknow was 'maid of honor.
•,Bridesmaids Were Miss Brenda •
'Webster of London and Mrs. Herb -
'Barger ofLucknow, cousin of -
the bride; •: ' : •
. • .
• .
Theywere similaressed
in• floor length einpresS style
gowns of brown and pink printed
chiffon, featuring Victorian •
neckline and puff sleeves ,
brown velvet ribbon :falling from
the empire waist and ruffled
at the bottom of the slim
They carried bOuquetS of white
shasta mums.. .
. •
• Groorhsman wa§ Brian Darroch
-of Kitchener. • Ushers were Pon-
ald o'f.Kitchener •'brother
0f the •groom and Bill 'McDonald
of R. R. 2 LecknoW , brother of
the bride. •,
. .;
Organist was Mrs. J. Conn.
SOloistrwas Donald Hachborn who
sang "Wedd'pp, .13Prierlirtinn"
o the ceremony; "Wedding •
•Prayer". .during:the ceremony and'
"0 Pe,rfect Ldve" during the sign-
ing of the register. ••
A 'reception followed in -St. •
The bride•s mother chose
p pink crimpiene dress ,.•black
accessories'and a corsage Of white
.in Japan, visitecriFilie Dickie• •
ilY,*• f6e—t. g •u Ise. c on- Small Of Fergus. ,
• -
1971•Mustaing 2 door hardtops, fully equipped
1971 Pinto, fully equipped
3 1971 Pcintia-c-Tenor se ans„
fully equipped,,
1971 Camero, fully equipped'
1971 Buick Skylark, 2 door hardtop
1971 Valiant, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic
4 — 1971 .Chev Impala 4 door hardtops
1970 Chev Impala 2 and 4 door hardtops
1970 ForcLGalaxie--500,4,dclor---tiardte;s
OTHER ..MODELS1.11:11.1:'
1970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop '
2 -- 1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door hardtop's'
1969 FORD custom, power *steeling
rid •
• .e • ale •
an I oor ar tops
.1969 FORD Country .Squire, 10 passenger stationwagon
, • • • • I
969_, CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan - • '`
1968 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hardtop, fully'equipped
1968 CITEV Imp, 4 door_hardtoPS,-- .
1968 PLYMOUTH V8, 4 door sedan, power. steering
Used-crs from '65 -to '68 in various models, sedans: hardtops
.•and 4 door 90% of all cars are V8, poWer steering
and 11 a
‘ 6
• skid and Rlilph Small both Rev (ie
n Noble Of LucknoW
(IL lqlctOber, • assisted ),y•Mid V.; Wybenga of ,
Whitechurch offieited at the
double ring ceremony:
,t.',9ngratulationS to. Mr., and 'Airs.
ffke Snobelen on....the arrival of:
eir irst. )v, a.littIe uiughter..
A ,00d:crowd'W iq in attend.mce
t tlie •weddin.g.reeeption for,
and 'Mrs.. .clifford,Hunnerton oto
Saturday nigh nithe•Ripley
Dist -
rt 1litIi SchoOl .
family. were dinner,guests with
Mr.•:and'irs., Allan MCTaVish on •
. .
•: Sunday.. ••
Mr. Robert Steele, who has
. •
been a• patie
I lospital to get out on
Saturday and returned home to
1) troit with ML.ind:Mrs.
ilarvey Steele. on Sunday.
Visiting on the Week erid with ..•
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack t•ThmertOn.Were
Mr. and Mrs:. Chester Ernmerton
.and Eleanor' of Kitchaer.
' .and Mrs:•RieharCI Powers•of
• Mr: •anci Mrs Chester Campbell
.and Mr ind Mrs. E.Wyn Canipbell
-of:WM:on were week end.vis,irbis
at'their cotutry •liOnies here.,
Miss Marsha Huinphre •
London the weel'. end With
her 'patentsNit. and :Mrs .Cecil
ionte from• Kitchener for the
Week.end vere.Misses Shirley
u ..ney an .en
're •
1970-CHE'V WT�n pickup
1988 CHEV 1/2 ton pickup, V8, automatic'
,196 FORD 1 ton pickup
1966 DODGE. lton with, dgii18 and 9 (cot van
Courtney. •
on with duals, 9 foot van
A number of Econoline and Chevy Vans from '64 to
standard and automatic traniniissiod .
• Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore 4 :formal
gown of polyester satin fashiioned
neck bandedged with Venice • 7
late. Tie long full sleeves with
fitted cuffwere also.tri•nirneO
with lace: .Fr9m the empire.
bodice draped the A-line skirt
With rows 9f lace 'clown -the front.
and small appliClues scattered.on
-- 1'he.groornHs rrit)iher yore .4 • '• .:
deep purple ldng-sleeved dress,
• black accessories and a corsage.
of pink roses. . - . .. •
. For travelling the bride wore
a pink hot pant dress ensemble •
orsage of white Miniature '
carnations.' •' • '
Following a wedding trip to '
Florida , the couple are. residing
at •116 Tupper Cres. , Apartment •
11, Kitchener Where they are, ' ' •
both employed With Dominion
Life. • . •
The 'de4th.oe.qtred. on Tuesday.
10 .
• :his- '73rd yeat He was the Son of
• the lateNir. and Mrs, 'Red' Tom*,
Johnston of Ashfield and spent
•„hearly all his life in the -Anther,
• ley arta, We.eXtend• sympathy to
survives, •
•The Mens Tio.- clenri•Boyd:,
• Lynn Lowry and Bob.cputtney
• scin during the Sunday morning• '
serviceS at Pine River United,
, Church.. Next SUnday October'.
•:11st will be Family Day” at the
t„.431, 17s
Pine RiVeir Church with mmbers,
of the SundaySchbol.taking part
Service,SMt,� , • •
Phone••• „lil the Sorvi'. AlI 11t6nts" and
frihds. are akd to attend.,
• I •
ootsf boots, boots • tally short, high heels and
flats, great savings on boots to fit every winter
need. FromAressy to sport,-youll-find-wha
want here.
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