HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-27, Page 3• .1 • . IT • istow, liner if ' EDNiSDAT',' OCTOBER 27*, 1971 • THE UNKNOW SENTINL4 ONTARIO • - PAGE tHREI• '4. 0111111110111111i11111111,111.11111111111112. O . I • • • • In' IN, ▪ • .11111' FEATURE! -- WITH pORKIN:TpmATo SAUCE . . . • • • • . 19-0z. Tins *FEATURE! 7. PARAMOUNT. 73/4 -oz. tin • , FEATURE! .............. --sF BAR -8 CHOCOLATE BARS 20 Bari 8 •Coletran is Epicure Lek ciTPar . ▪ - .1 • 1. BEST Stt. . . WHITE SWAN BEST • 2.LB. BAG LONG GRAIN BACON • • •• It • a • • -IS • • • II- • 4. • 4 urs -eget. e -Oils: -::--. Psil4 RGARF , •• • AUSTRALIAN 'RAISINS • 690 f.. • "Best Buy" 4Q - 60 -.1.00 Watt with the purchase of DGARBAGE . . • • . . imaiiiii4.044.04406.00,4.0441440444116140.104044144406.siiiiisquileiltetifisiami4iiikotamoi ;11; • •Mr, and Nirs, cebrge.E; Taylor •(Alice:Ba:rkwell)•and famil ha move., rorn CFR Borden.to CFB ROckcliffe at Ottawa. • • • Mrs: John. Emerson spent the '• week end at Belfast with Mr Mrs. Isaac Nixon. Mr. and lyks. J.. D. Schultz and family of Mississauga visited' at • the-Sulthers onle--;--Lneknow-over the week end. ••• •• ' Mrs.,..Grayclon Ritchie returned to her. 1,utknow horne on Wednes- day of kit Week after, spending oniost and District . Mrs., Walter Alton and l*s.: Garfield MacDonalOf the 1,1:itk- flW Worneri's Institute, were—delc gates to the Women's Institute County Rally .at .TeeiWater On Oct.- tiher 21, Other inembers attend Jfig wereirylinv •• : S -;- mar BrObks,Mts. Arnistrong, Wilson, Mrs,. Bert Garntnie, Mrs. Wes 'Ritchie, Mrs, Eirner John - •Stoll and Mrs; John Adams. on, •Mrs, u. Shaddick of Lucknow visited in Dresden with her fam- ily Mt. and Mrs. Aaron Book, lath Alisa and Mr. and Mrs. Pickl3oak. ; and 1iks..1.3ruce•k}ain e Gorddr(2Fait and Nirs.. Niatirice. Witzel were visitors.with 1\liss Flora Ahdrew , Luc know and -other Menlbers o4 the Andrew fainily.. • • Mr and Mrs Phillip Macblil- lane,of Lucknow visited with .Mr. and Mrs; Ron pOok o`f London on, Sunday, • •• ' • • Mr. and Mrs. •George TWa rn:ley of Ooderich will ppleba!etheir 35th.,:wedding anniversary on Oct- ober '.28th , 1971. • rs. •ington Henderson left on Tuesday for Port Orange, Florida, where she will. spend the inter months. . -Mr. ah:d Mrs.. Allari•Ilunter 'and Andrew. of Belleville visited last • week with relatives in this'area. • - and Mrs. Frank Potter oi Clinton were Sunday visitor: wiqi Mrs, C. Sha'cidick 01•LucknOw, " The '411tinel, trait treated On Tuesday; October 26th to some freshly picked pasp- ()ewes. from the. garden of Mrs .. __61011(flotorliyliktkiIrsO'it O I li,likiitiw. They were as, large aril tatty At any, fix; rnid turtriteto . . , • . • • • • v. • , Miss Sarah Ann Wylie, 'passed. aay•at.,Pinecrest Manor Nursii4,t, Horne, Lucknow oh. Monday, Interment, was At Greenhill -C,e•trietery, Rev.' Robert Nicholls of Lueknow United Church Was minister. Mac Kenzie. MemOria I Chapel, Lucknow wat,in'oliarse ofittteral irrariTernents, Miss Wylie had 116 ithritediate . _ relativet, • • ••t a • t I r • a •. . Resident Pases, ..Water Signers Lucknovii..Reident In910th-Year • 1f..:;SANI.L.1..EL REID • • ..On Thuriday, ; October 21st MT Reid of•yre-knew-.-pa-sted. -away in Wingliarn and District Hospital:following a lengthy 111 ty Memorial Hall with an attend ance of 8 of. the 31. signers. ' The President John Jarnieson presided.. Theminutes Were 'read ' by the secretary Mrs: Victor ErnerSon, A discussion,arose a. to how to.frivest the extra cash On WHITECHURCH NEWS •• The. Fill meeting of White-. 'church Water•SyStern signers Was held Tuesday evening October 19th in the Whitechurch C,ommun- ness, •She had been in hospital • for:the past three Months: • Mrs. Reid; Who .Was in her :90th year, was the fOriner Isabella • Matilda Jarvis and was born in • ' West Wawariosh Township on e• -f, e Ewin Jarvis and Eliza ArnaCk. .d... She marri.ed.Sarnuel Reid of • Aih field:On Si* fif1-9-t5. Mr. and Mrs'. Reid farmed in deld Tittring46414-c-k, now some years„ago. Mr. Reid paSsed away on December 20, 195,0. -Their-,svrr Milyert-resides • an the home farin in Ashfield. . • • Nks. iteid i. survived- by orie on and foal; daighters,.Milvert of Ash ficld ; Mrs. Peter, (Evelyn) Coo1_,If_LucknOw Mrs ,Cha rles (1/4111y) MC Dona Id oi Wst (Doris') rioah, Mrs, William s •• ' lumphtty of LueknOW and Mn, Lorna Clipperton of Londbh; 17. g'randchi ldren nd, great grand- . Children . r.2., invest in a Guaranteed , . Trust Company. ElwOod Groskr. • _orth-had kepi -account oiftlie hours. spent by hitti in maintenance .and clerical work amounting to 23 • Ce_Aptil....„-Itiwasr-dee icle'd to put on'the. roof -hatch which will,be done by Bill Evans and Emerson Hickey. Thepurnp : house wood work is to lie paint, ed and a water proof sealer put on the :wall's of the purnP house by Russel 1tchie. , • • Three delegate, John' Jamieson, to rnet with Kinloss Tdwnship Council at their next. ,meeting. • Itmas agree,d , tO pay the tax bill, The treasurer's' report by Elwood Grbskorth was .accepted. • • S DAVIDA. JOHNSTON . David Alexander JoLston of • ng is treet; Lucknow paSsed away in Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday,October • 20th in his 73rd year. , •. •• He was born in Ashfield Town- -ship On December 12th son of -Thomas Johnston and ' • Ivlartha Ann.Nelson. He was a' • farmer, farming in Ashfield Town shi •un a ' . I -a= • . • • • and his sister •rnove,dtO Lucknow ' where they had purchased a home; on Inglis Street.. ;.; ,•-• Mr,. Johnston is survive by one. .sistei Miss Sadie Johnston•with, • . .whorn he Made his,ho.rne in -11t kriam . • Bides his parents he was deceasedby one Sister Rub-. en Wilson, who died on Decemb- er 30th,1968.,-and-two-brothers • , , . • • . • • Wallah] Allan, Johnston in March 1910 ,and Richard fohnstonin' infancy. •• '•• _. The _,---atAttaLser-v-ic e -VMS-C-0 ducted.at JOhnStone Funeral Home, Lycknow on Thursday , October 21st., .Rev ; Kenneth' Rooney of Ashfield Presbyterian Church,„Of which the deceited..wai,a mein:0 • , . • Besides her husband she was Church as minister'', tpericscl; ctcweoasseids;ebrys ti.\4hrr: Win•ifialTdiaartiggp• .** pi/115d' atoll; Were six grandseos,.. aret) Sherwood of Wilkie, SaSkay, Lloyd Reid Lorne Cook, Ivan' chewanmrs,. cook,_Rayinond, 'Clipperton ,, ir" - • Partici. of Whitechtfrch and one George Humphrey and Allan Me , Donald. • brother Georgeof West Wa wa nosh Flowerbearers were kith The funeral service w4t I Mark Clipperton Keith Cranston, r.g.OnaLt_ted_all110-.&10a<OZIe iNlemortal. Cha,01., Lucknow .N,ti,tgq.et!etttria,,tetit. ua8 in‘.6i.e,entaii Saturdaye OctOber 2 8 with ReVe. bert Nidio114*�r tudknow voted- C-e•ffietel)i. • • Lucknow Presbyterian ChurC1t.. were ministers. • Amberiey Loyal Orange Lodge No, 1828.„ 'Of whiChMr...„.1.ohnstOrt,..::.:,,,,,,.. • Wai a rileinber;Conducted a. .1 • '..tyie1mtia1 service on Wddt*$dAy''. :• • eyettittg.i..CittObet2Oth.' ; • • :Pallbearers were wShieiii fltn eatnpbelf„ 'Grant 1arri:4114. "• -—- Robb. • . . 41 • . InterMent WSin 6reenh111 .Cemeteryo' • • •