HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-20, Page 19R. 20th, 1971 WEDNESDAY, O.CTOQER 30t11, 1971 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK„NOW,, ONTARIO PAGE :NINETEEN IflStOJI1l A NEW SHIPMENT OF KR,OEHLER. ASIONAL CHAIRS . and ROCKERS°. HA'S. JUST' ARRIVED' AT"MacKENZIE'S' Come in now while the selection, is good and: ' LAYAWAY FOR .CHRISTMAS' rnIt ure,. LUC.KNOW PHONE :528.3432 vT ‘...-nay.Of inghant is s Worthy Matron Of Harron p.ter89, Order OfThetasternt Star. Mrs.'John Gnay of Belgrave was 'installed Worthy Matron ;of Huron Chaper No. 89 Order of. , the Eastern Star in the Chapter Room, Nlasonic•I-Za11, Wingham on Tuesday. evening October 12th !41C. lir p'r`e`ssiveTceremony , Her. Installing Officer was .'Mrs.. 'Par- ish Moffat ,, P. D: D. G..M.. • , Mrs. George Guest, P.M. ,. was. Installing Marshal and Mrs. Don ald Donaldson, P. M. installing Chaplain;. . Other members of her Installing Board were Mrs. Jack Reavie P. D.D. G. M ..; Mrs'. Torn Currie P. D. D. G. M.; Mrs. Alex Robert- son P.1vL; A Mrs.. Scott Weid . P. WI.; Mrs. William Wharry_I . •M.; Mrs,. Kenneth Leitch P. M..; Mrs. Harold Congrarri P. M.; sand=Mr. George Guest P.P.. N1r:, Jack Reavie P..P,. w.as', soloist and Mrs•. Lawrence prewash you have and gentle ;tires long' amen over ng. beauty w _.. mi _. ASSISTANTS, Bryan Boyle; ' Sherry Pollock,' Batt, MacDonald, 'Mary MacCh'arles DRAMA CLtJB GIRLS' 'VOLLEYBALL•. er on . 'strict .econdary SchdQl.:was th.e-scene of•great activity :last 'Thursday •evening., ' October' 14 as the girls' volleyball thc.B.I. A.•.irw.ided the school "for their play=offs. 'The large. gymnasium was separat.- ed •by a•, folding wall •a.11owing•"two games' to be, played. at once..The' Ripley began, p1ayin'g. • Sacred heart Walkerton at '•Q.30 p.m. Sacred Mart Non the snatch two:games straight. '. The first score :was 15 -7, but- the second: was quite close 16-14, The •play offs :were, double elirninat'ion for .the "A'teanisso Ripley faced Wia.rton for their second g'a e Ripley lost the 'first game but rallied back fora 13-10 vict- •ory in,the second,game. •After a very tense third ,game, Wiar.ton eauy,::diitt automatic.'. .e; ;Special usive new an clothes sunray tit. 'in -door in• the• RDHS Drama Club as at least twenty young 'people gather- ed to elect officials. . `Gainin• the presidenc was Sherry Pollock, while Donna Needham wa•s chosen as secretary: anti Larry lrwin' the treasurer. Immediate aiirnsof the group are to raise money, to supplement equipment: This being'sa.tisfied , to h -i i 11" present• -a play in the •.near future F Points for ,'school letters are; awarded to every'rnember,..wheth- er he'receives �i part in the prod ucttion or works at costume; make- up or props 'ear Glen :1, .and:;$usan 'tee. (.haus-". Marilyn _ Alien.' YOU NAI1E 1T = WE WORE:'IT:i Manycitizens`of Ripley7may have adjusted their monacles at - the sight of'students wearing: vast.- ou.trnoded October. 15•. :The•name of the game was "Greaser Day as•.ail ,students wdrerolled up blue jeans , white socks., overalls, baggy shirts.; akirts'that:1ivalled, those of the depression, and shoes that denied description. . Even our viceo%tr wit ,'t e young at heart ,-.wearing: suitable unconventional apparel for the day. .Got any more of those white ankle :soc,l<s;'•• 8 ade• 13rrokside. • n. airs§ listen to .. „Along with C,1118,C• . C r•+' • .aided`, o .stitnnler ,d which is .tit child; )visored by e Special' • POO this ject which' m October og, and ytm for yotttg. ed project otie which irt8ti and• . • Th'e "B"•girls also, went, up against Sacred Hetrt:but fell to a.. , 15-3 loss.. The second game was; ;very'close.as it went to.a' ficial' .score of 18-1.6. Unfortunately it', was riot' Ripley' night .and the Sacred. Heart "13" girls took the snatch. Its was. si.ng•le, elir'pfn itfon: won` their play-offs:.after a very long :evening; Although 'Ripley did not w.i'n� .any.,tities this time ,,,rhey.:tried • their best 'and that is what counts... A special; thanks:goes•out:to` these.. girls' and their, coach Miss Machan. for spending ,their rime to repres- eat RDI -1S. ' • AMAT Thefollowing officers were in- stalled. Worthy Matron,. Mrs. John.. Gnay; Worthy Patron, .Mr.dAleic Robertson •P.P.; Associate M. • Q Mrs- Jaek'McKi•m; Assoc- iate Patron,, Dr. Jack McKim; .. Secretary., .Mrs. 'Tom Henderson: P.M.; Treasurer .Mrs. Murray MacLennan P.M,; Conductr Mrs. Jack MacDonald; Associate' Condu'ctress , Mrs. Clarence Bell; Chaplain, Mr. Scott Reid P.' p',.; :Organist', Mrs. Robert Ma•cj<enzie Adah, Miss; Maudie Fisher;' Ruth', •Mrs . Lionel Johnston; Esther ,Mrs. Bruce Chambers; Martha:, Mrs. Harold Kaake;.. Elector,, Jim Armstrong; Warder, Mrs. Gordon Brooks; Sentinel, Mr. Jack Reavie P.P. ' ' Guests were present from. Blyth. •and Mitchell Chap. ers sardine Mrs. Gnay, the worthy matron ,, lis the former Noreen Kilpatrick, j daughter. of 'Mr: and Mrs. John.. 'Kilpatrick, former Luc.know res- idents. ; RetiresAfter5, Years .As Dealer After twenty-five years on the main street of Kincardine as the ana ran ire ' e er, 'Harolci Thompson,:officially stepped down :last Friday. At that time John.;. Hill of Sault Ste:. Marie' took over. Mr.'. and 'Mrs. Thompson were recently .honoured at as 'Canadian ....Ti—Corporation convention in Toronto when they. were presented With' a .painting.. The association Tire dealers-a- pr•esented him with a gift at a meeting in Collingwood'. KINGSBRIDGE Congratulations to :Mr. AO Mrs. Cletus Da iton (Mary Louise Simpson) who were married at St. Joseph's Church here on Sat' urday , October 9.. • ', :Joanne Hendericks,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ^Martin Hend`ericks, has`return'ed home from; the Wingharin Hospital where *she=ha-d and,Frgone-surgery Mrs. Alice Julien of Los. Angel- 'es recently spent a month visiting cher parents Mr and Mrs. Dennis Dalton and her sister Mrs.. Arnold ,Marsman, Mr. Marsman and ,family of London.. Thanksgiving week end visitors, with Mrs. Dennis Dalton were. Mr. ' and Mrs. Arnold Marsman and 'family of London, Mr, and' _Mrs,. Maur -ice- Dalton and -family— ,Of Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs.. Brian, Dalton. and .family of Guelph, Maria Dalton of Guelph and Mrs.. Alice Julien of'Los Angeles. 'TAM NEW JQB'' •-en employed .by. Maple Leaf Milling in, Wallaceburg for, the past five .and a, half years, is now e.rriploy- ed with W. G. ':Thompson and. Sons Grain Elevators in Mitchell. '.Mr. ` and Mrs.. John Austin 'spent lir-week end nn pronto. ;and. Mrs. OrniQnd• Heifer- -4. -a - - . • _ 1 . i Miss Blanche Biladeau'.of Water 100. eGarators beautify your home ire Iaassx:..,e . . AUTHORI7LD HARDING IR A;I UPCOMING DANCE' Everyone s welcome ,to attend. the dance on.October 2r,'° at:thc. RDHS. gym. Musio Will .be pro's' id edLby_th_e-C•a-t-a 1 st frog=i•t ni i e- .o Midnight. ' • KODEL PoLyistkit PIBRE: Savings.On All Carpet Purchases REG. $14.95. 'NYLON:' • REG. 511.95 VALUE LUXURIOUS' ,DEEP: ACRYLIC HARDTWIST P IL:E:..•S.HAG REG. $10.95 NYLON CARVED PLUSH SQ. YD. GIEN-ind SQ. YD. .$8.95 S. YD. �REEMAN OLSON r�xurr TRAVEL:: CEMENT GRAVEL CRUiE'D,GRAVEL SQA O, STON AND FILL• 2E' • ,w REG.. $7.95 HERCULON REG. $9.95 VALUE ACRYLIC RAND_'O.M. LEISURE TURF GOLD • SQ. YD'. . SHEER LIGHT GREEN REG. '$15.95 •VALUE Raffia-, - WESfi AvEN 80% WOOL/ 20% NYLON SQ. YD. $10.95 SQ. YD, CARPETING et.igfiloNFLoR Atilt `LINOLEUM `. Y"dt R 'COMPLETE HOME DEco i411NG CENTRE DRAPERIES • ulam 'w�.�r�'aFWa4k'IMYHI:i:.:Y'alk#'.uiF •� ��� .��� .. , • Lucknc w, Ontario 11, WALLPAPER AND C -I -L PAINTS Phone 525.3434'