HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-20, Page 18• PAGE :EIGHTEEN: THEA L,UCKNOW` :SENTINELS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' WEDNESDAY, )STOB E R 20th, I Gust Speaker: The October meeting of .the S. Helens Women's Institute w.as.. l/. Presided over by Mrs. ,Allan. Mil., '•1e. The roll call was answered by 'the exchange of a written cas- y'• serole recipes. Mrs. Fred McQuil Un' ave a reading•"Autmmn" and Golden October. The. motto.. "Work does more.than give us a • living, it gives us life" .was gl,yerrby, Brank. McQuillin, , The. guest.•speaker, Miss ()ugh- , who is on the staff , of'• Wingharn and. District Hospital,. .was introduced- by Mrs. Margaret Black. She•spolke on her nursing • experience i,n Engl'andwhere she trained and also showed slides. Miss .Oughton sang'two numbers "Danny Boy:"'.end Galway Bay: accompanied by Mrs.: E. W. Rice at the piano. Mrs.' Wm Purdon..tha.nked_:our Ides bserve pay. On. Thursday, R October 14, in Place of a regular meeting, var bus Good. Deeds were performed throughout the community, by the tucknow, Girl Guides.' ; ...The girlscarried out .v:arious • household chores; raked, leaves; dusted:' In the' churches; fed pat- ients at the nursing home, : and walkedchridre ' We were only sorry that so few responded to our efforts to serve the cornrnunityin this way'.. • guest. and presented her.wmth 'a' gift. 'Mrs..Jirn .Curran gave a :reading on "Blessings Great". The meeting closed with 0 Canada. A delicious lunch was, s'eryed• by Mrs. Harvey Webb, Possec.IM'ay At` Pinecrest Manor MRS,Cl- 12LES COOK:. f The death .of Mrs, Charles CQoke.of Lucknow occurred on, Sunday October loth at cyine.crest Manor ursing Home,.. Lucknow. She wa• 7Q.. Mrs:; Cooke was the,fornierMar ion Craig Gillies; daughter of the,. late Dayid Gillies and'Janet Thorn: :She was. born iii' West 'rWa.wanosh. Township on• January • 7,th ,•1,95: On June 24th , 1921, she ,Married. Charles Cooke'of .Lucknow.. He passed 'away suddenly in June 1960;; Mrs. Cooke wasalso sadly ber- eaved by the:death,,of her only brother Jack Gillies,of West Wawa' nosh in March 1962 and'the• fol- dowing November her only son„ Rice•'and•Mrs. Fred. Jack Cooke passed away ' i iaa . iy at the age -Cif --41-1T Rpde' en Glass In Wood or"Aluminum indows NOW. IS THE TIME "TO''REPLACE. CRACKED AND BROKEN WINDOWS • WE;'CUT'.GLASS': TO -.ANY 'SIZE,: AND WILL. ' DO THE WHOLE JOB FOR. YOU AT REASONABLE GOST:: s*:*** ** • • FOR THAT She is survived by .her daughter- in-law Mrs. Jack (Shirley) Cooke and a granddaughter Janet Cooke ,,• both. of Lucknow; ;two sisters' Mrs. Roy (Margaret) Cringle..and Mrs. Hank -(Jean) l<iueger , both..of Lincoln:Park', Michigan and: a sister-in-law..Mrs. Maud Sher- wood of .Lucknow; A Rebecca Lodge service was condudted on Monday evening at The:.funeral. service, was held at the. Johnstone Funeral: Horne , Lucknow on: Tuesday October 12th .with' interment:in Greenhill. Cemetery: Rev. Glenn' Noble Of Lucknow Presbyterian -Church was minister, Pallbearers' were, Peter MacDon- ald, acDon-ald, H,ugh'David MacDonald Andrew'. Ritchie J. L: MacMillan Elymer Reav,ie , Ralph: Cameron. ,. Ashfield Native 1' Died At Hamilton DR, ALEXANDER E. BARMY TThe'd'eath.'of Dr' Alexander E; B—� nby-e446 Lcinstcr-Ave. 3 Ha.rnilton. occurred at the -Hamel ton.General Hospital on Tuesday, October 5: Dr. Barnby was the; only son. of- the f-the late James and,Georgina •Barn- by of: Ashfield Township.' A .sister., Miss Elizabeth (Bess,ie) M. 'Barnby predec.ease'd..him in Janua y.,,..1.''" • Surviving are his .wif• e , the former Lillian Ferguson;.a•son, J', Stuart Barnby of Timmins; a :daughter ,"Mrs. J. 'S'Strobl (Mar ion) of Guelph.. SE tiONE-12-84148— After graduating from .Lucknow Continuation 'School and, Stratford. Normal School , Alex taught in Colborne Township , before enter- ege-0-1' ).0tai=- Surgeons in Toronto. During•. his college days ' he taught for' brief .periods in •Ashfield and also ,. -Sat-1 a-tche-wa-n:- In 1919 'he ' began his dental career in Learn-.. ington and later set up a private practice' in 1°iarnilton from which., he retired in 1969. Fe>ti�lr Loafed .,. Ai,tomit'ie' Was ',Uri=,fir. 2 YUAN`"WARRANTY PLED:.AIJTO1IATIC WA HE Features '3' cycle 'control . regular, perma-press', and pre -wash. All With 5 • wash inid rinse temperatures,. in 'addition yot� have full flexibility of the .two speed control for normal. • and, gentle gyrator and spin •speeds.All porcelain top and lid assures long -•life: Balance -of -cabinet ;finished in hi -bake acrylic enamel over phosphated' steel plus hi -bake "Spon" primer•,for lasting beauty . 1 0 ' 1 1 • 9 � ,.dual ball bearing mount _ sloping back panel heavy uty. solenoids. ,. AUTOMATIC EI I CTK'IC O; Fully automatic dryer Three•.complete dry cycles automatic dry cycle plus:perma-press = and regular time cycle .Special low heat drying to protect any washable fabric Exclusive,new filteringsystem enables you , to dry your Simplicity clean clothes with :clean air — ill ated all porcel i top` sun ray element r-- safety door '- multiple heat contra '.- giant. in -door .lint filter (154'square inches).• �ctr%c iNE. 328.3172. ave Perfect HAVE.PERFECT: On October 8 during' the. Thanks perfect attendance during the ' school year, of '1970-'/1 were announced nced ,. t$nthi$c� For Year::' 5, ,Doug•las.Blake;• Grade•C:, Glei Noble,,, Kathy Pentland , and;Sos • The following people did'not mniss,.any school last year; --Kinder- garten, ear Kinder-- :garten,. Donald Erwin;. Grade 1, Kenneth Good., Jim ;Yoang; Jen 'nifer Drennan, and Steven Erring= ton; Grade 2, Janice Robinson,: • Debra Arnold , and Sajdra Pent' land; Grade 3, Arlene Travis ,Monica Young, and Jeffrey Hunt' er; Grade 4,•:,Lorna Young; Grade • Patsy'lleGraaf', and Joyee,.Cham ney ; and in Grade Marilyn Wagler and i3arbara' Culbert. FRENCH ' ' This year .classer ftoin Bade, three too, grade eight' :in Brookside School liav,e . Mr.. Orr' 'or'I\ --Mote-for-Fr-enc-la tcr7r-ii-e rs 1 eY play detective gal s , listen to records and sing son's along with the daily lessons,' 'W.e''r grad , rrnueh progress with our 1 renoll since the first of the year::' Dr. Barriby was'a 50 year Mason and member of Hamilton Lodge 562 A. F. 'and A.M. ' fle was Worshipful Master in 1920 and District Deputy Grand .Master,. Hamilton District A,. in 1940:. The funeral service was field on Friday , October 8 at the Mar- latt Memorial Chael, Ilatniloll. with interment in'Woodiand.Cern, 'etery. y. ampaign sponsors events for retarded The Wnghatr and District � As - to is y sociation for the MentallyRe camp a tarded is''grateful_to.all vl ua people and .,organizations 'who sent ebntributions' to the As- sociation through s-sociation'through the Flowers of • Hope campaign or contributed in any way to the on-going work 'for :retarded children. The money will be used :to help. children ',throughout the area: Amongthe projects are.! The Silver Circle ' School for prey school children, in its third year. -of-operatiott-withk l0'ch'ilrlrenrat=- tending; sending children ages 8 ears ' of , age to summer t Camp BelWOod 'Which is the-fnrit for' this special tyee of child. • vera c 'm • ren rom Circle School were sponsored by the Associatien at the Special. Olympics held , in Toronto this spring and another project which' ' is yearly is, bowling 'lean October t� April' for children ` and young adults ages lO to 2 , • ' A -Sheltered workshop for'young. adults is an undeveloped project of. major concern andone which n aL7 --the«aAssoc ation, its., hrk r1$„o hopes tole able`to establish�sou"”" t"d