HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-20, Page 9Mt. ..WEDNE$PAY,....04TOPER.1,0tht.1971 • .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IS • IT IS TIME THAT WE REJOINED THE WINNING TEAM . * GOVERNMENT AND A GOVERNMENT' REPRESENTATIVE GO TOGETHER H.. ELECT ANIIMMIENW „bower' Held For Octber Bride... • KINTAIL NEWS . Christine MacLennan,' daugh- ter. of. Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Mac-.' Lennan,- who.is to be an October bride, was bottOured. by a misCe1,- laneo.ns shower at North Ashfield Sobool.on Friday night, -Mrs. .Lloyd Collips was' in charge'of the tion's by a•band composed of 1a ry ini.Maxine Bradley and Flora Simpson. as pianist..They, .also'accotnpanied choruses sung • by Sharon Howes, Laurie Angella Mac:Donald , Sandra • Robb, Janice Collins., Janet: Mac- Donald and ,Tamniy MacKinnon. Miss Sadie Johnston conducted a •contest and Mrs. Ronald Oke read.. a .humorous paper on 'Before/ and• • After": „Shetyll MacDonaid •- -anced-The-Frighiand-Pring. Mrs, • Collins .read the. address td the, Patti O'Connor and Joyce Johnson,. 1. assisted in Opening the gifts. •. • Mrs: John' West -of .Torontd visit- ON OCTOBER 21 PROGRESSIVE -CONSERVATIVE FOR INFORMATION CONTACT COMMITTEE ROOMS 396-3665 Kincardine — 357-1276 VVingham Sponsored by Huron -Bruce P.C. Associatkm TURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd Pile river KINCARDINE PA1/11.10 LANGSIDE. •...PAO NINE Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Wall of Wingharn were rcent visitors with -;Mr. and Mrs. Jirn. Young and family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter' Steer were enjoying some holidays this 'week: • They were visitors of Mr., 'anstl, Mrs,. Philip Steer:, • The ladies Of. the coniinunity,:. •.had 4,•quiltingbee on. Monday and :Tuesday at the Langside Commun- ity Hall. .:• • COmmUnlon service is being held in 'two. weeks 'at Langside Presbyterian Church with prepara, ed relatives herf, and in L clino_w_.1,to.r_y_scrvice 0e-x-t-Sunclay. , recently. • • • '• arid Mrs. 6ordon Misses Anna and Charlotte ,and Ruth Ann of Sarnia, Mr. and MacKenzie spent a, few days with D.Qn Nickel and Linda_me,r_._ their sister. Mrs Earl Howes: :Quillin of Toronto and Steven Mrs."JackJohnson.and 'Joyce MacNay of Amberley speT • Thanksgiving week end with Mr. N.M.• Re• • rrrnir—.7 k. esar Jci. Ca es., A rriett iUgh ;sin„gle • • *.C; 'Oar .2611 brooks reere.er EC Mr and Mrs Allan Falconer• , and Tony. Streetsville.Spent the w,eek.end 'swith Mr! and Mrs: Rob 7 ' ert MOwbray,;,. ;•.: . ';, • Quests 'ori the week'erid: Mt , and'Mrs,' George Currie were• Mr...and •Alvin.Currie. arid ,13?rty of Barrie.,.,:Mr: and Mrs.', .,. • Prank 'McConnell and fartily',. Mr • andMrs. Frank.'Kutcha and ..Mrs. Ken Winegarden and family,• .pennis Winegarden, all of London, • ...Mr7and...Mrs,.:Leo 'Dewan arid • baby. of ,Luca Mr. and. Mrs. Rol)ert Mowbray' w.fe: Sunday gueits' at the Blue :'. Barn • celebrat ing the ir wedding •Apriivrsary... • • Recently 'Mr.i and 'Mrs, St. • Marie and family and Members of•theit Orchestra put on'enter. tainment at-..Huronview, Clinton. .:..Ttie:entertainment included tap : •?nd square 'dancing.: The young iners aregrandchildren of r. and eOrge,Currie who:. -were...invited TO be present. • • Mr,s; • Si'. .Marie is the • Pianist• . Mr. and Mrs.,;Victor EtriersOii; Miss:1,14 Emerson and Mrs. 'Edith e at yt onSunday; to the Tasker Funeral Horne . . •Where. Mrs. Alfred HaggittS:re-- mains rested, . They also called on Mrand Mts. Calvert er. Mrs: Falconer Can now Walk . *Ath.the aid of Walker. •.', Mr., ; 727 Kay:and 'Glenna Were at the • loldughing match, on.Friday.. •• Mr. azidMrs. D9 n'a ld Ross, Donglas,,-BOb,, David ,and Brian ay wit %Ir. .and Mrs: Ceorge Ross.ad ;Cheryl of Owen,. ' Sound: Mrs. Robert' Ross .is' spending kifeW days with her:sister Mrs. .. Bill Craig and Mr4 Craig of Miss Joyce Tiffin was a Stinday. alt.' Stewart t , . „. r C0011.0; ;1' Tioeis • !yeti nes L'•orhtiTs it , Chp Coons 11,1 'Zebra 4. ,.'•Tena t-tt ts nuts 21, ),; diqt Johnson last: week. . • . • THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 357-1630 Friday VA ,Sa*days at 7;10 AA other days,' One show, at 8:00, except, where itioted on tho progrgo, THUR. FRE, SAT„ OCT. 21, 22,23, . Adult Entertainment. • • • • Colour Starring Bruce Davison,, Ernest. • Borgnine, Eisa Lanchester This is .one moyie _you should .trot see alone: Where your nightmares end, "Willard" 'begins • * * * * * * * * SAT. MATINEE OCT.. 23 -- I reat- Kiver" arzan and the u,. m Visitor with Mr:. ai—ird 'Mrs. Doug- • las Tiffin of Wingharti, •Mr: and Mrs. Torn Jamieson were Sunday visitors with her sister' Mrs Dorothy Proctor and Donald of Morris Township. • 'and Marlene and Mr. andMs. Robert Jefferson and Craig of Waswanosh on Sunday enjoyed.a stenic. trip viewing the' atitumn woods around: CollingWood and Maple :Valley. , Late:sotry-to-repOrt that. John Crowston.of Lucknow 'was admitted over a' Week ago to St. May's Hospital, Kirehener where. •McQUillin and;Borii•Torikon-Oh of- St.' Catharines called at •th.e.'same. hOine 145riSaturda•y. • • .. • of COderiCh. and her sister of Galt'," Who spent the remainder • e evening, y itb:. Mr and lvirs.• • Albert Coulter • -• MiS..Klinker and son Harry of•. -StrathrOy were.S4ndayvisitors.' • . with Mr: and,Mrs: •Victor Wyben . ga' and fainily. '• • Little .JOhnnieCraig .,1Son of... Mr; arid Mrs..Hkrii-4,.(1.raig of ,.• Wingharn is:visiting With, his •grandparents Mr; Daw • • son Craig•as:his mother Mrs.• he underwent -surgery; Latest. • 1."Hirvey-Crag is in Wirighain and. 1-x*poit.are that .he is making rapid recovery and expects to SoOn• . a 'gall,itone operation... • be horne„. : . Mr.and Mrs. Jim. Roil. and • . n' Ware pleased toreport that ,Mark of Kitc ner spent the week • e " end with his..Parents.Mr.'.and Gershon:1: Johnston was disdharged Mis ' from '.Wingharn and District Hos- kussel'iRosSarid with her parents pital on Saturday. Mr and Mrs; I. Millen of • • :: . Tees- VisitorSOSundayi with Mr.' water ••• At the United Church 'on and Mrs.. Gershorn Johnston were da t WWI Itrive ne 04_te 4;4 _ incardine LOCATED NEXT TO GOLFING, ROLLER SiKATING SWIMMING, & CAMPING . • • ; NIGHTS - PHONE 396.2341 DAY • PHONE 316J107 :reeling • pork 'rico t YOUR' 4061 .:010100° • '.,• . . - ' .: . . . . : NOTE: .' .:' .; • . . • " . .. '. THEATRE WILL BE CLOS MONDAY ED.TO THURSDAY . FOR THE MONTH: OF...0CtOlt k..***.*••4(*•**•******** FRL,. SAT•iSUS4,:,OCTOBER 22, 230.‘•24'. • .. " • • DONALD•SO• . i hey'' • ....eit161t.vite$41iirig TIIERLAND ' - .... , • " ,..,e. ' WON, EIALAN: D"4'''.:,.s'Strt4rine-e•nrrYt -; .. 7"" cr,r7, ,,,.,,,t 11yck44,04..#):,,«,0' ohoptAki m 1 w56# LAN() Wnile.ny F4411Y mkt .1,7,, Nitikti, Nil MiltiiKY, Or&AkNetiy LiiiVtdAk. A4offt*Atir ( .. . , • •• • I, . . v 44l4 . A, ' g e. Held For Linda Martin WHI'TECHURCH NEWS On Saturday evening shower was held in Whitechurch COrrirnitn7 ity Iviernorfal Hall for bride-to- be Miss -Linda 'Martin. 'iOri her , •' arriVal, she Was usheredto the . • platforni)to a decorated chair and . a canopy,of. pink bell.s. and strearn-• • err of White: :Her. assistants were Doris Rintoul; Wendy Ireland: • ., 'Brenda :Webster Jane Laidlaw in opening gifts. • ' T]'George, Fisher was master of cereniOnies for a Sing.song, ,•:• Mrs. Bill Rintoul gave readings, - 'Miss Shirley Tiffinsang solos accompanied by Miss Joan Tiffin Contests were.'enjOyed. • I mo rig' the giftS.received weie: pillow,caSes, sheets; 'electric tea. kettle, toaster and itOn,. casserole's ,„ pie plates, cups and saucers, china,W.are , wall plaques, salad set, carving set, blanket., • • towels, aprons, tableCloths. All. sang For' she a Jolly Good Fel- the service in the Ann and Carol Ann of Listowel had 1\711.f and M't„ and - Mrs:. Charles .Woods absence of who i s still a patient in Wingharp Karl De Koeijer and Of Egrildnlyille. District This community was sortyto • • a Hospital learn Mrs.: Sielti, Beecroft is a . • ;• .••• . ptientjJiWmgharn Hospitnt A ••• • - 'speedy recovery iSwished.:for het by. friends here. Carl ,kicplenaghan and: Ca rinti • ytoC' were disella tged, from) • Wingham lidspital. on. Tnesday ir X11.. :lame Howe and family Of TeesWater Were Safttt•-t. day ev ening ea Berson -Mr: .and \Ir.Ix fr and Pail 1 , Ruth , Barry, • Bavid.,' Karen. • a mi. Mts.'s • hois sttotheriwere Sui day visitors, with Lorne'Vottet • s.giving visicors with' Mr,,..4.0d Nits, nlyood GrOskdrth tvo.ertort-;, eouily Missed including Mr. and •':‘, itiinNioffat licather and • AlistP', of LohdOn: •• • Attending the reception for Mr and' Ntrs„ lArtienin at White%.„ elturch 1 a11 Friday night from a• ! 1 distance wore \It, and \as; • a id 11t, N4j and Mr,S,?,, C,amer:0112.41 LoPdort, .4).Ss:icann i(llaw. aft& hits • 17..nintA,CoXfin td N1t ;.111(1 NIt8., Clayton' Schnitz • .1 • • • • Linda thanked all for 'the ShOWer. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mts. Wm..Rintoul:and Mrs.:George pisher. •' • ,: 2 • ... • 3•., A•story.of t he young , for tlfeyoung and the•yonng tneart! OP$A. 44. NO. • 14 .1.04;•,,,t60, • Anti ENTERTAINMENT • un, . 24 m . . cpcsicw 27 only BIG • STORE 410. -DAY AT. THE CIRCUS