HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-20, Page 720th, '1971' ed, deltf- aor1 . it... tl and orfs 'O'f ttdat. Gill lairs;. .tart• •of' rtra�ss",.. ;r ritew- ill he Iibe'r rllii-1y to. V esse'rt Fibers of • taill tke with uuch, SentOr [11 he he home and:on an Keith's. sv p;f1r. • klat', was ".a reSO= ken t" w4 nenibers,. ad the :iotl� 'which • o read a' s 9,71 'C;o.rilitlit- n •keith•' ?• contest.: ire we, fore we, " aware ti . j Lamar offat itteecon-• YyEeNE$DAY, OCTOBER 30th;. 1 THEA •LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO CORDIA44,,Y INV17TES • YOU TO ATTEND LUCKNOW pCENTRAI PUBLIC SCHOOL • IN -.7111.E. SCHOOL GYNINAS$uM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28th AT... 8. P•M.`. • 'GUEST SPEAKER-, ENDERSON. TORONTO MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY CLUB be the the • i e',; - inow Fub- to observe, kept; then e's home arks the ‘ed lunch. • K! I C R'Dffi E A't 1:1•‘ P Irl:,':October 7..; Cori - stable. Wiwc•zaryk investigated :a me 011 jt wy., )est iior:tii'of thb North Vurhani 'Road. The vehicles driven. h;y Patric]<. Barnes.ofTivertan, Pierre: ;Frtidionitile' of.•Nia•:gara Calls', and WT.11iam rautclier of God.erich,, were all southbound at the time, • of:the-coIfjsion.,• `Wierliam Gaut- cher suffered in:inot.,injuriets in 'the collisiotl• which.ca'used an es- • timate } $2 , iU0.00 da rna•ge • At 8,60 p' m., October S Con• iurgess investigatedasing-, le' car accident on. the .Poplar Beach Road• at the Jct.. of the 10th: Conc.. iiiiron'1'Wpo. when 'a car driven. by, Peggy Lawson of Ha mil - ton failed:to Iict;otiate: a..turn and' struck a..ferice owned,by George Ursnliak of k, R.,.: 1' :Ki.nc'ardine, Total'datnage was estimated at i Bruce'A car' d,r'iven: by Richard f ierney,of Scarborough• went out of control, when the .drive:i• swe'rved to••civoid a dog..,: The 'car enae•re• le west • itch and, struck'a fence owned• .•1, Port Elgin, caus•ing $`35 •00 darlrage.'. Tierney su,fferted minor. o -}r' knee .iii t •e. airs tap. L. A'. W!'iIT ELi1 W ; ' Public :Infornra't.ioh. ,. • (off icer, CODER On Tuesday ,Septrrl-b'r 28 on 21 llighway.'sou•th of Port Albext (River Br,) laii I3accus,.',1.�i01::.' Victoria :Fat k„AptS.car- bor,*ugh and•Gari .Springstead',. (273 13t.itler • Street- Woodstock wereinvolved in 'a two car `'aceid`- ent resulting in damage- to their vehicles.' f3accus•receiwed:><tijur- 'jet. • is `epparS. • , WHITF'Cl•IURCi1. 1rI:E'V\lS' Whi'techurck1'kfi•Steppec 4�I Chib,rnet'on •Sattirday•.forenooit Ott the Monne of their lead•er_ ._-..,_ 'John Gaunt'. -.The preside*. Kathy Wybena presided and. opened,. ••the meeting with 'the 4-14 Pledge,., The Minutes were read by Ruth Elliott. The roil call was answ. er ed .by naming a defect in posture ad•h.ow to correct it. The meeting stibj.ect :was keep- ing physically'fit and exercises for Ole 'Same and Strengthening , of.iiluscles.' •The roup...work was huck weay.- ing or. crocheting, • The. leader .Mrs. Gaunt received: the cheque, €roin' Teeswater."FaYrt for thee d -i -pl y--puf on by'the c)ub. The next meetingSat,-1 urdayy,.'O•ctober 23 'in, the ifpre, .. noon in Whitechurch. Hal'l' wf,Pn 'De•nonst ations; in .First Aid be givet•and each.will have a. c.harice:t:o learn these... is PAGE SEVEN THE OF HURON TOWNSH1P SON OF AGRICULTURE WIL•4By EfEL4.kT. g I..£GIQN 1�ArL� R onday 'AT 8:30 . P•,M, FIELDM ARTFEDERATION W1 OF GUT SPEAKER NT Y. EVERYONE WELCOME Trail .8laze rs The sixth meeting of the Kair shea Trail Blazerswas held at ' Mrs'; Burt's' on Saturd'aY,October 16• at • a . rn, T meeting was Qperiec with the 4-H Pledge:....Ten mem' bens answerer,d the roll call, "a defect .in my posture and how I cwILId 'correct .it"• The minutes were then read by Sandra Keith. It was •decided that Joe -Anne Lennip's would'1ie1p Jean:Reid With the book covers' instead of Brenda Johnstone,' We'voted` on e c u..w.e, a •i a •to have next ler ••a_ll, . C2u•r-Choices sories for, the Bedroom", "Dress-' ing up Veget.able,4"t' W .',, and hat, 11 I Wear; "''with the ma jortt wanting'"Ac:eessories" forJhe Bed- rooni We then Made .up" most 'of our Skit for,Achievenient Day. , The sixth- meieting,,of the St ..: held ori Tuesday , October 12th • at, 7.. 30: p. in . We opened our. meeting 'w'ith th,e 4-H .Pledge , followed by the: minutes of the• last meeting. The 'members answered..the .toll call with a airy product. LoreeGanitnie :gave .thc r,trea•surer's report.•. •The !services available in our area. 'next :Meeting is• to he held on •Ruth Grahafn spoke on pRosture P Tuesday, •October.l9th, at'.7•.06 . • and Jean Reid and. Marilyn Ivitir-'` Mrs,. Young; discussed' food' we should have to'keep us physically ftt . ' Mrs . rte rt-t'a r ,d—be N lic Health and:told us o'f. the The first ;part Of 'the discussion -was'-t-wetrby-:Mrs: Aitchison on :;Spotlightittg••Dairy` Desserts", Seve.ra1 girls were asked to read sections''• from our member% pam- phlet.: ,�lrs. 1\.lachhersori talked .. rees.e e,. • e Iola about'the different kinds, ..• and 'to look; at ;the samples in our tilember's pati phlets, .Cur•prrictiea l' work •for this ii;ieeting was,tilAkitig orange cake': top: pudding and -5alnioii nip., • Beverley 'vtacl'herson:, Corinne Cranston•andBoyle Fenian_ :strafed how or•r n ; . - =to y ne ay., , epter •)er 29 on 'Conceeion:10 ,;west 6f -Junction # 1'County Road , Joseph 1 Ienri!<s , R. R. #' .T .Lucknow and ..::rands •. Austin, R. R..'t 7 :Lucknow- Were : involved' in a two vehicle accid- entresulting in minor dat.ua €= to ,both -.vehicles. ' • On Saturday,, October 41 tint Dain •'•Queens The .sixth meeting of the Dun- • gannon Dairy. Queens was held at the horde s.)1. Miss Linda Young -at .7_ 00 p home., dpenccl ritki the •4-13 pledge.. and:Lois Adams read. . the secretarial -report: -.Miss ' Young ,told us Achieve. tient Day will be on; December. 11. We are to give our books to Miss Young before November 27th. • "Spot lighting Dairy Desserts'" r . ernon- stration ;we had •O - — -Pudding , w:hichweate for iunch and everyone 'agreed it was deli cioOitr� us,. ne-'t t e�pting. will on Friday,.'October 22.. ray demonstrated two exercises'. Mrs. Burt handed us the "Driv- er"s 'Handbook": for:t :•e next meet g—which-will b m.. in the Luc.know United Church next Saturday, October 23. At 19,30 ; we shall 'see a filth ': •We;the n'wbrked on:our Crafts. fins• Roberti 'I'out,of Kincardine escap- ed injury when the trtic`k he was, arivirl coflid.ed with a bridge .on the Noit'h Shore Road 2'nriles'south of Cty. Road 15'.• The accident .investigat:ed by .Constable l3urg- ess which totally demolished the,` truck occurred at. 9.30 p • Oct, , Ne Ott 0 2.6 At 9';'00 i ni:.:"October (3;.1971 •'istililts` Poland investigated a ing,le czar. accident on Cty, Road ' 110.2 mite's exist of NOr.tli Bruce. ,A driven bv cordon McIntyre w ent.-otic -Eceiltl•o-I a t stiuc k a. hydro pole:•catrsirig afl estimated 1,80,0100' damage, Gordon' ivlc -,. Tntyre suffered rliiiior .i►ijuries'n the accident, . Sohn: Norval Nicl:c^od 1 ;- _-..._ aui of chid Mrs. Norval 4ieLeod, 1l, R, r'f 2, Kincardine, was: killed Saturday .evening Oct ober 3 �' wh rr a fair tractor which he was driving on his father's farm at L t 21 Concession ,. i,., 'ncardiyie Township rolledA SVet : On top of him, . • At 8,;3U. p.ni, `October 14, Corry. stable Poland investigated al 3tngie tar accident on 421•'1igh.. brie utile soritli,of North • , riot 0 ig. . way;, Doti ;las Porter, R. R. 1; 1:, : hucknow,.;st:ruck a 'Cattleheast resulting in dd't lage.,to his,veh1Cle On Sunday, October 1r0 on 13th• Cot7cession, 1'lullett.Twp eafit of =f `11`wy , Nei1 Gerrard 1.:)in R.i 1•, Woaltoti wasiti•vo•lVed ca :r collision•resulti]tg..tri da:nra,Le. to the Vehicle,. hyar received injuries. 'cr ., c?ti ,. 1 iwy .' south of e',0.1:1. t7,, 1•s•h i•ie lel Twp. , Arthur Joseph (3ow1cr,: 1:., Grenable. Drive 'non \1a11s tr i. a cattle beast oIY!h ro idw,l result big' in drt'rnaf;•e to -the vehie le. t'n S'urid.ly; 'October let 011 County (goad north of fjlr 11is,h-. way.; John pier . 1'., sttrc < an ohJecl Or) the road- way 'resulting inda wage . •r vehicle. • 4, : On Sundray, October 10 , on -the Divisiton Line south of ,12th Con; Ash field Twp, ,- David; Elphic1<, Ltrdkrlow struck;i' oattle beast on the roadway result uig damage to the. vehicle, '. ,.. On Mendtiy, 'October 11.fon 'i J County R ad east Of .0'12 C.otttttv`o load, l ibcrt l lttc1 yell Seer fortrr struck a cattle east ..� pu •itis was made.... 'T•he.saBrioni dip.w:asinade•by seve.ral,giris ,Who asked to help as; rt w.a.S being. made, •Wltile.the.clishes;wete ` • cooking .we discussedoitr notes. and the ha ici-out sheets• far. meet- 'ware passed out l;v ery'one, had the opportunity to: test •the dishes'the'girls iliadc.. \Tar`a_rct MacPherson and Lori �1liller..were dsRed to tidyup. tcaiisoi • Moaiin;ney were asked to do the fishes ' ' \vc closed bur meeting, with the nn_the roadway'rCst;ilti'ng i•n'darn- it e• to .rhe vehicle he was driving. •Cil Tuesday, October 12` oil the • 13th Con.:., Tuc kerstnith Tw east o„ \'anlooi', if 2, Kippew was inVi lved a single crtt Collision resulting in • damage' to tll'e vehicle.. On Thursday , ..October 14 on ,i�'l'llw•° . north of Coni, 9`y, Irby• field Twp. , 356.. Wellington Street , Sarnia was involved in a single 'c„titr.collision resulting to ttanrage to the vehiet le, Knight receivedinjuries:, 'XIOU.1; I"CSN,,. P'tovitieir l oh tatile. Winter: Wcirmers. Just what. tlz . kids need.for trudging thrpugh the snow.' These: boots are long • FOR '4E14,:1 -#000-0...A.04.:0 ILDREN • ***iii►***i**sem,**. Phone 528-3117' Ludo