HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-20, Page 1ER 13tb:l01
$6.00 A Year In Advance -- $2.O0 Extra. To U.S.A.
entity Stili` A.
WE TO 6c
VE TO 3c
n -1T
VE TO 31c
is 99t•
VE TO 17c
Frederick Flanagan. joined, the
a ; �• t e--uc nrtw an-d`District, •
Public School in September where:
•he teachesa Special'Educa•tion •
H:e was ;born in Toronto 'on`Jan
_ma r19 ,4946 . --.- He attend=ed-- •rim -
•aryF, an • secondary school in Tor
niaand i •
s -a -gr •;- to °of Tar,otita•
Teachers' College.
•' .His teachingeiper.i;e•nce'includ:r
ronto- :oar
• of Education Inlate Augusc he,
• a .cf his wife Karen and yyougg .son
Frederick it moved to. Lucknow.
.to:reside ,'
••'Fred• is interested in sports.
VE TO,30c
w 1284420
. The October. meeting 'of Luck
now village•council on Tuesday
night of last week produced a "very
interesting itern of general inter-
est for the community.
A letter' was presented to, coun-
cil by the clerk from D, A. Sin-
clair Construction Ltd•. , e:n.gineers,
-and -contractors -of `Mtssissaa
concerning lot 272 on the south
east' corner o:f Willoughby. and
Inglis Streets in Lu:cknow
This is .the •lot presently" occupied
by Symes Bros, Construction of
Lucknow and used as a
�arn� headquarters for their ina_ ch=
finery, and equipment: •
The lot in question is irnmed=
lately east, of J E. MacDonald •
•Garage"and immediately west •
of. -the •prooert urchas
liquor control board...as the site for_
anew ltutir stdre in' Lticknow
The firm of D. A:.Sincla':ir stat-
ed in their letter that they. are
Tanning a commercial~building,.:
40 by 75 ; basica:lly an office oper
atton:, on' the ,property described
-They were seeking confirnia.tion
from the village that the location,
set backs and commercial use
was acceptable to the Village.,
It was stated. that:d-e'taled plans,
would be sent 'in .due•coursewhen
applying•for a building permit,.;
The letter said that they were,'in
.the .process of clearing with the
health unit for a• septic tank
systern ----- ---
.Plans of the building, were attach.
ed for •reference. The building:_
was• located 'on: the south part, of
the lot•with a,c.ar park. area:,'hand7
ling 13. cars, . located•. on the north
described on the west side of the
building adjacent ••to the: proposed.
street extension arid the' MacDon=:
ald•,Ga.rage. The rgposed' Liquor
Store was shown on the two lots •
to•the east
Single Copy 15c
Miss Elizabeth Sebben oined
e--st . o r e i;uc ow nd Di -
riot Public School iknn' Septemaber;st
She was born at Oakville" on
May, 2;1950.. She attended Sec. ;-
ondary School in Bancroft and
graduated from Peterborou : h
ege in 1971.' She
teaches_.. _ ,
Music and Girls' Physira1 Educa-
tion• On rotary,..
:ucknow i*ines
Joe Agnew, a Lucknow, native
and son of "Mr. and Mrs.: Ho/and
Agnew of Lucknow this week
becomes.the new owner of
Schmid's Jewellery and: China
'business in •L cknow. •
Joe has 'been• to the watchmak
ing, jewellery and diamond set-'
ting' business'in• the Detroit and.
!Michigan-areas-fora—number of...
.years. 'He ,recently took up res=
idence in Lucknow ,Vith his wife
:Dean and-da-ughte;rsPam. and '•
Joanne. . :Pam attends F. E. Mad-
:ill Secondary School and Joanne
is a student at Lucknow. Ce•ntral1
�c-sactrot T e amily re-•
side in the Hogan home on Rose.
Street east, formerly occupied bY . .
,,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson`.who`:
!purchased • home
,p .a ,m Whitechurch
a few monthsS
ago.. da. u gh�
ter Judy Agnew, reniained in
• where--she-is--employe
A-description•of the interior of
the building and the tyPe,Of busi-
aware .of theproposal prior to the.
meeting bu( indicated their full
aPproVal.of such a building being
located. in:this area, of the inuniL.'
from 1883 t'd'
;;to Scotland,
•„rrow and the
9f the photo
W.ho 195
Mrs: Miller
her at Lang=
Miller re -
de Joe Conley
Laal he farm
Ilanna: She
)vi With her
riginal intent..
have the
.:Ontario resident's will go the
pout 6n Thorsciay of this week. ;
ates lluron-Bruce are the
lif fay
din and New.:Detnocratic Party. .•
candidate Dr..Donald Milne of
Polling locations in thiS area
,P;.911 61','HolYrdod Half; .POlVq2,
,Whitechtirch-• Hall! Poll '62 ,•••Kiri-
loughOrange 11,111111±
Pa4.1 73 ,-Ma•Yfair Rest-
Township 'Hall; ,P011 3, Zion.Hall;
nein; Poll 92; 'Public Library,
Auburn; Poll ..93 Wawanosh
Visited FormerHome At Kintail For-
irst mi In Seven
nett .04 *Nay
0. heifer Calves averaging 433-..
lbs; 'Were sold by Fred MCQuillin
of•Winghani for 34.40,
.20 heifers avera',Ing.594 were
4 steers averaging 560.were sold.
by 'Ken Leddy`of St. Augustine •
to Jack Alton of Belfast for .39.10.
• sold. by. Harold, :Elphiek of Lot:WA.
for 34,46LL.
Mr:' and .Mti; Niek Perry of MacLeod the. oldest town in 'Al-
and ar last
mpanied by Mrs.. 'John ?Katb-
'erine) Ryan of Pon .MacLeod:. -
'Mrs. Ryan is the former Kath-
erine kennedy,ond,of.thirteen
ile Area Yout
ms ver
Dollar Con etition
3.5 years ago.
This is Mrs. Ryan's first rrip
hack since She` left Kiniail.' She
visited their fOrmer home now
owned by Brian Black.
ors.Of the General Store at Kin.:6;
tail, Katherine 'was born at
Null on January •ist, 1890'.. She
eft Kiritail at the age of 4 years
hell her imrentt Moved tO
the family moved to Leth.btvge
10 1914 katherine.married:Johili
Rya and they moved to- PO
Mrs. Ryan hat two children
Jack and June'; 12 grandchildren
In Ashlield the waS visiting
with OS. Bernadine' Kenny'and".
-Mr. and Mrs. Farl 'Drennan.
Besides visiting Mr. and ,Mrs.,
i'PertY in Detroit the is.alto visiting
alto born at Mintai) and. left at
this year''s,series of 4-11.Dairy
ies and is quite pleased to haVe •
•It: Was • announced at the regular -
Meeting of Lticknow6outi---
cil on Tuesday of last'week that
,engaged•in the installation of
Swirrithing.poolislwaS tO be in the
villa e last
*ith council and discuss various'
1 a4 management branch was
also scheduled to be in Lucknow,
on Thursday. Council, were to
meet With him and disctiss..further
propoSals for the relOcation of the
.site.Was being considered.at the
eXtrenie south end of ,Bbh Street
in the Village but lana wOuld
:have lo -be ac'qt.fired and this
proposal was just in the talking,
stageS.... Another site Considered
waS' not definite as to whether this.
site, bn a' lease basis, was discua-
g expenses.
It Wit agreed to invite tenders
from Lucknow Co-op. and Hamila•
tOn Fuels', villa fue
LUcknow town hall and fire ball
from October tb.lune of ne,xt year,
'Williarn Schmid has beeri.
the jeWeller and .
Died In Hospital
Dayid-JOhnston of 'Luc know. pas-''
sed, away on Tue,Flay, October
.19th in Wingharn and. District
Hospital in hii 73rd 'year,.
cOncluctecl at the johnstone.and•
Son Funeral Horne; LUcknow on.
r-T-htrrsti-ay-;--Outtiber 21st at 2..3Q
p.m; with interment in Greenhill
staff of the Lucknow and, District ,
rian in September 1971.,
She is a graduate Of London
'Teachers' C011ege received
her S.A. from the UniversitY of
Western Ontario and hat taken a
..:Miltori and TeesWater, With tip to.
five cOmpetitors eligible frOin
each of the t wounding countieti
All competitors wr6te ifulz
requiting senior level knOWledge
of dairying, and an essay on the
topic "How rwOuld ProMote
Milk". At the thew§ they reCOV-
ed points kr their calvet and
Annie Van Diepenbeek, daugh-
ter' of Mi. and Mrs. -Prank Van
Diepetibeek of Ashfield , left
Mo,nday.of this week for Prante
where the ttudy thePtemli
Language for A year,
Annie hat Attended Western
.UnNersity , London for the past
two years,,
She has taught ele.mentary arid
secondary achool.and night school.
few years and taught primary
grades. for A few months in
'Atittralia and New Zealand while
. She eliJOys. travelling and it ac-.
tive, in church work, Shd
16 the Pine RiVer. area with her .
Was traritferred by Ontario Hydro
tet the truce PidiOte