The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-10-13, Page 2' PAO• TWO ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO S. 5.. No. 8 Kinloss, (Lan T, ,,e. UCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ,ON:TARIOr:. "TIN; Sopo); Town" -- On the Huron Brueo Boundary Second Class Mail,'Registration dumber 0847 Established 1873 Published Each Wednesday' Afternoon,' Member of the C.WN.A. and O.W.N.A. ' Subscript on Rate, .$6.00 a year in advance to. the U,S.A , $8.00 Donald .C. Thompson, `Publisher W.EDNESDAT- OCTOBER.. 13th,' 1971'' • CONTINUED FROM:PAGE'.1 • 325 volunteer assignments have been completed successfully in. some 36 countries. The Sentinel has received a'• letter from jack and Laura which =will of interest to readers:; Quarto =.. 226 • 'Palle e..-Hote1 , ' 137.30 Mococa•, .Est.. Sao. Paulo, -- - Br-a-zl-,-South-A-merle*-. :September 4 ,•1971. • Dear Donald: •.'A rnOnth has, gone by since we left for -Brazil... LeavingLondon 7.45. :Au .; 5 • e arrived. in Sao :Paulo on •Au .. hour differen•ce here until: you O. revert back to.standard :time, then two hours difference; We • f 'had an excellent flight over .•m• ..:and •.41. p.. m.. defiv er .t94 plant‘tWice a day:' I have been busy too.1. 1 have ' four ladies comingthree mornings; a week for, lessons in *English. They They are .very interested' in Eng lish here. These 'ladies.are all teachers , three forrner'primary and one a Horne Economies,.teach- er.. each-er,. They in turn teach me their Portuguese: and 1 must say ;I .am very- sure I won't have it mastered in three months , but it has been-. most interesting and I•have:gained a knowledge cif Brazil, .'through our comparing Canada -and Brazil; that I never.wouldrotherwise. I mist add ,that they are most en - 't usz asnic-a. out-, - , a na a a : . We visited the Consulado'de Canada in Sao Paulo and the assistant consulate is John Treleaven. John is a Sudbury boy four stops before. Sao Paulo; Toronto, 2 hrs;. Miami, 7 .hrs; Caracas.1.hr..for .refueling there . 'and we were allowed to get,off the plane and wa1k'aroiind, arriv- ing in Rio at. 7 a . rri. , and also `1-otre-hour-wait-there-for?a=-s-rna e-r� - jet for Sao Paulo. , We also put • our watches: ahead one hour in ' •' Caracas.. 'We spent the week .end' •'WEDNESDAY,• OCTOBER 13t in 1913. Fronttow ,. left to right. Harvey` ,Seott, Wesley..Young; Jimmy Scott , Clifford Young Tom Mor- rison , Billy Scott , Bert,Harkness, Gegrge—miff-i n , George Scott _.:__ Allan.Dernulson. Centre lour left 'to.•right; Davey Scott , • Emily Thomson", Percy . Taylor , Ethel Richardson Ila row left to right: 'Ralph Morrison,', Edith Taylor, he Har:kness',. Annie Armstron , Grace Reid •(teacher); • Etta •Donald', Isobel 'Moffatt •Gr Moffat an c - �. - :u s • • t1". known .,Lir . for .a number of .years•. We spent 'a most .enjoyable two -horrrs-tha.t_a-fterrreenwith. John--- .• and while there he placed a'call home to'London for us.. He had us 'speaking with -Loi's in less than, ten minutes and that is the only • contact we'have had from. Canada since wearrived...The next day in Sao Paulo.: On Monday: we motored to •;' ivlococa with theplantmnainager. and'his• wife:. 'Mococa'is two' hundred miles northeast.of Sao Paulo. We hada fourlane highway` for half distance and t. , then a .two 1ane„Paveinenteads • here at,Mococa• beyond is dirt :roads ,:the soil being. very `red here in Brazil. It was very sceruc all the :way but their spring is al: most here and: their trees are com- ing out in b1$om how. They have their clops planted ;and• their :gard ens, also and: yesterday we had our fust rain. :The ternpe.rature•here welunched with John. and •his• wife Bev; -Bev .is anAiberta'girl :,. her; home city being Lethbridge . She' w,brks :across the street from John at the British Consul,' their two years being up next ':Tune . We have also ..met three other Canad.- 1-er§ who are in•• Brazil•:„ on projects .as well, as ourselves. :Textiles, ,electroplating and. ,pulp and paper are'', their 'pro jeets. - -banquet:,; the High ,School Spring 'Commeneem'ent which' includes" the eowning•of their queenas well;: 'The banquet was held in • the restaurant here in the hotel • 'and they had 'one hundred and fifty attend.The. highschool have a large 'brassband andthey; nd_se. 60 ,degrees ,.'butthey tell us'.here that.after September 23, it will .get -Mach warrrrer but o- far we • have• found it an idealltempera- ture. 'The town water is supplied from artesianswells but Only.bot-. tied water is used for .drinking. We have been received very warmly here. Jack is :known as. Mr. Jack and I as Miss' Laura . Surnames ar - - ver Jadk'• is working for the Laticin- , los Mococa plant who snake powdV ered_tn ik, buttersome ''varieties of soft cheeses. Tlr also supply the town with,... Pasteurized milk. The plant 'is owned by the 'Barretto family' whose forefathers carne ,to Brazil •. soxlmeJour. hundred years ago, • . • rack 'is enjoying his..work very `. Much here. The new plant is not completed yet, but he has been able to teach techniques' in,oheese• riiiakin and also help them a lot in .thei'r lab works Their main interest is new varieties of cheese , and quality as well. With,the ,manager , Jack has had several '. tours °out of :town inspecting dairy f'irtin and plants in the stirtourid- ing areas. Thert,ate tnany large tiairyt-fatrit, They milk at three ee ing and. night pla:yi'ng and practic ing for National day which is Septern_ber_ :?. Their practice starts at 7 a. m. acrd at The town also has: a brass band',. that plays in the park twice 'a week in'the evenings.:. This coming weekwe,are:' invited:to- :. _the_LaII• :v -r o. - a e •being well entertained. I'fourid the Presbyterian church here while out walking ,' his week so We plan to attend their service this Sunday.. I rnuit-close,I lta. no inteit-4-7- d tions: of writing so much when I . . started this letter`. We expect t� be home to London very early in November; but send our greetings, to you and'your families as we'W as ()lir : re1ar ve and fri o. o Lucknow and 'surrounding areas. Hoping this finds everyone as well as it leaves us •in ekcellent health herd. in Brazil. Ate logo (until we meet • again) ;lack and Laura Bain. lan Canvass The, executive of. the' Ripley, •District Bible Soeiety met at, the the evenin of .October`.1th. The ' chief item of business was• to cuss the :annual canvass which will" begra_on'•October 18sh_thi's year. Canvassers. were appointed • and will receive .receipt lioo.ks The treasurer .reported .that total•re. ceipts for the year were $446.•2l.. T.he. Bible 'Society has received :fine support from the',Ripley Dist` ,ric'tin the past which shows that e of Rev. Kenneth Rooney. on people ;realize: the fine • w.ork don by this organization, $2 will provide a Bible. and $1.0,0 will:buy a Testament: • Stories reveal that 'many, people •,become Christian,each year by • e. reading the Scriptures lai is the mother•tiro ,ile of nri cif the people of the world. Scriptures• have been publ'i: over 1400 la'nguages. The Society .is'.currently super"vl 3000 translators in over It 'uages. Thus the need of ft •carry on the:work is: still u Chairman of Ripley .Misty .Bible Society is Ca.rrzer�ii ey and' Secretary-t�'easurer: Arnold • ' "• r beautify with Hard ecor- Q a AUDHORIIED HARDING DIAL .yFa neer by. -. onsant. Savings OnAll Carpet Purchases EG.$14.95 NYLON LUXURIOUS DEEP' PILE SHAG REG. 511.95 VALUE ACRYLIC HARDTWIST REG. $10.95 CARVED p.LUSH • '/' GOLD SQ. YD.' REG. $7.95 HERCULON CARPKT:NG GOLD REG. $15.95 VAL HARDING. „ W_;ESTHAVEN 80% WOOL, • 20% N CUS1 IONPLOR AND LINOLEUM YOUR COMPLETE' TOME DECORATING CENTRE DRAPERIF