HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-29, Page 23t tb< 1971 rls la\.e rec- the I)ep,-. l',S '1't?6tiage' ration or e 6'ui�iltr ` ' t ttht.'wor .IcG tr, ttit..iktrrti4 cr!6111•. •rpt ion's , Cor- virll firth- • '.i1 basis: )nlpete t of the t otkpor - . c Cost of. r(1 to r.d •Iia the 9t WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1971. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'PAGE `TWENTY-THREE; DOES NOT BOIL AWAY PREVENTS RUST WILL NOT FOAM ANTI -CREEP D.eep bite Tugs dig in to give you' excellent stop and go power m . snow, Nylon arid Fibreglass belted • • . r.0 1 -a -x i-rn-u. fn pea- formance in slow, rnuti.or on bare highways. Advanced •tread design means a •beautifully smooth, almost silent ride. CO-OP. WIDE' QVAk • �HUSK�E SNOW TIRE ITEM NO. . ' SIZE 569.145 569.146 569.14.7 569-148. T56'97149 E70 (73544). F70 (77544) G70 (825x14) G70 (825x15) H70 (8554,5)• REG.. SALE VAL.' PRICE• $28.95:. 24.99 $29,95.. 25.99 . $31.95 27.99 $31.95 27:.99' $32.95 28:99- • • B.rad. Mackenzie- Fractures Arms J:,(X:kiALSU NEWS BradMacKenzie son of Mr. and Mrs Ross Mac Kenzie is a patient, in St., Joseph's hospital, London d:.ueg41:Accidenc_b h d! While,playing fi Ki•ncardir et. ,Brad •fe11 ,Brekin both th 'arid ._...a. rms_ < receiving face:ct4ts •necessitating several' stitches`. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie .• have been making several trips to London since the accident on Friday ,evening. • RussMoncrief and Bill MacKen- •zie went to London on Sunday ' • to visit Brad in, hospital.. .BRIDAL SHOWER • North'Ashfield. Public School was th•e-sc-ene--o-1-31-ah ivye on • Friday evening for Mary •Louise Simpson, bride.=to-be. —Word frorn Mr -s. Walter Brow -n-• at 'Niagara. is' that she.plani :to. :visit friends in. the .area shortly. I- rs.. •Brown lia's' been;'ver. iii• for many rnont s an it is remarkable that she .has rinproved in health • �ae� v ■ ■ v ■ •enough to plan for .a trip to her BLACKWALL SNOW' TIRES' ; ho:riie and friends here, 011$ Guaranteed for30.,000 miles .or two years! Give your ca.r all.winter.protection and save .at the same time.: , Anti -freeze has ethylene glycol base for extra protection fl W':•..e_. ... -,. .re :e-a:.e'_.s.. _:e .e a .,,.,...........e life`--(esjiecially effective: innew :alum:inum engines), Will not'foam, evaporate.or:boil away. 'Mixes. with all other • types of perrrlanent anti -freeze., Save: now with this, • low price. : . REGULAR'VALUE•2..59 SALE PRICE 1 (11.13 Inip'eriai ITEM #548.003, ; • Gallon .. .IWC•'. is .. .. _. Go to snow at economy prices! Get extra bite when the gaing gets rough; 4 ply.nyton sno•wtires guilt stronger•.:to Iast•longer . With real ndrng'comtort. r psi::vi''r`;;a:�'i;:'�.�+�a�''•:i'r'��',`'`"':., •:. 7aji'`....,..• AL. 569 025 F78 (77.5x1,.4) "$23.49 • 023 -F78.(+75 -x15) $23.44-* E EACH 569-G26 5.69.026 G78 (82.544).$2,4.95 2 FOR.. 569=024" G78 .825. 15, . . x ) $24 95, . 34.99 1 •-0 12 'VOLT POLYCASE BATTERIES: Guaranteed for 5 years • Greater'int'erna'I .' area•al1ows more'.plates per ,c ell '•'Greater • resistance to heat distortion -- acids oils. and solvents ' •",Silvercobalt corrosion. resistant grids • Lon•ge'r:discharge. time.'• . Th:e BEST in high performance separators - creates higher starting voltage., Case size L 10.14°.x;W 6»/16" x: H 8.'$" 78 plate —'90 amps REGU.LA.R.:VA_ LU E .28.00.. ° ,., SALE' PRICE 'ITEM. fr 568:137 (GMC; & Chrysler) ITEM x568,138 (Ford). COO CAR BATTERIES • . 50 month:g:uarantee • Poly,rubber.'case•: protects battery• against i.rnpact• and; vibration • CQ -OP dry cells are electrolyte charged at time of. purchase. • • 12 Volt for.G M.0 and; Gh6fsier Products 66, Plate- 70 amps. Case:size' L101/4" x W6»/6".XH8Yla". • 'REGULAR VALUE 23.50 SALE PRICE -_1919 _99 • ITEM •568 116, :;' 6 Volt: 51 Plate-- • •• 125 Amps .Case size L .8'% % 8" X W 7" x H• 8".. • :•REGU'' R'YA�LUE 1:25 i EM •568 1.02 1'6.9'9. • DIESEL'_ BATTERIES-AVAILABLE'NOW SHOP AT CO-OP FOR THESE FINE AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS ti Y," r.. t •.R..OJI•:. George Moncrie•f and Mrs. Jim Ilradl,cy:havc bccri.calling of all hot _ne' 7: ting dairies in the• voter's list• for the• up coming.: election :Mrs :E 'ATE \ Iaclpa n•sperit-4h-e week end .vlsiti.n .In'Sarnia and W'\ olnin . The Ashfield Federation; of Agriculture. held a °meet.ing ar: •I`'Qrth Ashfield School on Wed- • .nesda) evening..' -A banquet :was 9 1�-i3-t�-ed--far-Id-oye-rlr r Pl be ,lt a nit was decided that no` more 4.-11 • ;s .ar _co db' .d d Could e• made. : e due Y to� � .u.. circunist•ances. Durigannon and • Lu know Fall Fair ,would both, receive their awards. for''Post'ers: for this year. Recent visitors with Mr;. and, Mrs. Oliver \lcCharles' were Mr. and .Mit <.' Clarence I\1cGillivra•y .. 'Of New York City•and.NIrs. W. J. Attig of Powasson < John Bradley' has returned to • .the University of Guelph. • Mr,, and Mrs. Paul•Ernberlin of Toronto and ,Rod Finlayson,and David Hull of Petrolia.:were guests - of Mr. and Cordon Finl'ayson', on the week end.' . Misses 'Edna and Eliza •Cook.`of. Owen Sor•nd, spent the` "eek• end wi r.. an. T .s Henry Mac- Kenzie. • • Silo •:filling' is the order of the ay. Neil MacKenzie .teas built •. a big .new silo on his farm. •, Mr. and '"Mrs; 'Alvin Robb en oycd-a-trip to the East •Cdast during the holidays and report having taken several pictures of ` ...,,...... Y.ihYillnAM:il:Y.Y 1* �..inY lrf. urrilty • T"am pAG• rarig •t;,,tl ►•le The Above Prices . COMB•INATI'ON W . .•. , INaOWS '11140 -9Y --Ram‘ 60. eewner Can Install This,two frac • . n provTdesex'ci=llettt viwaather profecfioi�. Can- 6- easily removed' from inside of house. Pre -hung and pre -drilled for easy installa- tion. Available In standard,double hung style only::. ' Up to 60 United Inches REGULAR VALUE 14.49 SALE PRIGI ftsi2 olO- 601/8 to 80 United Inches ;REGULAR VALUE 1695 •SAL PRICE I A 99 ITEM' fl512.000 • • 80'/8 to 100 united Inches REGULAR VALUE 19.99. SALE PRICE 512 600 =1799 c ' 100'/a to 110 United. Inches REGULAR VALUE.21.99 SALE E�RICC Q/�Q ! ' ITEM .4512,000 19 49 n:Effe:ct TiII' October 23',1971, ids• Long As Q rar fit s . They no longer have to fo110:w their father's footsteps; They use the family Car.' , Doctdtt, "t don'•t like to hietit 01 it, but that cheque yi ti'gavo. the has come back," Patient: • P Well, that sure is ffffiny boo, $o, slid' illy' luml got. • 1