HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-29, Page 22PAGE TWENTY-TWi *HE LUCK.NOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESQA,T SEPTE;M, ER 29th, record crowd, VvaSonhand on Sunday afternoon at the'Lucknow. ,Ball Park to see the third 'and. final' ga-rtte'betwee•i Dungannon T.' `and Kingsbridge junior teams with boys age.,11' years:and under; The series was tied+:One; all, with Kingsbridge winning the first Bari e 10-9 and, 'Dungannon win. ni,ng the second 9-8. Kingsbridge won the' final with, a score of 13-8.. Toni Morrison, president of'the:, Lucknow Legion, .presented a• trophy donated by' • the, Royal Canadian Legion', Branch 309, to Paul Frayne coach of t�/, e' Kingsbridge team.• Teams,iii the junior groupuig — Were f-ror--Por-> Albort ; Brool�sid Beriiniller , Nile, North Ash field , Dungannon and; Kingsbridge. Billy Kith:tha i, 9 1/2-lnbntf -, Old son of Mr. and Mrs: Bill Kiva- • hanof 'West Wawanosh.was-the ` winner in the six to twelve ; month 'class' in the'Lucknow Fair baby' contest. ..He. is ;picturedwith his mother. 'Billy has good reason to be •proud . He 4;as the winner of a baby contest, in Wingharri several months ago. ..,1 • from the mos. colorful guy town/. PER GAL.. ON..• sPITTSBURGH PAINT 11SBU1IGH • Kings brld g eliminated': lk ti miller in.2 games straight, Port Albert eli,ni•nated North 'Ashfield, ;DI•tigannon eliminated Nilo' and then Port Albcrtwith -,:kingsbridgc. getting .the bye into the ,finals. 'I'he.players'for thc Kingsbridge. team were: p , lV/arlt 1;ray ie, .'. c.4'StevcnHoward;; lst,Tom O'Keefe; 2nd, Harry va.n Dtepen- beek; 3rd , Eric Courtney;, s, s. Barry Austin; rf. , Michael. Frayne; c'f. , Jim Van'Osch lf. Johan O'Keefe; spares Morris: M.ilten.herg and Floyd' Courtney: " The teams were, sponsored by the Ashfield- Wesi Wawanosh' Rec - reation Committee. • • gill 131ack , chairman of •the. bat: core mi-ttee-conga-at=ul-a d -the - boys and co.niplimented then) :on their sportsmanship. ' BROOKSIDE FLOAT On Saturday September '8 , at the Lucknow Fall••Fair', a: parade • w- s held. In this Brookside enter ed its school :float; driven by •Monsieur Orr. On: this float :was a fall scene with trees and bright, a:uturnn. leaves; The 'idea' wasto have Jack, Frost nipping at the leaves,.' to, show that fall is upon•. ;us and winter; is near. Three members' of room. twelve; vete on the•: float', Stephen Moran,. Kevin Black and•Gary Alton.' The float :waw very gOt d -acrd won a wehl, deserved second PARENTS :GET: AN ED•1,JCATION:• An opportunity is being given for; parents and.young men and w:onien to take .coursesat four. high schools in our ar'ea Ther: - are God.erich District collegiate . ,. Institute, Central Duron Second 1p1'�S NeW :. H�rvnvi�w Reverend a nd.: Mrs,' NIc Winnie were welcomed to Huronview at Monday's program of old time r:sig1en= Winnie.; who has been appointed. .. minister here ;• was introduced' ,by the adminis'tr-ator,, Mr. ArChi; bald. `Henry Leishmanthen gave a short address and extended the. right hand of fellowship on behalf of the residents. Lunch was prepared by the kitchen staff and rved by: the Hu—c uro v-iew ` Auxiliary. LLECI!I • Eight tables of games were play' ed in the auditorium on Wednes- oon-' 8•arah-Crter-1 to tl • PITTSBURGH FAINTDEALER` ENDER. LTD. high` score for'the ladies and. John Bromley had high man's score: The ebnsolation winners were Mrs, MCGregor and. RusSeil Fuller:` ,.. PHONE 528-3118 4 Mr. and Nils,' earl Heywood of •CKNX ,; Wingham provided, the Thursday night Family Program. Earl, arid Martha. Heywood who were originally', from the Zurich; Exeter area., are well known to, many of 'the residents and have always beet! theft favourite Howard olun eet hls. ueelpe ssis ted the wheel -chair residents to the prbgrarrl r" ary School .in. Clinton, South Huron District High•School in • Exeter and •at F. E. 'Madill 'Sec ondary. School in Wingha rn . Dur- ing the week 'chiidren':from our school tookhome some of nese sheets•:telling a;bout the courses. There are still'sorne available, If you want one. you can get it by contacting, Brookside :Public 'School; /1 By. Mrs. John Austin Ralph Nader's Raiders; have ently Written: a report•on: tIi artment of Agriculture in; U. A chapter titled "Poultry.Peol shows the 'results of inter contract product)or ii ticc>. chicken a.ni egg b.usness.;';>=t growers -in' Nortl ern Ai�;irii for an average of 3':E 4' rIi litciiir 4he NaderRder •writes :l'!r plight'isPtheroutconit 1 +11....1 els' rnan to nia11 ene,auitt'f.'r the $300,000,000; corpor,tic which buy their chickens,' .. potations refuse'to deal with ers, except on an individu•r;i1 A srnall farmer cannot -Collip): the situation.' As a .result of t unequal relationship•, the i;o•r=j ations are able to pass the co their,',mista kes either forty i:d the consumer, ,.or biickwa.rJ •ic !producers, • ."When colporations uj 1tr4; into far'rrrrn `; they -rift L tirr whole•agricu tural'esj:thii;fw. in their wake: CorVrts:i��riaa coi'niriittees'and the fed • A—..I, b':ureau;crac,y ybec'o•ure .))Bice att ed to the interests Of and. less sensitive .to thc•iie et} the small' farmer and the ion' er, the Nader report state .1 of.bargai'ning power, toe t,,or( than Market conditions 1 the Cause of tie farriiet's pii lu. •. ,Swift., Tenneco, 1 c`xc+on ; ampe oups, Ralston -Pun Pillsbury,. and CenirtL ch inite the' chickeniiiciii t; t; GYRATOR' WASHING ACTION., • H iii n wa ;hit g_a,c tnn -.-Si .times -.-Pt4-t3,,----rtVi ate- the tall wide` vanes AWeep through• :+ , full 21.0 iieareea nutting ah the • water' to• work -W froth the bbty tom 'of the tub, right ' up' tb tlre' top. 'FASTER 'WASHING. The pos- sible Use of both the wash tuts "and-Wspin tub -"at-, the, sarrre-tirrre operated by two ;separate een- trots;' o rinse while ^s>itttnint{ urtitil-=-?dd•t r --ow ,ter comes elea n. , • SUPER; 'EFFICIENT 8F•�N . 'NTNG:, •• YAu t'rrn son tI' (` AtiY fabri(,,for itS 1011# .as. "'•"'r ,utC't{'' ' Water.:' u„ft11, he . to, i`Irti i Iy W=- :thoroughly. 5...(`rail• � i C 1V . •� be =)sed frunr tht kn �tcr �rtrkw -- .no pitinthiitg ill) t'tcr • _.. SIMPLE ., sAFE'ppAC'TI CAL CONTROLS. Top •Controls • -- Sirtrpte, easy to read and otr' elate, COMP L E'T E 'SPARKLING FRESH RINSING. Continutids ,••••••••ice••••••••• GreerT1V. IUCKNOW • QUALITY A N D• SAt'ISF'AC., 'TION, The 'SIMPLICITY .$1,126.„.!" (win nicasures uo 1 , M PLlCt'r'Y ouattt'r," d r•t •!, proven (Weir ?�a v t�;rr ..Iw,".rTc t= guaranteed for 2' nil.. �., better tri waFh it' .4111.111. 4•101" Iwo And 528 •