HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-29, Page 18PA' .IGHTEEN • THE LUCKNOW SENTINE4,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4.H CLUB EVENTS H aPpY Haadicr�a1 The thirthmeetingof St;• Helen's Happy. Handicrafters't4a held on Tuesday night, Septem- ber. 21.; eptember.21, at 7.30 p. rri:. The_ roll call was answered by nineteen • girls. We' opened, our meeting with the 4-H Pledge' followed by the .minutes: of the last meeting read by Verna Aitchison., We also had' a Treasurer's report: from Loree Gammie; • Our next meet- ing is' to be held'on September 28. at730p We decided to have yellow.' covers for this project and Cor-. inide Cranston was asked to design our covers. We also .discussed Zippy. Trnettes The third meeting of the Zippy Tririettes was held Saturday, epternber 25''at Darlert:ei ackett's hotm.. The meeting.w•as opened wtth,•the 4-H.piedge• led by '•Pres-, idertt 1Sarlene Hackett:. •' Kathy Alton read the minutes of last meeting. The next meet- ing will be held Friday October 1, after school at Mary Anne Alton'.s..•, „ Achievement Day is being held Decen ber 11. Mrs.. Donald. Hack- ett discussed "Milk is. Big Business" and "Intelligent. Shopping Mrs.._ David Hackett discussed "Proper Home_Gare" 'and "Good:�Cooking Practices" and,"Custards and cot- •• tage cheese". We also discussed Achievement Day plans.. We cornpared•and completed. S plans for Achievement, Day.. Val- price list for skim milk and' work ed out the cost:per quart. erie.' Errington was asked to com - -rentate-for St. ;Helen's :Club 1. Marie Boyle is doing the•'poster •for Club.:1.: Lynda Lyons •and ,.Lois Struthers are doing the poster for Club 2. Verna Aitchison, and Linda Mewhinney are writing the skit: for Club 2 ' Ric' iaur..ptacrical' work ..Marl._. orie Murray, Genevieve Kinahan and Debbie 'Errington rriade• a cocoanut• cream: ,pte with help .: from the leaders:• Corinne Cran- ston and da Mew inney did the .dishes: We "closed the meeting with the, 4iH Creed. 'For lunch`we prepared peanut, butter custard and •plain custard and' cottage"'potato salad. Mrs.; Don'a•ld Hackett prepared pink panther and pineapple cottage' cheese in: a fruit jello -ring. To make .the .lunch complete we had' cold meatand:bun-rolls •The ' Fid'dle Strings Do you listen to different types of in sic and appreciate thein for what they are worth? . Will you read more than the cont., ics? Do you like to travel? These 'topics Made' up the sub;- ject,inatter for the discussion of the second meeting ofiucknow 4 3_, 4-H Club, • • ,Barbara. Wilkins closed the meet' ing r_�ith this .say.ing,"Blessed she who •stings. while she works for • Music •lightens,the heaviest load: •and brightens the dullest chore:: Brenda Ritchie thanked Mrs. Don- ald Hackett for having our third. meeting. .,The president Plane. 'MacKen-�: zieconducted the business It was de bided t -o call.,the`club.."The •Fiddle.Strings", and to have the book covers one colour within- dividual designs: G Trail ' Blazers er.'s The Kairshea Trail Blazers held their: o nth. meeting on. Saturday morning , September 25 at the home -of. Mrs. 'Burt.. The meeting began with. the repeating; of the, 4-H.Phedge. The roll call "a book,I would like to own" was answered by ten members. The . minutes` were. then.re. ad by. Sandra Keith. ., ; Q. •EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, OCTOBER WILL PURCHASE :THE •LUCKNOW BUSINESS: "Fashions By Janette he future . this hairdressing; businesswill 'be known as YOUR'CONTINUED PATRONAGE 'WILL PRECIAT. We discussed what we would' like to do for a hike.. It was.dec- . ided that Mary MacKinnon and. Ruth:'Graham would; get its organ- • ized; We. are to think.of a sugge tion fo_r_ a. skit , dernonstrationLot ex hibit for Achievement :Day..by the • •next niee.ting. ' We then•chose our e,1;uh name "Kairshea'Trail Blaz`- err.. A book cover cornmittee of Jean Reid. and Brenda Johnstone ' was chosen, to get the covers. Mrs: -Young discussed reading in your; leisure. time. Nancy Burt demon tra'ted packing_ a suitc'ase.. for travelling.; 'We then listened to different types, of;music 'and' discussed their: moods, We decided on the craft we ;. wanted to make. All of us were given a piece of material on which we all: tried ;huckweaving. Dairy Queens VVinter:Vk fashion -Ric FOR ALL THE FAMILY Boots, boots, boots tall, short, high 'heels and flats, great savings on boots to: f t ; every • winter' need.. From dressy to sport,you'll f nd" what you want here, WE STOCK: SKIDOO BOOTS FOR THE. WHOLE FAMI ICE SKATES FOR YOUNG AND OLD BE PREPARED FOR SKATI'NG...BUY NOW. WE HAVE SKATES FOR. MEN, WOMEN .AND CHILDREN:. • J Phone; 52$-311..7 Luck Whitechv1c_li; 4 H. 1Ni•IITECtrU-RCi NEWS The second meeting of •White= church 4=H Club on Physical •Fit-. ness was held at,the home of • Kathy :Wybenga• with 5:.members" .and •lead.er Nirs::John Gaunt and assistant -leader --Mrs, W-allac-e'- Conn present.' Tcallhe roll' was answered b • 5 members telling about•the book . they would like to keep, The The third meeting of the .Dun.- gannori-Dairy. Queens was held at. the home of'Miss Cathy Culbert. • The meeting was opened,with.the 4-1-71 p edge grgli sis'Adams read the'secretarfal report,: • We discussed .Achievernent day and what to go. . We also. discus - Having sold' i'ny hairdressing business "Fash ions By Janette,' I wish to thank all my customers for their patronage in the past 21/. Z years. ,I ask thaticon you time with Barbara r%Vhitby„, my sf censor. JANET FIUDDER e --Zi Zaa a a -seem a— --at= -ere er iso different kinds of milk and prices. For ,lunch we had'a custard and tasted yogurt and ` ran ` oliee e-- with pineapple, The next meeting willbeat the home. of Linda oun�4 on Friday., October 1. 1. Silver "Lake minutes; ,were •read by Ruth Elliott: The . discussion, centred on. Make Leisure a Pleasure: Crafts for Achievement. Day were also dis- cussed, r . •Group Work included the look ing, for patterns on Huck Weaving. The next meeting is ,to be held at t "e lib: eef a 'sta:nt eader Mr Wallace Conn. : A hike.•is also; planned for Wednesday, Septem- ber. 29 in the bush at the home of Janene. Purdon: Next week's; roll call is 'to 'be A4, SAL FOLKS TRAK FAR BY :CA R 4 TO.; �AOVI OfVd 51166 BY Nig* 1:eld STOP' FURNITUI Phone $E8-3 ;,answered .h';y An i t. ii• have visited, 'Eq.',.c. `4-11 Creed:"in. uni>0,. ,•1 mee"tiT ..'• . • • l;he third niec;tiu of t}ic ,Silv.er. Lake I1arr} liealtti} 'Iiandicrafte'rs at `.;ts. Jane Bai neri:tan'sr t�'c had a short 4tfiz on different leaves ,.weeds a'nd .hirds. tie 'then: discussed nature in general. • We taped' about skin, eyes,, ra i m et a�rt��tfir ;til- t;t -- are for'trese, We did some exer- cises, f xercues,' r stiengthenin4 foot and ankle-n:uncles ; • Dianne Bartnerman and Janice Manley did a very rnteresti t� der:.onstration on how to pack a suitc'se efficiently, Banner- man showed us' how to do buck-, weavin and each of us did a saMple for .bur hooks. At the end of the mce'tin 'ewe listened to ,a Dutch record, When you purchase your wedding' t roe The I'_ucknow Sentinel .yon, will rebel y�ear�s f reg sutscripton ;(value $6..00) i The: Lucknow S'en'tinel