HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-29, Page 12PA E: T1NEIWIE E ;LUCKNOW SENTINEL LI) KNOW, ONTARIO WEDNES ►,11�R. ER 2 th•erf, Exhibits rows Last Saturday afternoon was an ideal'auturnn day - bright , , sunshine, calm,. warmr without• . ', being. hot just the right weather an "old:. tithe 'country shoal iiay"' This contributed greatly to° the success of the Ripley -Huron fall fair. Along:With this was the•co-operation and:wor.k•of many, persons in the. community - each in soMe one. or several sec.- tions of the fair.,. And everyone 'seemed to be having a goodtime- and. imeand enjoyed therriselves. The Saturday afternoon program started with a parade along the. main.street and down to, the Com- mu'nityr' Merrtoriai Park back, of •the Huron 'Township hall and the ad jacent grounds of the Ripley Dist- ; •rict High. School., Those in. charge of assembling this big pat- --7a-de-included Bili=IvleCreath,lrs: Howard Thompson, Morley Scott-,. Jack Campbell.,' Mrs. Morris: Reid and Francis Boyle. Ticket ad-. mission sales were handled by treasurers Mr. •and, Mts. Russell Brooks while vice president Hugh Mason arranged for ticket takers. • Heading the'- parade, were three cars -'one carrying the officials. for the,opening .c.eremonies:, the .second with Miss Ellen Elliott daughter of \Ir•, and '.Mrs., Bert, Flliotty as l\tiss Kincardine Fair . and the third car' with :Miss •Sherry Pollock.;daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pollock*as Miss Bruce County. Dairy Princess.. ' Both these local girls will. be in next year's -Toronto• C,. N. E. ' The Bruce County, Junior'Pipe, Band under the direction..of piper Bill MacLeod of.• Kincardine led the parade of the•public school'. children'with their teachers Fair 'By AB WYLOS, both the' Pine River Central a:nd. the Ripley -Huron Central Schools. Next came the .Hanover Girls Drurn'Corps..Band in their snappy blue uniforms, with white trim, complete with'.eglout'party num beri`hg 4.0 in all They were fol' lowed ,by a dozen. rnore floats ' along with. decorated cars, riders on saddle horses. and.ponies . numerous decorated bicycles and tricycles, a'sect'ion of junior clowns, and two really large and powerful tractor ;units - one driv- en by director John C..MacDon-: aid.. . • . In the•parade were four sets of tandem hitched -heavy horses Eugene MacLeod of Kincardine , George Gregg of Paisley , ,:Andy ea-tto-ofPais-l:ey and J±m A t-ehison- Luc kn'aw had Tieir horses'decor,- ated and fitted with silvered harp-. ess. A.s• in past'years each grade or level at the high school went to work and'entercd a float for their grade, .Whiners in the comic float.serttbn were 'th,e . . Lowry,l3arn•Su;pplies of tlr rberley the, Ripley-T<Trwardine .Dairy Club' . and the Ripley-lltirdn:'Legion. This oat •o t e ;;Legion had i large gas engine , . mounted on''a flat .wagon, which was drivini; a corn'cutter On the rear part of the wagon It was.a most seasonal float• ads• •sever- al peoplie were'u,nable to•conie,to the ,fair on account:of corn .cutting. On it.were. tactor driver Don :'` Paquette , and.:Lloyd •Wylds„Mur: ray P.ollock as a poupie of corn. harvest workers. . . In the Fancy float section -first e• prize .went .to the:float of'Grad 12 at•th.e Ripley District Hight COME: TO a'nada s Largest Rural, Fair School,, •Second the Ripley and District. Horticultural: Society' and., the third to' the entry of Mrs. Stewart Farrell on the theme winter ,nOW and'then:. Mr$. Far-- relies daughter -„nurse Joy. Farrell -. of Toronto was the tractor• driver. :while on the: float Mir. and Mrs.` Walter. Farrell sat in'the 'beautifu'l; egg shell''cutter and for the "now part” a /snow'tnobile was used.. • Winners in the.'decorated:, Gar .' section were Graham cook,Or- aen' Rock,' who.dat'er in the after.- noon ha'd his daughter's wedding., to attend , and john .Peet ,. a r*w - , comer to the .village. ' the ,decorated pony and ,cart first prize'.w•ent to Kent Alton of Lueknow second, toyBria-n.;Mae-- Kay, of'Ripley•and' third to entry entitled'"1Miss Ripley i3ea ity•Conr. -test". 'I i-tate=d-ec-orat-ed pony. an( saddle .class th,e. winners •were Kevin Kilpatricckof Luclnow•., :. Alice Teel .of,Riplcy'and ilrcnda FRIDAY and SATURDAY,. OCTOBER 8 and 9 OPENING FRIDAY NIGHT I•arreh. . 13ev:Scott and Julie Johnston rs, Fud.dle' a`nd;.Du'Lklic .were .the top clowns foliowed;by: Susan • Rock with Karen ,Lowry and then Ronald' 1larris. Bicycle winriers were Mary Kern stbh. as Miss Canada.,' Janice Elliott ,, Ric y Martin', as Li:t'tle• lioy Blue'; Sally Hackett,, Chris Messenger , • Ann. Courtney: arid ' Heather Boyd.' 'After, the parade.was tucked into every available:ipot , Don: - lacTavish. as `the Master' of,' ,ceremonies .took -his position at the mike of :Don Mason's Public Address systemnon the infield of the ball park,. - 'Don called 'on • Clayton Nicholson a.nd Russell. • Stanley - t1 :re•eyes of Ripley and Huron.' • Both, welcomed those. in. attendance . Then Lester • Ferguson , ;president of the fair board introduced•.Jack `Bowers , D. f Edti f B c fairpe lack retailed th years he took'part_i:n the„Ripley-iluron fair and then later bringing in pr,pduce from the family ,farm south.Of Ripley The Hanover CTrls- Band-neL�ct -' • per, forted three beaut'ifui •nunbers for• the spectators Their leader Bill Davis, front Hanover not'..'' - a r rhe ' t uikvv eae_th or only $l (plus,P.S'.Tax hector ocation or Brut . . 1• County 'to officially declare'ihe open, ac reca e e (wit'h CO-OP Savings Certificate) • when as a school student. in Ripley Saucepan -Set -contains • 3 covered,saucepans (32 oz.. 48 oz: and •56 oz. sizes), detachable handle and serving cradle,. Come. in and see this fabulous Co'rning Ware Saucepan Set soon ,and get' the whole'story on using C0 OP Fuel; OiI Service or fill i.n this savings certificate andMail it in do the .rest! t Valid only after 2nd Fill iy':Mr Herb Arkell idnd 'ENTER'TAINMENT :b • STOREY ,DANCERS OF. EAFORTH BRUCE, COUNTY JR. FARMERS CHO1:R BILL SEWERS Commentary. on the nufnh''ers. : Ile : FOR THIS, OFFER told that his band was second in competition both.,in *Toronto and Ottawa. During the coaling year, their number' will be increased , • : from the present 40,to 80 and t .ey, will attend the Santa Clairs i parade in Toronto and 'the Start- ed:e in 'Cal ar next Jul • EY 901nOtHO RACE . 6 •RACES— FIRST AT; NOON.: The public school square ' dance -r-en-th pl =fe next. The' judge gave the listing with reasons , for the placing. This was followed by two dancing num -ber--by-the-Hirr.on-SWi-ngers--- =ext. six heavy horse,'tanderh hitches took over the infield •and put on' a program of fancy driving which' is not seen' every day.. The Bruce Count Ju nioLPI'e ba some very nice nitrrrbers,Sortie very beautiful piping was done by these.young people, who were dir- ected by Bill• MacLeod Who is grandson of Huron's well. known Shirt Bowers. The showing of tilt 4-H beef and dairy calves was held in a special fenced..part in left .field and the Bruce County, assistant agricultural represents-, 'CONTINUED ON PACE 13 , SARNIA ' LIONETTES, BAND . TEESWATER IiIGHLANDEO.S1 HORSES =' CATTLE ` SHEEP- SWINE SILVER DOLLAR COMPETMON COUNTY 4-H SHOW —MIDWAY -. FILMS`. COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS MACHINERY - AUTOS ENTERTAINMENT` FUN FOR . ALL a .. �r.�► .mss' i►. CONCERT T AND DANCE 0.' ARENA. AT 8:15 PM. to recording artists. THE FAMILY BROWN FROM OTTAWA VALLEY' -$10.00 S*uNGSERTt'iCA Special -Corning Ware Introductory➢ �^►' . offer from CO-OP . /ui •Please accept myorderfor a Corning :,ref• are ueepa , a . .e , w ,r h is. valued ' at $19.88; .I.understand'that 1 rnU'st pay only $9.88; (plus P.S.T.) if i., --agree to use -GO Op -Fuel Oil.for at least one year. This ..;, introductory offer betcomes:yalid tet'-the-second-Fi,-ef 0-iI fill Raffle. 1; 14 *,% ...• ' ..... 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