HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-29, Page 99ithi 1911 :,!,ri)W • e,istest :safest is 1 in . „ our id .hring 'itch it WED spAyir EPT ENIEf Mk MI 1 W DRIVEIN THEATRE. Beech StriCt 'Next to Community Pak cONTON NONTARIO • FRI. SAT% - SUN October 1-2-3 DOUBLE FEATURE . , THE Apy.ENTURERS.. Beide' Fehrniv Candice Bergen ...owl ANCI Olivia Do Havillancl RESTIlliCTEO Ernest Borenine 00$0.4 1.1" a t Q° (Ma In Color.. MYRA .` BRECKINRIDGE----- Racitiel Welch ,r Mao West. John Huston Rex Reed • tISI'140CKi4OW. seinruieL .I,UCKNOViG .94TAIR10. PATI HAV - LD By 114.V. DUnga..n. N'eraViSb A BAPTISMAL $ERyICE,4WITH AN AVT ERMATll: In the early pioneer cbys, the' fresbyt4rian Church had fewer buildings:than the Ni&thodist , wnh the result:that.their pop1c jiac" juch farther.to g� attend Div ine Worthip fiut they had a. cus- tom which helped to Compensate.. for this'in.convenience 7 the mon'. thly Cottage •Pr4yer,Meetirig, • which was held in the homes of the surrounding area. As a .boy , recaq Chese Services' being held in, our home from•time; to time. They were:u.sually, well,atterided„ by•those in the neighbourhood, including folk from Other-denOM-4 inations who joined in •Christian ' fellowship. • • ..There ,were. Occasions when a 7. .Baptisnial'Serviee waiteld , to '• _accommo•datescrnewbo for -Vari 7 oUs reasons found:it virtually. impossible to attend a Siinday service in the church. One arch serving, I was an eye witness to a scene in our back kitchen•that I still remember. Mrs,..Martin accused her husband of deliberate- ly tricking her ,by naming their son as he wanted it,: and SOrne hot wordswere exchanged between the twQ7 4 rather strange-after;7 math to.a. teligiOus service.. The whole thing care as dist shOck to me, I hadneYer seen anything like that,4before.. lfq.ny father andmother had an: disagreements- 'and now sUspect they had ,‘,they neyer aired them. before their children. When dec- . , . isions had to be made They were 4infifflowillimmonsimiili111111111111!IIIiiiiiiiimiffimosilisoliwilmiiiiiiiiillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR x • met in a united front so far as the • . . children were concerned *-"a cus,. tom that shOwed their wisdom and .pschool where there were serious tincipals Further group was.'shown a filmabout a : skill in such matteri. Many a staff management problerns, ,PIS- . e• • modern home could learn from Their Educafion . .' ,cus4ion.groups containing elemen- .. _ them inthis regard. tary.ptincipals, •a secondary ••• foga rt .1,,a 2.11 4 = Iri =1 V, Ili. • • • • 4thineyappazrasbouell- rlran14), waif • Bajo - TO041,0irrit • • Roo ow* INc91,013. -A PARAMOU'.. C.TUR• *4. t#tarTiulait utp,:thw • .-:11.11010 A01NO,OE LAtiREN1.11$ • NTOWNAV.Pal • . . • ••• 1PrioP* . A acr4,110". ,• deseirter go.3.440., • DRIVE-IN • GODERICH ,7110o, ;' ! • The•incideni came back to me Huron County Elementary and the: other day atllist,ened to a Secondary School Principals foc- • letter from a sister of mine: She • tissed their attention on the topics told orliaving4received a bundle of supervision and. accountability of papers from a niece of Angus, during a two-day Seminar.' The as we all called WM. :The last Serninat began Thursday. 'after of thar-fainity-ya-d-41,ed •a nd his • school and continual limn. SaturL. niece had sent these papers on 'day noon.'• „ to my sister , thinking they ,rnight Director of Educatory, John roVe of int School 'principal principal of a Retarded Children's School and a superintendent ora board mem-. ber considered the problem and possible solutions -in terms of Out present board 'policies • • • • Onfriday two alternatiyes were 4presented and disctssed. ' •A' pOsi,-; • 'tiOn. paper. en supervision stressed .OPENWEEKE.NpS ONLY AFTER LABOUR ..DAY, rv-ree-w-ar sometime in the year Pig°, at which -brOther .AleX, born in „February Of that'year was christ.-/ etteL.: ,4a terni•often applied to the RiteOf,Infant•ilaptistn. With, . . rtlia. . cutnona., kli.'1,:inzsi.at • • . , the 'Ail,. 1 fr:pr/1 t and the .,y.Otinge•St.: Child of a large farnily•Of Martins,. pa -s -sed ny. seventh birth daybut.•reca•ll quite Viyidly•that ..special,OceaSiOn. • It appears that Mr. •andlclts., ,141artin :prior to the service ,had.'Scine chtsagreement as to the • order 'a t e I F'9.• • being given were to be placed., On wanted them Angus. Iona ld The other:Wanted these names rn leVerse: It was finally agreed.. that the.inother's Wishes.shouldl: ; be granted-.. All went Well:,during the service untit the. minister • carne to the Martin baby...Vaking the wee lad.froni.hiS father's arms, he asked hint tO:haine the Child The. father either' inien- • P • tional-lryraeeidentt:--g-a-ve-.T-he7- .two names in hit. Order; and that, w'as, the way..the,boy was baptized:. 1131 I if -411-4'44.1 T. CROSS working Kw around the clock fr gone overseas' ih:the First 'WOrld War and stayedin Germany .fot.:. Sol netirne: where. he, • studied,AccOtintancy and -got his Diploma. He returited to Canada - and made a 1 a High School teacher; Tetirin 'erns , ,Jim Coulter , Krasley Frank' Madill and Don Kenu'iell -joined ,the principals•as active participant's in the Workshop. ,Mrs. Marion Zinn represented the,board durin board meinbers, were a cyyears agoThrough the present or sessions, that6were of : . 4specialintere,st,to them.. years..he had 'taken 1-114any summer courses from various centres of ' ' .• • ' . • learning a/nd held certificates to . prove it. iliscriame mayhave got rnixed•up a little on that day. many..years ago, but his life show',. ,ed no:signs 'af:it; .1 -lis recbid was one Of 'a brilliant -mind; :that le ft th'e ac a d e m• - lc, life of Many who came pricier his influence.• . . " • • : • . RmrwThi groups ot teachers to provide the best possible Varic- ty of learning experiences for: • • During afternoon,Dr: Delgrosso outlined a .program;bud,'• get system 4whieh stressed: the need ' r program' eva , • , Quite often; light. refreshments were served after'Stichservices. and on this occasion sPecial• efforts seemed\ called fOr. Mother. cos,e to the hour and a •• . dainty lunch was prepared•for all ; • were being made prior to the • • ' . Mens. . , anistemitplibuie tiputig •• 01111DOVIZOIC1 • kial GONE 'WITH THE RYWIS Spetial:speakers arid, group, ; leaders during the Sethinar:•were .• Don .caa.ha in , former ly. 'the :Direc tor:Of EduCation-forPOrest.1-iill• ? andnow• with' the Ontar- ,i9 Institute for.Studies: in , 4on-iii-TOron-to-444:-BolaH.S14- 'and Sant. Mc,Keown•from the Reg7 ionai Dev,elopMent Otfiee..iry don ,•-and•Dr:.,GeOrge DelgrosSO,. the President�f •Lanibton College .in Sarnia.. . •The Conference 'was an oppor- unity for the• ouri y Jincipals to explore twO6pposing 4ews in the area of•sUpervision:of teachers.' and •adMiniStratiOri olsChOoilpdfr icy. • •On .Thursdayeyening the • • The. friday *evening, arid SatuF., day morning sessions provided • . . opportunities for all . principals to air and ihare•the4', problems as well ai building sore guidelines for problem solving. A proposed prograril of services was outlined by newly7appoint.,- f1ttrOn CO`unty-psyc1ielogist---H-; Bill Carter •. . All participants in: the cOnfer, cnce agreed that ihe immediate ;results would be. innprovedicorn - rriiinication among the county • sChools,and the various'.levels of ad mjnistration • '.Making life a sbed of roses re- quires a;lot of preliminary spade (iaktABIE VIVIEN 111;11 a ISULIKAARD 6E446-TH OF •P ONLy ONE PERFORMANCE Ze" Oct. a A. = • . otrvierennigia7144-0 oh• IdTT Cr.*. AIR CONDI T IONE t) GOC/ ER IC 11 MRS. MINIVER PHONE 35/-1430 • • SHOW TIMES Friday and. Saturdays at 7i15 :and 9:i5.Aliotherdays, one show-•-at—exiietst--vih' :noted on the program..: * * *•* * * **'* *:* • THUR., FRL„'SAT4 SEPT. 300: .°0:011.. theWtnd: •• Colour Starring • 'Clatie. Gabiej de Hailliand, ere is atiethii chance for you to see one of 'the best movies ever made. DUe to the length or, this feature there will be 014 one showing at 800 each - • * * * * * * ***** SAT. IviATINEE • OM•2 • • • PHONE 524 7811 , Alli.,001111100411110110111111111011101111111111110001101001rniiiiiiiiiiii4111111111Willibiliiiiiiiiiiiiffillinfi • • Erten tl ••• n -cg -rd in LOCATEDNEXt TOGCLFING, R(:)CLR SKATING • . . . • '• SWMING &CAMPING' : .. . 6H1S•'• PHON AY., t PHONE 393-2107 • • .• :. NOTtli •. , - • . _..,•. : :: . • :• - - ' • . . • ., TH EATRE ' WILL BE , CLOSED MONDAY .., TO .• flip RSDA1 , FOR :•THE MONTH ' ;OF OCTOBER • . — meeri&t lry & Hennetth„, . .. .. . .. ..4• . rwsikx‘troikt.4%,:e... '• ...0. ofThevt .., • •,..',.. .•:; .• .. '.':.:....:' ONT fAsiSotfr tho laugh hot. ., • • , ... .,....,...._•......„,-...,,L2......._:.4..... . Ilea lir JEAN:sfite:,. iti14,..,„;.,, . .. , ,., .1:0 tit„,,,,,‘,,IE, At: prow isjoy, 11,,, q \ k owl* . • YOU ARE 461fItit ENiblelittitIVERY kIlICII91'.. .' ' ' ' '-- . ' . ''''''..•.°7,*,""A'" . .. , . .„....., •• SUN., OCTOBER 3 . - • '. • • . • . • ...., • .. '-ilAtwe OLE064 RCAREA:aNtiECZAros• LARK ivionestutoterrornret • 4614.4 minis+ LAvi DETEll LAWFORO, °MASS hafittOttH GEOCIGt RAP'S , CtS001,00.100 MitktY nearer • Millitt NY MAIltittikilA rattttl)At AlaAo§itittv•krit fink ' *ftfi 'Mita V./04M M IWO TtiO t(ClitOCA . „ • .11alionrir ;,• ., • . , ••• ai • •'.