HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 23E R 22r4071 IME ricajOne are the forth, )17-tbeir Ono. r iktd, of Mr.:: asid vr:L611-0-1-Wii taJte 3 • • Ue forthe, 0.•* • to the ren4 w4rea shod rhe Fahifly this was colo s, lich•wasIbiid 1Story rob Mat.Donall tqa-044% : 4 DItESPAY; SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1911 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LLICKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE. Three Top Winners n Foil Fair Beauty Contest Piec • 1 . , Daifreim o.. • • • DAVENPORT. (won% to make CHAIR At4Co..SWIVEL ROCKER,' VlOyl covering $eledliiii Of colours • • • • • . . • , • .• SPECIAL PRICE $189.00 *Piece Chesterfield fvt t0 the Fair (.:..kcvts ail .pro*' a4eicult4ral. • 'ii tide on 01 t •tv.ea si • rail. Fgt., . eins., .4s time e-1sewher i A Its Poits, 0/. i;o0, lith '1, 11,4 t. 0 a1s, ..% r .4 * ''!'t' ... leg * Vit: . 105110', • j'l • At W lirtrAii&L„ 01. W A. i it ora tW or ^ yew 1 W Alk 'll A jogr -44, tHeaket4 ; .4 W A 14$ 441 WN! A ,..,W Wi*Ow.01,4Aellw—WnitillitiollirAlAittlitl'A .tio" f Aatvel w AtAt W ate, W A VI W,Ak In, ler . _V At. w A w A ...le" jhAS. At liewp444,..,W A W A Is trtAir"-ac*ktr* w /1/4 V " 10 1 a 4,rt4,1,441, 41.7....›..-..W..i.e..olta,,e,.w.lia .!..,-. 1:.ttabl,A1C44;v114*:11:441414*;110‘4111$44144!°:t' . brIVAANr A k rt ' IN 4 Itt ''tiliAl •:•• and Clia!r Set • Vinyl Covering SPECIAL PRICE $185.00 *di'. • • it ...A.A.40 • qi•• 110-0k. 0,1P.111-, , • 1301111'oF THESE Srlig ARE JUST rimy sToci "1. see- ese - a as c gs: e can order the colour,,of your choosing. 77- SERYIC es -Witt -10 g-andU. iilk pet, CO enlatiOr when a ral , seed., is to e-straytot co Our saving ,Dti at appo rowed 0 Pictured following the Miss Mid- western Ontario. beauty'ConteSt at the tuCknOw Fail Pair are the whO finished 1,2, 3 in the '' competition. ' • . In the centre ;IS fIvIiss MeafOrd , I8-year:91d Unda:Pickard of St. Catharines, a surninerjesident at Meaford and the daughter. of Mr.,and Mrs. G.. Pickard. • She plaeed first iii the cOmpetition:• inclais a.._stu-dent-nUrse4t-S-trrrrry--L-- brook Hospital, tor9tito: • .On the right is 10 -year-old Glenda..Fisher 'of aettr ;. a secret . • •• 1 ary in that tOviri... Glenda placed ,third.in.the cornpetition.. She is the 0-71 Zurich Bean Qiieen and the daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. .Gle Fisher of. Exeter, on the left is the seCOnd piae.e .winner Walkertein District Credit Union and Centennial; 17 - year ;-old Vali/tie Ba;ite , grade valerie isthe clau -later of Mr. and r Joe I3atte of Walkerton. • , The Winner Will represent western Ontario in the Miss Ppm inionof Canada 'ata Falls next su :arly'reoson,' the cannot gol",,'then • the third ,would • DIE'S SATURDA1/4Y CONTINUED •FROM PAGE .1 failed to pull out of adiVe and His mother, Mrs': Frank Ruston orStbringVille, among the 600.. sectatwr..son!.51afjc. ,craSli and burst into.flam.e. Iv1r. Ruston had Completed a' run across .the field -and -was 'tc• have made a steep' clirnb and then roll out of it. It appeared 'tha e plane turned almost upside down and then started.tO head .t • ground in a steep dive. Jut before the plane struck the ground, the pilot evidently was - .the *right and made his climharid 'roll but 'could not.get an accurate VieW of what happened tor Mr. Ruston's plane but, he said; "it 1-035-Ited s v e got into: some. sort of trouble;•at about 609 • —The:crash brought t�& close ' ;the .day's prograni, which was :about half-firiished at the time. ., there-.7wa-s--one-i,oint-thouglnon which most eyewitnesses agreed... The plane was being.,pialed out im-allAte-b-EfOre trieTra sh a nd 'pancaked' rather than diving " • • the . motor : did. not stall. It .was :turning' at ful.i.po*fcr. when. the plane., crashed, • . contest in:Niag Mater. If, for first ,placq:wip.il the; second, the he eligible.. er, leadership in nutrition • continuous research 0 • Joe Van. Osch of Luc.know exhib- ited at the Huron County:Black and White shoW.at Seaforth on Friday of last week: He exhibited in four different craSses'•in whiCh, he took third in'.the.senior yearl- • ink claSs:;. sev•enth in the t.wo year old clasS, fdurth in the four year ' .• Old. c1s., third in the mature cow ' class Which was one Otthe est, exhibits... •• •• • Judge Glynn Coghlin:of Atwood' commented this was one ot the ft/nest and largest number' of cattle sho'wn at the county fair. Tpere were ?0 exhibitors and ill holstein cattle'. ' feed and animal health service CAIIETHATIMONEY • , . I • GET IT WITH R -GAIN SEFtVICE. • Good_se.r-vice isjust,a-Hlittle Mere tharreati.144. Out a job:. It's. the fittle.6xtra caregoing into the serv"ceL,thatzeallyxou-nts-,--.-r-t-lieseepn look at Art order, . a reeheek'on a load, an extra -phone .c -a-1 like tilk It doeSn't mean we WoreOnakeolisiakes. 7-..-prbliast51y4i -.7 oes mean we .fee1 badly when a mistake is made and it. also nieans • that, care. is taken that it won't happen again. . • That's the kind' of care we pld ege to give you • ' • an -a-11 ou cus °niers.. gil't haVe tOOM to ManoetiVre .- ' Wife, the .f(51:trier:AdieY St61114 theWp40etrittlioh: plane hit the ground of .1<inloss-', three children, Todd,„ Of the engin and tail' '9i Dear):8. and :Menticia..2 1/2 ' .oo atasretimbilyo y indicated o ndtctit a. tesddli‘,t;hta,, itiv d heel... . ,hkiii'stpatfnft,tsi.„mr. , and , Mts. Frank Partially '. 1 Sebrinyille; broth7. . •-e----ifreit • 'a‘ aseMbly.wasweil behind the• ea, Alberta , Neil.of London; Iolin 'O'r gine When the Oahe -crashed* '' ' Winds& , Patrick of St. Patils ;• • Thi aerobatic team inCluded 't,arry Of Stratford. 6eorge.8tewart and Islormari . t.he body restedat the 'McClure. 8Bohtrisi7eer : aforigrierntekrCRAAF5 ppiiliootts: !dd fli'oul-(1,,:-11:-Vu'e'tst5dtila:'.4. v t'Gh ekillgrgoer :tt:vi'Kfirl'°xuntil Stan:Pittner., all of Burlington. , Presbyterian Church forfuneral And mt.. Ruston service at, MO (5°.-elock• Mr, SteWart said that' when he field ,' had crostd ihe , A Committal servide was held step cittilb and a, roil, at Greenhill CcilletetY.:ill l'"1<ii°w thty Were both to start a Tuesday with aitangements by Mr, 8teWatt said he went Offlo tuihtklballowtitt°11e. Funetal 11(3fn S . . . . . ' • • management skills 0 growing animal health service You get it with every order of Shur -Gain.' P to LtICKNOW PHONt 52802026