The Lucknow Sentinel, 1971-09-22, Page 1722n0 1971 LIS LUipped mot .op tati6 rdtgps. rdtops. quipped • hardtOps., ing, • 6 64 to '7 'Nyeek end C. Robert r.oist ::her tie 1,icld-at t •i•o;stor,,i,o. jflb WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, )971 • THE '141/CKNOW SENTINEL, 14ICKNOW, ONTARIO' PACO* SIIVONTRIEN harried In Whitechurch Ceremony Following •a .honeymoon in Northern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs.. Jarn* •Lawrence ,' Taylor• will reside on the groom's farm at RR 5, Wingliam: They were mar- - •-ried- in Chalmers Preibyteriaii Churth, Atechurehi:on Satur7 day, September 4 at 3:39. •Rm.: Gordon -L. Fish. of Sear- .borough offiCiated at the 'double- • • ring ceremony. He was assisted by Mr: V.* Wybenga, 'pastor of- • Chaliters Church: Baskets of coral. gladioli and white mums decorated the, sant- tuary-and-the-pews Were marka— with white .ribbon centered with 'coral flowers. Organist .was.Mr..-, .Sydney ThompsOn and Miss• :Joyce' Cotiltes sang ".0 Perfect Love" prior . to • the ceremony, ``The Wedding Prayer" .during. theceretriOny and4You'll-Never--; Walk Alone" as•the couple signed the register. * •. • • Following .the CeremOnY, • W.ybenga.c_bn,behalf of --Hie' alinemoongregAtior---present' ed the couple with a whAe Mrs, Taylor the former Doris Marie Ross, daughter'of. Mr. ..and Mrs. R. RUSsell 'Ross of 'RR 5, • Locknow,* The groom's Parents• : are Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceC.. .•Taylor of Belgrave. Mr.. Ross home gave .his daughter • in. marriage. ushered by Jim. Ross, 'brother of . 'me Where.a salad supper was The forrnal bridal gown was of the bride, .of ordi.-Th was presented withblue .• 'tionoureciOn 801..b:BirthdaiV. • • visitedpaUt 1<i'thCaNiNrnQ-No' Nf MrEWS. . . Guests of Mr., ;and Ivirs. Lorne Ivers this week end were Mr. and! Mrs. Ross Spry olNiagara Falls, N.Y..; /Ai... and Mrs. Morris . . -ioung,;.pontiac ;• Mich, , M.r$,. .Mary„Oousins 'and 'Oeo.•,Miller „' - Detroit, These.a.lortg with oth,et 'friends andrelatives from Kitch— eller:, Stratfoid ',. Wingham, Luck- nOw and aingannon area, gather- ed for a dinner 'party on Saturday evening at,the. Log Cabin.; Lucit-, TIO‘,4 to honour Mr, 'LOrne'lvers , on his 80th.birthday.,(Friday), There Were thirty-six in attend- ance, . • Mr. andMrs. Morris Young. alio •1 Gordon Congrarn. Wingham Legion Hall, where the'•• •bride's table was centered with.a* three -tiered wedding. cake baked. • and decorated by her. mailer. Guest tables were, *adorned with coral. roses and white candles:. A • • • I • I --Photo by McDowell and the front contrilled skirt • draped into a'Chapel train. Rows Of lace and'appliqUes adorned the hemline of the gown and the. puffed ,Juliet sleeves were • scattered with lace appliques arid • featured,fitted cuffs at the wrists. The full length scalloped illusion. veil was; held by' a headpiebe of • floral petals .encrusted pearls and rhinestones. She /carried a -bouquet of white roses • And Coral CarnatiOns. . • See 11th ANNUAL • ODRS THURSDAY; FRIDAY 23-24 800 P.M, - 10:30 P.M. •.DOOR PRIZES 160 FftEe •ROSE • EACH NIGHT Sponsored b'y the Goderich Automobile Dealers • The •bride's mother wore a dress of eoral .polyester chiffon with,long tull.sleeves: The neck- line, of the dress featured beading and Pearl trimmed sheer inserts • and she. wore a ,Matching head- piece with beaded'trim. ' Her , • accessories were black ,patent • and she wore a corsage -of white • Sweetheart roses; .. Assisting iii. 'receiving the'' guests, the mother:of the- groom Was gowned in French,blue poly-'. •ester Crepe 'with long sheer ;sleeves. ler. •corsage was 'white Mrs. Jitn_RoSs of Kitchener;.: make her.finaLcUts for the oncom the bride's' sister-in-law, „was The' bride, travelled in an en- . ' 'matron of honor, and bridesmaids senible she made herself : It was. a *1 ing .season High school volley - were Mrs Robert Gordon.of RR , 1°ng-sle0ed fioral 'crimPlene 5, Wingham,' Miss Joyce Taylor ' dress in shades of green,- navy:. and White, topped with a *sleeve' and Miss/ Doreen Taylor of Bel- ' • grave. All are .sisters* "of • the : less coat of green eithplene. She groom They were identically wore black. patent accessories .. designed arid ,•and a white carnation , corsage. made ' by the • bride . and her mother. They Were' floor length empire styled Owns :of. coral • Polyester chiffon, featuringliing G1R.L.S7. VOLLEYBALL • • ...Once ;gain the fern:ale-Sector of Ripley 'District, High 'School has swung into their'voileyball rout—'' ine7; TryOuts began last week with 37. girls:in attendance. Unr fortunately only 24can :be kept for teams.' For volleyball there are two teams A and f3 in•which age-doei not, Matter. Tuesday; Septernber 21,, Miss Machan will puffed sleeves with fitted cuffs, Victorian necklines with white lace trim'. They wore matching rosette' headpieces and carried bouquets of white roses and White carn$ions„ • • John Marks of RR 5; Wingham', was groomsman and guests were The. bride is a graduate Of the Wingham District High 'School and is': preteritly . employed ,as JegaLsitarlyLto_j':__T: Goodall;- • Prior to her 'marriage she. ;vv.As' , honored at a community shower., the Whitechurch Hall where hostesses were Mrs. Doug Cori- • ley, Mrs. Jim Ross, Mrs.. Herb Hunter and .*Miss • Alma • Conn.; • Mrs. Tom Robinson entertained at a surprise office. party in het fashioned with empire waistline grOom., and Wayne Coultes both . :and rounded neckline edged with of RR 5, Wingharri. lace, ble lodice-was—trimmed----T-follewing-the---,c-eremony a • ah guipure floral lace appliques - wedding dinner was held at, the oi:=101:10,) (0=0) to= • negligee,' • • Honore&guests atMr. and Mrs. TaylOr's wedding ,were.., 'the ball is one of the few sports. which anyone' can'Watch free of, charge. All home .garrieS are.at 3.00 and everyone is Welcome. Why not•cOrne and support your local:athletes? • • • tr....5 REMEMBER Help Your RED CROSS 140,0” TO HELP bride's maternal grandparents;* Mr: and Mrs. Earl Casliek 'of Whitechurch and her paternal grandnicither, Mrs.. Robert'Rots also of Whitechurch. Other guests were frorti. London, Torento, ' . Sarnia; Windsor, Tilsoriburg, • oderich, Auburn, • Lucknow, Belgrave,' Teeswater, Walkerton and Saskatchewan. : • • VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE ••• • Wednesday, Septembee.22 Rro- • leY. at Kincardine. •' .• • : . . .Tuesday, September .28 -' SaCred., Hearvat Ripley. • . ' Wednesday, Septernber • een at•Ripley. • Thursday , September 30 N.. Ripley• at Lions Head . •„ ,Tuesday October 5 - Chesiey I•.141CY. ' •• 1,Thursday, actober, 17 Ripley at ' Wiarton.. .• . . • . . . NEW STAFF' MEMBER A• pew additidn to the staff of:the Ripley District High School •is Brian Esch, formerly of Toron- to.' A graduate of the jiniy.etsi.t. of Toronto, 'Mr. EsCh has acquired his Bachelor of As and:Bachelor of Education degrees. •• . • • HobbieS are tennis., movies, horse raeing. arid, sportS in general, both asa spectator and partici-: pant. • , • • • ' t• • • . • • . high sChoOf,his very, first ,waS', , '. :.•,-, "It's really terrific... The'kids are ••:. ',. ..., . , . veryfriendly..,," • • • • .. • ', . • . To you,, Mr. Esch,we -wish a: ,'', sincere 1,,velconie.., ' : '•• • ' . 0 91 i_ocui====0). 4 W.= oxm20=zor .41314.N.oirc):2*.oitt. is • tr; tw Ala" 'net 1.'utiel oi •,FRmAtNIGH. T • The public is. invited to eJncIoorhall exhibits on Friday evening from 8 to 10.:30 pan, ON DISPLAY WILL 'BE f BAKING, .NSEO:LE • WORK, FLOWERS, tCHOOL WOK, Vtdft.ABILFS? • : • 'GRAM . SATURDAY7.AftERN0011•.::::: • PARADE TO THEPARK • 'AT 1 P.M. HEADED' EY' " • „ BRUCE COUNTY JUNIOR PIPE BAND 110kt.t.: -.4 'SCHOOL CHILDREN ,•, CLOWNS • • DECORATED CAR:8' HPONIES Ititcytt,it THE FAIR. WILL 'sk.. O•PtIlgl) BY 1 L. BOWERS, , . • • Muck toti$TY.1)14Ec"rogy OF Dil*CATION -..•41.4140*- NORSE IHOW,•,--MIDWAY: ''•ittOitesiottOttiotrftly puftf)Lt otievt.'wit; • . FARM MACHINERY bISPLAY'aAiit7UARE: DANCING: V" • DANCE IN THE HALL TO THE MUSIC OP ELLIart • CARRUTHERS ORCI4EStRA